(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

M2S Scout wrote:

and the level 0 assignments are a joke.

I totally have to agree on that part.


Saeder-Krupp ist das weltweit größte Unternehmen, mit Schwerpunkten in Industrie und Maschinenbau, sowie Ressourcen-basierte Operationen. Im letzten Jahrhundert, vorhersagten viele "grüne" Philosophen, dass das Wachstum des Informationszeitalters, das Ende der Ressourcennutzung bedeutet. Mitte des 2020 Jahrhunderts prophezeiten Anhänger dieser Philosophen die gleichen Dinge und wiederum in den späten 2040ern. Saeder-Krupp´s anhaltende Erfolge konnte dies in allen Punkten wiederlegen.

Wichtige Geschäftsbereiche
Saeder-Krupp unterhält mehrere Abteilungen entlang den verschiedensten Ausrichtungen. Einige Abteilungen operieren auf regionaler Grundlage, einige auf funktioneller und einige operieren unter mehr verdeckten Kriterien.

Wie passt du zu Saeder-Krupp rein
Saeder-Krupp ist eine Coproration in Bewegung, mit einem angenehmen Arbeitsklima, gepaart mit den Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, in einem der weltweit führendsten Branchen. Du hast ein umfassendes Verständnis der deutschen Sprache, auch wenn die meisten unserer Mitglieder englisch sprechen. Englisch ist die bevorzugte Sprache, um mit unseren Verbündeten zu kommunizieren. Saeder-Krupp unterstützt seine Mitglieder im vollen Umfang, so das du effektiv zu Saeder-Krupp Industries beitragen kannst, ohne dass du dir um materielle Hürden sorgen machen musst. Im Gegenzug wirst du mit deinen Gewinnen zur Corporation beitragen und dein Bestes tun, um die Operationen von Saeder-Krupp zu schützen, auch wenn dies bis in den Tod hinein bedeutet.

Mögliche Bewerber
Wenn du eine große Rolle auf dem Weg zur Welt Domination unter dem Banner des Drachen spielen willst, dann sucht Saeder-Krupp Industries deine Fähigkeiten, in den Bereichen Industrie, Forschung, Produktion und Kriegsführung.
Kontaktiere einfach einen unserer vielen Mitglieder im "German" Chat. Du erkennst diese an dem [SK] Corp Ticker . Oder schicke eine PM direkt an einen der HR-Verantwortlichen, MoBIoS oder Goffer.

Natürlich kannst du auch auf unsere Corporation Webseite deine Bewerbung hinterlassen.
Diese findest du unter www.saeder-krupp.net

Saeder-Krupp Heavy Machinery ist stolz Ihre neue Corporation und deutsche Perpetuum-Online Community Seite unter:


zu launchen. Diskussionen, Bewerbungen, Anregungen sind Willkommen.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

What are we fighting for?

But seriously, I think territorial or whatever warfare needs a higher goal.
At the present time, we fight, because we can. There is no real gain with it. We roam, defend, do intrusion events, just to get some pew pew.

But would anything change, if we wouldn´t fight? Recon not. There is no real advantage for signing up for an intrusion, other than we can say, “we hold an outpost and get some tax”. The whole outpost/ intrusion mechanism is imo somewhat obsolete. Outposts can change ownership a few times, within a week. It´s all a matter of the time zone, the intrusion takes place. To hold an outpost doesn´t give you any real advantages, as of yet.

I do not know what we got in stall for us, with the island patch being introduced soon and maybe player build structures. We might find some things introduced into that direction. Like access control.

I recon, if you want to take over an outpost or a player build structure, there needs to be some effort behind it, apart from just focusing on turning up on one right time zone event. There could be more effort put into, such things as gaining sovereignty over structures/landmarks, which one needs to hold/ take over for a certain time, to proceed to the next step, of gaining  sovereignty until finally, you can take over a structure, build or destroy a structure.

This obviously is still lacking a reason, why a corporation/ alliance should want to fight, risking the loss of many NIC worth of Mechs, for one of these sovereignties. Maybe it should be rewarded with gaining territory, rich in certain resources, necessary for corps to get ahead.

Maybe NIA, with about 350 Players at peaks, is yet lacking numbers in population, to consider any of these thoughts, as fights at present, just turn out to be blobs consisting of alliances of any of the 3 islands.
No wait, it´s always 2 islands against one tongue.

I very much like what 62nd are pulling of in terms of player created content. But nevertheless, it still lacks the deeper cause of why we fight other than we want to fight.


(4 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

We haz lotz of graz, we takz you to our dealaz


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks for reacting to the ppl´s suggestions smile

*square 1*

Thank you for your feedback, everybody keep bringing those in, so the dev´s can take notice. Keeping in mind that this game is still very young.

Nice to see, you joined one of the best corps in game, hehe cool

I like the idea of getting your 20k EP´s in chunks, as rewards upon completing sections of the tutorial. But there needs to be a "skip tutorial" option as well. Because if you are creating one of your numerous alts, you don´t need and want to keep having to do the tutorials, just to receive the EP´s.

Mara Kaid wrote:
Natasya wrote:

While GLIMPSE is normally my troll #1, i habe to agree in most parts big_smile

I use to see images of jesus, but now I see images of glimpse in a Christ-like manner.

OMG, how do you cope? I feel with you, it mus be horrific tongue

Myles Norvid wrote:

EP disadvantage is the biggest problem PO has. And it will grow expotentially bigger with every passing month. There are like ~150-200 people online, which doesn't make this game a MMO.

Yet you still want the gap to grow even bigger. Good luck with finding new players.

I don´t mean to be rude, but you Sir, seem to be playing the wrong game or just do not understand how the EP mechanics work. I suggest you go back to square 1 and start to read the post from the beginnig, for some further enlightenment.

Primary Business
Saeder-Krupp is the largest corporation in the world involved primarily in industry and heavy assembly, as well as resource-based operations. In the last century, many "green" philosophers predicted that the growth of the information age meant the end of resource exploitation. Antecedents of these philosophers predicted the same things in the mid 2020's, and again in the late 2040's. Saeder-Krupp's continuing success has proved them wrong on all counts.

Major Divisions
Saeder-Krupp has multiple divisions made along arbitrary lines. Some divisions are based on region, some on function, and some using obscure criteria.

Where you fit in with Saeder-Krupp

Saeder-Krupp is a corporation on the move that offers a fun place to work, coupled with an environment to thrive in an industry that is dominating the industry world-wide. You will have a broad understanding of the german language, even tho most of our members speak english, as this is the prefered language to interact with our alliance. Saeder-Krupp will pay all your expenses, so you can effectively  contribute towards the Saeder-Krupp industries without having to worry about financial barriers. In return you will contribute your earnings to the corp and will do your best to defend our assests, even if that means until death.

Possible Applicants
If you want to play a major part on the road to world dominationt under the dragons banner, then Saeder-Krupp heavy maschinery wants your expertise to industry, research, production and warfare.
Contact one of our many members, which you will find wearing the [SK] tag mostly in the german -/ general chat.  Or speak directly to the HR Officers MoBIoS or Goffer.

-Full name and Ticker
[Saeder-Krupp] [SK]

-Founded when

-Contact information
CEO: Goffer
Co-CEO Raiser
Co-CEO Mechaneka
Recruitment: Goffer, MoBIoS,

-Key members/ senior members
Neor, Gunhed,  Sir Vampire

-Active Timezones

-Primary occupations:
Industry, PvP

-Overall Goals
To provide a friendly and mature environment for players on Beta island, to participate in the various aspects of the game.

-Type government:

Durch die neuen Trial limitationen, können wir euch leider nicht mehr direkt in die Corp einladen, um Euch ab Start zu unterstützen.

Ihr könnt Euch trotzdem per Private Chat an uns wenden z.B. bei Fragen oder Euch für die Corp vormerken zu lassen. Ihr findet uns nach wie vor im German Chat.

Der Drache ist hungrig!


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Calvin wrote:

There will be nothing available for cash that affects EP or NIC. It would undermine the persistency of our universe. Beyond that, anything is possible once our main issues have been dealt with.

Cobalt: Your idea sounds good, but it would result in making the purchase of an old, unused account pretty much a requirement to start the game. This would spawn a lot of RMT, account frauds, etc.

/signed. very good

but I would go for an gigantic Sauropod also, can I haz it?

To be quite frank, EP for money sucks,

To be a little more precise, if you occupy yourself a little bit with your char and where to distribute your EP´s, you quickly realise, that you can be very effective in a short time.
That is if you have the disiplin to stay focused on one path.

But of course if you want to pilot an imba pewpew uberdmgewpwnumech within 2 days of starting the game, you prolly be disapointed and you should consider a different game. Maybe CS or TF2 is more appropiate.

Get yourself the perpetuum planner and the perpetuum fit tool, to plan your build:
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … -fit-tool/

Make yourself little milestones i.e start with an EW light bot, pull up your skills for that, your in a competetive build as a EW tackler within 1 month, maybe continue on the dmg abilities, continue to go for EW Mech, you already skilled the neccessary EW extensions for that now, continue....
In this time, you have engaged many opponents and get to know the abilities of your bot. Find yourself some corp mates to use complementary builds for roaming. This will develop your playerskills as well.
That saves you a lot of NIC, cos you will most certainly loose your expensive uberdmgewpwnumech a lot of times, before you get the hang of it.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

First off all, I very much appreciate the new trial member option, upon registration of a new account.

My concerns are about the new limitations. Whereas I think there should be limitations in a sense of prohibiting NIC sellers, etc..
But what expecially came to my attention, is the limitation to join a corp.
I find that joining a corp, if it is an alpha or beta, is one of the core aspects to get players integrated and starting to enjoy the game. As corps can be guidance and help to new players to get startet right from the beginning.

Imho, you are putting limitations on exactly that element, which gets players integrated an finally subscribed to the game.

Nice effort guys. Keep bringing more smile


Yes, yet another TL;DR „my impression“ post:

I have played the game for about a month now.
I wouldn’t have even tried the game, If it wasn´t for the persuasive manor of some st.eve/ RL friends, which have been playing PO since beta/ launch. There was no trial available at the time for me. So I just gave it a shot and got myself a month of game time.

I have to say, that I am in this game, for the community, fun and the pvp.
If that breaks away, I break away also.

But I am probably one of the fortunate players, who started the game with:

-    having RL friends, who could explain the mechanics of the game to me,
-    within one hour I was invited, to join their corp, dwelling on beta island,
-    had access to a hangar of all sorts of advanced bots,
-    could go straight into pvp, which is my main incentive,
-    engage in Corp activities, to pursue corp objectives, 
-    as an st.eve veteran, I am fairly familiar with the UI, fitting procedures, etc…

I think if I would not have had those things going for me, I would not have lasted in this game for more than 3 days. I felt like being dumped into the world of Nia, being left alone from here onwards.  Mostly my friends provided me with the necessary information.

For example, I started the game at ICS. Running around with my Arkhe, trying to catch a first glimpse of the game, trying to get the hang of movement, etc… I ended up on TMA, when I checked the assignments and realized there was a tutorial to accomplish.

As being initially a “blue” bot pilot, it was not a good idea to do the tutorial at TMA. But how should I have known this?  That as an end reward, for accomplishing the 10 tutorial missions, I would receive a Castel, which as a blue pilot, I could not use. Maybe as a suggestion, the assignment could have guided me towards having to do my assignments at ICS. If it did so in anyway, then I am sorry that I missed that part. Fortunately I could trade the Castel for a Yagel with my corp.

Moving on to Beta Island on the same day, I could engage in corp activities straight away. Trying to somehow make myself useful, providing eyes etc…  Skilling my navigation to level 10 immediately, proved to be a good decision.  Being on beta finally gave me some initiatives, working towards and with the corp and alliance, etc…, I think this is when the game started to provide me with reasons for my actions. But I dare to say, that the players, trying the game for the first time, without the backing of established friends or a beta corp, will lack those reasons and lose interest fairly quickly.

Since then, I see a lot of good PO veterans breaking away from the game. As many state, they don´t see the goals within this game anymore. This makes me somewhat sad, as I see a great deal of potential in this young game. But on the other hand, I do understand their point.

I do not want to comment about balancing and mining, many people are writing about. I just haven´t been long enough in this game, to gain enough insight on these topics.

But what I can say is, that I have the impression that this game could be in use of a good PR Manager and someone who wraps a proper story line around NIA including new event based stories/ player event based stories. So the world of NIA becomes alive. An atmosphere to immerge into, when I get into my alter egos bot. Let the players get a feeling of being a small part of the greater things to come.

The trailer video I personally find, lacks most aspects of the game play. As this is probably the first contact, potential players will get for an impression; it should project the various aspects of the game. All you really see is a number of bots, running and shooting each other. Was that it? I think the trailer should be weaved into the story of NIA. Maybe with a professional sexy voice over, to tell me the story of NIA and how much they need me there. How did we get here, what struggles do we have out of various perspectives of the different roles, what are the possibilities of the various roles in this sandbox, i.e. soldiers, traders, scientists etc…Just spice it up somewhat. Make me feel the atmosphere, make me want to be a part of this world. Make me want to thrive for world domination.

For each new patch release, start throwing out teasers at the numerous game sites and youtubes, a few weeks beforehand. Again, wrap a story around the new features. Make them a part of the NIA story. Send out newsletters with the things to come.  It’s probably a bit early, but send out re-invitation to former accounts for win back, with a 7days free “have another look” game time to see, what great new things have emerged into this fabulous world of NIA.

When I get into the game as a new player, make sure I am being “picked up” to bring me onto the level of NIA. Have a female sexy voiceover spoken welcome and tutorial. Maybe some voiceovers on the terminals as well, would make them feel more alive. Make me feel that I am important for the world and its future. Make me understand why I have to do certain things. Better even, make me want to do those things. Maybe create a “story line” assignment that leads further and further thru the game like a red line.

I do realize good PR doesn´t come for free. But usually the player base has a tremendous potential for creativity, also. Let them create a great trailor, with a NIA story line and voice over, within a competition etc.. 

Host reoccurring team events. Such as RvB (red versus blue) in st.eve. Both sides are allowed to bring a certain amount of kg mass into their team setup. It could be either 10 light bots or 3 heavy mechs and 1 ew bot setup as an example, depending of their choice of tactic, as long its within the given mass of kg. Advertise the events 2-3 weeks in advance. Report on them.

At present, the game is still a very rough cut diamond. It’s not even shiny yet. But one can assume the worth of what we hold here.

It would be a great shame, if the game would die, before it had a chance to live up to its potential.

Don´t get me wrong, I like the game and have already 2 accounts with a subscription of 120days game time. I tend to be the last to leave a sinking ship, and as long friends of mine keep playing the game, I´ll keep logging on.


(33 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

+ 1

[Saeder-Krupp] Heavy Machinery:

Wenn du Lust hast in der einzigen deuschen Corp. mit Beta Zugang unter der Flagge des Drachens mitzuwirken, und du:

- meinst du bist für das Pvp geboren, Solo und im Team,
- als Soldat in Guerilla Warfare und Territorial Warfare zu Hause bist,
- als Miner oder Produzent mit [Saeder-Krupp] Heavy Machinery nach Marktherrschaft strebst,

...dann bist du bei [Saeder-Krupp] am Ziel deiner Suche.
Für ein Interview, chatte einfach jemanden im Spiel, im Chat Channel "German", mit dem Corp Zeichen [SK] an.

I would like to see an option, to be able to pin the radar map, to stop it from rotating.
Also being able to use the ALT key for keybindings would be much appreciated.  (in case you can bind alt+ key, than I don´t seem to able to)


(77 replies, posted in Open discussion)

EvE Player since 2005 Main Char Mo BIoS and still am. Enjoying both Games. Very much like the terrain side of this game. PO ist sort of the Dust514 for PCgamers, since this ist spose to be only for console  smile

Heads up for this game, you already got me hooked big_smile