(6 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

nm, totally different topic

nm, totally different topic

MoBIoS wrote:

why don´t you just get rid of Ewar all together? This imho is so very -1.

Same as always, if a fleet of damage whores cannot handle rock, paper, scissor, then its not the game mechanic which is broken. Start thinking out of the box, if you cannot figure how to counter.
Its totally ok, on the range that a sniper dmg dealer can shoot it´s target, when he is fit with RE´s and supported by RSA and Nexus but we wouldn´t think of nerfing this.

When ppl where QQing about Trojar´s apparent imbalance, because ppl where not willing to bring a neut or drainer to the battlefield, as it could spoil their max damage, we didn´t want to touch the insane recharge rate of the tyrannos.

How about this idea, just get rid of Ewar all together. So you can just come with your big guns to the battle, to show off. As probably 98% of the players are doing. So you can have your "fun pvp". No Ewar, just shooting each other, while being able to freely move around. I think you should consider counterstrike, as your prefered game. There´s no Ewar there and just "fun pvp" ^^

To get a max range of about 768m, that would include a suppport of T4 Ewar Nexus on lvl 9, RSA,  you will have to dedicate your complete EP´s to Ewar + secondary skills, like accu management, etc... No Guns, no Indu Bots nothing else, for about  2 years to hardcap, which I did for example. Then and only then will you be able to reach those ranges. Against Snipers which shoot you at a range 800m+, not even considering ECM and Suppression at 800+ to counter, where is there a need to rebalance?

If you are willing to dedicate yourself to Ewar, than you should be superior to a casual demob, fitted as a supplementary gadget on a dmg mech.

If you carry on nerfing everything to do with Ewar, you might as well get rid of it completley.

Excellent points. There are many counters to the extended range S-demob. People so damn quick to cry Nerf.

I especially like the points related to "max damage" fitting mentality. Interesting... must ponder.


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

who are you ?

Obviously not a forum super star like you Obi

But, this is a good sign. The more PvPers, the better game.

+1 for creative thinking. This sounds like artillery with a twist. I like the general idea of a spotter bot. Would probably be cooler on future light stealthy bots (see signature).

If tile selection becomes option to mechanics in future, great then artillery. This can work just as well with non-area affect weapons that target specific bots/buildings.

Imagine stealthy bot with stealthy target painter locking up oblivious target to be insta-popped by squad of these long range beasts. What OP describes requires quite a few new bots and mechanics. Would be cool, some day hopefully...

Harris Kantarca wrote:


We all have our particular wants. I'd like the Devs to spend "just a little" time on my own preferences as well, like putting e-war and neuts on killmails. Or how about the little requests in my signature. You may not like them or want them but I do.

Unfortunately Devs too often listen to the louder voices on the forums, or so it seems.

Annihilator wrote:
Doek wrote:

Last time I used one it was fitted and used solely for suppression.


wha, *** arm fit... fuuu

Huh? Those look like remote sensor boosters to me. Is that something else? If you think remote sensor boosters on a Zenith is *** you should re-evaluate. E-war mechs very often remote sensor each other ...FYI.

And with 4 S-demobs you're not gonna get the 'game breaking' range the OP is talking about. You will be in the fight. Long range demobbing Zenith typically only fit one ...MK2s fit 2. Plus you need e-war nexus for those super long ranges. It's all pretty fit intensive. Give/take, ya know.


Don't like Zenith and Trojar so you want to nerf ALL demob? Hell NO!

Nerf to range... Hell NO!!
Nerf to LoS... Hell NO!!

If there is a balance issue with the bots above, then address those bots. And don't any of you guys use counter E-War on those Zeniths?

There is also a huge difference between EVE's hundreds of developers and Perpetuum's, what 10? The point was not to compare the massive station walking project to a static graphic update, but to highlight the idea that INTERIOR design of Terminals is not gonna win your customers. Unless you are making user interfaces easier and cleaner, the inside of the terminal is of very little importance to gameplay and the things this game needs.

I for one do not need all the busy graphics pulling my attention away to the tasks I do in station. I like the clean holograph.

EVE took a big fat wrong turn when they focused significant developer time to their walking-inside-terminals crap. They significantly upset the player-base with such faulty priorities.

Moral of that story: nobody cares about the cool graphics inside outposts/terminals. Spend your developer resources elsewhere. If it's not broke...

Is fine as is.

Celebro wrote:
Balfizar wrote:

I'd say come join me but the whole no mic thing is kinda a turn off..not really down with swapping chat tabs to fig out what's going on

FC speaks the rest follow orders....or are all your players scouts?

And the sheep goes... Baaaha

Everyone needs to be able to communicate on comms in smaller/med gangs. It can get a little crazy even with good comms discipline, but it's hella lot more fun than waiting for every single directive before moving an inch. People need to be able to act independently and communicate the relevant, succinctly.

Sure if you have like 30 plus people in squad then at least the DPS crew needs to be quiet. But you can still set up whispers for communicating Ewar and the like.

Point is, yeah, you need a mic to PvP.

EDIT: oh and uh, I don't speak for 62nd smile ...just one man's opinion.

Grazskin wrote:

Careful, he could be the guy that brings his 300 man corp over from eve


Game needs population, and the more PvPers, the better.

Sun T'su also said:

Don't assume you're the only one with a copy of my book.

All the best Rambo


The reason you can play on Gamma right now and carebear risk free is mainly due to low population. Being able to wall off teles and beacon every path certainly helps avoid PvP. But if you think a 20 man carebear corp dug in on Gamma should stop a 100 man PvP corp you're wrong. Enjoy while it lasts and get ready to pay your future landlords. With population you will see mega alliances, naps and pets accross Gamma.

Annihilator wrote:

for me the biggest error in the current balance of the frames, is that the Mass reduction scales, but the Armor penalty NOT.
It should be exactly the opossite - all frames having SAME mass reduction, but the T4 has the lowest
or, if the mass reduction scales, then the armor penalty should scale with it (T1 low mass reduction, low armor penalty, t4 high mass reduction, high armor penalty)


I've not liked any LWF idea changes until this one, including OP. A consistent mass reduction could work for me as long as that it's same or better than current T4. Going slower across the board would suck.

As for drawback, sure scale the armor reduction and demob resists as you go up the tiers.

Deathmonkey wrote:

All of this is well and good.  but the game doesn't need more bots right now.  It needs content for Carebears!  PVE, etc. etc.

Moar carebears = more better for the game!

New Bots in 2013 -   The rest of 2012 has got to be for the Alpha folks!

Population growth and new player retention is most important, and that includes PvE. This does not mean everyone has to stop discussing other issues.


(18 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Ville wrote:

I tell you what I will do.  I will trade you an ICE in game for a 30 day time code, even steven trade.

Without a game mechanic to control the process you would have to rely on a person's word to honor the agreement. So your offer would require an individual to send you the game code outside of the game. Then when they log in, HOPE you actually trade them the ICE.

That brilliant idea would never be prone to scams, oh no roll

How about asking them to meet you somewhere on Beta to make the exchange?


(18 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Hmmm, yeah there should be FREE way to activate accounts with ICE. No monthly hour accumulations, no newsletters, just simple mechanic.


How about at least have option of applying ICE to some in-game character? Search character and send them ICE the same way you would send them NIC. Once done that Character's account is activated.

Now this would not work if you have no friends or alts in game to get the ICE but, ummm, it's a start.

And other thing, as population increases, some nicely terraformed Islands may be the first targets of larger growing groups. I'd rather sit around watching someone terraform my base for me wink

Tux wrote:

Some of these gamma bases have taken months to design and construct, any implemented siege mechanics will need to be carefully done. If you want balance as you say understand that even with newly implemented siege systems it will still take weeks if not months to take down a Gamma Base that has any sort of effort behind its construction and defense.

I welcome new bots of all types...

If Steam really takes off and we get a real game going with serious population, I have no doubt that Gamma and PBS will see changes. A growing game will introduce new bots and mechanics that could likely render many current Terraform and Base designs less useful or even obsolete. Plus, who knows what the Devs will buff and nerf along the way.

The development of a good fun game should not ever be stifled by the existing designs of a few base owners. Be prepared for major disappointment and the loss of significant man hours. And I believe that those who are attempting to wall there entire islands into risk-free PVE will suffer the most when change comes to town.

Not that I'm accusing you of that Tux. I've not been to your island...


(10 replies, posted in Q & A)

Plus add an online player count ...perhaps only visible to subbed accounts.


(117 replies, posted in News and information)

DEV Zoom wrote:

By that logic nothing ever is permanent in the universe, if I plant a tree it will probably die in a few decades, houses thought safe are destroyed by earthquakes, the Earth will be eventually blown up by the Sun, and so on. Are you just arguing about semantics? smile


Congrats Devs, I'm very much looking forward to the growth of your awesome game!

Not so related to bonuses, but how about modifying those useless missile slots to fit neuts/drainers?


(22 replies, posted in Balancing)

Yeah perhaps the z axis is issue but I'm sure the bounce graphic could look fine in 2.5d world.

Another option is self teleportation short distance. Different graphic, same result ...behind enemy lines.


(22 replies, posted in Balancing)

Too much talk of nerfing in mmos. I think it's better to develop new counters rather than constantly trying to revert back to some old state.

I'd like to see these three things implemented to counter the Cliffs of Insanity at enemy shores:
Jump Jets - ability to bounce over impassable terrain. Balance and give whatever drawbacks to use.
Stealth bot - super high masking, moderately high detecting, perhaps very slow moving and vulnerable, perhaps hover class
Targetable TP - placeable TP that you can jump to with inter and intra island teles. With new 4k sight on TPs I think that could be fair start to balancing that.

With those three introductions terraforming strategy would likely change. No need to nerf.