(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

It doesn't matter who owns the outposts in a PVP area. Players are starved for pvp

This is the main issue:

Players who move from Alpha->Beta dont have time to learn how to SURVIVE on beta. The Vet's know how to survive and flourish. Players are thrown from 100% safety into the  shark infested water that is so deprived of food, all that exists are larger more dominate and experienced sharks eat the lesser ones.

At some point the food chain will break as they will run out of food.

Unlike stEVE there is twitch factors involved in the combat within PO enough so that a newer player(2-3Months) can outplay  a veteran but that player has to know how and know there limits. Getting curb stomped at every turn with the inability to learn or really progress in PvP short of joining along with the ones on top atm is why so many have flopped.

Lets look at this comment from the KB 

Cir would have to log in and do something...right?

Yes because we not have farmed a couple hundred million epi in the last few days nor make a couple billion nic off plasma either, but I will just leave it at we havn't been online.....

The only way a New corp full of low EP players could/would survive on beta is by having the ropes shown to them. Look at STC when they first came "We wont Allie any faction or accept any help" they tried going toe-to-toe with me over Dana which they were unable to defend against just me as a group of 20+ active members,  let alone if i showed up with 1-3 other players in tow.

They tried adapting and learning and to be honest they learned rather quickly but again, against superior Tech/EP/Tactics/Twitch they cant compete despite the numbers. Obviously STC got outside help from multiple factions in game and even got some of the "advisment" or "guidence" they need inside there corp finally. This allowed them to begin to turn in to a real corp but the damage had already been done to there morale and people.

Just as it happened to many other corps in the past.  I would go toe-to-toe with merkle all day, you couldnt pay me enough nic to go hunt Demon theory and there corp as it is no challenge but for those starved they are a great means to be fed.

I was a grave offender in squashing groups of players because the tears/reactions are great, but this goes well beyond a few simple mechanics.

The only corp worth note that has survived through and grown from such onslaught are the guys now in <12> who used to only play in light/assaults as they developed and grew as players to be feared and respected in PvP. I saw as there fits grew beyond simple pure Speed/DPS fleets and in to small organized groups of DPS supported by EW and so on and on.

I used to take them on by the 5+ on my own and now i would think twice before engaging 1 while alone. (given they graduated from little bots now)


(163 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga wrote:

)We're out of ore and need more bots because te PVP guys blew them up having 'fun', but sure I'll spend another 8 hours mindlessly clicking so they can try to get to the top of the kill chart.

The Following is brought to you in part by Arga's mining efforts!

Click here to learn more
*Missing some kills but no bots for you replace big_smile*


(20 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Syndic wrote:

Would be nice if new bots weren't a third world country chop-shop "reskin existing model & tweak stats".

or have more useless benefits......

I could use a Vanguard Mesmer or a Mercenary Seth. A HM mk3 with those bonus's i wouldn't even build except for 1 or 2 for Alpha farming to get home faster.....

IndustryMonkey wrote:

Wish I could log in this weekend and get the whole story!  Such drama! But wait, you banned people on the basis of another player's accusation without proof?   That seems like a slippery slope that can be exploited on its own.  Hopefully you learned a lesson on reacting to hysterical accusations.

Trust me when i say that they have taken this  "Shoot first, Ask questions later" approach before, more so than in just this above mentioned post.


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

Celebro wrote:

Everyone and their mother whined with alarm clocking on the old intrusion system and M2S taking nearly all the outpost, now the new intrusion proves actual presence to keep hold which is fine.

Going back on the old improves nothing.

A key factor in this point is that 1 Group of players had a limitless supply of bots to use in these once a week intrusions and by no means am i trying to say that the old system is superior or better than the new. Simply that I preferred the feel and result of the old system to the current.

The fact that i can make a tactical decision to wait knowing it will take you 3+ alarm clocks before i have to break a sweat i am not even forced to show up. Thus my attacker has spent 1.5-2 days of there time fighting nothing, Lets say i show up once at 50 and smash his 15 man fleet that 1.5 days ago was 25 but shrank to boredom. Now they have a loss.

Lets say i don't show at 65 and they show with 5 to hit it and get it to 50. I don't show again and its 10 again and i show with my 25 and smash it.  I go back up to 50 Now and at the next intrusion which is now 3-3.5 days ext ext ext

Some may recognized this as i have used it to defend my SAP's to manage enemy numbers. The problem is intrusions can be leveraged to be as painful for a attacker as it is a Defender and you still arn't forced to fight over them.  I mean at this point the only outposts worth the effort are the ones affected by  zooms post about Mission abuse....

TL:DR the current system is only a hindrance to the low pop and nothing beyond a Chore.  PO needs to start evaluating How to reach that fabled population to make all these systems and mechanics "work" the way they intended or lay the system out to scale up from where its at. What IF steam fails?


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

Celebro wrote:

I see nothing wrong with teleport placement or intrusion 2.0, we got what we asked for.

I preffered Intrusion 1.0....

The kings got to line up all there knights and peons and clash once a week at a set time for who is better.

But this change was to allow everyone beta access and not rely on larger numbers.

Tell me Celebro, How have these mechanics helped you keep Hokk for your smaller corporation?

Despite the travel improvements it still feels the same as release(if not worse) because im traveling farther for even less players. At least in release when i moved over 1 of the 6 island it took me 20 mins but i got a  fight when i got to the next one.... Last night i spent 30+ moving across 3 using 1 Interzone and 2 Standard

This woulda made my artemis fit really effective again, oh the fun that could have been had :*(

I like the idea. It needs to be fine tuned, a few points on it I think worth mentioning.

) Not to 0% but setting them below max stability maybe a 60% but 0% on Seth or other larger bots is... well ill bring a standard TP if that's the case.

)Either not while flagged or a Jamming method is required

) Needs to have a Vulnerability to offset its awesomeness in/around PvP i.e. Your bots interference grows and  peaks Progressively blinding the teleporting bot as it nears its movement and then it appears only needing to recharge from 40-45%

Then you cause a negative effect to nearby allies and  yourself. When you arrive there is still the "recharge" time to regain max effectiveness

Just spit balling


(45 replies, posted in Q & A)

*waits for incoming cash shop

edit-*rant*Cassius i would pay to play if i was playing knowing i was abiding by the same rules everyone else was to the same extent and anyone violating was being punished properly. On top of that i need more population, there is no one to fight even if went all red i wouldnt have a fight be it game design or population.

I wonder if subbed all my accounts (9) and started spamming racial slurs in chat, is 80$ enough to keep me safe.

I wonder if 50 people in a corp spammed racial slurs, is  449.5 enough to keep me safe

I wonder how *** it is for that guy who sees these *** running free and insulting him daily.

^not a game i am going to play.

Dont do what necessary to keep the game alive do what is necessary to create a great game so it may live.

TL:DR If you cant afford to enforce one section of the EULA, how is any section enforced?

*grabs popcorn* i mean if this gifted account thing is made legal i know plenty of cookie cutter accounts waiting to be gifted to create a fun Isboxer fleet to keep me entertained, but i do miss playing my 1 account and going toe-to-toe with anything that came at me with the occasional support tackle follow bot. My 3+ Synched mesmers/seths is more point-click-win and boring.


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

Lets Look at this constructively please:

Zoom wrote:

See, this is exactly why we can't and won't create exact rules. If there are rules, people will always push it and dance on the edge. Not knowing exactly at least makes you think twice about trying it. The current rules say it's forbidden and we MAY punish it, end of story.

Lets Focus here:

Zoom wrote:

The current rules say it's forbidden and we MAY punish it, end of story.

Let me Insert your own Signature you like to show off as a favorite quote of your own-

Zoom's Signature wrote:

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." -- Bill Cosby

Before i Start this is has nothing to do with Zoom but entirely to Avatar Creations. From this information i can deduct the following reason and logic.

Lemon wrote:

-The game officially supports allowing its rules to be bent and even broken without any enforcement and in the event of enforcement, the cases may not always be fairly or equally enforced.

This could be how you choose to do business and i can respect that. The things I do know are that I will never pay for a game that cannot clearly outline its rules and fails to enforce its rules on players equally and unbiasedly.

Luckly I am not the only one who shares this view, as Steam is a big stickler for rules and rule enforcement, but most importantly on games delivering on what they say and the value of there word. Point and case Warz

P.S. Dont care either way you allow it or not. All i want is for you to stick to your word so we the players can move on and abuse it to as much or as little as you allow. If you dont youll just keep playing whack-a-mole with #1 in game


(15 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I was going to say something here....

GG 24 hour activation

Until next month, hopefully still here


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Celebro wrote:
Lemon wrote:

Remember  your places on the food chain...

P.S. This can be closed (you reading it to close it serves the purpose of the thread)

let the kiddies QQ over me in CD

Excuse me l33t player.. I am living on gamma and Syndic is not even playing, try again.

You ARE living on Gamma BECAUSE Syndic and I arn't Playing

^you made me spell it out


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

It seems quite important to quite a few of you here to explain the only reason i win is because my better gear....

Gear i used once on accident and lost, to realize i had it on later....

I mean then again it did take all of you to try and stop me...

Remember  your places on the food chain...

P.S. This can be closed (you reading it to close it serves the purpose of the thread)

let the kiddies QQ over me in CD


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Alright so this was pointless glad we can have these civil talks, very insightful


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

I guess you two didnt get the memo of how to exploit the phat loots?


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yeah so basically I was one of the few people on the server who could fit multiple bots in full T4+ and was preparing a army of them for PvP.

I had 3/5 of my bots head to toe in it. the last 2 only missing a few pieces i reported as missing from loot tables.

I obtained all these items from enemy's and allies alike since they were implemented for this goal.

But i want to just thank YOU the DEV team for this awesome weekend of letting everyone get as much T4+ as they like and completely SHlTTING over all my effort to attain something others didnt have.

A few of my piles for example of T4+ before this weekend event...

10+ ECM
5+ ea. Resist plate
5+ Med Rep
7+ Med neuts (-3 i forgot i left equped... NeBs owns those)

So thats about 1/6/th my total T4+ and now everyone else has my years worth of work from one weekend. At least now i see why ZOOM turned the event off so fast.

So i ask you now that your players have no new content or bots and you gave them all everything they needed module wise that they didnt have, what is going to keep them(you) playing?


(29 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

I have been called a eliteist jerk, do i qualify?

Yes i am NC add meh


"tweaking stream settings"

But here is a teaser.


P.S. Same server

I give flying lessons for black mechs O.o
and offer cert farming big_smile


(60 replies, posted in Q & A)

Heres a Radical idea:


Speed Fit: Kain>Tyrannos
Range fit: Tyrannos>Kain

zomg blue isnt greater than green BUFF MY KAIN RANGE....

^False: you have speed to run his *** *** down

Tank Fit: Tyrannos mk 2>Kain mk2

*HOWEVER* a kain mk 2 can kill a tyrannos mk 2 tank....*****

Why? Not because Tyrannos is OP but becasue they nerfed Armor tanking.

Tank fits NEED and SHOULD be viable. It is your job to fit to counter it.

Ask Yourself this:

If you fit 1 ECM could he keep you in range?
If you fit 1 supressor could he neut you at firing range?
If you fit autocannon's does 0 accum matter?

I for one believe that if a person cant figure out the door is unlocked let them keep banging at the door...
sooner or later they have to try the handle....


(60 replies, posted in Q & A)

Ok let me break this down for everyone here in to VERY VERY SIMPLE ways. As you have ALL of the VETERAN PVPERS in agreement on this and all the "normals" as industrial has pointed out as not getting it....

A) Insert ERP Artemis into every line Tyran mk 2 and being luling
B) ONLY ask your self: How much should a tyran mk 2 be able to tank? (Of *** blindly dpsing it while tanked)

The Tyrannos can be breaten 1v1 by another mech that isnt a ictus very easily. What seems to not be able to be comprehended is this idea that dps>all.

Theres a old saying "Survival of the fittest"

Lets use critical thinking and context clues to survive against a tyran mk 2.

>Tyrannos mk 2 spotted by (PLAYER)
>Its moving very slowly away while you pursue (Player)
*Hmm if im able to catch it then it is either moving slower or it is fail/tank fit.

^WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? His TANK>YOUR TANK because your faster as in tanking nerfs your speed. hard to know this  i know right?

>Get within 400m of Tyrannos

^OH SNAP CLUE: hmmm no RE's or being locked beyond 500m means his headslots arn't for range.... DING DING DING DONT GO NEAR THIS MOFO.

>you keep running in at 300m
*Locked and OH SNAP NEUT

^awe dam now hes can out last you energy and tank wise... hmm not looking so good for you. I WOULD TURN AROUND

>hit 200m
*Awe *** dog now your at 1/2 accum and demobed

^this is when you know your ***, no matter what god given grace in the world nothing could save you at this point GG SON.

Hmmm i asked my self there 4 times if i should turn and NOT ENGAGE because my SPEED DPS GLASS CANNON COOKIE CUTTER BUILD cant out live a TANK BUILD 1v1.

i know its hard to expect people to think beyond running in blindly and lock firing until a can is there or they see terminal.

@industrial-> Sadly your logic is so flawed it hurts me to even respond to it. The pvp in PO is basically if you listen to the majority on balance, you cause more QQ because the few things they are so vocal on are done by the few who laugh at your ideas of balance. When you are allowed to make the changes all you get are more QQ threads because the few things we had before to *** you in small niche situations grows and becomes easier.  So yes please change it more buff my ictus i welcome it and change my mesmer mk 2's fall off to somthing  else how about reactor ceiling bonus?

P.S. - Be interesting to see what happens if this "Minority" you speak  of were to band together...


(60 replies, posted in Q & A)

Industrial Sector wrote:

On other hand, if you will fit your fleet with neuts/drains to deal with shields/ERP, it will make your forces weaker against other types of enemies because of DPS sacrifice

That is the only thing you said that was remotely close to being accurate.

*Insert indepth breakdown of balance and what works/doesn;t*

Thats why your wrong and you read about as much as you would have had it been filled in.

Also this is as much as the devs will ever take from a thread of this type.


Nothing you assume there are any dev's to read or even make the changes anymore.


(60 replies, posted in Q & A)

Because they nerfed my baby in to the ground


(9 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

Celebro wrote:

leadership is very different from the old M2S.



(9 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

Shooter Magavin wrote:

STC is also an option, we gladly RUN from all PHM, CIR, and CHOAS on site smile  if interested PM me or join the "RPS" channel to talk to one of our recruiters.
