Gremrod wrote:

I would like to see assignments that send you through their own TP to an instanced assignment that is a mini-island.
The devs can do a lot with instanced mini-islands.
Assigment tells you to go to X temp TP (can be the mobile TPs used for this feature). Once there, you teleport to the assignment instance. You have some objectives to complete. Number of objectives etc based on assignment level.
You can teleport back to the main islands anytime to get more ammo etc. But once you finish the assignment and turn it in, the instance is gone along with the temp TP.
This can help with giving the assignment system something that is much needed, i.e. story. Named Mechs that go with the story.
Overall I think it would bring some interesting pve content to the game.

+1 this is great... Have the Alpha missions instanced to alpha instances. Leave the beta ones in beta just boost the profit and rep gain for beta missions to be alligned with risk. Also implement a faction mod shop where tokens are used to get maybe niani or t2+ gear maybe even t4+ for crazy amounts of tokens.

Another thing that I've stopped doing that most people also stoped doing,  back when you could do hauling missions "golden triangle" I would check the market for a possible quick buck by transporting mats from one location to another. I have 3 accounts all can drive sequer one can drive (lithus back then) scarab. hypothetically if i saw 3mill U of titan ore in ICS A that was 10 nic per unit cheaper than the highest buy order at TM A I would accept my missions buy up enough titan to fill my cargo then transport it to TM A and complete my missions and make a quick buck and stimulate the economy also fueling a industrialist while i was at it.

I also think that PVE/market relation would benifit from have a true Trading Hub and player contracts. Maybe a tax free syndicate island. Since it was mentioned that a syndicate area for tutorials was being looked at. Possibly make a small island in the center of the 3 Alpha1s for the tutorial missions and have that terminal offer no tax or lower tax but no bonuses to any of the facilities. That coupled with the possible introduction of player contracts would stimulate the economy and add a layer of missions (player made contracts) that would open the PVE world dramaticly imo.


(13 replies, posted in Events)

Ville wrote:

why do we have to pay to join a tournament with no prizes?

Ville it would have been winner take all... Entry fees if no prizes were donated, Last time I gave assaults to all the light bot pilots cause I had the laying around in my personal storage, I would do that again but previous post explains it all. I'm trying to sort out some lines in galoly to get some assaults, light e-wars and Tier mods as prizes for the light bot portion the other one I'm still relying on donations or entry fees to get them a prize. I'll start farming more soon and throw some better prizes up on the board.


(13 replies, posted in Events)

Well thanks all for the intrest but now RL issues have crippled me. My ISP decided its time we get turned off Phone and DSL for no apparent reason. Anni will tell you about Telecom I'm sure he's heard horror stories, this is the 3rd time this has happend and they are the monopoly for ISP in Germany(so they treat people like crap)... Sorry guys maybe if my internet is back on by the time I get home from work (But this is Germany no one works from friday to tuesday) I will spam it in general but I've been through this before and have little hope of internet or phone for the next 2 weeks. fuuu TELECOM fuuu In the mean time i will forum lurk from work. hmm and wish that I could play as I just droped the EP for my seth mk2 like 3 days ago and wanted to test out the rusty chicken.


(13 replies, posted in Q & A)

KKO to Internal to SS to blaha to KK then push ursells jump on contact to Yula then push for external once we get to moyar we can push back to ss then repeat from there.

Is it Tallseyers or Tailseers? Or how Galoly OP is no where near Galoly B TP

Anyway +1 to Anni on making things alittle to difficult sometimes.

Everx wrote:

How about have Islands that are Light bot only, or Mech etc.  That way you know going on that island your only going to find "X" style of bot.  Does not stop the blob vs 3, but at least in terms of bots you know your only going to run into one type.  Then have some sort of King of Hill or SAP going so loot could be generated to get people fighting and caring for these islands.

I thought of this too by limiting certain teleporters to only small things or only big things to make travel alittle more intersting also logistics of a roam might be hard if your tackler can't come threw the same tp as the mechs.

But I have to agree with arga that this would just cause some people look for ways to break artifical limits somehow... If you played stEVE it was Wormhole stability and class of wormhole... Class 0 and 1 would only support battle cruisers now if I set up 3-5 pos in my class 1 with T3 battle cruisers then build a carrier at one of my pos what out side force of cruisers will come and kill me? No one, Fact is my Carrier is still in a class 1 WH, lol its funny, but I could resub today and have 3 toons inside a wh with the abablity to set up a pos in under a 1/2 hour.


(13 replies, posted in Events)

no more contestants? well thanks burial for signing up but I might cancel this one and just NPC since no one is intrested.

I'm still waiting for daily Missions from different Corps... Once you pick your daily it seals you to those dailys for that day.


(8 replies, posted in Balancing)

No T1 should have Epi in as of 3-4 patchs ago... If you find one report it in bugs otherwise....

+1 I support this


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Plants are very big on Nia check the parameters on the information tab of the bot your piloting and it will say somewhere how tall it is. I think the Mesmer is like 6m tall, where as the seth is 6m round(poor chicken). Also alot of people are taking a breather silently awaiting the next patch which should be soon*^tm.


(33 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

+1 for a destroy option and longer timer.


(73 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)



(65 replies, posted in General discussion)

Anni I had such hopes for us......Obi that just, wait was that? no it wasn't.

OK for you inbetween the lines illiterate people the above statement means 2 things.

A. Lemon is syndic.... And can access all of the "rainy day items" and is back in the game.
B. Syndic isn't lemon but lemon wants to account share to get items off an account which syndic is claiming is his on the CIR website.

Wheres Jasdemi and binary to trololol this one. Come on I do all the dig work, the tunnel under the bridge is built just needs a nice hairy troll.


(65 replies, posted in General discussion)

Lemon wrote:

I log in to a special account that i happen to know of that has all the CIR assets over 3000 T4 fit mechs and 200 T4 HM's.... i then i happen to fit these assets to players who will just follow me in siegeing the entire server in to oblivion.

Syndic on CIR website wrote:

Update regarding Perpetuum
22 Feb : 06:08 posted by Syndic  Comments: 0

I've gotten a number of queries from our Perpetuum-veterans regarding a rumor that some old players were given access to the stockpiles.

To make things clear, no bots were given or will be given to anyone. Our stockpile was produced as a team-effort of hundreds of players for our corporation. The stockpile in its entirety, consisting of raw materials, commodities, T1-T4 modules, mechs and heavy mechs is storaged on an account whose subscription ran out two months ago. The original "rainy-day" stockpile is storaged on a separate account whose subscription elapsed weeks before we quit.

The stockpile is there to service our corporation's needs and wants should we ever choose to return to Perpetuum.

Hope that answers your issues boyz. All is good and under control as always. smile


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

I still have sunday to plan an even I thought of something like that ville but I thought of making it more like ghost buster. A Masked e-war hides in hershfield and a few teams of lights chase him. Last team standing or first to kill the ghost win.


(27 replies, posted in News and information)

Tux wrote:

Well I will tell you right now what is going to happen with PBS as Rex mentioned. There are a few groups of players out there who will not use them for the first 3 months all they will do is destroy every last one of them. what this will do is will push  the Devs to make the PBS stronger and stronger until that attacking group of players get it the way they want to use it for defense. Then once all the buffs are added that attacking group of players will start deploying their own PBS’s pushing all the limits that the others never thought of and making the PBS system need a nerf because the limits were pushed too far.

I just want to break something .. gimme PBS !!!

+1 I'll ride on that one TUX lets go knock over someones castle as soon as it looks like a mound of sand. smile


(68 replies, posted in General discussion)

screeny or it didn't happen.... I remember the 'climax' of the whole norhoop thing was 62nd and war logged in one morning and had 10-14 accounts logged in, most if not all 62nd and war have between 3 and 6 accounts so do the math. I think it was 6 RL people just logging in and logging out when the scout screamed there was a rat in the trap.

Come on ville don't get your panties in a bunch here you moved on the greener pastures it looks.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

@Grem Good call but i dont think we will get that big of a turn out w/ most of the games population really sitting in station and collecting ep, to do a full on corp vs corp type tourney.

Also I'm having trouble finding an area that will suit mechs my make shift area near galoly fits lights and assaults very well more range than that and i will need to get a bigger valley. Also as lemon said on alpha i'm negating the biggest opps factor of pvp being in AOE explosion.


(13 replies, posted in Events)

Saturday the 17th at 19:30 servertime, will start light bot tournament and Assault team battles.

Again this is for low ep skilled to high ep skilled individuals to fight off and kill each other.

WHAT: BRING t1 FIT LIGHT BOTS ( YAGEL, PROMETHEUS, CASTEL ), T1 modules. Simple t1, what new player could pilot, this is the Low EP tourney
Tournament Day: 3-17-12
Time: 1930 server time
Who: light bots 1VS1 or 2vs2 if we get the #s This is for low EP players T1 fit bots only please.
Cost: 200k entry fee, we can all sponsor new players if they lack money.
Rules: Stay inside the arena, and on a timer flag up and kill the opposing team.
Where: Outside Galoly Attalica!!! <-- NOTE LOCATION.
Prizes: Yet to be donated!

NEW Tournament ALL EP Assault teams
WHAT: Bring your Mk1 assault T1 only
Tournament Day: 3-17-12,.
Time: 2000 server time EST start time will do the low EP Tourny first.
Who: Assaults 2VS2 teams mixed (no same color teams) single elimination. We need 4 teams to even start this 8 would be great.
Cost: 1 Mill entry fee per team.
Rules: Stay inside the arena, and on a timer flag up and kill the opposing team.
Where: Outside Galoly Attalica!!! <-- NOTE LOCATION.
Prizes:Donations please.

Any Corp or Agent willing to donate prizes please post here or In-game mail me if you wish to remain unnamed.

Please sign up in forums if you are entering... Not enough entries and I'm not racing home to host it. yarr


(27 replies, posted in News and information)

I hope this doesn't interfere with lemons arena


(26 replies, posted in Events)

Troll somewhere else like balancing or corp chat please


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Inda you would like more assault matchs?

Also are there corps that are intrested in 3 vs 3 assaults I had that as a request too.

Now we go back to the noob questions as why are we not kiteing when in this game has it become a routine to sit in a spawn and tank it solo? I've never truely tanked anything solo in this game(with out kiteing)... well except a few morte in my zenith but thats another story. If you want to tank a spawn solo try the mk2 artimis great resists and a erp will help but since were nerfing those again never mind.
+1 to more accu on heavys so I can solo tank 5th star mechs and heavy mechs in my seth that eats accu for breakfast with a full head of tunings and LCLs, while were at it can i get a god mode button that insta heals me and give me back the active ECCM effects.

So after the reboot of the light bot tournament, and adding in some flavor with the assault racial tournament. I got more than a few requests to run a Mech tournament. With a Mech tournament I got requests for every thing from just T1 fit mk1 mechs to full blown mk2 no limits. I would like to get everyones opinion that would be willing to risk w/mechs and how they would go about it, right now I have around 5 options.
1. Mk1 T1 fit.
2. Mk1 No limit to fit
3. Mk1 with point system where each mod t1=1pt t2=2 ect 30 point max fit.
4. Mk2 no limit
5. Best of Race w/ no limit.

I spoke with Yoslin and we concluded that if you make a no limit to fit match 2-3 people will sign up and scare most of the other people away from signing on as they will think '$hit i can't beat him' (could need secrete sign up?). A few of the other people I spoke with think that the point system will be the best option as it will force you to fit to your style and play that way if each mech has 13 slots and you fit 4 t4 guns you only have 14 points left to 9 slots, a t4 frame and your down to 10 points for 8 slots looks like your gonna have some t1 in there.

OK people lets throw some ideas around and get this looking nice so I can throw this up on the events for the 17th/18th


(26 replies, posted in Events)

After Action Review:

The good:
1. People came out even on short notice
2. Fights went smooth and the makeshift arena held lights and assaults nicely
3. Prizes and donations were made for the light bot pilots.

The bad:
1. More vegitation in the arena would have been nice. (Kanogi donated his cut to plant more)
2. Attendance of fighters. (Will give a bigger notice and possibly schedule some earlier fights for the AU tz)
3. To hard to fraps while being the announcer and boundry officials. FPS went to crap. (will ask for a person to fraps the fights or will use other in game items as boundry markers. Field cans maybe.)

Any thing you guys think could be improved on let me know.


(26 replies, posted in Events)


Round one Khadia [Yagel] vs planktron [prom] winner plank
Round two Qin Tzu [Castel] vs Memphis [Prom] winner memphis

Final round lights

Memphis [prom] vs plank [prom] winner MEMPHIS with a dual plated auto cannon turtle
Memphis also took on Marshal Malinovski in an unscheduled fight where both used auto cannons marshal had a shield on his yagle winner Memphis
Main event

Wasp Shaedys vs Drizzit
Drizzit capped early and shaedys went for the kill with a neut and some long range d-mobing he kept himself on top of the match. Winner Shaedys

Arablest Kanogi vs Inda
Both fits were very un-orthodox with kanogi sporting neuts and drainers and inda with a throw back to *** days fireing lasers off his arb. Kanogi pushed in early go the de-mob and once inda lost his cap he played cat and mouse as much as possible. But Kanogi finally got him down using just one auto cannon. Winner Kanogi

Baph Darth Vader vs Durrneki
Vader got held up on the death-star by some neutral rebels so he had to pull out of the tournament.
Kanogi stepped up to fight and with the surprise of his fit gone Durrneki kept range with a l-demob and forced his foe to overcome a long 200m in open terrain to get to him. Kanogi took to much damage and capped out before too long durrneki had him pinned down. Winner Durrneki

Thanks to all the fighters New and old.
Special grats to Memphis for his first pvp victory
Hope to see you all back on the sign in list for the 17th and 18th Hope to do some Mechs this time.
Thanks to Kazimir Casus for donating the prize of 10mill 3 mill to each of the assault winners and 1.5 mil and 500k to the 1st and 2nd place lights along with Assaults for all the light bot pilots and the winner took home a light e-war as well.