I've heard rumors of successful duo, or even solo endeavors. Granted, the game could do with some active promotion.


(0 replies, posted in Bugs)

Although I've noticed it only for bots right now, info windows (and their respective CSV exports) show twice the info, although with different labels. Think Accumulator/Accumulator capacity, or Armor/Armor status, but also Mass/Mass (with one of them rounded differently). I'm guessing they're placeholders for when the robot is actually equipped, but I'd strongly suggest keeping the regular window as clean as possible.


(52 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arilou wrote:

Looking at this:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia: … /Perpetuum
I get the impression that reviews from magazines aren't enough to establish notability. What might be needed are articles that focus on Perp in a discussion of a more general topic, like game design ("Perpetuum is a perfect example of _____ design principle") or game development in countries not famous for their game production ("Perpetuum illustrates just how well the emerging Eastern European tech sector is blah blah blah...")

Stuff like externally verified subscription numbers would probably help, too.

Well, their own GNG (general notability guidelines) state it's not about specifics, just having 'plenty' of 'reliable' sources on the subject (preferably secondary). Although it seems the discussion is going the way of keeping the article, this will also secure the article from spontaneous deletion.


(52 replies, posted in General discussion)

Right, notability. In other words, how does one fail at using Google?

Alexander wrote:

Either improve export system or add an API with a GREATLY improved export system. wink

I'd say an API with a static export to query out of makes more sense. But no matter, the only useful static exports we have is extension history and events.

Let me outline this one more time, given the last few patches the point just doesn't come across.

Dear devs, we have the dictionaries from the GBF. We can pull them out at will, so whatever the language, we can make sense of tokens. Tokens are unique, yet their translations aren't. So whenever we export something, we either don't know what they are (there's no unique identifier) or there's 3/4 tokens to choose from based on their ambiguous translation in exports of numerous items (not an ounce/gram of overestimation here). So please, just throw us an actual bone. Tokens, not their translations.

Here's my database so far, for those interested. It's slightly out-of-date, and there's a lot of guesses that is going to bite me in the *** when an official static dump is released. All easily solved by the suggested tweak.


Yeah, either/both in the file name / csv file. Thanks!

Guys, come on, component export without item names? And while you're at it, add the following:

  • item exports should have an additional column, with the token name (e.g. CPU usage would be cpu_usage). This to prevent ambiguity, which occurs now on a wide range, severely limiting the usefulness of this export. Please.

  • have this for the component export too

  • item names in all exports (parameters, component, markets)

Many thanks.

Added terminal/outpost facility levels and owner information to the map (click the grey pins). If you notice out-of-date information, slap me around a little (not too hard) in-game, it's not automatically updated (no API).


(0 replies, posted in Q & A)

As per this devblog: http://blog.perpetuum-online.com/posts/ … er-part-2/

I'd like to know if there's any code in the client right now that enables a free moving camera (e.g. one that doesn't rotate around the robot). Thanks!

Trap Card wrote:


ISK? What's that?

I made a funky error by thinking one pixel is one meter, while in fact it's 1 tile (10 meter). Corrected the artifact feature accordingly. I've also updated the description on how it works, I've noticed some people were using invalid formats.

edit/update: Added an option to see a fit with an agent that has all extensions to level 10, to play around with. Notice however that robot bonuses are not in there (coming very soon), but this was a requested feature.

update 2: the site will now log you back in automatically (starting if you log in from now on, of course). Uses what is called localStorage, or web storage. The website was fairly secure already by never sending your password in the clear (single-use hashed challenge-response), and not having to use cookies doesn't invalidate all that nice security blabla.

update 3: agent overview now shows EP allocated per extension, and the EP/NIC cost at the bottom is now excluding starter extension (so it's the raw amount you've spend so far).

Arga wrote:

The call for PVE is also due to the low numbers, making PVP harder to find. A slow constant development of PVE is what the game needs, not trying to change it to a PVE game because of low server pop.

Of course. In the end it's about building and destroying sandcastles. In Perpetuum more literally than other sandboxes, apparently yarr

This is always an interesting read (something to hold against the light after each patch):


Johnny EvilGuy wrote:

Over a decade later, there's no reason why some of the situations that are unique to MMOs (varying player skills, fittings, numbers hunting together, etc.) can't be overcome.  AI programming that emulates human behaviour is a complex undertaking, but not insurmountable..

Well, it seems to me the amount of effort required to get AI right is near impossible on a budget when complexity goes up. I once had a talk with an AI developer working at Guerrilla (Killzone is one of their titles), he showed me some impressive tech for letting the AI deal with the player and squad behavior (up to par with scientific research on the subject, e.g. AI and multi agent systems), but it was immensely complex (they had to dedicate PS3 cores to the AI just to handle their shenanigans).

Also, I'm not sure if it was a thing with Unreal, but I remember from working with Quake-engine bots no AI really just 'worked'. You had to litter your maps with hints and waypoints if any human-emulating bot was going to show some decent skills. Again, the amount of effort you have to put in to just get AI barely working is fairly large.

I don't know. I think they did a decent job and it does surprise me more than most MMO's (I guess not behaving human can also be a pro).

I've added a visual artifact scanning feature. I have not done artifact scanning myself yet, but I've heard it goes a little something like this:


If you have some math to offer, drop me a line.

Alexander wrote:

Question about the mapping tool. When can we expect to maybe see options for Light, assault, mech and heavy mech terrain map options?

It's just a lot of work, stitching together screenshots from the in-game map (that's the only source I know of). Right now it's light (taken from my Cameleon), and heavy mech would right now be a no anyway wink

By missing a zoom function you mean your tool right? wink Well the code is all client side, so view the source to see what I did here.

edit: Hmm, that reminded me; the Mercator projector won't allow for any of those features, since the distances will become larger as you move towards the poles. The Perpetuum map is flat, so I'd have to have it use an Euclidean projection. So that's why the generic labels are positioned for now.

edit 2: I'm right now reworking the world to fit a 1 pixel = 60 cm scale. The base map I exported from the game (using the console) has a 1 pixel = 1 meter scale, so whatever math in meters / 0.6 = in-game meters.

edit 3: the mapping tool is now more properly scaled and uses it's own projection class. Also, I've retained the 0 zoom setting, so you can zoom out and watch the islands disappear. Don't get lost!

I've added a mapping tool, allowing you to explore Nia in a familar way (I mean, who hasn't used Google Maps right?) and drop markers (by clicking the map) denoting spawns, mineral presence, tacticals, etc. Corporation-wide sharing coming very soon. Heavy on the modern standards, so use the latest versions of IE, Firefox, Safari or Chrome if you encounter issues.



(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Johnny EvilGuy wrote:
Celebro wrote:

Mmm.. how do you get the 'tone' with sight?

I can answer that question!!!  Here's a hyperlink to a chart even!

http://www.skin-whitening-product.com/s … chart.html

Using this chart you can determine your tone just by holding your hand near your screen.  This will assist you in selecting correct cosmetic products that complement your natural beauty.

Don't use Firefox/Safari though, they have *** color profiling.


(69 replies, posted in General discussion)

If you guys have some empty blocks of time to fill, I'll gladly draw from my library. Granted I have no idea how to get my stuff 'up there', but that's just details.

Raptine wrote:

Awesome work Doek!

I just noticed that my profile lists Expert Efficient Mass Production as a rank 3 extension while in-game it is listed as a rank 5. The description is also garbled but that may be due to IE8.

Ah, thanks for noticing that. Could you post a screenshot? I couldn't find what you mean with IE9 running in IE8 mode.


(69 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mark Zima wrote:

It would be cool to have the radio in-game, as part of the gaming experience. Ambient loops taken to the next level. With occasional broadcasts of something interesing/useful in addition to music.

Stand-alone is not (interesting) enough.

Sounds like a bit of a technicality. At least I hope the take-away here is more than an having an in-game streamer instead of just running your favorite media player while playing the game. Yes?

Juan Valdez wrote:

I had never seen it before, and it includes six fits, five of them for Grophos. Not exactly a newbie friendly resource!!

Yup, and you're discussing fits for new players. Can you do the 1 + 1?


You could still, you know, put out some public fits on a certain site. Maybe accompany them with a detailed description, explaining what they do and how you can make them work in more detail.


Very well done, pretty much EFT reborn for Perpetuum. Some weeks well spent.

An option to import an extension history import (.csv) from the game would be very useful.

Works perfectly fine here on Windows 7 x64, btw.

Mark Zima wrote:

Planner data dump has the bonuses.
I've pulled them out in SQL format for you: https://gist.github.com/1149898.
(No idea what's the purpose of "effect_enhancer" flag).

Ah. Well, that also clear up a lot, seeing these aggregates. I know from the dictionary there must've been specific ones other than just, say, damage modifier (each weapon type and size have their own), but I made a choice when dealing with the ambiguity of the csv exports. It's still going to require some work getting them in, but it certainly helps having a definite list. Thanks for that.

Sundial wrote:

Also Doek, I think you forgot to calculate green bots or specifically the Tyranos bonus in Accumulator recharge time.

I can see Energy Management is used, but the 5% * Robotics Level is not currently working, at least in the case of the Tyranos.

Yeah, still working on that one. It comes down to sitting down, going through the market, encoding it in some format (probably a database), and adding code to effect bonuses.

Just now, I did upload a new version which runs a 10 min. accumulator simulation, giving a reasonable picture of how the accumulator is going to behave. I have some code in the works that'll allow disabling modules and loading charges.

I'm a complete math idiot, so if anyone's got an idea how to solve it with a formula instead of basically trying to imitate the game, please :-)

Proof (running a stopwatch next to the game then using the same fit on the site): http://i.imgur.com/YDgHS.jpg