Topic: In before I get Banned.

Apparently someones 14 and knows that V-i-i-i-e Capitalized can be Ville or ViIIe regardless I have a stun double, spamming people.  Zoom read the ticket and if you got a *** or *** or I hope you die spam, its beastmode not me.  GG!  Well Played 14 yr old Well played.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

2 (edited by Farm worker 2013-03-21 04:41:49)

Re: In before I get Banned.

I see Ville's Paranoia rates are rising yet again and he has felt the need to be the piece of *** he is on the forums again already after having just been unbanned.

If only you knew who it really was...

That one forum warrior

Re: In before I get Banned.

Ah, last time someone pulled a stunt like this I believe the person get their main account and any account they'd used banned for impersonation. big_smile

But as bans can't be discussed the details of the ban are unknown. You'll know who it was by the sudden lack of online accounts I expect.