Arga wrote:

The 'audacity' of selling 16 Billion NIC's worth of plasma and not expecting it to raise a red flag is excessive. This is the action of someone that is too stupid to have pulled off the exploit or someone that wanted to get caught.

No, it is the action of someone who has been cheating for so long and on such a scale, that they think they can get away with anything.

Corp markets have killed the public market


(16 replies, posted in Q & A)

Full reset would be great, see if M2S can win again

I think the only restrictions should be that they can not use Mechs, or Sequer.

Without Mech/Sequer it will be very inefficient to use trial to generate NIC for RMT.


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Termis is far better than a Sequer for remote support


(17 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

I use the old maps, new maps would be great

Semi-Automatic is good, but sorting by island is too crude, sorting by nearest outpost would be better.
If someone is at an outpost they want to see all mining spots near that outpost.


(45 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

The new player missions should be what their name suggests, once per account, I did not realise they were actually new-character missions. Not hard to change though


(45 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

d) Remove the 2880 point penalty

This would me my choice. You still loose all EP spent on the character


(27 replies, posted in Q & A)

You do not appear to be using both accounts. Your second account should be useing Energy transder and Remote Sensor Boosters to help your shooting character.
With a single account shooting and running away is needed, but with 2 accounts you can also tank most spawns.

"pve content is lacking at any level in this game"
The PvE that you have been able to do without dieing may be limited, but there are many types of spawns (ECM, demob, neuts ...), learning to defeat each type is something you have yet to master.


(30 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Are the numbers correct?
I assume a miner cycle extracts a volume of ore, but perhaps I am wrong.

Ore sizes from in game info
Titan 5
Stermonit 10
Imentium 15
Liquizit 20

so you should get 2 Titan or 1 Stermont, which is not what your table says


(2 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

It should be visible in the Corp channel as well


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

The CT degrades every time you use it, using it 20 times may be too many. You paid too much for the decoder, level 4 is a good choice though.
You need more skills before manufacturing becomes worthwhile.


(12 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

And when you die do you drop a light plate?


(12 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

I scanned some 3rd star Cremator Light NPCs that I was having trouble with and found that they had a medium armour plate. I presume this should be a light plate. Their fitting used far too much reactor to be a player fit.

When I kill them they drop light plates

Yes, a small change that would make manufacturing easier

Reducing the respawn rate for NPC would encourage slolo play.
A group would loose out by having to wait for a respawn, whereas a solo player will be busy all the time.


(54 replies, posted in Balancing)

Annihilator wrote:

- corporations are self sufficient, no equip trading required

Yes partly because of high taxes

A miner sells ore pays say 7% tax then a refiner pays 7% tax, total 14%
Having a corp economy saves that 14%

In Eve the sales tax starts at 1% and people still train skills to reduce it, the market in Eve works very well.

Buying remotely, changing prices remotely will also encourage people to use the market.


(54 replies, posted in Balancing)

The market is dead because taxes are so high, 12% reduced by skills.

Abolish taxes and miners, refiners, builders would use the market to sell to each other. With taxes they sell to corp members without using the market. Having each corp set up its own internal econpmy kills the market.

Being able to buy things at any station would also help still have to go there to pick it up.

I think all NPC buy and sell orders should be removed, except for a few things that new players need.

DEV Mancs wrote:

Good point, it's not intended.
Taking a look at it, will be fixed really soon.
(The part about negative standing grinding with 900 missions)

A really strange "fix" you have come up with - increasing standing gain for Lev1 missions

The problem was that people with negative standings can nolonger do Level 1, this latest patch does nothing to help. (assuming the patch notes are accurate and complete)


(3 replies, posted in Q & A)

Thanks guys

Standard modules, ammo, mechs reverse engineering is cheaper than prototype
Everything else requires a prototype


(3 replies, posted in Q & A)

I just started trying to manufacture was hopeing someone could help

To manufacture I need to install a CT in a factory.
CT is made by Reverse engineering, needs an existing product and a decoder.

So what is a Prototype used for, the help files tell me how to make one but not why.
If I am trying to make something which has never been made before, then a prototype is required, but if I just want to make small ammo, do I need a prototype?