(114 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

I started my project by initially looking at PP's data and such, getting a feel for it. The GBF extraction util is absolutely awesome. Great to see this is going again.

I'm guessing you did a bit of eavesdropping. I'm glad you did though, I did a few thousand mouse clicks to get everything up-to-date parameter-wise, and I wasn't looking forward to more manual inputting (and checking) components.

Alexander wrote:
bigsteve wrote:

Seems to be a bug with 2 of my fittings. a Riveler & Symbioint
The fittings are not loading

Some seem to have gone missing. A few of my castel fittings went missing. Database wipe?

Nope, but it was an easy bug to fix. Unfortunately I started messing in nearly all the original codebase, so I need to finish that first. The database is safe, I'd like to think it's fairly solid even against drunk Doek.

edit: bug should be gone.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs)

This might have been intended, but I noticed terminals (e.g. T&M alpha1/2) have a fairly static demeanor, with the exception of some jumping sparks. Most structures on the island look pretty active in comparison anyway. This might also be a bug, I can't remember if this used to be less static.

Anyway, here's a picture:


LOL a fine piece of thread necromancy. Besides, I think monoclegate was pretty clear about what would happen to a game when players even get a whiff of P2P.


Bitcoins are impossible to crack (you'll need way more accumulative computing power then what has been put into the leading transaction block for the last two years) but for stupid security (e.g. allowing your private keys to get stolen). The real problem is the value, it's jumping all over the place. It would be too much work for the little advantage of allowing your customer to pay using Bitcoin.


(8 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Use the code tag.

Refinery I
used		result		delta		Components	Relation	Material
999983		17554		122283		50		6%		87%
999973		17506		124673		50		5%		87%
999942		16816		159142		50		0%		87%

Refinery II
used		result		delta		Components	Relation	Material
99976 	 	1989 		526   		50		6%		99%
99997 		1984 		797   		50		5%		99%
999956		19894		5256  		50		6%		99%
999966		19840		7966 		50		5%		99%
999987		19059		47037 		50		0%		99%

All Characters have Refining 5


Yeah, the dropboxes turned out to be a pain. You could use Firefox (which responds to CSS when the website tells it to hide/show options), but I'll rebuilt that page soon and have it have a graphical selector (just like in-game).

edit: turns out it's not that much work: http://i.imgur.com/JRLOI.jpg (work in progress)

edit 2: bug squashed, e.g. you can now simply select your starter stuff by clicking pictures, near identical to how you did when you created a character.

Fef wrote:


I am not sure if the following are IE8 issues or the functionality still hasn't been coded in:-

a) I can only see my agents' extensions - no list of public profiles is available from the AGENTS tab

b) I can see only one "personal" Arbalest fitting. All the rest are at "0" fittings. Furthermore, now I cannot add a fitting to the Arbalest since the "Add" link has been replaced with the "1 personal" link.

Yeah, I have not actually coded in a public list, the public flag is just whether the URL you're agent's at, is public.

If you click the link to personal fittings, a window should pop up listing your Arbalest. The 'add' button is also in that window. I see now there's a bug for the particular jquery feature I'm using, naturally only IE 8 and below is affected. It's been fixed, but I see now I can't really support IE8 for now. I'm too dependent on standards, and even that's hard as it is.

This might change though, since I need an UI to show stats per module (accumulator, range, falloff and some other specific stats). This won't depend too much on graphical stuff.

edit: yup, now I broke the entire site. Good times.

So I played quite a bit my first week (now over a month ago), then had this idea to make this website. I also said to not touch my Termis (mined about four Sequer full with an Argano) before I could fit (and extension plan) it out of game. LOL (had fun though, just to illustrate what a true sandbox can mean).

Like... this one?



(49 replies, posted in Balancing)

Right, so summarized we need a economy to begin with (and I'll be perfectly happy to not empty my wallet every time I need a T1 item), and all those capable should be focusing on producing the higher-end stuff.

My guess is, btw, once there's a solid T1 economy, trial limitations might just be lifted in favor of a good experience (especially missiles might just really hurt conversion rates).

I've updated the site with the latest goodies. Let me know if you come across weird stuff.

You're right, of course. It's the HP reduction from a lightweight frame, this is just what happens if you're listening in on a TS3 with active PVP. Fact remains, it's just overzealous rounding of the client, and while I'm glad the devs built in an export function, at least have it maintain a precision or 2 (and please have it use the tokens, not the translation).

So, LWF's armor HP penalties are rounded, so the standard LWF has a penalty that's closer to -27.49% than 28%.

Getting there:


Remaining before release is some optimization, there's a lot of data going to the browser when you drop/remove a module, and I'd like to get robot-specific bonuses in there too (for instance what bonuses basic robotics has on all the different bots). And I keep running into walls with the calculations, oddly enough from an client item export about a week ago (the UI first rounds stuff, then exports those numbers yarr)

DPS/Mining yield/accumulator usage.. ehm, tricky.

This is what I came across today (it's my app giving me an overview of what it's doing):

[3] => Extension: ext_hull_upgrades (level 3) applies Hungarian Math™ [ 1025 * (1 + (5 / 100) * 3) ], or 15%, to item def_arbalest_bot's armor_max, going from 1025 to 1178.75
[4] => Extension: ext_mechanic (level 4) applies Hungarian Math™ [ 1178.75 * (1 + (2 / 100) * 4) ], or 8%, to item def_arbalest_bot's armor_max, going from 1178.75 to 1273.05
[5] => Modifier: added -28 % (from def_standard_mass_reductor) to robot's armor_max, going from 1273.05 to 916.596

So, that's rounded, between 917 and 916. Even if I round (or floor) the answers in between, I can't get it below 915. The problem? In-game runtime value (blue on show info) is 914 HP.

I'm like, GRRR.

Mechanics is at 4, complex mechanics at 3, for an Arbalest. Also includes a T1 standard lightweight frame, using a standard (1 - 0.28) calculation.

edit: found it.. you can't stack calculations, it needs to go in one go; e.g. base * (1 + (4*0.02 + 3*0.05)). Nice.

Okay, here we go:

    [3] => Extension: ext_hull_upgrades (level 3) applies Hungarian Math™ [ 1025 * (1 + (5 / 100) * 3) ], or 15%, to item def_arbalest_bot's armor_max, adding 153.75 (armor_max is now 1178.75)
    [4] => Extension: ext_mechanic (level 4) applies Hungarian Math™ [ 1025 * (1 + (2 / 100) * 4) ], or 8%, to item def_arbalest_bot's armor_max, adding 82 (armor_max is now 1260.75)
    [5] => Modifier: added -28 % (from def_standard_mass_reductor) to robot's armor_max, going from 1260.75 to 907.74

Smooth sailing? Nope, 907 HP??!! I know without demob it's 1261 (yup, a rounded up display value), so I'm guessing it's more than likely the reported 28% HP reduction from a demob is in actually more like 27.5%? Damn guys.


(52 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sweet, that's the advice I got from one of their admins too. The French stub also means some of the criteria (e.g. notability) are covered, whether it's more or less self-fulfilling shouldn't be much of an issue.


(2 replies, posted in Q & A)

That makes perfect sense. Thanks!


(2 replies, posted in Q & A)

What would be considered a specialized armor? I'm of course talking about i.e. the Optimized Armor Usage extension.

My first guess would be everything under the Armor Hardeners market group, but you'd think ERP's and maybe evasive modules might also qualify.

Yeah, I like this idea as well. Info button in landmark information only.

Let's put some newbie stuff in there, talk some fittings in-depth, e.g. PVP roles. Don't forget the new plans for outposts and get a dev on for this.

There's a lot of community projets going on too, e.g. my stuff, steve's, perp-carto, perp-kill, etc. But also more general (forum) stuff like getting perp's formula's down, the wikipedia page, FOOM's wiki, etc. Plug away.


(52 replies, posted in General discussion)

In the meanwhile, I've asked one of their admins to userfy the page, but it needs more citations. I'd also like to add a public reception page (the game needs to be 'notable'), so that means insurance fraud, duplication exploits, and the EVE exodus, but from a neutral point of view. If someone like to help me out and pull some sources and put some facts down, thanks a lot.

edit: Here's the draft: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Doek/Perpetuum


(52 replies, posted in General discussion)

Seems more than a little bias on their moderator's part, maybe due to previous attempts. I was given a warning of 'G11. Unambiguous advertising or promotion', while I pretty much copied the EVE Online article and mostly changed details (okay, it took me a while, especially with the game's background story). Still, I'm sure it was neutral, unbiased and fairly informative. Oh well, their loss I guess. If they nuke a few hours of my time that easily, I'm not willing to risk investing more.


(52 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've added a Perpetuum page to Wikipedia. If someone like to get in there and clean it up a little, add some citations, much appreciated.


Alexander wrote:

Very nice but the fitting tool needs a search option/filter.
Also can't work out how to save a fitting as public.

Public fittings should also be rateable by registered users.

Alright, filter is in there. Thanks for that.

Fittings right now are always public, but I'm currently working on a corporation feature, so you can save fittings private, corporation-wide or public. It made more sense to me to implement that all in one go.

I've updated the site to include a loadout fitter. It's very experimental, but the drag & drop interface is pretty neat. Allows exporting in a raw format made famous by EVE.

You can share loadouts by the raw export of by copying the URL. Right now it's all public, but I'll change it soon to be optionally public, so you can either share your loadout or have it private.

You can understand of course, that while this is all still fairly limited, it should make turning it in a full fledged fitter not a big step up.