1 (edited by ladyoffire 2011-07-11 12:30:39)

Topic: my views on how to improve game

1  let players set font size = easy on eyes to read
after 2 or 3 hours playing i have to take breck or get headack

2 add real petition system = beats haveing to pm a gm or dev
i have now had pm gm 2 times  over server dc me only relog in find i dead only have gm tell me they fill out ticket to never hear back from anyone on it

3 boost npc prices payed on t1 gear/plama as real pain farm for hours in starter mech make so little
farming npc for hour on end get old fast

i got say i do like game. I know game is new.it remind me of eve 8 years ago

Re: my views on how to improve game

boosting NPC buy order prices only inflates the economy.

If everyone has more money, then money becomes less valuble and so "things" increase in price.

As it stands money is already too easy to obtain due to certain missions D:

Re: my views on how to improve game

Snowman wrote:

boosting NPC buy order prices only inflates the economy.

If everyone has more money, then money becomes less valuble and so "things" increase in price.

As it stands money is already too easy to obtain due to certain missions D:

yea i see your point on that so we can drop point 3

Re: my views on how to improve game

ladyoffire wrote:

1  let players set font size = easy on eyes to read
after 2 or 3 hours playing i have to take breck or get headack

2 add real petition system = beats haveing to pm a gm or dev
i have now had pm gm 2 times  over server dc me only relog in find i dead only have gm tell me they fill out ticket to never hear back from anyone on it

3 boost npc prices payed on t1 gear/plama as real pain farm for hours in starter mech make so little
farming npc for hour on end get old fast

i got say i do like game. I know game is new.it remind me of eve 8 years ago

I have talked to the GM's numerous times. Just wondering where the "ticket" system is? I have not seen one.

Re: my views on how to improve game

Font size.. I could agree with, but compared to Eve the 'chat' font is awesome.  But im all up for extra customisation.

Petition system... I can agree with that to some extend too.  But it is a refreshing change to open a dialogue with an actual GM and talk to them, I imagine that as player base goes up it will become less and less practical and a proper petition system will be needed.

When ive sent petitions in eve, 100% of the time the reply is about something unrelated.. so you have to petition back and say... uh.. what?  Im talking about a mission, not being kill in pvp :S   ,  so the back and forth that a petition system creates is maddening.

Although, after saying that, i've known GM's on PO to respond in the same way in a text chat conversation.  Must be some kinda .... skill(?) that GM's learn from wherever GM's are grown from in GM land lol

The Devs however are notably more alert and while I wouldnt suggest contacting them constantly (dont want to delay their work) they are more capable regarding more sensitive issues which is refreshing.

Re: my views on how to improve game

While I realy love the GM-chat (absolut impressive costumer suport. BEST I ever saw in any game!!!!!!11111) I can imagin, that it can not work with to many players.

If I get it right, the normal player count was ~200 until we crowded the servers. It was some like a big familly. Now with 700+ player on primetime I can feel the pain from GMs to handle it. So even if I don't like it a petition system is the only way to make the GMs not run away in panic smile.

Font size ... yes, some of the corp I'm in have real trubble reading this small font as they are 40++ years old and their eyes aren't the best anymore. Beeing able to chose a other size (10 or 12 instead of 8) or maybe a totaly different Font would help them greatly.

For NIC earning ratios ... I just see a problem with amunition cost.
It realy hurts the pocket, when you have to spend 75% of your mission reward to buy new amu all the time hmm.
This could be solved by adjusting the material-usage for amu-production.

Re: my views on how to improve game

i like the gm based system alot as well but when gm tell you there sent ticket to dev on problem.
you never hear from them it seems. I done 2 times over geting dc come back find i dead in noob island.

i not 40 but close to it lol and nice size 12 or 14 be alot beter for my eyes

Re: my views on how to improve game

Heartless wrote:
ladyoffire wrote:

1  let players set font size = easy on eyes to read
after 2 or 3 hours playing i have to take breck or get headack

2 add real petition system = beats haveing to pm a gm or dev
i have now had pm gm 2 times  over server dc me only relog in find i dead only have gm tell me they fill out ticket to never hear back from anyone on it

3 boost npc prices payed on t1 gear/plama as real pain farm for hours in starter mech make so little
farming npc for hour on end get old fast

i got say i do like game. I know game is new.it remind me of eve 8 years ago

lol i thank it stick it note gm put on dev desk at this point

I have talked to the GM's numerous times. Just wondering where the "ticket" system is? I have not seen one.

Re: my views on how to improve game

beter system whould be tell the gm they make ticket that ticket maid a link and email to you so player can see what going on if anythang on problem

Re: my views on how to improve game

Font size adjustment is good. Petition system will become a necessity once game grows more. Once the first GM has 50 chat windows open constantly and then commits e-suicide Devs will have to come up with something big_smile

This is my blob. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Re: my views on how to improve game

People overprice the ammo that's why it's so costly.
Do buy orders for ammo, you should get it under the "market" prices then.

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: my views on how to improve game

Norrdec wrote:

People overprice the ammo that's why it's so costly.
Do buy orders for ammo, you should get it under the "market" prices then.

sadly this dont work as i try many time some eles comes about out bids you by .01 so you get stuck uping your buy bids every 5 mins or brecking down buy at sell prices for basic cheep ammo is even worse trying get it

Re: my views on how to improve game

any one eles notis that your guns mounts dont match your mech i have 2 auto cannons in top 2 arms slots 2 lasers in lower 2 arm slots but out rating fireing of guns now got lasers on left and auto cannons on right of mechs models lol kind werid

14 (edited by Neoxx 2011-07-12 14:49:07)

Re: my views on how to improve game

ladyoffire wrote:

any one eles notis that your guns mounts dont match your mech i have 2 auto cannons in top 2 arms slots 2 lasers in lower 2 arm slots but out rating fireing of guns now got lasers on left and auto cannons on right of mechs models lol kind werid

ur doin it wrong.

You should have 4/5/6 primary weapon slots on your bot, and maybe 1/2 secondary weapons/energy weapons able to fit.  I'm guessing you are Thelodica and in an assault bot, which means you have 5 slots for lasers and 1 for missiles (which most dont use).

->You just lost The Game<-

15 (edited by ladyoffire 2011-07-12 14:57:26)

Re: my views on how to improve game

ladyoffire wrote:

any one eles notis that your guns mounts dont match your mech i have 2 auto cannons in top 2 arms slots 2 lasers in lower 2 arm slots but out rating fireing of guns now got lasers on left and auto cannons on right of mechs models lol kind werid

i use promertherus but point was makeing is i grooped auto canons on low slots and lasers on high arms slots but when fireing it shows lasers on left and autocanons on right why arnt they groop way there fited

16 (edited by Guns nButter 2011-07-12 21:33:14)

Re: my views on how to improve game

  • 1) Please in the name of god learn how to use spell check and some basic grammar. I can hardly read most of your posts.

  • 2) Chat font is too small for me to read on my widescreen. I agree that it needs to be increased.

  • 3) I'm thinking that instead of (or in addition to) a petition system, a live chat system that connects the players to the GMs would be better.

  • 4) Ammo is indeed a limiting factor to anything, and learning how to build your own is quite a good idea. In a few hours of work I can harvest the materials for and produce enough ammunition to last me a week.

Re: my views on how to improve game

Guns nButter wrote:
  • 1) Please in the name of god learn how to use spell check and some basic grammar. I can hardly read most of your posts.

  • 2) Chat font is too small for me to read on my widescreen. I agree that it needs to be increased.

  • 3) I'm thinking that instead of (or in addition to) a petition system, a live chat system that connects the players to the GMs would be better.

  • 4) Ammo is indeed a limiting factor to anything, and learning how to build your own is quite a good idea. In a few hours of work I can harvest the materials for and produce enough ammunition to last me a week.

1)  Spell checking is tough with many browsers and with a lot of smart phones - let alone cross-language constraints on this issue.  If you understand what they are communicating, cut some slack.  Grammar has rules but in international settings, the potential of second language in-use should be given some slack on how they operate and don't assume others are communicating in their native tongue.

It's not like the "r u rdy 4 pwnz time 2nite" - that shows someone who understands the words but isn't even willing to TRY and make it comprehensible to anyone that doesn't speak, read and write the language fully.  "Lazy elitist prick" comes to mind when I see this type of "texting".

2) agreed.

3) "Live chat" systems have issues too.  That's what they are using with the private conversations right now.  As loads increase, availability will decrease and you have a lot of folks that will do nothing but hound the GM's with trivial questions that could be looked up in seconds using the on-line help system.

We see this hourly in the help channel as questions are asked continuously that checking the help by a click of a button would find the answers - with far more accuracy and clarity than is given by other players in discussions.

4) agreed.  This would be better served with a guide that outlines "how to" than by upping NPC prices.

Re: my views on how to improve game

ladyoffire wrote:
ladyoffire wrote:

any one eles notis that your guns mounts dont match your mech i have 2 auto cannons in top 2 arms slots 2 lasers in lower 2 arm slots but out rating fireing of guns now got lasers on left and auto cannons on right of mechs models lol kind werid

i use promertherus but point was makeing is i grooped auto canons on low slots and lasers on high arms slots but when fireing it shows lasers on left and autocanons on right why arnt they groop way there fited

I am sorry if my english is not so good. I will try harder to make my self type clear.