(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

It should be, but field terminals don't allow them to dock up and logoff when the odds aren't to their liking.

Unlocked stations are very nice for offensive scanning of SAP times too. Why bother with all the logistics and planning when you can just undock, scan, redock.


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Unlocked stations only benefit entities that are

a) Not interested in fighting for it, just leeching when nobody is looking
b) Only interested in trying to grief people who put in the effort to secure their station/island.

Gunner told me to sign it


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Who needs sparks when we have accounts.

Remove them all!


(54 replies, posted in General discussion)

Consequence and responsibility for actions taken in a sandbox can be misconstrued as harassment by the insipid, no doubt about that.


(54 replies, posted in General discussion)

After careful deliberation and examination of all the evidence presented, I am now ready to pass judgement on the following individuals - Maidden, Kaz Rock Horgarsson.

You have insulted and slandered (1) our corporation (2) our dear friends in 77 (3) our friends and comrades Rex Amelius, Ville, Optikhan, Stranger Danger, and Jasmoba, all the while presuming to demand in-game concessions.

Therefore, my judgement is as follows:

You, and your collection of alts (list provided to us by our beloved bo-tang) will be hunted down, and any corporation you join proceeding henceforth will also be targeted and hunted down until you are no longer members and/or the corporation disbands.

Henceforth you shall be recognized as the filthy unwashed toggies that you are and dealt with as such.

That is all.

TOR didn't get its press coverage because news sites operate on good-will, Bioware shoveled out money for the previews, ads, interviews, early sneak-peeks etc, it all churned up the hype machine.

Maybe AC just doesn't have the funds to pay for real advertising.

Personally I feel that Perpetuum's main problem is that its very in-personal, cold, distanced from humanity. People can co-relate to immortal clones, bipedal greenskinned orks, and generally any humanoid. Co-relating to a spark that is essentially a computer virus is... harder.

So far the advertisement for Perp has been pretty much "Perpetuum - Try it now!" on a red background with the logo. Says nothing, and its no wonder the player count is this low.


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Cool Britainya wrote:

For a patch that was meant to revolutionise pvp... it has... its killed it...
30% of the beta population has gone.
And thats only within a month.

It revolutionarised PVP because defenders can't dock up/log off anymore when attackers show up and only engage when numbers allow.

The only part of Beta population that is gone is the part that couldn't fend off a roaming squad without waiting for hours, days until they could call a CTA to have 80 people online.

Look at Hokkagaros, Novastrov, even WAR & company to a degree. Everyone's fighting for their stuff without problems.


(20 replies, posted in Balancing)

I would take it into a different direction. Only titan and HDT should be available in abundance on Alpha (meaning big fat red fields). Everything else should be less common (medium yellowish fields) to discourage a playstyle many corps employ (including mine to a degree) of basing on Alpha industry.

It would also give extra incentive to fight to hold your Beta outpost rather then start ninja-hauling everything out once the attacks start coming in. Main problem in Beta is that we got the carrot now in the form of L4 facilities & rich fields & rich NPCs, however the symptom hasn't been cured that rich fields (everything except Epriton) & rich NPC's are still available on Alpha.

At this time any corporation can "log on alpha alts" and stockpile stuff Alpha-side until the attacker gets bored of controlling their outpost, and ninja-capture SAPs in preparation to re-crawl into Beta until the cycle repeats.


Also a good way to stimulate "faction ores" would be to increase the amount of PL-XX that drops from mining those ores on those islands. Perhaps they could implement a PL-YY(100? 150?) that could only be gathered on the faction islands?


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Lets make minmatar! \o/


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Atticus wrote:

Ville, in regards to the kill you linked I believe that

Naismith remarked in GC "We had some epic fights with 62nd this morning"
You yourself quoted the battle as 38 losses for us, 7 for you (jn the forums)
We fought for about an hour and a half
In the end, Tux died with about 30 seconds left on the Sap so you were successful in the defense
It was a blast, not a boring sitting and wait for Sap to be done

What is the problem? I don't see one here. I2.0 worked as intended and we all had fun. Win some, lose some.

I think we can agree that this system would be a LOT more fun if there was 600-700 players online in Perpetuum instead of 70-180.

I think it's a great patch, but unfortunately because of the microscopic population we are ending up with waiting for 1 hour where otherwise we'd be having fights more frequently. Sure, the SAP's could do a bit of tweaking, but then again every patch needs a bit of balance-tweaking before it hits the sweet spot.

Perpetuum is a lot better, more fluent and more involving because of Intrusion 2.0.


(217 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'll skip the middle steps of me posting screenshots of corp storage, you claiming its photoshopped, and just come up with the universal reply:



(217 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

This is actually great news! But sort of goes into my theory that a second alliance will need to form that can withstand the SovNov, likely doing the same thing; holding an Island and fighting to make sure neither faction gets too many stabile outposts.

There is one thing wrong with your theory there, nobody needs to withstand us because I personally like a "live and let live" policy. For example, Hokk alliance hasn't attacked Novastrov's outposts since we settled the old scores, so we put aside our differences and agreed to leave each others outposts alone. Ofc we're all PVPers so roaming is always there and welcome, but we're enjoying beta and letting each other enjoy their beta experience.

I think the crucial thing is that another alliance needs to form that is not led by someone dumb enough who hasn't learned what happens when you come after us. I mean, after the last 4-5 alliances collapsed it should be pretty obvious that tagging our outposts means we start getting serious and pouring bots and pilots into a camp until there is nothing left on that alliance's particular Beta island.

So, unless someone has more then 9-10 thousand fitted heavies in stockpile, baaad idea. lol


(217 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

I fully agree with that Alex, the size (number of active players) of the corps/alliances needed to stabilize outposts is much higher then what we currently have.

The balance seems to be in favor of the pirates, at least for the moment, because they appear to have a larger active population (not just 62nd, but all of the players that are non-outpost owners getting PVP from outpost defenders).

I can't imagine that the pirates have more stockpiles then CIR though, CIR may be having a manpower issue, but if that is resolved they can withstand more losses then the pirates.

Alliances, and alliance tools may be a good solution since small corps don't want to merge and give up their identies. I don't think alliances taking over all the SAPs will be an issue though, however it could end up as a 3-way conflict; 2 alliances holding 2 islands, and pirates. That may not be too bad a situation to have while we get more players into the game. With many many unstabilized (Ownership doesn't really mean anything still, only stabilized owners) outposts left up for grabs, there is plenty of opportunity for alpha corps to ally and make a move on them.

Your understanding of the current situation is slightly off the mark there.

Anyone making a push into Beta has two things to consider;
a) The small pirate corps are opportunistically trying to ninja undefended SAPs.
b) Big players like SovNov are employing a policy of "scorched earth", where the key goal is to destabilize outposts.

Meaning for SovNov, we have 2 SAP's we care for defending every 8-10 hours, others are irrelevant as long as stability is low, or like with Hokkagaros where we have a mutual understanding about each other's outposts. It prevents burnout of our pilots fighting over pointless SAP's on outposts that have no importance to us (Ref: Domhalarn, Norhoop).

The patch by itself cannot change one fundamental thing: If I have 200 people and the enemy has 20, I can put 50 people at 4 different locations, pursuing different strategic objectives. Manpower and strategy always trumps tactics and opportunism.

CIR's numbers have actually skyrocketed. We've gotten all of our industrial powerplayers back in-game during the Alsbale War, and since then we've only grown with the influx of new members from defeated corporations and old friends (GLiMPSE is still fapping about it don't get me started...). With the new station buffs, our production is even more efficient then before and we're actually depleting our raw ore stockpiles for the first time since release.

Also, it's important to note: There are no Alpha corporations anymore to make any sort of push into Beta. They're all either dead, assimilated by bigger corps, or subbed-but-not-playing. There is no influx of new corps, what you see in-game is all there is atm.


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Arga wrote:

I understand that from the other threads, what dialog I was hoping to open up is the estimiated size and durability of the offense compared to the defensive power to counter it.

Making SAP's easier to defend is OK, but the assumption here is that the outpost owner should have a persistant and sizeable presence on beta to maintain stability.

Remember that each SAP has only a small effect on stability and losing 1 or 2 does not mean loss of control of an outpost.

The playabilty of the SAP's is different to balancing them to acheive the desired result. It may be that trying to get presence on Beta through SAP's is the complete wrong answer, in which case minor adjustments to the SAP's won't fix it.

I have to disagree with you Arga.

The point is that the defenders are twiddling their thumbs for an hour with no other recourse, since being on stand-by for possible incoming means just that; you can't farm or mine (refit with incoming? empty loot can with incoming?), you can't mine (drive miners back to get into support bots? log them out? empty loot can?) because the SAPs are that fragile that a 4-5 ewar group can take them.

Each SAP is equal to at least 1 upgrade to Facilities, which makes them very valuable to keep. Making a vicious circle of forcing people to play WOT/Skyrim while alt-tabbed from Perpetuum and wait for pokes/shouts if there's incoming, since there is minimal delay between enemy reaching SAP and enemy completing SAP. Especially with the Destruction SAP which is completed if you fart at it the right way.

The difficulty of the SAP's needs to be brought in line where YES, the defender has to commit their players and assets to defend like now, but the attacker should also have to commit a sizeable fleet to have a chance at completing it. Definitely not 4-5 light bots and if it goes it goes, if it doesn't who cares nothing was lost.


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I think what Ville is trying to say is that the SAP's need changing so that taking them requires a projection of military force by the attackers. Meaning, SAP's shouldn't really be something you take with 2-3 light bots which are a throw-away investment, but can reduce your opponents facilities by 1 or 2.

That is what we see as "wrong" in the balance department. Otherwise Intrusion 2.0 is a GREAT patch because it actually gives players a reason to be logged in.


(217 replies, posted in General discussion)

We have no problems controlling Novastrov, since that is our home and the one island we're interested in living on. Domhalarn and Norhoop are irrelevant as anything but PVP opportunities to SovNov.

The other groups are like you, not relevant. F-Navy quit the game aka "regrouping on Alpha to pressure the developers", TOG couldn't kill an arkhe if their life depended on it, and M2S is shedding members left right and centre since they got beaten in the tournament.

When 10-15 man "groups" become a factor and not a lol-factor, depends how many TOR nabs from all the alpha-located corporations. This was evident in the tournament where SovNov corps steamrolled all non-SovNov corps involved.

The only relevant group in-game was SQUID, and whats left of that is now busily trying to re-secure Alsbale once they've noticed that we stopped all operations there a week ago after they evacuated. What Intrusion 2.0 will bring is the Evacuation Era, nothing more nothing less.

And yet, Soviet Novastrov still stands.


(217 replies, posted in General discussion)

We have been discussing this in SovNov since the intrusion system went live along with its consequent hotfixes.

Main problem is that there is no mechanic for the defender to do anything about the SAP besides stand around. From the attacking side, 1-5 light ewars are enough to complete a SAP. We are a big alliance and this means we can pursue a policy of "scorched earth", where we send small gangs to all islands to keep outposts destabilized and deploy the armada to crucial areas where resistance has been either scouted or leaked through bo-tang actions.

However there is absolutely no benefit to engaging in such a "scorched earth". We find ourselves in a situation where we have SAP's coming online every 2-4 hours, meaning most of our gaming time is spent running around the world trying to catch SAPs coming online. The system sounds good on paper but after sitting around mining/scouting gates for 6+ SAP's on Novastrov, its safe to say the system is just lackluster.

Most of the people we've seen come back for the tournament and Intrusion 2.0 are in most cases voicing severe disappointment; partly because the SAPs are coming online so fast, partly because they're so piss-easy to complete, and partly because there's quite frankly nobody playing this game so aside from great fun with 62nd from time to time, we sit around the campfire on Novastrov singing kumbaya.


(102 replies, posted in General discussion)

Its probably the outposts we've been trying to hand out to newbie corps since Terra Incognita. lol


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm not blackmailing everyone, I'm simply pointing out the dire situation of the game's population where if hypothetically 1 relatively small (600-700 accounts) alliance all unsubbed, it would pretty much kill the game instantly.

If and when CIR says goodbye to Perpetuum, rest assured we will put it together in a one-word-one-picture-per-page format so you should hopefully have no trouble understanding.

As for Mortal Online, yup we burned that game to the ground. They signed their own death-sentence the day the Developer CEO came into the game and told me he'd rollback the server because we built a keep in the spot his own guild wanted to build in, we merely carried the sentence out according to our policy.

In fact we still have a section of our members making sure the punishment fits the crime.

Twiddling your thumbs for at least 2 hours every 16 hours is... well, suffice to say "imbeciles" comes up as a frequent description point.


(65 replies, posted in Balancing)

ERP was only a problem for groups that were uncapable of recognizing the need to bring a dedicated Ictus pilot.


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

I don't see why you list us as versus each other, it's pretty obvious that you guys are playing in the late US / Australian timezone, when most of us are asleep.

It's reasonable to say that there is no other entity besides Soviet Novastrov in the European timezone, for now. We've had much fun fighting SQUID alliance, but now that they're on the door out there is very little if anything for us to do.

We can go as far as saying that IF SovNov chose to say, unsub en-masse tomorrow, the game would lose the amount of active players (nevermind some 600+ subscribed accounts) that it would never recover from again.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV BoyC wrote:

Most of what you listed there is heavy content work and has little to do with shader versions. Also most of these would be small, incremental updates to the existing visuals at huge development costs.

System wide changes however that don't require any of the current visual assets to be heavily modified can update the look of the game drastically without stretching our already worked to death content team even thinner. These are the kinds of changes that can benefit from the change in shader models and will result in a much bigger visual upgrade than "look there are now dustclouds when I walk".

That being said many of the things you mentioned are on our todo list as well.
Part of the content team is already working very hard on addressing the current issues in order of priority (as you've seen with the revamped Arkhe), and the rest are creating new gameplay content so that the game also evolves. With such a small team we need to prioritize tho.

I would ordinarily be happy and content that you guys were working hard...

... if I didn't hear DEV Alf logged 30 hours of Skyrim 2 days after the game released. lol


(67 replies, posted in Balancing)

3-4 Troiar Mk2's with a Riveler behind them doing energy transferring is a wonderful 0-risk tackling method.