So is this about pay to win or about the follow mechanic?

Gunner wrote:


let me explain

Miners mine ore to make bots and mods that we use to blow up other people and mobs

PVE shooters shoot mobs and gather resources and tech that is used to build bots and mods that are used to blow up people and mobs

PvPers blow up people to get stuff and hold beta or gamma

Beta and gamma are used to gather resources and other things that all contribute to making stuff that we all use to do all of the above

Indy guys make bots and mods with the stuff they got from everyone else and the stuff is sold to people or used for PVE and PvP

Everyone has a role in the PvP game, like it or not.

Follow makes EVERYONE more efficient, when used in a way that zoom is trying to correct.

If you change Follow, you have to change follow for everyone, not just flagged because the flagged guy is just a small part of the greater whole.

So by your logic the only way to equitably make this affect everyone is to remove the follow command completely. While I applaud your effort sir to make this an all or nothing issue, that is simply not the case. Whether it has to do with flagged or not, it is applied to all equally. It just may happens that some feel it more than others. This is the nature of game mechanics. The SpT change will affect all players equally, even though some may "feel it" more than others.

The idea of this thread was about the nerf of the approach mechanic. "This can be used for nice things like coordinating squad movement, but also things that are borderline pay2win (using a second account support bot as your pet basically)."

I think there are plenty of good uses for the mechanic, we just need restrictions to keep it from being abused and causing an imbalance in the game. If you really think it is that bad, then by all means remove it completely. I just dont see it as being as big of issue outside of pvp.

Gunner wrote:

Flagged or not flagged whatever Zoom decides should apply to all agents in any case.

It is the only fair way to change the mechanic.

Joe miner has just as much effect on the PvP machine as Bill Mesmer guy.  Pedro the 6 sequer guy is very efficient at moving haulers worth of mats to build PvP bots.

We are all equal.

Are we even having the same discussion anymore? Im not sure what in the hell you are talking about anymore Gunner.

How does a guy having 2 sequers follow him from tellesis to herschfield have to do with the pvp imbalance of follow bots? I am not making that leap. Can you elaborate please? This seems on the surface to be a scorched earth view of this change.

It is gonna affect the way I do things so IT MUST be made to affect everyone else? This seems to be just a way of muddying the issue to derail the topic...


(163 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Actually, The DEV's have already done this Aaron. Now upon subscribing for the first time new players receive a bonus 20k ep to get started. Which is now enough to get into a mech from day one. That was actually a pretty huge bonus to help out new players. You can only do that so many times though....

So make the follow command not work when pvp flagged or with a locked target. Does that work for you Gunner?


(163 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I think the hope at this point is that enough new players join to make the remaining number of veterans insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It wouldn't take as many as you think....


(163 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Btw, Gunner. Thanks for the heads up on Starbound. The wife and I are having fun with it. Terraria on roids.


(163 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I still think within 3-6 months any new player can be competitive ep wise with vets. The biggest advantage that vets have at this point is accumulated wealth and knowledge of game mechanics, imo.

Rex Amelius wrote:

Apparently tears are what grease Zooms wheels, so I will 'cry' all day in the name of not ruining this game more. Someone may listen. Some will only see their own self interest. Some don't care one way or another. Some don't even have a clue in the first place.

My main gripe is NOT follow nerf, its terrible Developer Decision Making Pattern:
1.) Forum cry on fuzy 'problem'
2.) whacky sideways 'solution' proposed
3.) Forum campaign for whacky sideways 'solution' forgetting original 'problem'
4.) Zoom tear catching bucket reaches it's capacity
5.) Incoming dumb change

Then please post a new forum thread about this non relevant topic and leave this feature discussion to the people that care enough about the game to have a reasonable discussion about it. Thanks in advance. big_smile

Gunner wrote:

dont single us out because you are terrible

That is the problem, you guys look at this as some witch hunt against you. It affects us all equally. This is about balancing the game and making it more fun for everyone. And if it helps makes Steam more of a success because of it, we all should be for it.

Man, you guys are crying a lot about a game mechanics change that you have said won't affect you. Because you guys RSA buddy each other with your ewars and you have dedicated logi pilots... So why all the crying if it isn't going to affect you?


(37 replies, posted in General discussion)

Great work as usual Ludlow.

Rex Amelius wrote:

It's bug. Not a new feature

Its not a bug, it was introduced when they made teleport beacons have to be dropped at least 500 m from teleports.

No, you want one heavy to be able to gank anything leaving a beta terminal. You should have to have a pvp op standing guard with multiple people outside a beta for 24hrs a day to keep people from hauling out. Not trying to spark in and undock after the tele is warmed up and they are halfway to it.

You are going to have to put in a little more effort than to kill a lithus, I agree. Sounds like you are looking for easy mode, not me...


(12 replies, posted in Q & A)

Ok. So just so I make sure I got this right.

Normal scheduled maintenance events are not scheduled during sap times, and if prolonged downtimes are expected you cancel intrusion time generation. (Meaning any saps that would come up during that time will get a new 8-16hr time upon server restart.)

But in the cases like today or emergency restarts, any saps that were happening or happen during downtime must be re-scanned with intrusion charges for a new time upon the restart of the server? As you are being purposely vague on exactly how long a "slight delay" is.

Ok, I got it. But I am still not a fan. It kinda forces people to wait around for the servers to come back up for fear of missing a sap. And it can get kinda confusing for people to know if downtime was scheduled or not. And as such, which rules of intrusion times to apply. Just my 2 cents.


(12 replies, posted in Q & A)

Ok, so I am asking is this now how it will always be done? I don't care how you are going to do it. It just will need to be consistent. The previous way at least had that.

What if the server was down for 2 hours? Are you just pushing any saps that happen during down time back and have all of them all open as soon as the server comes back on?

Is there any amount of delay between when the server comes back up and when the saps open?

If there was an hour until a sap opens, but then server goes down. Is there going to be an hour until the sap opens once the server comes back up?

And if the sap was halfway done, will it be halfway done when the server restarts? Or will it get reset 8-16 hrs later? Or will it get restarted once server restarts.

Or is this just gonna be some random thing where we will have no way of knowing and we just have to hope it never happens during some critical sap?


(12 replies, posted in Q & A)

In the future, those sap times need to be re-rolled into the next 8-16hr window. Arbitrarily resetting times is crap. When I scan a sap time I should be assured of the time being accurate and shouldn't be screwed because I wasn't the first guy to log back in to the server after the restart.

Its never a great situation, but at least everyone has a chance to get a new time and show up 8 hrs later. Not the case when you do what was done.

-1 to the new ability you have to do whatever you did.....


(12 replies, posted in Q & A)

So I am curious how the sap timers were changed today? Some of my sap times were off after the server went down. I thought if a sap came up during server downtime it got a new time, but these seem to have just been delayed by some amount of time? Is this how it always is or did I miss something? Kinda screwed things up at Kara and Brighstone today, would at least like to know for future reference.

Edit: Brighstone was hit 25 minutes after it should have been over, and kara sap ended 40 minutes after it should have.

Maybe if you guys put some ep into dps skills instead of ewar you could kill something in 500m. Good lord, you cant kill things in 2 minutes so you petition game mechanic changes, now you cant kill things in 500m so you petition more changes.... You guys can do better.

Yes to all of the above. Its all happening seemingly sporadically, but often. And it is all recent as of the last few weeks. Chat lag is driving me nuts.

Rex Amelius wrote:

I believe this change would incentivize more Gamma PvP as enemy would be ensured asset payout upon success. Right now the only incentives for aggressing Gammas are Greifing and/or Revenge. Both are pretty negative. Lets add a business angle to PvP on Gamma.

Seriously? You must be attacking the wrong gammas...... Terminal loot, and gamma loot in general is pretty awesome in its current state. I have seen 1000's of u dropped from terminals as it is now, not to mention the hundreds of structures that are usually taken over at the same time. How much more do you need? They are already the best loot drops in the game as is...

Convenient timing on this post too, eh? smile


(249 replies, posted in Balancing)

One hitech repair node, that must be a big score for you guys... It must suck to be broke... big_smile


(249 replies, posted in Balancing)

Lol, riiiggghhhhttt. Cuz we all know there is no lag on gamma.. big_smile


(46 replies, posted in Bugs)

Even my arkhes are mk2. big_smile

Looks pretty cool actually. My wife and I killed many hours playing Terraria. May check this out.