Let me summarize this for you so that it works best.

A) Everyone should get a chance to load for a fighting chance
B) But beyond that you are on your own

Gates are one thing but to be able to safely sit under a enemy outpost and scout there undocking forces is complete trash.

Besides i like my 1 shotting bots of doom.... They are fun to sit on gates/outposts big_smile its a warm welcome to beta.


(48 replies, posted in Balancing)

Player: Cookie Monsta
Accounts: 5
Account types: 4 Combat - 1 Miner
Average Active in PvP: 4
Monitors:1  Sadly

Why? When fighting consistently out numbered it is required i bring the strongest possible bots with as few holes in my fits/counters available.

In most engagements i will use 1 account as my demober/nexus to allow me to Herd my prey i will then have my Main gunner account which will do the killing Followed by a buffer with more nexus/buffs for my main gunner. Lastly i will either run a iron Curtain bot. Which is the bot i use to cut off routes of escape or Flank.

How does one do this? Approach command is win. I can Demob a player for killing and either approach my gunner and maintain demob range with primary account or simply stash the demober behind a object while watching from my main gunner. From there  i can either approach my prey if its weak enough and move my Flanker in to position.

Most classic experience during this kind of play. Turning on Lemon's repper approaching a mesmer and tabbing to my demober and watching lemon chase down and kill the Mesmer on approach. Which was then repeated on to the Kain that was trying to assist the Mesmer while my demober held the 3rd mech out of range for me to then go and kill.

So hows that for multiplayer? Did i mention i tend to also FC on top of that big_smile

TL:DR no this is not about player skill or e-peen i am simply listing out exactly how much goes in to high end pvping for my self and a few other pilots who do this with me. I must complement them on there skill o7

P.S. Remote Amping/Nexus is required to compete with assault bots in mechs. Its almost a Chore for me to play due to the odds against me on average.

Vaelen Gar wrote:

Completely agree with you on fast ill thought out fixes.  I'm certainly not asking for it to be done tomorrow, just that it be something the Dev's consider.  For now I'll keep collecting the treadmarks on my chest and hoping for the best.....

Have no fear, i learned the hard way Nex/F-navy can field near 20 in there prime time.

Edit- You cant always think of everything, Most of my best ideas have come from discussion. There is only so much the Devs can account/predict for about players. Thats why test servers are awesome.

No i acknowledge and understand the Pain and issue with Detectors.

I would/could totally see adjusting and playing with it a bit on a test server to get a good feel for a nice work around.  As they make solo/mini gang play very difficult.

I for one have a few ideas on how to work around it but with out knowing what our end goal of balance is i dont think anything can really be put to the test with out knowing that.

Something i am always afraid of is a quick change or untested change resulting in very ugly things. Like Wasp's Ghost demobing light bots from 400m's out because the light e-war could only see it at 280m.

A Command Type bot that could have horrible self masking due to such a strong Signal detection that also had bonus's towards say nexus's and being a "Command" type bot is something i think would be quite fancy with lower speed and the ability for smaller bots to see it before its completely to late. because atm a detecting castel and ninja around groups especially with high detection skills and allow the detected to never know the better.

Vaelen Gar wrote:

I just have no idea where that came from.  Beta holders need the ability to defend themselves, but small groups should have the ability to roam.  A small group can be a nuisance, but can't really threaten a Beta Alliance's security.

Im was just saying....

TL:DR Small vs large group sizes are misunderstood right now....  10-20 is not large its small but under the current game population that is "large" for most.


TL:DR Small vs large group sizes are misunderstood right now....  10-20 is not large its small but under the current game population that is "large" for most.


(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

Hugh Ruka wrote:
Alexadar wrote:

Exolona, i hope you got the main idea: to have vitality-tank role in this game. Personlly i fine to have another alternative then ERP, but im sure, to fulfill all tactics aspects in this game, players need to have access to effective armor-tanks.

nobody disagrees with that. however not as single bot pwnmachine.

What is a Single bot  pwnmachine? I mean lets ask the questions?

Assume a Full Tank bot for Tanking efficiency Mech Class:

Should it be able to Stable tank a ammount of assaults?

What is this ammount?

What is the magic number to tip and break the tank?

Using pure DPS fits.

Now look at the ease w/ e-war- what numbers, size gang should be req/expected to break it.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Line wrote:
Alexadar wrote:
Line wrote:

Summary: No it's not, people are still using T4 stuff and that bot they're feel more suitable for the current situation.

Thanks, and have a productive day!

Again its only your vision, what you would like to summarise. TY for your input

Thats not just my vision, thats fact, mate. Didn't saw anyone started to run with t1 fit anter that nerf. Turn up your brains please.

Let me Phrase this last parting post so your thick skull can have it sink in possibly.

People are still using T4 because we have 100's of each module and they arn't upset over some stupid nerf to a very painful way to play this game at a whopping speed of 47 kph.

They are upset at the idea of the game being dumbed down to allow players to not have to adapt to pvp and change fits to counter and out play other players but rather simply run zerg dps fits in a linear style of pvp.

Players are pissed about a less dynamic play and dumbing the game down end of story.

I am done playing, talking, posting, subscribing as i am on a tight budget and have lost my motivation/enjoyment/faith for the moment within the game.  For those who actually gave me a good fight it was fun.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Annihilator wrote:

The NERF happend because of the POSSIBLE inbalance of several ERP-Tank heavy mechs defending an outpost during intrusion, because even with low firepower, they could primary the attacking group one-by-one and get rid of it without casualties.

I disagree about HOW it was balanced. The Aktive TANK heavy squad can still rule the intrusion with the help of a RR ET support squad behind cover. Adding some interference penalties to RR, ERP and ET, or simply an AoE EMP weapon that works better against ERP tanked targets...

*Insert very long list of POSSIBLE fits/tactics i can still use to POSSIBLY prevent ENTIRE army's from capturing objectives with UNDER 5 BOTS*

Literally i have 3 in mind not one of which involves tanking and is nearly as risky.

You cannot nerf based off of future "IF's" and i would be quite discussed with Alf if that is the case.

I also agree with that changes could have been made but to a much lesser degree  MUCH. but regardless pre-nerf lets assume that fear came true any number of  attacking squad's could easily win  as long as they fielded 1-2 ECM and 1 ictus or a few neuters, they could kill 5-8 Lemon builds sitting on a SAP.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Look both of you... my E-peen is vastly larger and superior! I am claiming victory over your bicker to prevent the closing of this thread.


(54 replies, posted in General discussion)

*Anouncment* As a poor college student will be up for grabs to partake on any teams as necessary as long as contributions to the "Bring Lemons to Hungary Fund" are made.

As a College student i excel any form of alcohol consumption when involved in games. I also have 9 years of paintball experience 2 of which playing D1 circuit ball and i have competed in the world cup in 05' i was also invited to join a team playing in the 11' cup in October, was unable to accept due to school.

With drinking i am known for my ability to chug, official funnel time of 1.8 Seconds and my shotgunning abilities are close behind that time.

Disclaimer: I fail at BP unless completely trashed.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Whys wrote:

we didn't know all the aspect of the fight. this gropho  die for sure but does he was suppressed does the landscape was pretty bad for him and good to provide a lot of cover for the attackers ?? maybee since his first hit where blocked in his damage log.

ECm + suppressor on a HM and you are dead suppressor land at 100% with a little skill on that  and a good ECM pilote can then turn off the gropho  lock. if the land help the L ewar to be in range for that  whatever pilote good or bad  you are , you are dead.

Folks, Its amazing we have someone in Wambulance who understand tactics/techniques/Countering. PUT AWAY your DPS fits and build real gangs under this guys...

BRING ME THE FIGHTS i used to have fun in... a Challenge.. Real bots vs real bots.


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Inda wrote:

Hunter O.o, you said seroius about Gropho kill? What do you think any gropho can fight or should fight against 15 light gang.?

Other, this gropho maybe was light fitted, so had no chance against the team. If he was tank fitted should be fight a LITTLE bit more not too much but maybe could 1-2 kill acceptable, and i think that is good, and yes before nerf he couldnt survive but had more chance kill 4-5 from ours.

Hunter you want a little bit understand what we say or no? If no I wont try argue with you.

I try to understand you, but i think now you are wrong.

Again This has to do with the pilot... If for example your same grouped charged my Gropho i can guarante i would have killed off your known ECM pilots (from experience) before they get within range. T1 ECM=390m Range.... Kill a light e-war at 550m in 4.1 seconds no ECm at that point... Begin Dropping your Assaults before they hit demob range... If im running away i could probably kill 4/6 before you hit Demob range but after your ECM dies you would most likely disengage thus i survive.


(31 replies, posted in Q & A)

Khader Khan wrote:

Typical CIR Nova response to a hostile force on island.....
1. Scramble the detector fleet.
2. Get eyes and start assembling fleet to counter. Txt message the ictus pilot. lol
3. Do funny cir math.... (your fleet type + you number in fleet + your biggest bot in fleet)(their current on line number + your fleet type^2 + 2 Heavy Mech pilots) = 2 times what you bring with bot size increase of 1-2
4. Try and get lemon to cut off the internals or one external.
5. Chase you and get you to flag against a far supperior force to keep from getting D-mobbed
6. After either threat eliminated or slipped off island move heavys to TP and sit for 2-3 hours.
7. Sit at Outpost until threat has logged or is seen on PVE alts.

False, You run from me when im alone sad. I just want pvp


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Why, but that is the trick to raoming. You can only bring X in a attempt to account for encountering Y. If you dont bring the counter you cant always expect to win.

Correct me if im wrong. YOU HAD TO TRY TO DIE TO A ERP TANK


(304 replies, posted in Balancing)

Yea Yea lets all keep bickering and going at it over non-sense.

How about we get a understand of what we all are trying to achieve. Arguing over everything that is being tested to move towards a better game in the end is pointless. Test it get your results and post a logical well backed opinion.

For those of you going after hunter or any other player who is speaking English as a 2nd or 3rd language and is trying very hard to get there point across to help add value to this community and see this game grow and not crash should be given a break and a second read to make sure you understand them the best you can.

Hunter is referring to multiple balance changes across difference previous patch's that have affected there play style heavily.

Now riddle me this. If our alliance moves to alpha what happens then? No one could handle our roams to expand to beta and no one would have anyone to roam on beta. What then


(26 replies, posted in Balancing)

Whys wrote:

well the fact is that i don't see any nerf needed at all in the light ewar mk2 or mk1

and what you bring to ask for a nerf is not relevant since you gave number to the community whitout telling them that you got full T4 and skill at lvl 10 in long range Ewar spec obs  and maybee in nexus Ewar to . so yeah you maxed in all the aspect of the game the possibity of the demobilizer range and now you just tell that it's to overpower and that need a nerf.

no sorry i don't think it need a nerf since you can counter this with a tyrannos or a waspih with a good setup.

796m L demob on a light ewar will probably fail a lot since LOS  and 370m S demob range is nice but can be counter with waspish tyranos Zenith and what you want that can shoot more than 370m.

Ofc you can use land and cover to avoid getting damage, but like i said you need your alt in follow  for getting your nexus bonus and amp.  just kill the alt or get him demob from behind and your takler is less effective.

but yeah you got a good demob range but just for information a Zenith MK2 can have 769m S demob range. i won't speak about L since at this distance LOS wil *** de L demob efficacity a lot.

Im being facetious. You are just making the point i was trying to make as with this bot i will be making one when i get around to it for each of my other fits.

With the logic you just used the recent in-game nerfs are drastically out of proportion and follow a much simpler linear non-dynamic mind set to balancing the game.


(26 replies, posted in Balancing)

But remember whys, We cant let teamwork, countering and actual thought process be needed when balancing things big_smile.

Its Run *R>V>Space. Anything more is just to much


(101 replies, posted in Balancing)

Alex, Every death of mine while piloting a Lemon was due to me being engaged where i had a terrain disadvantage.

Every victory i had was duked out precisely where i wanted it be.

Very few seem to realize the human element to how strong a fit can be.


(26 replies, posted in Balancing)

I operate 5 Combat accounts each specialized. I can run Tri-Box so my follow bot is very easily produced.


(26 replies, posted in Balancing)

I am going to now just publicly list out everything that should be nerfed for everyone.

Ok so first thing you guys are going to want to nerf now is my chameleon mk 2. You see he is quite frankly broken to anything sub mech to fight.

I can demob at 796.6 with a L-Demob
I can Demob at 370m With a S-Demob
I move at 133KPH

I have 3 Demobs fit.

I can Demob Mechs/Assault/Lights All well outside of there firing range.

I am Faster than 95% of bots within the game and anything that is faster than me has a shorter demob range.

I can out range sub T4 e-war.

I can out range most L-Demobs with my S-Demob.

Hit me with the nerf bat.

Rest of my fits to be posted SoonTM


(101 replies, posted in Balancing)

Wait you all do realize that my new tank is now 2-3x stronger than my lemon ever was right?


(23 replies, posted in Balancing)

Smokeyii wrote:

*** crybaby.



(23 replies, posted in Balancing)

No.. im asking YOU the PLAYERS

Your Mom wrote:

Its funny.

Ones who want it toned down are the ones who have a island to protect.

All the rest dont.

Seems to me its just another beta nerf...which could be a good or bad thing.

Edit :

Also wouldn't this make internal jumping nearly impossible to kill someone on?

This just doesn't seem right.

No i had that adressed with the perma invulnerablity last time they adjusted protection

its back now with the new protection! Haza for immune on inners!

Thats right folks simply go to a inner island teleporter and you are safe as long as you keep jumping~!