(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Syndic wrote:


You forgot, i get to 1 shot MOAR PEOPLE! MHUAHAHAHHA


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Woad Kill wrote:

I think it should come down to where it is a flat standard across the board, No Assault Bot should out run a Light, No Mech out run an Assault, and no Heavy Mech out run a Mech. So if that means adjusting speeds within the game, so be it.

Lights are just that, lightweight, light guns, the scouts, by rights. They are fast, at least in to 110 KPH if not faster. Fitted with Sensor boosts, they should be able to out range any other bot / mech electronically, (unless damped / area jammers....New modules?) so they see trouble before actually running into it at optimun range of Mech with demobs and get 1 shotted. 

The Assault Bots are the Anti Scouting Bot (area Jammers to reduce radar range within a specific radius) / Heavy Scout and General Purpose use . They should be be in the range of 90KPH.

The Mechs at 70 KPH are the base EWAR / Battlefield Logistic platforms and or fire support.

The Heavies in the 50 KPH and basicly a walking (EMPHASISE WALKING) Turret of firepower and armour or Heavy EWAR / Battle Field Logisitics.

These should be the standard speeds with 0 EP bonus's or Lighweight frames applied. When you have Mechs out running Light Bots, you know the game is not balanced quite right. Ok, you strip ALL the armour out of a Heavy, and have the lightest of modules fitted and have Navigation at 10, then at most, that mech should be doing 76 KPH.

If you want speed, you have to sacrifice something, that being Armour and modules.

Maybe bringing into the game engine upgrade modules (Low Slots). An example might be better plasma injectors for an over all increase of 3-7% speed increase based on the Tech level.

What this is intended to do is make the Squad Leaders / Patrol Leaders think about their squad composition and bring a little bit of complexity to PvP ops make up rather than everyone load up for bear and going pew pew (which is fun but tends to get a little tedious after a while) It is also a means to ending the blob per se, where you have a gang of gun ships, torn apart because their composition was not thought out properly, got sensor damped and ECM, and picked off by a lesser number of opposing gun ships but who had the right logistics and support in place.

Just a few ideas anyway.

I dont run speed fits :*(

Well come to think of it latly i havnt moved from a single gate big_smile


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Juan Valdez wrote:

There just isn't even a slim chance a bit of speed would give you anything.

So then you don't mind us being a bit faster, is that what you're saying?

I don't disagree the odds are against us. So what. I've fought worse odds than that in EVE, and come out on top in situations that'd blow the mind of anyone just tabulating it. C-Beams off the shoulder of Orion etc etc.

Death don't worry me. Long odds don't worry me. Not being able to catch my bigger, stronger, more experienced, richer and generally better connected enemy in my light bot with cheapo gear? That does.

T3 Frame=Cheap inexpensive and gets the job done right!


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

AeonThePiglet wrote:
Syndic wrote:

Its the eternal discussion - why should T1 light bots not be better then T4 mechs. The racial advantage is already there for small bots to put a lot of hurt on speed-mechs, especially since the speed-buff light bots and assaults received. 1v1, a Prom will beat a Kain.

Wut? Feel free to explain this in more detail. You know, for the people who feel that this reads like a post arguing that 1+1=3.

Get in contact with me Aeon, My Prom can drop 2 Speed Kains 1v2

Lets Try and take a step back guys, Again like lupus has insisted this is specific material on raw fit bots.

How do these bots perform fully fit, With which fits, With Gangs, When Solo ext ext. The Variables go on.

Outside of the box.

Neoxx wrote:

I think assaults are a decent masking platform, but yes the previous numbers were OP.  I think somewhere around the 150 mark for masking would be fine, giving them some sight advantage, but not so much to be able to easily duck in and out of sight, firing 1 salvo then disappearing, rinse and repeat.  Instead, what seems to have happened is the devs are abandoning the masking role of assaults all together.  Maybe this is in preparation for their "new assault platform" I keep hearing about, but this change was a bit too soon and too harsh.

I'd say the minimum sight range any bot should have on any other bot should be around 350-400m, and thats with the help of maskers.  Normal sight range should be minimum 500-600m.

Are these values for a mech to see them or a e-war light?


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Elirian wrote:

I appreciate that it was my error, and I am happy to deal with that if no change to the reset system is likely to be forthcoming. I did mention both those things in the original post, which it's probably best to read before you hit reply guys wink

I am simply suggesting that it would be possible to make things more enjoyable for those who have made a mistake without ruining the playing field. E.G Lemon could get 30k misspent EP back.... eventually. I could get rid of the irritating extra point I have in an extension that I neither want nor need.... eventually.

Me miss spend EP NEVA!


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

AeonThePiglet wrote:
Monster wrote:
AeonThePiglet wrote:

Why am I admitting this stuff? Well, one reason is it's true. The other reason is that the people we've fought (M2S, CIR, 62nd and a whole bunch of others) can tell you from first hand experience that overwhelming numbers of low skill players does not translate into easy kills from swarming. Doesn't happen. Sorry if you think otherwise, but you're wrong.

With you at the helm of 20 tutorial mission bots ie Leading lambs out to the slaughter, who would expect anything different.

Hey brosef, wanna lead one of our roams? I'm sure after all this back seat FCing you're great at it!

OO OOO Pick Me Pick ME!

Lupus, You are failing to realize a benefit to cost. With Great range and Damage comes High AP cost. With Greater range Lower Damage comes No AP cost. With Lesser Range Greater Damage average AP cost. There is  trend The only thing out of this Trend would be the speed Bonus.

Resistance Trend with Thelodica:
have you sat down and looked at the sheer numbers you can obtain for tank with that, not to mention how easily you make AP not a concern to your tank. It would be *** broken.

Gropho Rate of Fire w/ buffs is just shy of 4 seconds flat at 800m.
Seth Rate of Fire w/ Buffs 2.1 Seconds at 800m

Gropho Crits at 800m - Just shy of 200
Seth Crits at 800m- just shy of 300

The Arguement to be made is speed and number of shots, Lets look at it this way. If we eliminate the need for accumulator through the use of a battery and then we have a very deadly Gatling cannon that will out shoot and out damage anything on the field.

Sorry forgot about speed. So you cant catch them... They will never kill you because you opted to rip there heads off from 800m instead of run them down and poke them to death in a fast bot.

For Auto Cannons all you need is a dispersion a sub 8 which would require Precision 8

Shooting mechs or assaults?

I will be honest and say any buffs or incorrect changes to a Seth with send it so far threw the roof of being OP it would be disgusting.

I will Break This down in to 4 parts: Meta Play, Speed, Bot Wepons, Bot Bonus

The math you have is very concreete and shows that at the current fit/situation the level of balance, What happens if we then add in more EP or adjust fittings, maybe even add in the use of outside bots as buffers. How does this scale across the mech's do some scale better with buffers than others and do some reach prime at different levels of EP. What about different Fits and roles they can play?

The issue is that lupus if you are trying to run around in a seth the mechs ability's are capped fairly low for self fits and no buffers. Especially next to a mesmer, but the same can be said for a gropho being in the same boat as a seth with out buffer bots.

If we expand out to allow buffer bots you can see the mesmer gains very little in efficiency  the gropho gains a little edge but a seth will go threw the roof in performance.

So do we balance around the Solo, Simple play or around higher skilled players with more involved tactics/fits.


Its relative to the objective. If there is no reason to stay the faster bots can disengage and save loss's if you have something or are taking something speed is irrelevant for the ways it is viewed now.

Bot Wepons

Again this is all about fittings, what are you fitting for? i feel like your comparing everything to the gropho builds you ran in intrusions, Which  a Mesmer is not designed for and given the correct situation and seth can perform better. As a tank i would look outside the box and opt for auto-cannons for less use of AP to allow more for tanking. From my experience i have quiet a few effect HCL Fits and Auto cannon fits however do not have effective LCL fits.

Bot Bonus
A seth with the resist bonus's would be absurdly broken and expect me to never die if such change is implemented until either a Dev kills me or its changed. With such a large Accum pool and wide slots and high levels of EP the tank you could squeeze in to a Seth would be astronomical. The only reason it doesn't tank as well now is a ictus can counter it.

TL;DR I would look more at how effective these bots become with Full fits for specific jobs with gangs and Buffer bots. The "best bot" changes with all of these variable very quickly. We cant balance based off of hard base math in one case. As with anything Multiple cases are needed

Edit: oh we talking Intrusions, Which outpost depends on which bot is King.

Lupus i respect the time and effort put in to your argument and post. Expect a Response of the same caliber from me.

Since there is a large amount of logical effort i would like to vote to avoid senseless posts with no back and involving any form of QQ.

I still am behind a Player panel to come up with a agreed upon list of thoughts/ideas on Balance and look forward to the test server.


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Monster wrote:

I regularly visit CIR land and tbh, they have not been impressive at all. Good people and skilled for the most part, but also terribly overrated by newbs.

Almost killed 2 bots including 1 assault in my ghetto rigged prometheus and another time I played around with them around their base in a Baph for a good while. Each time facing 4-5 people and surviving for minutes on end. All solo ...

Syndic isn't toying with NeX in hopes for greater competition. It is a well disguised plea for mercy in hopes that NeX will dissolve before all of the adulation wears off.

Nex could go over to Nova right now and strip it from CIR if they wanted to. Yes, they have a considerable EP, skill, and gear advantage ... But you have such an overwhelming number advantage that it wouldn't even be a challenge.

As much as you would all love to believe his motives are selfless, he is basically playing you all like a fiddle. Good guy though and really the only viable option he and CIR had at that point. Like I said before, well played ...

So i see the mother corp hasnt picked you up since your spyness got found. How is freelance spying for 62nd going for you?


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Monster wrote:

I reset and focused assault and now they are reverting the masking changes. None of my doing, mind you.

Not even sure if that is the route I wanted to go in the first place, but having no experience and not wanting to just stare at my *** EP storing up, I made some hasty decisions.

I am glad to see the devs addressing it

I reset a 260k EP toon and specced all of it in to one thing, It was then changed within 4 days of my reset and took me another 30k EP to correct and salvage the toon.

If you need assault builds i can help, but simply because of the masking being adjusted does not make them useless


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Lime wrote:

Awaiting this new reset system patiently, but if it doesn't come in the next week, I am probably unsubscribing. Not to be dramatic and all but It's really but a damper on my desire to play.

Thats the way, rush it so that people can complain again if something is a bit off due to rushing.

Why doesn't everyone Plan out there EP planner either manually or by using the Perpetuum Planner (outdated) but still effective.

I maybe able to assist you with something that you may enjoy that utilizes auto cannons.

PM me in game

UsedCondom wrote:

i find it funny you are all scared of what we will come up with from your fits

My sparks shaken in its bot


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Alexander wrote:

He does have a point. While Lemons Lemon fit is awesome and I respect that this is a sandbox game where people can do as they please something I do not like is a corporation outright attacking anyone that attempts to play the game.

I welcome CIR gangs as they're fun to brawl with but these newer players whom even their best fit is sub-par are quickly swept away. I remember another guy who wanted to crush all the smaller corps. He took his corporation to enemy outpost and camped them until they quit the game. He also did a lot of other very bad stuff to try and damage the game and was rather successful. Is this really CIRs new plan? Stalk defenceless newbies just exploring the game and not only kill them but continue to supresses them until they either conform and join or leave the game.

If this isn't CIRs master plan that I would really hope their CEO and other CEOs in their alliance look at the power they have. Not to say they are the only ones that can and are doing this but they are a good example. They fit superior gangs and fight in very unfair terms as a show of force. More power to them if they want to harm the game as I too was part of a corporation that did their fair share of damage.

Is this a bond between M2S and CIR forming? Together they could crush all newbie dreams. What a great place we could all live in and enjoy!


Fred knew exactly why i was under his outpost as my intentions were made in the begining. On Day 1 i had established my example to FOOM and notified both CEO and Officers that i would not engage a FOOM member unless fired upon.

My Intentions were to uproot any 62nd footing that had been gained. Nearing the middle of the second day FOOM engaged me and so began the 2 hour fight.

The third day: and final day before extraction: Chaos Counter fit and killed me. (Kudos to Chaos)

My intentions were not to destroy them but simply in retaliation to slander thrown my direction after being swarmed 20+ to 1 and surviving for 10 mins against these odds.

Outside of the 3 day siege the only thing before and after that CIR roamed with to their island was in assault/light bot roams.

TL:DR I want to see the game grow, that was a situation brought on by actions of leadership within the involved corporations. I do not enjoy stomping unformitable foes. I enjoy good fights that are a challenge.


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Syndic wrote:

The Hound? lol

These are the Tears that fuel the machine

[03:10:15]  Friedrich Psitalon> Dude, call off your damn dog. You know full well there are no 62nd here, and all he's doing is making you all look like an ***. We're not going to suicide ourselves against him, and he's not going to get any fights.
[03:10:52] <Friedrich Psitalon> All he's doing is making my newer pilots not want to play, and that's a loss for both of us. 
[03:12:42] <Syndic> hm what
[03:12:59] <Friedrich Psitalon> Your pet pit bull REDACTED
[03:13:26] <Friedrich Psitalon> He's doing his God Mode thing outside our outpost again, and it's accomplishing nothing except encouraging my people to quit, especially after the devs have outright admitted we basically have no chance against his fit. 
[03:14:31] <Syndic> ah he's hunting 62nd again

Tears... MORE TEARS....


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Siddy wrote:
Sabre906 wrote:

There are lots of uninhabited beta. A certain corp keeps chasing corps that go to live there off island. In one case, it's more like one guy chasing off a rather established corp. roll

Oh how horrible! Who would do such a horrible things?

A very Horrible Person

Predator Nova wrote:
Alexander wrote:

Hey look. CIR took over the job of suppressing the game and killing off smaller corporation. Does this mean that CIR are not trying to kill the game by not fighting fair? I also haven't seen the mining in a long time too.

This gets more and more interesting every day. big_smile

Also, no fits on losses and kills.

Lol I really want to know how you got that from this thread. Quit trying so hard, it makes you look oh so very butthurt.
And the veiled accusation about no mining...from you? Really? C'mon Alex lol

Edit: I'm for showing the equipped mods/cargo content on killmails.

We disown this guy....

WTS a Predator Nova w/ Alts included, Any takers?

First off, Let it be know. It is a horrible idea to jump a arkhe in to beta while following 10+ Liths.... You will face a wall of guns and die horribly. o7 mr momo, who scouted for the 10 assaults that jumped in within 30 seconds of momo's death to attack the lithus.

Mr. Carebear as i do respect your contributions to the game and to my kill mails. Please make sure you (TM) all your EP suggestions for The Carebear life.

Within this game you do not have warp, you do not have mounts, you have navigation. In a field full of players maximizing there speed you either conform or pay the price.

PS <3 running lights/assaults down with my kain.

If you need help planning a EP path after Phalanx's useful guide feel free to get in touch with me in game. I will be glad to help you figure out what you should prioritize to reach your goal.


(11 replies, posted in Q & A)

The Shield bonus allows for you to easily fit a effect shield tank on the seth or fit a damage build and use the large accumulator pool with a shield to help avoid some of the incoming damage.

With 5 Leg/Head slots you are free to really fit the Seth to armor or shield tank as with out advanced shield skills the mech bonus does not make a very large difference when fitting a proper shield tank.

You want my fit details, Come scan me im waiting on beta.