I don´t want to start any drama again [...]

*edit: Then please don't, it's very offtopic here. - DEV Zoom

Ty Syndic, nice work.
I think its up to all and everyone to get the new players a head start, compensating the lack of new-player experience.

There is lots of work to do in particular Language Channels/ Help / General as well, to help ppl to get along.

Saerder-Krupp Heavy Machinery recruiting. Größte deutsche Corp. [SK] ist Teil der Beta Insel Norhoop Allianz.
Schliess dich uns an. Bewerbung und deutsche Perpetuum Starter Guides unter: www.saeder-krupp.net

Gerne könnt ihr auch mit uns auf den TS3 Server kommen, da können wir zusammen allen Neu-Spielern helfen. TS Daten einfach kurz per PM anfragen ingame.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

ty Gargaj for Info


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

We are all very happy to see so many new players moving to the world of NIA.

The DEV´s are probable sweating blood and water, to get the relay server running smoothly again, to accommodate the sudden increase of players. (Wheras it needs to be mentioned, that the servers are very well capable of accommodating more then a 1000 players)

The login limitations and lags at the present are sadly an unfavorable first impression of the otherwise quite stable and smoothly running Perpetuum world.

I have heard voices speak up and ask if it wouldn´t be a nice gesture of the DEV´s to add some extra game time to the player accounts, to compensate the lags and compromised player experience. So I thought I manifest this here, with a post smile

Walk Save and Godspeed,



Yay, grüße an alle EvE-Vets \o/

Deutschsprachige Corp?
Lange etabliert?
0.0 sec Corp?

Hier bist du richtig. Melde dich zum Dienst Soldat. Bewerb dich bei Saeder-Krupp Heavy Machinery.

Alle neuen Spieler ein herzliches Willkommen in Perp.  Eine Starthilfe in Form von Guides und Vids, findet ihr auf unser Seite www.saeder-krupp.net. Bei fragen zu Bewerbungen, einfach im German Chat jemanden mit dem [SK] PM'en.


(133 replies, posted in Open discussion)

So yes, a good warm welcome to all new (EvE)Players. You most likley will find yourself on familiar grounds, in terms of skilling and modules. Perp has a very big Player Base from EvE.

Walk Save and Godspeed,




(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

I just throw in a thought.

Has AC been considering to get PO listed on Steam, Indi Game section?
I don´t now what requirements AC would have to meet, to have PO listed in steam.
Or what financial aspects would go with this.

Like said, just an unfinished thought, I´ll just throw into this round.

SK ist nach wie vor stark interessiert an Industrial orientierten Spielern.
Krieger können nachrücken, sobald wieder Plätze frei werden.

Fragt einfach über den German Channel InGame, oder unserer webseite www.saeder-krupp.net nach.

Saeder-Krupp rekruitiert vorübergehend nur Industrie Chars.
Wie Miner, Produzenten, etc...


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Bye Arachnix, for the time you where still on the "good" side, we had lots of fun togehter. Cu around, in what ever game. Maybe I come and shoot you in EvE, still have all my accounts active tongue

Syndic wrote:

I'm getting the impression that everyone is alergic to how EVE is handled with alliances, but on the other hand everyone wants this to be EVE Mk2.

Syndic wrote:

Your economy dictates your ability to fight, your politics dictate your ability to choose the enemies you fight, and your logistics dictate your ability to choose where and how you fight. Action and consequences - That is actually the very essence of the sandbox genre.

Totally agree. As mentioned yestersay. This game is not just about PvP. There are many more aspects to it. PvP is what comes out at the end of the chain, after the Industrials, Researchers etc... done their Job well.

Bring in more Alliance features and Corp features.
Put a up a fee for creating an alliance.
Have an upkeep fee and join fee for an alliance.

This also will make NIC a viable element of the game.

Open up Alliance internal Market, similar as we have introduced with the recent patch for Corp internal Market. So alliance can organise themselfs in a better fashion. We are all already doing this in one or the other way with offline tools, dedicated channels and what not. Make it a Ingame Alliance feature.

Create Player/ Corp created assignements, like contracts, Bounty etc...
This will give the world more depth in terms of player interactions.


(16 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)


Ty for the Panel. As expected I was pretty nervous and I tend to get all muddled up. Kalsius had to pick me first, that didn´t help tongue
I hope that it was still ok.
Nice topics which needs to be further discussed and thanks for making this into a civil round, looking ahead instead of discussing the past.

ok, my reason why I didn´t sign for the panel, is because I don´t consider myself much of a public speaker. I get all nervous and stuff tongue

Nevertheless, you can put me on the Panel list for Saeder-Krupp [SK].

As the poiltical landscape gets more complicated and the game gets older, many different types of relations between corps and players will evolve on the way.

I think there is a need for corps and players, to be able to choose, of a greater variety of colours to pick from, to highlight different types of relations. Maybe thru an RGB colour picker or/ and icons.

Also the corp should be able to set a colour for their members. It really is a lot of work, to set them manually from neutral, to a colour.



DEV Gargaj wrote:

A.k.a. achievements?

Yes you could call them that. They would need to be customizable / created by dedicated Corp personel, to hand out to members, for extraordinary commitment to the corp of some sort.

Also similar, in a PVE fashion, It could be a nice  reward for i.e. extraodinary commitment to a faction, maybe thru standing or special mission types/ lines. This will maybe add as a source of more motivation and depth to the missions.

You would be able to show those of, maybe in your Bio.

I´d like to give all our Soldars, Veterans of the great NIA World War, the Medals of Honor.

They have lost a lot. Nerves were blanc. Many were left behind. But everyone of them kept on going, despite all odds.

For this I would like to have Medals ingame. So this War will always be remembered. 

Customizable Medals for all sorts of occasions for that matter.

I think this would be a nice Idea smile


Der große NIA Weltkrieg ist gewonnen und vorbei. NIA ist wieder in der Hand der ehrlichen Spieler.

Bewerb dich jetzt bei Saeder-Krupp Heavy Machinery. Die Zeit ist reif für einen neuen Morgen auf NIA.

Am I surprised? No I think not.
Good Job to the DEV´s.

Es gibt wieder neue Guides und PvP Videos auf www.saeder-krupp.net die euch helfen können, einen Start in das Spiel zu erhalten.

Viel Spaß,

Walk Save,


Willkommen neue Perpetuum Spieler. Saeder-Krupp,
größte deutsche Corp. und in der Norhoop Beta Allianz,
ist wieder offen für Rekruitment.
Für Info´s  besuch einfach  www.saeder-krupp.net

Edit: This is not corp dialogues. Keep it relevant to the topic pls. - DEV Calvin


(3 replies, posted in Selling Items)

Edited. Yes you are right ty.