Jita wrote:With the change to sparks (yay) can we also alter sap timers to encourage those effects.
I propose linking SAP times on opposite beta's so that there are five SAP times total and as they go off they impact all three islands at once.
This would
a) reduce the sap timer gaining PITA
b) promote PvP as there are more known sap times
c) force people doing saps to pick an island to defend / attack or split their force
d) reduce the total number of timers to one every four or so hours making fights more likely
OverAll: This would be awesome, because I would keep an alt at my terminal and press the attack button to opposing forces outpost all the time, till it's flipped then I'd move back to my own
A) Yes! Keeping spreadsheets of a sap timers are annoying, I'd like to be able to ping jabber once so all the guys could enjoy pvp at the same time!
B) Yes! Less work, more pvp I like it!
c) That's an awesome idea, so we can bring back alpha scouts and reactivate skynet so we know what Saps our enemies are going to show up where and pick the points we want to go to, while doing our saps with our alts on our island which we can easily reinforce!
D) Yes! More Saps More Loot! Awesome idea, not like I just hauled out 142 Heavy mech cortexs from Novastrov! we could drive the price down on industrial goods enticing cheaper PVP! Exspecially on heavy mks!
This is a great Idea! By reducing overall work in the SAP that means blood thirsty pvpers can go back to doing what they do best! Being blood thirsty pvpers!
Keep these Stellar Ideas coming!
Steam achievement Unlocked: Being a Badass
http://www.perp-kill.net/kill/239407Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.