(8 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Actually the client is currently heavily CPU limited, so having a better videocard won't affect the framerate as much as having a better CPU will. We're working on the problem as fast as we can, but the issue is pretty complex. Disabling shadows should help a lot, yes.

Actually we're aware of the minimized client crash and trying to pinpoint its source, but it's an elusive little bug. We're on it tho.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

It's part of the automatic update mechanism for the client - sometimes antivirus programs have a false positive hit on it due to the self updating nature. Virustotal.com is a good indicator if something is a virus or not, if there are any hits on there please let us know so we can contact the antivirus vendors as we have done in the past.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Lege wrote:

What's happened in other games is the number of range calculations got so high that the memory couldn't handle it. 150+ objects all getting distance calculations from each other might be too much for todays computers. Other games couldn't solve the problem, so they came up with population limited battlegrounds.

That would be collisions, and one of the main reasons why Perpetuum doesn't have collisions. However we do have some ideas in mind to discourage blob warfare, and make it a lot more tactical.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Aven Valkyr wrote:

seriously tho you don't see us getting any handouts.  This is completely unjustified and u know it.

We don't reimburse PvP losses. Period.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Game stability (both client and server side) is our highest priority at the moment. We want to ensure a smooth experience for everyone which we can later build on.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Also, there is no such thing as a "prototype robot" at the moment in the game. Modules yes, robots no. You can create a robot by prototyping but it'll be a regular one.

The biggest PvP fight since the start of the development occurred earlier today with about 150 players taking part in an intrusion event. A previously unknown client problem caused several of the players clients to crash, mostly on the defending side - at this moment we think that time spent on the terrain without teleporting or relogging might be a factor in the client problem. We'd like to ask everyone who had their client crash during the event and didn't send the crash dumps in already to gather their crash logs (.dmp files next to the client) and send them to crash [at] perpetuum-online [dot] com, so we can analyse and fix the problem asap.
Also, to dispel any rumors: our policy is not to reimburse losses coming from PvP interaction, and as such no losses were reimbursed from this event either.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Server stability comes first. We don't want the player count to boost to unmanagable numbers, over the next few months we'll be gradually upgrading the servers and in parallel increase the amount of ads we put out. As we've stated earlier we want the game and the community to grow, not to explode and break smile


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well after ~6 years of development we finally had a huge cause to celebrate - the fact that You, the players took control of the world we created. We'd like to share a few pictures of the launch party to put some faces to the team - we're gamers like you and wish to continue to make Perpetuum a better game with the help of the player community.

The whole team
From left to right: (I'll just put "..." everywhere cos everyone does everything)
- Gargaj - client code, website code, support, ...
- CRM - server code, project lead, additional 3D, ...
- Alf - content, balancing, ...
- Quodys - copywriting, support, ...
- BoyC (standing) - engine code, marketing, game design, ...
- MP (sitting) - CEO
- Zoom - 2d design, game design, support ...
- Tóni - Vice-CEO
- Melchior - 3D, textures, game design, ...
- SRC - GM, balancing, content, ...
- jR - server code, game design, ...
- Mancs - GM, content, ...
- Jax a.k.a. Theory - music, sound design, ...

The victims
Gargaj checking something
Quodys in fear of retribution for past sins
SRC and Mancs, the newest official additions to the team
Bottoms up - BoyC, Melchior and Jr (The floor on this one is a nice indicator of how much time we spend in front of the pcs)
Crm, the project lead quite happy
Group shot
BoyC and Alf
Group shot #2
After this one no more useful photos were taken wink


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

Don't worry the servers are not in the office smile


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hug wrote:

i see alcohol left over from launch party, oh noes! smile

Actually the launch party is still ongoing at this very moment wink


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

A photo of the complete team

Yep, should be fixed now.
Until the next patch new accounts will suffer from this and we manually fix them in the meanwhile. All your EP will be there, don't worry.

Red Five: if we can solve an issue without having to shut down the server we prefer that option, that's what I mean by on the fly. We'd rather have our players playing than waiting. The seriousness of the problems escalated in this case which left us with no other choice. Nothing like this happened during 19 months of beta testing, and as we're now back in normal mode with the required changes behind us we don't expect anything like this to happen again either.


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

Also it doesn't really look like it, but the couch is pretty comfortable at 6 am after a long coding session.


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

http://content.perpetuum-online.com/fil … ffice1.jpg
http://content.perpetuum-online.com/fil … ffice2.jpg
http://content.perpetuum-online.com/fil … ffice3.jpg

Photos of the official Perpetuum HQ smile

We felt it necessary to sum up the events of the launch yesterday, including the very first rollback in the history of the development of Perpetuum.

Going live and enabling everyone to play the game is a very unique set of challenges for any game, that can't really be tested ahead of time - and so glitches happen. The glitch we encountered happened in the Extension Point calculation system, resulting in unfair advantage for some and unfair disadvantage for others. The server team jumped on the problem instantly to keep our strict level playing-field policy - however some players have already taken advantage of the excess EP resulting from the glitch, which also had to be addressed. We looked at our options and after careful consideration came to the conclusion that to keep the system clean and free of any repercussions from these glitches and to preserve the level playing-field we had no other option than to roll back the server to the point where the glitch started.

To avoid tainting the player progress we're not reimbursing anything lost due to the rollback, instead we have extended the validity of each account in the game at the time of the rollback by two days. We hope this makes up for the time you lost.
The basic thing we took away from this experience was to be even more cautious when it comes to such changes and not to try and fix these sort of issues on the fly. We hope that the speed of our response to this critical problem and the way we handled it further demonstrates our commitment to Perpetuum.


(40 replies, posted in General discussion)

EP Ian wrote:
Amlodhi wrote:
Kanio wrote:

i know you can love the game but if someone gonna ask you if the game crash some time what you gonna say No or sometime but the dev try to fix it. The real answer is the second. So if you only post 10 to try to put the game at the top whiout a good raison you only gonna creat some probleme to the game

Please explain how rating the game at 10 is going to cause problems.

Before release they removed a lot of hype and froze the hype meter because of "gaming", too many 10 votes, all with referrals from here...  Well, it could easily happen again.

That was because the post we asked you guys to vote in suggested how you should vote. The dispute has been settled a while back, and now we only encourage you guys go over and vote as you feel, and ask that if you do vote, you don't mess with their rating system in any way.

Miko we're looking at the issue.


(40 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thank you guys, looks like we reached the 20 votes that were required to show the rating.


(40 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mmorpg.com just set Perpetuum to released status, which means the hype rating of the beta was cleared and replaced by a more complex rating system. We'd like to encourage all of you to head over to mmorpg.com and rate the game as you see fit so we get over the "more ratings required" period fast. As we had problems with vote manipulation earlier we'd like to ask that you do the rating as you really feel about the game and that none of you tries to manipulate the mmorpg.com rating system.

I can answer the 3d engine related ones.
#1: We looked into that about a year ago. The problem with that approach is that it would require two shadow renders per frame instead of one, making the whole thing twice as expensive. (Shadow maps change around with the camera view and the scene so if you change the camera or animate something you need to re-render them, so keeping an old shadow map and fading the shadows from that into a new one is not an option) -
As for the shadows jumping around, that is the lesser of two evils: to our knowledge there is currently no shadowing method that would achieve all three of the following at once on the level of hardware we choose for the game: rendering a large outdoors terrain, having dynamic lighting, and having completely stable shadows. We managed to get the first two right, however if we changed the time of day to the exact value each frame, the shadows would flicker all the time which would result in a white-noise like effect on the ground. If at some point we find a better solution we'll implement it.

#2: LOD has been discussed, and for some of the decors is already in the works, however it won't result in any dramatic framerate changes as the game is mostly CPU bound.

#10: Dynamic lighting was dropped for now as it was a huge performance hog. We'll revisit it when we have the time.