(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Celebro wrote:

Sparks don't transport goods and the new island layouts will facilitate transportation, either way I am indifferent, slight cargo increase is not game breaking.

Sparks allow players to spark back after arriving, jump in another Scarab Mk2 and take the same beacon chain to the destination. With sparks, only 1 trip back is necessary to return a Scarab Mk2 full of Scarab Mk2's. Scarabception.

Without sparks, the process will be drastically slower as each trip will include a return-trip.

DEV Zoom what do you think?


(9 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

With the removal of sparks, it might be a good idea to start considering increasing the cargo of robots, or implementing a cargo expander module.

Currently even the Scarab Mk2 is not enough to facilitate moving stuff around, and it will be even worse when travel times increase without sparks.

What do you think Zoom?

DEV Zoom wrote:

If you're still worried about the industrial effects of this, how about using player-manufactured repair kits to repair the robot? (This was actually our initial idea, not NIC.)

I don't think this is a good idea Zoom. In my mind we're way beyond the point where someone can "run out of bots" overnight, it just gives all the vet corps a way to pay to X-uple the size of their stockpiles with NIC (that everyone has squirreled away on mule accounts due to more then half a year of botting on Alpha).

Alpha income is sorted, any noob with a Sequer can prolly fit out a PVP robot in 30 minutes of running something like L5 transport missions.

As a NIC facet, missions are better then static spawn botting because for example I can't take 3k medium missile launchers to Gamma, recycle them and haul the commodities to Beta for production anymore.

Zoom the more you talk about it the more I get the impression this is another big project for you guys.

I thought you guys were focusing on smaller more frequent patches?

Personally I like this change because it means nobody in my corporation will have to mine anything EVER regardless how many times we lose robots - we'll be able to do really dumb sh*t and not give 2 f*cks.

But I think it's bad for the game in general.


(16 replies, posted in Q & A)

How bottable would this make missions?

Zoom what are your thoughts on an alliance system down the road?

Is it something that's completely off the table?

Feedback can be important, especially for pointing out some flaws like Gamma walls.

Ville wrote:

Although you could scrap this idea and do two things:  significantly reduce production costs of lights and assaults.  Get rid of redundant commodities and bump insurance up a hair.

Zoom, Ville has a good point.

The resources it takes to produce lights, assaults and light ewars are *** high. Simplify those 3 classes and you'll be buffing newbies significantly.

I like how you're calling it... Syndic ate robots. lol

I mine Titan on Beta all the time wtf is wrong with you Jita.

Rex does have a point Zoom, you guys have been reshuffling existing content for a long time now (I think Epriton got added and removed from Gamma like... 4 times).

Perhaps focusing on brand new content and new islands might be a better solution.

After all, if not enough space is your concern, add more. If not enough people are using your content, buff the content.

I know everyone including me is fawning over the other blog stuff, but this is still a highly gamebreaking topic that deserves more attention and more dialogue with the Devs.

Talk to us Zoom.

From an industrial side, implementing this "X lives on bot" thing in my opinion guarantees that bots won't be produced as much and the demand for them (which is already non-existent, I've been selling some Kains for ~7 months without success) will pretty much be gone.

I don't see it as "hardcore", like Jita mentioned the point of everything else in the game is to fund PVP.  If PVP doesn't need to be funded, everything else doesn't need to be done (nobody mines ore because it's a super fun activity) as much as before.

There is a very open niche for actual (logi) remote repair and remote transfer robots. Termis just isn't being used since it received it's bonus change, and lets be honest its a bad mining bot anyway.

The logi department in itself definitely needs fleshing out mechanic-wise (heavy cap usage of RR, have to rely on shield tank 99% of the time, etc etc).

Additionally, if you go the machinegun bonus route perhaps a drawback of the race might be a very small capacitor in comparison with the other races?

Are we designing glorious WINMATAR here?

There better be some rust and duck tape.

I don't think this idea should even be on the table as it goes against every fundamental aspect of the game.

I felt this idea is so terrible I needed to make a separate topic just to tell you how terrible it is.

No hard feelings.

It's just so terrible I'm thinking about using up my 7 days free time in WoW.

I think it would be hilarious if it happened in the middle of some large PVP fight, people accidentally stepping on observer landmines etc.

I don't see how field rescue would even possibly work without breaking everything completely. Worst idea of the lot tbh.

When I first read field rescue I thought something on the topic of salvaging wrecks and I got excited for a bit, but I was disappointed.

Are you planning to tweak the reward (thus incentive) for owning a lockable Beta outpost by maybe adding a modifier for outpost owners for mission reward or Obi's field terminal tax idea maybe?

I might be a bit selfish here but for a long time I've wanted a reason to cultivate a Beta-side NRDS market hub, but there was never any reason to do so. With Obi's idea about field terminal tax coming to the corp controlling the outpost of the sector, I could definitely see a big fat reason to a) capture an outpost b) stimulate random people to come live there c) police the sector.

A lot of effort with a lot of potential reward. I'm sure someone wouldn't like it and would come kill random people, which generates content in itself.

It would be beneficial if they didn't have the availability to undock from my home-base with impunity though, there's an excellent SAP mechanic in place that allows anyone to unlock an outpost in a day or two assuming we win every fight.


(16 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Too late, we're already in. big_smile

I feel like having L5's on Alpha 2 and L5-6 on Beta might be a bit too much income for Alpha, but we'll have to see.


(73 replies, posted in Balancing)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Now that this is among our plans, have a bump.

What to discuss:
* Pair up intrusion times, so selected outposts/SAPs will always open at the same time
* Makes controlling multiple outposts much harder for one corporation
* Possibly make intrusion times public for everyone, remove intrusion scanning - feedback needed

And another idea to ponder that I thought of already after the blog was out:

* Activate all 3 SAPs of an outpost at the same time when an intrusion starts
* Each of them still have a 1 hour timer, but all of them can be completed by anyone
* The final stability change will be calculated from the 3 SAP results
* Just examples:
Owner completes it: +5 stability
Enemy completes it: -5 stability
Timeout: -1 stability

For example if owner can complete 1 SAP (+5), enemy takes another (-5), and noone bothers with the 3rd one (-1), stability will change by -1. If the owner can complete all 3, stability will change by +15.

Zoom, doesn't that basically put us back to Intrusion 1.0 except nobody has to sign up now?

I still feel we're approaching this from the wrong angle.

1 corp controlling 3 or X outposts isn't the root of the problem. The root of the problem is that nobody else is attacking all of those outposts at the same time.

7 months ago, we made a public statement that the strongest alliance in the game wouldn't touch 2/3 of the Beta islands and outposts. Nobody aside from NSE, ETHOS and OTHERS bothered trying.

So in my mind, the question isn't "Why is Corp X holding Y outposts?", the real question is "Why is nobody else attacking Corp X on all fronts?".

Do you see my line of reasoning here? Am I making sense to you?

DEV Zoom wrote:

Not all of these are true yet, but:
1. Staging for epriton mining or gamma, better facilities, better missions (and through better token income and higher standing levels, quicker or better access to token shop items), beta-only rewards (SAP loot, supply drops as per the blog), bragging rights
2. Basically all of the above plus station income

But I'd like to state again that I'm not convinced about removing outpost locking, as people have pointed out the griefing potential is pretty high.

Thanks for answering Zoom!

Aside from staging for epriton mining and gamma, how will better missions come into the equation? What is your vision for making stations worth owning, balancing the risk of losing territory with the reward of owning territory?

I wouldn't be convinced either TBH, the arguments in favor largely revolve around an excuse to live on Beta and blueball any fights that might not be 100% sure wins.

If you unlock any outposts, you might consider stopping them being capturable by player-corporations and their SAP's should be discontinued (to prevent easy ninja-SAP-farming with an alt). Just empty NPC terminals with same facility efficiency like TMB/ICSB/ASB.

The "griefing potential" honestly can't even be called griefing, if the station is open there's nothing inherently wrong with Alliance A moving a portion of their accounts or all of their combat accounts into Corporation B's homebase and taking it over. It's a sound strategy when you have a superior force at your disposal, and I'm sure everyone who can will be using it in some degree.

I could argue thats one of the many reasons station locks were implemented in the first place (Zoom, do you remember how quickly F-Navy quit the game en-masse because Styx brought M2S to live in Brightstone? 3 days!), but ultimately it's the Dev's choice what is allowed.

I personally am not looking forward at all to going back to those days of camping someone's home-base until they move elsewhere or go to Alpha.

Zoom? Did you have a heart attack?

Xsavia Calrisian wrote:
Naismith wrote:

What did I do about NPCs again?

Zoom doesnt listen to me and I doubt he ever will.

As a CEO I want there to be reasons for my friends to log in on a daily basis and enjoy the game instead of playing other games and only logging in for EP or jabber pings.

It was your initial post that called for those changes that i read mate. I have read them all you were the 1 as far as i saw that started all of that process for those changes. If i am wrong or incorrect i am sorry that is just how i interpreted what i read.

Which changes?

To clarify for everyone, Im very much in favor of new players getting immersed in the game and getting some assets together on Alpha. CIR had very productive and lucrative relationships with new Alpha corps over the years.

Im always against people that are blatantly botting spawns. That makes it worse for newbies not better IMO.