Firstly you ought to know that the Arbalest is one of the toughest bots to farm with. You have neither the security of range that the Baphomet has nor the caps stability and line of sight conveniences of the Waspish.
Gear is good, but tactics is everything. Here’s what I believe you should do.
Unless you’re specifically looking for a certain type of kernel, you ought to be farming green npcs. It’s like giving yourself a free active hardener.
Remember the Arbalest is the least armored combat assault bot in the game, you don’t really want to tank your enemies with it. On the other hand it’s fast, and with a T4 light weight frame it can outrun any npc.
I feel as though I’m stating the obvious but no one has mentioned it in this post. You don’t need to tank, if the enemy can’t shoot you. Use your superior speed to move in and out of the locking range of your enemy. It takes 12 seconds for the enemy to lock onto you, depending on skills, you can pull off 2 or 3 salvos while it attempts to lock onto you. Then move back until you break his lock. Once his lock has been broken move back into firing range. A sensor amplifier helps with this although it’s not absolutely necessary since the boost in the assault bot’s locking range in the last patch.
Before you go farming, search spawns that are easy to take out. Get out there with a chassis scanner, a sensor booster and a light weight frame. Enemy bots with a lightweight frame are easier to kill, but it’s harder to take distance from them. Enemies with demobilizers are especially dangerous. Make sure the area where you’ll fight in is fairly flat. You don’t want to fight missile bots in rolling hills.
I also advise against using your Sequer to back you up.
As far as the fitting itself goes, I use the following.
2 weapon tunings (one sensor amp and one weapon tuning is easier to use and lighter too)
5 em guns
1 armor repair
1 lightweight frame
1 cap recharger
I want an autopilot so I can chat while I travel. … -a-review/ THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU