(26 replies, posted in Testing server)

Well I see what Lemon is doing here and if you don't your a fool.

He is telling the population exactly how he will us this item. After he uses it there will be a big QQ thread on the forums about how OP/broke the stealth tower is. Lemon will direct all traffic back to this thread and explain how dumb people were by not acknowledging how correct his annalysis of the tower is.

Please people go to test server and build a stealth tower. Fit sniper bot and then test it on a friend not in squad. This tower isn't going to be used for hiding your miners you will just build an Outpost close to the ore you want and pop up a mining tower and dock up the miners if someone comes to your island.


(0 replies, posted in Localization)

Helicon VIII Mission accepted in berwalem

Last step in mission drop CT's in box, box is located at 1634,1769 Attalica

Mission point is named [def_mission_kiosk_blah blah ]


(23 replies, posted in Balancing)

/ agree but if Mk2 lights were easily manu'd and not as pricey do to mats they would become more common sight imo. And If they do give the mk1 lights an extra head slot and leg slot ..... oh the Mk2s are now assaults with one less gun....


(13 replies, posted in Events)

Saturday the 26th at 2030 servertime

Tournament Day: 5-26-12
Time: 2030 server time
Who: Any one wanting to test their PVP merit against one and other
Cost: Who cares its the test server
Rules: Dock at ICS Beta set as your home then PVP test away
Where: Outside ICS Beta
Prizes: GET REAL No prizes on test server !

Lets see Real server fits, lets see fantasy T4+ and protos, let me know on this thread if your coming maybe we can get some team stuff organized.

Edited time 15mins +


(23 replies, posted in Balancing)


<cough> lower the mat cost of MK2 lights <cough>


(52 replies, posted in Testing server)

Deathmonkey wrote:

Keep the new content coming folks, and I'll be here forever, in exchange for new content faster, I promise to have patience when things aren't 100% balanced on day 1 of rollout.

Guess you didn't sell off your epi reserves to fuel your wall spam then have walls nerfed and told you won't get refunded. I'd much rather see a 97% balanced product with some minor tweaking then the 50-100% knee jerks we have been getting prior to the test server. Small list of knee jerks

Assault bots X2

Proxy detect mine X1 (complete rework including refund)

Walls X2

Quite a few other bots were knee jerked while the game was still in its opening months FOTM nerfs.


(52 replies, posted in Testing server)

Ville wrote:

I have a suggestion for everyone, STOP TYPING A *** NOVEL.  About the third sentence I go this *** boring.

Ville you count periods? Wait what?


(52 replies, posted in Testing server)

/agree with most of what has been posted.

Would like to see exactly what the devs are planning on pushing as a final product. To my knowledge there are still quite a few missing animations for mods and buildings. If they are all done then I says tweak the buildings DPS and start requesting PVB assault runs on the test server to see for yourselves. After that tweak them again and see what it looks like. The final product shouldn't require a knee jerk after release, a subtle finger flick or eyelid blink should be all thats needed to push things back to balance.

Skip this if you don't want my opinions in detail.

1. Terraforming: Seems cool is slow @ test server must be painfull on live server.
2. PBS and buildings: All seem a little week perhaps raise the HP and add some more points to resists or allow us to put up resist towers.
3. Turrets: All turrets are also weak in armor. Would like to see some other turret designs as well. (sniper turrets high range high alpha but very slow cycle Hint hint....)
4. New Mods. Haven't tested them in about a week but last test showed the Zenith becoming a beast with the Vaga lacking in some areas. Suggested get rid of suppressor tunings addition range de-buff and give ECM tuning a cycle time %-.
5. Research of PBS seems to be inline with all other research.
6. New scanning. Worked after the patch seems to be fine.
7. Distrobution of Minerals/Plants was needed for a long time and may if nothing else cause players to have a 2nd set of bots on a different color island.

Things that IMO should be included in this Expansion that aren't
1. Focused research. The abality to select a item or even a tree of items to focus your research on even if it costs you more kernals is needed.
2. Spark Teleport. At a cost and cool down you spark is teleported to a station that you must visit and set as your teleport station.

All is good if animations and finishing touches are being done to expansion let it rip. However please don't release it to early if more balance and fine tuning are needed. Lots of interesting threads in this section to read on whats "OP" or "Broke" or "IMBA" please devs read them and test them also before plunging ahead with the new chapter.

path finding on live server aint much better fuuu


(106 replies, posted in Testing server)

Problem at hand: Bases on defense will want to not allow enemy to terraform in the base or around the base.  Enemys on assault will want to be able to terraform near the base to disrupt the enemys defensive perimeter.

Solution is to allow all to terraform on an island anywhere they like... +
Once a base is placed allow slide bar function like beta terminals that slow the terraforming mod cycle time of those on the bad list. So I hop on to M2S island go with in 3000m of their station and notice I have perma terraforming debuff because of my relations to them. This means that they will terraform twice as fast as me on this part of the island. This will allow for great walls to be made but also make them reversable, for a determined group.


(2 replies, posted in Testing server)

DEVS please please remove our dependancy on NPC seeded items and move to full player made items.

List of items that IMO should only be seeded by players at this point that are still NPC seeded.

Ammo, for all weapons and indy items including scanner charges of all types.



Field cans


Please move us away from dependancy on NPC orders


(34 replies, posted in Testing server)

doctor drillbit wrote:

hu? ive only used target maskers on supperior observers on alpha way back then, that thing has other uses? even fielding it on a bot that can't see *** too? a troiar?

Failed to derail! Use an mk2 troiar to target mark something cause its so well sheilded you fool. Blob the only tactic in your tactical field manual?

Suppression is a very powerfull tool I agree and while some see it as over powered lets all raise your hands if ON LIVE SERVER you have:
thelodical 10
advance robots 10
suppression 10
long range e-war 10
long range targeting 10
*Khader Khan raises hand

Now before we all melt down and have a nerf this rage post who on live server has used a Mk2 zenith with suppressors
*Khader Khan raises hand
I'm fairly certain there are only 4-5 other pilots who run this robot Lemon(not sure which toon), Xelobain, Whys, and Sharkwolf.
From the looks of the kill boards last time you lost one was a year ago whys so you remember how easy it is to lose one when your outnumbered? Even if you "lock one enemy down". I'm not picking on you Whys please don't take it personal just wondering why your posting up math vs one robot when we all know you might catch some one solo but most likely no one will ever take an mk2 zenith out alone. So the point is moot and further more the zenith with out a sheild is paper thin its an E-war mech and needs a dps mech for support to kill its target to begin with.


(34 replies, posted in Testing server)

Whys wrote:

any zenith pilot fitted for suppressing will never fit a range extender it's useless and a waste of head slot. especialy if you get someone with EW nexus to support you.

the question about the suppressor tunning is that they become really to overpower on a zenith or intakt with the combination of their bot bonus.

Question: Have you ever driven a zenith mk2 with 1 range extender and a lvl 10 ewar nexus?  2 t4 RSA's are the perfect match for that bot add in a target marker troiar mk2 and you have a serious sniper fleet support bot. Just saying.

If we all fall to your cookie cutter math when it comes to fitting no one would ever have better range than any one else. WOT here I come again.

And @ Lemon, never thought I would say this but well said man.

Nothing is holding people in 0.0 in that other game and they do the same things day in and day out....


(82 replies, posted in Testing server)

*reduce the player Deployment area of the PBS to the area which is needed to be flat for when you unpack the station its self.

This will alleviate the deploying to the bottom of a cliff or on to the side of the mountain.

Wouldn't be opposed to a 24 hour power need on teleporters.


(11 replies, posted in Testing server)

Didn't know it was a contest or I woulda timed it but I started it went to brush my teeth, came back and it was done so around 3-5mins. Was very nice and fast. No complaints


(29 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Thanks every one. We are looking for more people! All Timezone we currently have people from EU and US Timezones playing.

Stop buy our open chat <12> and have a word with us if your interested in joining.

Also if you have a contract, or just need some Mercs same chat channel.

Blue on Blue Mara is refering to here is that your not safe even with your own corpmates..... So you thin skined lilly livered wanna bees need not apply. 62nd looks for people not afraid to lose pixels, even if its to show the enemy "honey badger don't care" and suicide. 

If your still reading and guerella warfare is your flavor, PM someone up in game we'll test your skills and knowledge and see if ya got what it takes.

yarr  + miners = fuuu


(26 replies, posted in Balancing)

Lucius Marcellus wrote:

I think we should limit the training mech/hmech to paid accounts only

This is all that is needed.


(26 replies, posted in Balancing)

IP tracking and only having one trail account active per IP should solve this for the most part. Even stEVE makes it so if you have a paid account open you can not have a trial account open on the same computer, You can however have as many paid accounts open as you want. Also in stEVE they have limitations to what ships can be trained by pilots.

#4Maybe AC will make the Advanced robotics skill only trainable by paid accounts! And make trials not allowed to go to beta or gamma. I still know people with 5-7 accounts subbed can make an arkhe alt army and lock down an island but they won't be able to do much else but scout those TPs.

Frozen EP would work Hunter, but people might not understand the concept and think they aren't gaining experiance for anything they do get frustrated and leave with out asking questions.

Block advanced robotics skill to trial account users. Problem w/ trial miners solved.

Which TOG the Beta TOG or that other TOG that isn't TOG?


(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

One day test clean copy of what you currently have in live server at X:XX time ( with maybe test items for free on test server market).  If longer more specific testing is needed select via lottery and have the test the specific items in question.

What we don't want is all the people leaving the live server to become their alter ego on the test server and have the live server a ghost town.

I'd come and co-host with ya Grem or guest host if you just need a fill in for an episode. As for topics we haven't had a political landscape topic since NEX came to perp. Alot has happened since then. Alot of New corps and spin off corps. New Beta owners and what not. Might be a good one to pass the time until Test server and patch come out.


(24 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Back when they Buffed, Over Buffed then Nerfed the assaults. There was a big talk about getting 3 types of assaults one was a Full Dps type the other was a Speed type and the last one was going to be a stealthy. I'm not sure if this idea was scrapped? If it was I would suggest bringing it back to the table. I know it sounds PVP only but I'm sure all of us including the PVE guys drove an assault at some point.