(44 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

And jump jets. I wantz


(41 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kinda surprised by the attacks on the whole idea of PBS.

Perp was better without walls, beacons and gamma. We don't want minecraft fuuu

I remember reading many threads and posts complaining that PBS had not been delivered. It seemed the whole playerbase wanted it. Walls were initially sold as the first permanent structures in the PBS system. Probes were not only part of PBS calls but also calls to give the players something beside arkhe gate scouts.

Complain to the devs for implementing things slowly and unbalanced and incomplete, but damn, the people in this game asked for PBS. It's sad to see the whole idea attacked as a mistake.

Population, though ...more than sad, it's depressing


(136 replies, posted in News and information)

Kaldenines wrote:

Spark teleports without any cooldown would be a bit odd imo.  In fact if the game had a population of 1k active people per night I would say it's horribly overpowered.  As it stands I can't tell how it would turn out.  Nobody seems to pvp anymore anyway so maybe it would encourage some fights.

Yes, with a population of 1000, I think unfettered use of sparks could be overpowered. But who knows, as we're not even close there with population. For now, it could help with some of the stagnation currently in game to make it simple. Hopefully a population of 1000 will come along and then you'll have better idea about it's balance.


(136 replies, posted in News and information)

Spark teleporting

I'd actually like to see this essentially unrestricted to start. We can speculate all day on how players will use (abuse) it. It could liven things up on the PvP front with quicker response to engagements AND liven up the market. Sparks without supplies are useless and hauling gear all over the map is a massive snore. I'd rather buy bots and supplies directly from market than haul them around during 'off hours'. This gives marketeers an opportunity to seed different markets and speculate on hot spots, perhaps.

2 cents


(44 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Annihilator wrote:

nope, lwf is mandatory to get from a to b, no matter what you do.

its also mandatory to fit t4 lwf to keep up with the group.

sensor amp is not mandatory, because it can remotely buffed with exactly the same efficiency (except t4p sa).

but if you fit an armor plate instead of a lwf, theres no way you can keep up with anyone

I concede that LWF is probably the most highly used mod, and it was pretty rare I didn't have one fitted when I was actually playing this game. But as noted (or hinted) above there are times when the objective is more about tanking than about moving from one point to another quickly.

I would like to see more options in game for navigating from a to b, but focusing on the LWF only touches a small part of a much larger issue.

I'm not worried about it, as I believe the community would go ape-shit if it were removed. Devs' plates are full of ape-shit last I checked.


(44 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Hell no! If anything, more mods not less. And there are plenty of circumstances where lwf is not used for PvP. This is not the universal Navigation Skill.


(16 replies, posted in Q & A)

Syndic wrote:

I'm not quite sure what you mean by giving proof of Skype batphoning, Styx did make his logs available for everyone after all. They were both entertaining to read and a very damning proof.

I starting playing this game in Oct 2011 and I'm pretty sure Styx was long banned at that time. So why is this whole skype bat-phoning line such a hot topic in the last month or so? Someone else get the keys to the bat-cave and using the phone in the last 1-3 months?

Seriously curious if there is something to this 'unfair player communications advantage' or if this is just PRAVDA propaganda fun for the kids.


(41 replies, posted in General discussion)

Will happily support this and drag all my friends kicking and screaming to support as well.


(3 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Pretty funny. Looks like something I love to play if more rats joined the party.


(9 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Good Luck to your new group

Damn good arguments. Well written.



(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

A few days and you spill all that ***?


Gremrod wrote:

I know you say you don't want people to defend the TPs. But you might as well let people do it anyway because they will defend them from 2000m away too.


It'll take a hellava lot more man hours and NIC, but just you wait. And the tears will fall like Niagra when it all comes down.

So rather than X meters from Teles you may have to go X meters from the shoreline. Even then I'm sure there are ways...

Walls 2.0

I've not played a single minute on Gamma since release, but I suppose I saw this coming MONTHS ago. I don't even need to see a single defensive set-up to know the issue. It should have been totally foreseeable (by the Devs and anyone) that Terraforming would be used, like walls, to manipulate the passable terrain of an ENTIRE island to the full advantage of the owners, not just constructing bases. What more obvious way to do this than by Terraforming around teleport chokepoints?

I know this issue was raised by others and myself long ago but there did not seem to be any concern that Terraforming around Teleports would be issue. So, it seemed that would be perfectly acceptable. I could dig up the posts if I cared, but I really don't anymore.

I guess what may be obvious to some is not obvious to the Devs. I feel for the guys who spent all those man-hours. NIC is measurable and can be re-imbursed somewhat accurately. But the man hours ...GONE!

I'll not be like some ass-hats in the past who have said things like "you should not use mechanics you know the devs will change" because that is ***. I will say I feel for all you guys getting screwed on this... really I feel your pain. But all these stupid skype-accusations against the devs for supporting one group over another is getting absurdly childish. You hard core whiners, blame-gamers and trolls are pushing me away from this game much more than the Devs' misteps. But again, I do get the frustration.

Good luck getting at least your NIC back. And Devs, while at it, me and all my corp/alliance mates will take the NIC for Walls as well.

And ffs ADVERTISE THIS GAME! Get some fresh blood in here before this population eats itself alive with all these bitter veteran rivalries. 

or maybe that's your strategy, grind the vets out, test it all, reset EP, re-release to the public


(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

Error wrote:

@ Rex
On a larger scale it's quite counterproductive to keep your accounts subscribed. Of course you want to be ready (EPs) for the time you will play again actively. Although i wish the Devs a decent earning from their product ... gaining money from customers that don't use their product anymore (subscribed but not playing) isn't healthy for the game and its development. It doesn't put enough pressure on the Devs aiming for a healthier player population. They DO work for their money and the game IS developing ... just not in the direction required for more/new players.

I'd like to say the reason I keep my accounts open while not playing is I can afford it, but the reality is that I can't.

I'll let someone else 'punish' the devs with loss of subscriptions. I needz my crack-EP!

You are the lamest of the lame in this game.

EDIT: to be clear


(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm also guilty of giving this game only about an hour of log-in time since Gamma launch. Each time though, I've seen the same basic paltry numbers in general. I simply cannot bring myself to play anymore with such a low population.

I'll keep my accounts subbed and hope for the best. But the current population provides little incentive to get involved sad

Once again devs, please advertise this fantastic game!!!


(2 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Purchasing EP for a single account would be play-to-win. It's only arguable that paying to utilize EP efficiently is pay-to-win.

More arguable is to say that buying multiple accounts to accelerate EP gain is play-to-win. I think we have all heard the arguments on that. Let's not revisit.

I kinda like the OPs idea.

Also related... since we have so much damn EP on the test server why not allow us to downgrade there. I only need to boost skills to test something specific. I'd rather be able to keep my Test server EP the same as Live EP most of the time.


(33 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I like the idea about different timed cans at different prices.


Additionally, would also like to see feature to delete/remove the can on the field without waiting for the timer. That way, when I'm done with my hour-can I can remove it manually, rather than letting it sit there (as an indication I was there stealing your noralgis).


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Keep it coming. Your footprint is refreshing.


(16 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Lucius Marcellus wrote:

(game) desperately need more activity

Yes it does

Lucius Marcellus wrote:

This forum desperately need more activity, don't stop Ville!

Not really


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Also, should be balanced more toward aggressive action than logistics. So a rule like 3000k plus from terminals would allow hostile force sneak in point but forbid insta, safe transport of haulers directly to terminal.

But like I said this would be significant ability overall with lots if options for balance.


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

This is the kind of game changer I'd love to test and break until balanced. And the current useless inter-island tele that is 15m nic should work n conjunction. With walls and soon Teraformed cliffs and valleys we could use the combo.



(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

Long Live Perpetuum !!!

I'm staying.

Sundial wrote:

Telling people to just sit at a sap for an hour isn't PvP as much as the proposed new system is.

PvE can promote PvP when you have crews of combat bots roaming around the island killing roaming NPCs every day.

This. The current system is a snoozer.

And fair idea from the op.  I like any idea that requires some activity from Defenders to build up and keep stability. The current system's auto-stability requires only taking the outpost. Then you can walk away forever and have Domhalarm.

Perhaps stability should decay like walls.