(23 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

This is important; will the flames kill crabs?


(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

"My corp uses a passive detector so everyone else should too"


(8 replies, posted in Bugs)

We had a guy in PHM with the same problem. We had to manually cull him from the corp.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Selecting missions is too easy to abuse, keep it out.


(5 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Just be sure to block any links from Ville's dropbox, wouldnt want any new players getting Bobo-ed.


(19 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Syndic wrote:

Its how he dodged killboard bans, think half the US was banned at some point from perp-kill lol

I bet that same half coincides with sky high minibar charges.


(28 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

You receive one half endorsement from me; you will receive the other half once you have significantly shortened the name of your public channel.

(seriously I missed a message from a spy yesterday because my chat title bar is full)


(115 replies, posted in Balancing)

Celebro wrote:

All you guys need to go all out on test server and fight, no precious pixels there to loose.

I'm undocked on Dom waiting (NOT on the test server)


(115 replies, posted in Balancing)

Rather than spreadsheet warrior Ive gotten out in the game and tested it. They cant lock them out, damage gets through. But at this point Im about done doing your testing for you.


(115 replies, posted in Balancing)

You guys keep bringing up that a single Vaga can lock out a mech, and that is just not true. As I described earlier a Vaga cannot lock out even 1 mech by itself. It requires a joint effort between the Vaga, a Zenith, and a tackling bot. THAT is why Ewar is balanced, it requires incredible coordination to just break even on a numbers basis.


(115 replies, posted in Balancing)

I'd ask the same thing about who the hell uses ECM tunings? Only corp I know lives on alpha and doesnt PVP.


(18 replies, posted in Balancing)

Because, Gropho.


(115 replies, posted in Balancing)

So you just pointed out how it takes 1 vaga, half a zenith, and another bot tackling to slow down 1 non-eccmed bot. That's actually quite the argument for BUFFING ewar.


(115 replies, posted in Balancing)

Kaldenines wrote:

Just for the record, my views are my own, I am not a representative for any corporation.

MoBIoS wrote:

In before closed.

It´s a game of rock, paper, scissors, so what´s wrong with the ewar again?

I think the problem with the current ewar mechanic is that its similar to an indefinite stunlock, something that most other MMOs have learned to avoid in this day and age.

Except you're not stunlocked. This isnt eve, you can relock right away in this game. a Vaga2 focusing solely on a non-ECCMed mech can't lock it down so that it does 0 damage. Its not a stunlock, its an inconvenience that you guys havent figured out how to counter yet.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Dazamin wrote:
Tund Bungler wrote:
Kaldenines wrote:

Have you seen any 7 day old character die or get kills on beta? If so I would love to see that killmail.


These trials changed game mechanics within 24 hours.

I think that post was asking for examples of actual new players trying to PvP in the first 7 days, not scout alts.

All he had to do was ask



(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kaldenines wrote:
BeastmodeGuNs wrote:
Kaldenines wrote:


Although maybe keep them off beta/gamma, we don't want people using trial accounts as walking probes.

Though it would prevent that, It would also prevent these peeps from being able to try out beta PvP and see what PvP ingame is like.

Have you seen any 7 day old character die or get kills on beta? If so I would love to see that killmail.


These trials changed game mechanics within 24 hours.


(115 replies, posted in Balancing)

Kaldenines wrote:

EDIT: yes 1<2 will be true but we are talking about the difference between fighting and being unable to lock anything for a few minutes before death.  The first involves some kind of input from the player, the latter doesn't involve much at all.

Its official: posting in a stunlock rage thread.

http://www.twitch.tv/furity Come enjoy the fights and beastmode shaming.

Dazamin wrote:
Tund Bungler wrote:

There isnt a good way to share tile info from one bot to another while in the field, which necessitates a lot of tedious moving around and communication to get groups all mining the right spots. The suggested fixes which theoretically be simpler to implement than a tile sharing system./

Fixing the actual problem might be a better idea though no?

I'd be happy to see either solution TBH.

Dazamin wrote:
Celebro wrote:
Dazamin wrote:

Why not just have one bot with every module fitted and then we'll never have to worry again...

I thought you wanted balancing, that's what we are discussing. smile

Demonstrate why mining needs to be buffed then its a balance discussion, you can already fit a geoscanner to a mining bot, so what is the reason for this change?

There isnt a good way to share tile info from one bot to another while in the field, which necessitates a lot of tedious moving around and communication to get groups all mining the right spots. The suggested fixes which theoretically be simpler to implement than a tile sharing system./

Cassius wrote:
Rage Blackout wrote:

When bots log off then log in, on terrain, the Instability timer is very short, allowing them to instajump with mobile teleporters.

This has been exploited for a very long time.

Thanks for reading

I'm really starting to think you are terrible at PvP. Is it that hard for you to get a kill nowadays?


So you think logging off should be a valid tactic to avoid a TP spoolup?


(86 replies, posted in Q & A)

Americans calling for censorship and euros feeling too emotional, what the hell has the world come to?

Here is an idea: give every bot in the game two 'eye' slots. Change it So geo, artifact, cargo, chassis scanners are all eye slot only modules. This buffs single players without having a domino effect on the large groups.

This is a lot of work for the Devs for you to not copy some files.


(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Alexander wrote:

The entire network is a mess. Too many left overs from bygone eras.
Rework the entire network of teleporters and highways.

Bite sized chunks. This is a quick fix that will help new players without tieing up the devs for too long from keeping the servers running.