Update plx?
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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Guns nButter
Update plx?
I personally love shotgun setups but with explosion damage they are almost completely useless. Maybe a deflective armor mod that reduces armor hp in exchange for seriously negating explosion damage? Maybe 90% explosion reduction at T4 with -20% armor hp?
As of now light bots have an advantage over heavies due to terrain climbing abilities. I think this needs to stay the same.
A small change can be made to the CT degradation. Make it static instead of random. It would allow accurate calculation of materials.
Additionally, I would love to be able to designate an output folder for Corp production. For instance I should be able to designate an folder in corp storage for my output instead of having people wait till I get home from work or wake up to put things in there.
i think lemon has proved plenty of times that artemis mk2 is well worth it
sequer mk2 and lithus mk2 need some lovin though...
Looking for a confirmation that this mob does indeed have a bugged loot table please. Players or Devs or otherwise
I think this would be fair if it could only target the islands external teleports and had a cooldown timer similar to the emergency ones. Call it a "Long Range Teleporter" and change the current ones to "Short Range Teleporters".
this was in alien swarm (briefing lobby place) and it was AMAZING.
Though how about we say it's on the MAP instead of the radar? I don't want to have to zoom out my radar
And night vision without need to launch something, maybe thermal one plox. Can help with night time LoS.
This, absolutely, yes please. I'm tired of not being able to see stuff on my top monitor...
@ Baudolino - Being ambitious leads to the initial assault changes that turned them into FOTM. Let's leave ambitious on the drawing board, throw the board out the window, and then shoot it with a 50 caliber machine gun.
I've heard that tracking is impossible due to the game engine. We'll set that aside.
Collision is an interesting topic. On one hand, it would make certain pvp fights more interesting. On the other, griefing.
How about we just steer clear of the griefing...
well thats flawed logic isnt it. vanity items have no 'use' and just for looks.
and if you think that noone would use it, then you've never had to keep an island scouted 24/7
Live on a beta island and your attitude would change very quickly.
I love how CIR, the biggest corp in Perpetuum, is proposing an idea to make their complete dominance of a beta island that much easier...
Quit your *** and drop a few people off the strip miner train for scouting. Should be easy enough.
I'm thinking something with a bonus to signal detectors would work out better in the long run...
I'm on Hershfield hunting a Servant Thug + Patrician Legionnaire + Patrician Berserker spawn, and the Servant Thug is only dropping mech kernels despite being a Gropho (heavy mech). I've had others in general tell me they drop heavy kernels at other spawns. Coords are around 1500, 1000.
1) Please in the name of god learn how to use spell check and some basic grammar. I can hardly read most of your posts.
2) Chat font is too small for me to read on my widescreen. I agree that it needs to be increased.
3) I'm thinking that instead of (or in addition to) a petition system, a live chat system that connects the players to the GMs would be better.
4) Ammo is indeed a limiting factor to anything, and learning how to build your own is quite a good idea. In a few hours of work I can harvest the materials for and produce enough ammunition to last me a week.
I have noticed that despite the incredibly low payout on combat missions, the experience gain on them is quite intense. Going into level 2s with an arbalest will force you to learn basic combat tactics very quickly.
That being said... yeah. 1.5 mil+ an hour on my sequer alts is not at all unheard of for the triangle. Combats need boosted.
How about... we can refer to them as red OR yellow?
Standing still doesn't work since a few patches ago
I'll go ahead and call you on it as I was mining liquizit on Hershfield on Tuesday evening and it worked then.
This might be a bug... but treat it like a t-rex. Just stand still. They'll ignore you.
Considering with my shoddy skillset, I can easily pull a sequer load of epriton in under an hour using a termis... I can't imagine how much (equivalent) money those damned CIR mining raids make.
Guns nButter wrote:Lana Torrin wrote:*snip*
Thirdly, despite what CCP tell you, the exact oppose is true. Macro miners in eve keep the economy running. Without them there would not be enough minerals mined and prices would skyrocket as normal humans cant mine for that long or in those numbers so supplies would quickly get used up. If you removed every macro from eve tomorrow supplies of minerals would dry up in a month and prices would skyrocket. (And I'm not just talking miners here, mission bots as well contribute a huge amount of minerals to eves market)*snip*
I have been on 8 hour mining ops that have supplied our corp with battleships for an entire month of war in eve. Give me hard numbers or you're just spewing more bullshit to fertilize the troll field.
Please o please can we have a discussion without this turning in to personal insults.
Where did I make things personal? You said that bots make the eve economy run. I said prove it.
Been spammed out so many times, and yet it's still relevant... I agree.
In the meantime, just bind functions to $ and &, etc, then bind your mouse buttons to those keys.
This is on the drawing board. Read Summer #2 blog
Thirdly, despite what CCP tell you, the exact oppose is true. Macro miners in eve keep the economy running. Without them there would not be enough minerals mined and prices would skyrocket as normal humans cant mine for that long or in those numbers so supplies would quickly get used up. If you removed every macro from eve tomorrow supplies of minerals would dry up in a month and prices would skyrocket. (And I'm not just talking miners here, mission bots as well contribute a huge amount of minerals to eves market)*snip*
I have been on 8 hour mining ops that have supplied our corp with battleships for an entire month of war in eve. Give me hard numbers or you're just spewing more bullshit to fertilize the troll field.
To the Devs: Create a sticked topic of something you think might be interesting. Let the players put forth their various points of view on the subject. Standard disclaimer that said topic will probably not actually appear in the game, but bits and pieces of the discussion might.
Pure, utter failure of an idea.
1) Risk-free epriton mining = fail
2) Mining is already fairly mindless.
3) Take a look at EVE to see what mining bots did. Fail.
Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Guns nButter
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