New server cap has been set at 4242. If we reach that number tonight... well we don't expect to, so effectively the server cap has been lifted. We'll be continuing to monitor the situation of course. Welcome back, everyone!

We're back up with the user cap and some new performance tracking stuff in the server. We're analyzing the data from that and in the meanwhile the server will stay up with the cap so we have the service running.

It took a lot of effort on the graphicians side to create a base like that and we decided to use their time for the actual game instead of creating 15 base insides smile Parts of this design have been reused as decorations on the terrain.

Gargaj is updating everyone on the events on our irc server: #perpetuum, join us for realtime updates.

The patch didn't work guys - we're going to try some new methods to find out where the issue is, which means we'll deliberately let you flood the server in about 30 minutes to collect data. This is our best bet at the moment, and we're sorry for the downtimes - we'll of course compensate everyone for their patience once we have the problems settled (don't ask how, we'll need to decide that later).
Also don't worry, EP is still collecting during all this.

As always we're working around the clock on solving the issues - chat channels are currently experiencing a problem but besides this the game is online. We're slowly increasing the number of players who can come in to balance the load of many people logging in at the same time.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

That's a new one - upload some images and I'll check it out.

Server is down for the hotfix, we'll be back ASAP.

Hotfix attempt will be deployed at 15:00 CEST, the login cap will be in effect until then to keep the server stable.

Razgon this might take a while, the server team is hard at work on the issue, but no ETA sorry. In the meanwhile we're gradually increasing the limit of players being able to log in.

Sutter leaving things as they were would mean the server becoming severely unresponsive - the damage would be that no one could play. This is a temporary stopgap measure until the issue is fixed.

Yes this is a server side issue, we'll need to do a hotfix once the issue has been addressed - we'll also most likely deploy a client to go with it for some of the requested features like chat channel search. You'll see the patch notes in the server status, this might take 1-2 days to work out though. Until then we're gradually increasing the user limit until the point we can so more of you can play the game.
Again, sorry for the limitations - we figure it's better to have a stable server for a limited number of players than an unstable one for everyone. The sheer number of new people caught us with our guards down. We're doing our best to resolve the problems.

Antiquado: yes you'll get a server full message on trying to log in if the server is full

As for not letting the trials get in: that would require a server patch on its own right - we intend the server patch to fix the issue instead.

It's a temporary bug that got highlighted by the influx of new players. We had this sort of thing before, it's being looked into and will be squashed relentlessly.

First of all we'd like to welcome the influx of new players to Perpetuum. The sheer number of new players caught us by surprise, and we're working around the clock to accommodate each and every one of you.

However the number of players connected to our server has highlighted a previously unknown issue in the relay server to which every player is connected. The server team is working on fixing the issue as we speak, but for the time being a temporary limit on the user count has been set up. Once the current issue has been fixed we expect to be able to run without a user count limitation as this is not a hardware but a previously unknown software problem. (In fact most of the servers are running at 1-5% capacity except for the relay)

We ask that you bear with us during the coming days until we can resolve this issue.

Update - 2011.06.29. 2:20

Update - 2011.06.29. 20:46

Update - 2011.06.30. 1:08

Update - 2011.06.30. 2:47

Update - 2011.06.30. 3:45

DEV Calvin wrote:

The issue seems to be resolved, the relay server went from 100% load to around 5%.
We are administering 4 days of free game time to all subscribed and trial accounts.
Thank you all for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience!


(1 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Noted and fixed, will be out with the next client.

Fix is out, please report any further crashes on the terrain here - although there should be none.

We've reverted todays patch until the issue is fixed.

Send me a pm with the location where you're farming so I can reproduce the crash.


(10 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Alexander actually an override to force deletion of stray bullets after a minute went out with yesterdays patch to see if that would change anything. As the problem still persists it turns out the issue had nothing to do with missiles or missing bullets. I did find another problem now tho and it'll probably be fixed today - not sure when a client will go out, but I'll urge a hotfix if this has been solved.

Update: The issue has been found, fixed, and the fix will be out with the next client update. Thanks for the info, it helped find the problem a lot.


(10 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Thanks, that's some very usable info. I'm looking into it.

Alexander wrote:

When they make a terrain change, even 1 tile, the entire map has to be updated.

Actually the terrain gets updated in real-time if you go to an area, but we prefer to update the whole terrain data from time to time so that the 2d map and the silhouette of the terrain is up to for everyone, not just the people who frequent a certain area.

We didn't want an official announcement while we were testing the system. You can read about the codes here.

If you mean periodic, very short stops that make the game feel like it's always stopping and starting, we've encountered that during the development and investigated it for a long while until it turned out that closing skype fixed it tongue It's probably caused by some application running in the background.

We understand that for some of you the visual appeal of the game doesn't feel on par with the AAA titles you usually see in the mmorpg world. That's because for now we're in a whole different category, especially when it comes to budget and team size. We strongly feel that for now our priorities should be about the game breaking issues and exploits - not being on par visually with other games doesn't fall into that category.
That said, we're constantly working on ways to make the client perform better and thus be able to handle more and better looking graphical content. The following months will hopefully see the numbers of the development team grow which will make handling all the different aspects of the game a lot easier.