Jita wrote:
Ville wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

I also have #3 in my mind.

To make #3 happen you need the following items:
1.  Corporations can only own 1 outpost.
2.  Probes need to be removed completely.
3.  Projection of Power needs to be stopped.(3 items already listed)
4.  No highways on Beta.
5.  Limited teleports.
6.  Mineral fields need to spawn within 3k of each station of every type.
7.  Player corporations need to be able to set intrusion times to pop in their time zones once a 24 hour period. 4 hour window.
8.  Missions need a X10 modifier
9.  If a station owners get protection tokens for saps.
10.  Beta production efficiency need to be higher than gamma.

That's how you get #3 to work.

Fully agree tbh. Most of that isn't too far away from development time either. Unlock beta 1 and get working on this please

I agree with all but #1.  All #1 does is encourage multi corp alliances like 133/77/PHM/CIR etc or creation of shell corporations.

DEV Zoom wrote:

Sooo did anyone bother to check the level5 payouts on the test server? And extrapolate that with the proposed 3-4x beta multipliers?

Not just NIC but tokens too...also, would Avatar be willing to:

1) program in a random chance of missions rewards dropping a T4+ item (like a 1-5% random chance from level 5 and higher missions for beta missions?)  This alone could be enough to promote more people being on beta. 
2) could you also program in a random T4+ drop for Observer mobs?  This would give ANOTHER reason for people to farm roaming mobs on beta. 
3) increase the mining increase (for all mined and harvested materials) to 100% for owning a station, this would encourage people to own stations.  YOu could also have a 50% mined amount bonus for anyone NOT owning a station
4) allow station owners to activate all of the bonuses (masking, mining, engineering etc) all at the same time when they own a station.
5) add common kernals to all beta island loot tables over and above the high tech kernals.

Just a few suggestions to increase reward to offset the risk


(132 replies, posted in Testing server)

Naismith wrote:

How are you going to connect those TPs like that with gamma in game?

Yeah that is pretty important as the changes done to Alpha 2's really affected the Beta jumps, so how are they Beta to Gamma jumps and the inter-island Beta jumps planned as of now?  It is hard to comment on these changes when the last part is unknown....

I just go back to the land of the living and am blown away that the Jokes crew that is comprised of 8 people who only come onto Perp to PvP ( and barely any time doing that ) can dictate to Dev Z how the game should be changed.  These idiots have no idea how the game should change, they have no idea what it takes to do indy, mining, artifacting etc as they have not done any of that since the changes to Gamma 1.0 to 2.0.  This is a terrible idea IMHO and I think I should have a good idea as I have no life and spend countless hours of my time in Perp.....

Do nothing in relation to this idea is the right thing.  All my brothers at NSE will agree, but I will let them speak for themselves.

I expect JIta and the Jokes crew to troll the *** out of this so in advance Jokes QFT, and go ask CCP to change Eve as that is where you guys spend 95% of your day playing and quit trying to eff up a game that you say is not worth playing because it is dead anyways and that I enjoy playing the way it is.  There are many other ideas that many other have come up with that would positively change the game.  Jokes just wants this change so the game fits into THEIR agenda and conform to their style of gameplay.  Please Dev Z, listen to the people who ACTUALLY spend time in the game doing all aspects of the game rather than listening to Jita and his game of General Chat trolls.

My 2 cents....


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

I am getting them too, which is very uncommon for me....

Jita wrote:
SunnyJester wrote:

The only reason why I say this, is it makes it hard to Return to a gamma base to protect it if you are blockaded from your gamma base

thats the point. You are forced to make blood spark choices.

Really, that is not the intended use for a blood spark IMHO, kind of abusing it to rely on it as a mode of transportation.

The only reason why I say this, is it makes it hard to Return to a gamma base to protect it if you are blockaded from your gamma base

+1. I think people should get free sparks to their gamma stations for defense, that is it.  Limit it to only 1 island faction.


(9 replies, posted in Balancing)

+ agree, this needs some help.


(52 replies, posted in Q & A)

Burial wrote:

I've always wondered why beacon NPCs started from rank 3 and not 1. Add lower beacons and it's bueno.

+1.....I'm glad you are back playing bro.....


(25 replies, posted in Balancing)

Celebro wrote:

Ok, I know for those who have vast amounts of assets gathering dust might not be happy about this change, the market would surely improve and the gap between new and old players would be reduced.


NPCs take a small fee in NIC value per month per U stored. A cap of around the first 1000U would be free of tax globally on all terminals.

Storage tax would apply to all Terminals including field terminals, but not gamma (player made terminals)

This would need to include Corporation storage if not there is no point really.

Improvement to the game:

Having items gathering dust will not be good investment, players will start pulling out to the market to make liquidity, and mitigate huge tax bills.

Having large stocks on the open market will make stuff cheaper, helping those starting out, and improving NIC value.

Deciding what is worth storing, what is worth selling or not make for more in depth game play. Including making the decisions of keeping it on gamma, who knows.

If I dare give a price per month I would say around 1000NIC/unit/month.

What would you guys think?

This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Burial wrote:

If they want to give more space to players, they can't allow any Alpha or Beta sparks. The whole idea is to expand the travel time between one faction Betas to another without providing any convenient shortcuts.

They should, however, allow a single spark for Gammas so people can at least come and defend and don't need to do Arkhe back every time they move something to Alpha for sale etc.



(52 replies, posted in Q & A)

Annihilator wrote:
SunnyJester wrote:

Hey Dev Z, how about adding common kernals to SAPs to encourage more PvP @ SAP times?

wow, first you want to remove them, now you want them for free?

SAPS are not FREE....you guys are choosing to not pvp


(52 replies, posted in Q & A)

Hey Dev Z, how about adding common kernals to SAPs to encourage more PvP @ SAP times?


(3 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)



(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)



(33 replies, posted in Q & A)

Wow, good bump    +!


(52 replies, posted in Q & A)

Tonnik wrote:
SunnyJester wrote:
Goffer wrote:


Passive income is always a problem.

4 agents with 2 months EP and proper equipment each should be able to do firearm beacons. I see nothing wrong in the fact that you need to cooperate for this task. BUt maybe the change require a 0-bar beacon for T2 NPCs.

The problem with common kernel is the fact that there is no NPC dropping common kernel only, but you need far more common kernel than color kernel or even high tech. This is no new issue and several times adressed.

Exactly Goffer.....why are COMMON kernals so UNCOMMON....misnomer, bad programming or lack of interest by the Devs?  Really the HARD kernals to obtain should be the Hitech, not the COMMON kernals.....  Why are we making it hard for people to obtain T1-T3 tech, when it is T4 that is the desired one.  Make Hitech harder and Common easier IMHO.

The balancing is based upon a population with mainly new people doing low level rats. As 95% of ratting is vs mech and heavy its perceived that the kernel balancing is wrong but that's a population problem, not balancing.

For once I agree with Jita.....so the question is how do you make it better when the population is low that doesn't water them down when the population increases (I know it is a pipe dream but let me dream)


(52 replies, posted in Q & A)

Goffer wrote:
JcJet wrote:

c) A passive obtaining of kernels from some "research" thing.


Passive income is always a problem.

4 agents with 2 months EP and proper equipment each should be able to do firearm beacons. I see nothing wrong in the fact that you need to cooperate for this task. BUt maybe the change require a 0-bar beacon for T2 NPCs.

The problem with common kernel is the fact that there is no NPC dropping common kernel only, but you need far more common kernel than color kernel or even high tech. This is no new issue and several times adressed.

Exactly Goffer.....why are COMMON kernals so UNCOMMON....misnomer, bad programming or lack of interest by the Devs?  Really the HARD kernals to obtain should be the Hitech, not the COMMON kernals.....  Why are we making it hard for people to obtain T1-T3 tech, when it is T4 that is the desired one.  Make Hitech harder and Common easier IMHO.

Ville wrote:

So ask yourself this question:  What would you rather see?

AFK scarabs mining and functioning autopilot OR Red roaming mobs and NO use of the auto pilot.

Zoom, people do not add red roaming spawns on Alpha 2.  This was terrible back in the day and the general populous will hate it.



(52 replies, posted in Q & A)

DEV Zoom wrote:
Annihilator wrote:

its called demand and supply... the thing that drives the market.

Basically this. The market is dead because it's so easy to just get everything yourself and use your billions of NIC on nothing. God forbid there would be some shortage of kernels which would drive up their price and have an actual market for them.

It's hard to farm roaming NPCs? Yeah it is, if you want to solo it.
But for multiple independent players selling their kernels because there is a nice demand on the market? Time to outsource your needs if you want to keep up with your research.

You last major patch (bot rebalancing) was mainly done to lessen the gap between older players and newer players.  Now this is completely adverse to that as you are making it harder for newer players to complete their tech trees and all of those older corps that beacon pitted for months to do their tech tree are all laughing.  I still don't understand why you are making it harder to achieve something that is already the hardest thing to achieve in your game.


(52 replies, posted in Q & A)

Jasdemi wrote:

Patrol Beacons drop a good amount of common kernels. This generates demand for mission tokens = more people encouraged to run missions = win/win

This is not solo content.....


(20 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Well it works today, not sure what happened yesterday.....


(52 replies, posted in Q & A)

Once the new mission system and changes are fully implemented, how will a solo player be able to get common kernals?  At present, I can go out ratting and get approximatley 75K common kernals an hour with a repper bot (NOT BOTTING YOU FOOLS).  Doing this, it takes our corp and my personal tech tree a long time to develop.  Once you remove that mechanic, the only way I see it possible to get solo common kernals would be to do roaming NPC's.  From what Dev Zoom said, there will be smaller packs of mobs wandering around.  My estimation is that it will be only about a quarter as efficient to obtain common kernals.  Are we able to either

a) reduce the amount of common kernals needed on the tech tree;

b) increase the amount of common kernals dropped by NPC's; or,

c) implement another method of obtaining kernals (possibly a swap of faction kernals for common kernals)

Any ideas, please post!


(20 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

DEV Zoom wrote:

We don't know about such a change, that's why it's not in the patch notes.

Ok a bug it is.  Just out of curiosity, how does that get changed without you knowing about it?