(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ah, last time someone pulled a stunt like this I believe the person get their main account and any account they'd used banned for impersonation. big_smile

But as bans can't be discussed the details of the ban are unknown. You'll know who it was by the sudden lack of online accounts I expect.


(5 replies, posted in Q & A)

Did a quick scan of this list, if you ignore questions about bug fixes and such, about 4 things.
Interesting that the focus back then was about more mechs and more PVP and then later it's all about building your own bases (Without the introduction of new mechs).


(36 replies, posted in Q & A)

Finding out what players do and why players don't play would be incredibly useful.


(36 replies, posted in Q & A)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Okay, serious answer: we COULD make statistics of various things since we have all the data. We actually do it for specific things if the need arises, for example we used the magic of statistics to find out which transport missions have been abused in the cargo exploit investigation.

But if the question is whether we have a few trained monkeys sitting in front of graphs and making scientific deductions based on them, then the asnwer is no. We lack the time and we lack the manpower. Then again, I don't think we would find any big surprises.

Statistics only mean something if you're convinced that the underlying mechanics are fundamentally good. If you know something doesn't work then statistics are just numbers. In other words: we'd love to reach a state in the development of the game where our only concern would be statistics.

Sounds like you need to dust off those beta stickers again then Zoom.

It's better to be proud with your work than to keep working because you feel you have to.

Is this still not one? I would have thought this would be easy to do.. hmm


(4 replies, posted in Bugs)

Queen Latifah wrote:

The plate doesn't appear on the first cycle, sometimes it takes 2 cycles for the plate to appear after it is planted. I wouldn't mind the plants dying on a restart but when it costs me 20-30m a day it kinda sucks.

Yeah. I am pretty sure the plants are meant to be maintained when the server restarts but something forces them to either be over written or massive accelerated. You can plant one, have the server restart and come back to a fully grown plant in less than 8 hours. It's very strange.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs)

This has always been a problem. When they restart the server the plants seem to go into overdrive (Probably because they force a few plant cycles through to make everything looks nice again). It has been this way for, well, forever.

As for not appearing do you mean that once planted as a seed the empty plate does not appear or that the first harvestable plants don't appear? I recall this happening when I first started planting Noralgis but never really gave it much though. I tried explaining it to a dev a long time ago but just got the canned response "It's meant to be like that" when it clearly wasn't working as described.

To solve the issue it sounds like the PVP flag is overwriting the reinforcement flag or the PVP flag is being processed before the reinforcement flag. Shouldn't be too much of a problem to solve.

The devs can now recreate the issue too based on user feedback so whoever claims that the Perpetuum community aren't helpful is very very wrong. It's great to see people can come together to resolve bugs when the occur.


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

Large populations on islands is enjoyable.

Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention.

So here are the basic questions to get them out of the way:

  • Will those effected be refunded for the lost items or is it impossible to track due to the nature of the bug

  • Is there an ETA on a fix for this issue?

Good luck solving the issue, tackling bugs like this can be a nightmare!

All MMOs that allow you to multi-box (Pretty much every MMO) will be multi-boxed by players.

It's just like a machine, if you can increase your input then you can increase your output. It's often hard work and I find managing two Perpetuum accounts to be boring. To be fair I can now solo a group where others can't due to items and extensions but the point still stands that if people are comfortable paying more and playing more then let them.

No part of Perpetuum forces you to have multiple accounts, honestly multiple accounts are for those people who don't trust someone else to do the work they want them to do. You're meant to have multiple robots on the field and it's FAR better to have 10 robots piloted by 10 skilled players than 5 people playing 2 each.

Anyone that complains they need more than one accounts is a sad lonely person that can't make any friends or trust anyone. They have my pity. By all means feel free to play multiple accounts but don't whine that you're forced to.


Ville wrote:

Just adding two cents, I wouldn't link http://www.perp-kill.net on the wikki main page.  I wished the sequer.nl one was functioning without comments OR there was a revamped on controlled and moderated by AC.  Just me thinking a new player seeing some of those comments would possibly reflect bad on the community.

The kill-board should have always been official with the use of an API feed for corporations to use to create their own  boards with showing only what they're interested in.

The official kill-board should only include kills and should follow the current API system where kill details are hidden for at least 1 hour.

Ville, you get my +1 on that! big_smile

DEV Zoom wrote:

However, categories should stay in plural, don't you think?

100% yes.

I created a duplicate category (They're case sensitive, whoops!)

Please delete the now empty:
http://wiki.perpetuum-online.com/index. … eavy_Mechs

And can you also rename the following so that "Guide" has a lower case G:
http://wiki.perpetuum-online.com/index. … Game_Guide

A better system to is:
[[kernel|kernels]] This links to kernal but says kernals. All pages should be in the singular unless 1 unit of the time is plural.

DEV Zoom wrote:

Ludlow: yes, quite what I had in mind.

Alexander: looks good to me. The only thing where I would optimize a bit is the career preset section, maybe including the images into the tables would make it more compact.

The images aren't really needed but I wanted to include them where possible. If you can find someway to include them then please do as I spent a while just trying to get them onto the page in some ordered fashion.

Edit: Improved?

Ludlow Bursar wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

So yes, you are free to cut it up, merge it, whatever it needs to be more streamlined.

Ok. Good to know that you are not too precious about the game guide. The approach I am taking is one similar to normalising a database (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_normalization) so that game aspects that need to be referenced from multiple places have their own page. For example, CTs need to be included in factory, reverse engineering and artifacting at least so they get their own page.

Will see what I can do with building stuff from other stuff pages in the next week or so but, as I mentioned, sometimes I have to do things that put food on the table so progress will be slow.

That sounds perfect. Just how it should be!

Each section of the game having a wiki page with a number of other pages pooling them together. Industry linking to mining, refining and production, decoding and prototyping, Decoding linking to CTs and Decoders. etc.

Short game processes like creating an account or creating an agent should get their own sections but should link off to other sections where they can. Like this.

Following the game guide I've tried to recreate a design that is more wiki friendly.

Here is the result for I. Creating a character (Rename creating an agent)
http://wiki.perpetuum-online.com/index. … g_an_agent

It still needs a lot more details but should include (When finished):

  • Creating an avatar

  • Megacorporations

  • Schools

  • Specialities

  • Sparks

  • Character name

Let me know what you think. The category for the page will be "Game Guide"

I chose the word Executive as this would be similar to the way Industrialist works but with trade skills, leadership and corporation management as the aim. The icon should be about money, power but less about the robot. (I mean most traders see the arse end of a Lithus most of the time so try and make it fancy). They're good at hauling, trading and all that jazz.

I notice this basic career path was missing while working on the Wiki.

Any ideas? I know trader isn't that well played but I don't see why Perpetuum can't have traders. Buy and sell.. Might stimulate the economy. Or at least give it another little prod. tongue

The game guide isn't too bad but I do think each page needs to separated away from being the lexicon and the main category of "Game Guide" added them. The wiki shouldn't just be about game guides, it could have battle reports (They're always opinionated but with a bit of bleach that comes right out.) and much more.

If the game guide has a section that needs more detail, add more details to it. Reverse Engineering can include a section about CT's with a main article link to what a CT is.

I might have a little play around with one page of the game guide to see what happens (Only preview) but if I find something that is more wiki and less website I'll save it.

Possible copyright material uploaded:
http://wiki.perpetuum-online.com/index. … andbox.jpg

I did a quick google and found the same image on another website. I can't find way to flag it. Nothing major and it would be nice to have an image similar to explain what a sandbox MMO is.

I am pulling the images from the "ROBOPEDIA" as they're much nicer than just the icons.
I'm missing the Scarab but that's not a big deal.

Thanks for fixing it, I'll reupload it now! (Awesome work on the wiki so far)

Just discovered using http://wiki.perpetuum-online.com/index. … onelyPages that  http://wiki.perpetuum-online.com/index. … orporation was orphaned.

http://wiki.perpetuum-online.com/index. … ng_a_major linked to sparks instead of http://wiki.perpetuum-online.com/index. … orporation which as this is a direct upload from your guide I expect the same is happening on the guide

Edit: Edit:
I have just realized that this is likely because this stage was removed from the game! Whoops. I'll orphan the page again now. Sorry for that.

Edit: Edit: Edit:.....
http://www.perpetuum-online.com/Help:Selecting_a_spark links to itself instead of http://www.perpetuum-online.com/Help:Selecting_a_major I have fixed this on the wiki.

I did a little bit of work today on the wiki:

The unique pages for each robot still need to be created.

Update: I am unable to upload the Gropho image as I get an error "Could not create directory ‘mwstore://local-backend/local-public/e/e3’."

All other images have uploaded fine. D:

This is a terrible idea.
EP should be balanced so that skills get more expensive the more you train them so that older players have get a bonus but not a super advantage.

Oh wait, it already works like that. ICE is just for game time, not EP.

I could go into more detail about how it's cheaper to get 5 skills to level 5 than 2 skills to level 10 but you should already know that.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Gremrod wrote:

First Loss


First Kill


We killed each other.

And then he joined your corp. big_smile


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

First kill:
November 19th, 2010 00:00:19

First loss:
November 26th, 2010 09:50:08

Looking back is was the most amazing time. The game just ran out of content and replay-ability. (Also an exploit or two and a few breakups)

To go from a free light robot to an ewar robot is a few days from having nothing at all.. I sometimes wonder if the start of the game was too quick.. I would have played, chipping away as a team, for many more weeks before getting ewar robots and the like.. Oh well.

In all honesty if Perpetuum were to go back to start and keep all the assets and game mechanics and just rework/tweak a few things I'd be all over it. Starting with nothing and building an empire was awesome.
The sad part is no one lost an empire and no one can be bother to destroy one.