(5 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Yeah, it's been reported on the old forums somewhere. Issue with their retreat command. They can target and fire but not move.

Fixed smile


(4 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

No. That's not a solution. You misunderstand.
To remove your squad or corporation from the landmark list you have to set their relation green. You can't set your own corporations relation to itself (One solution would be to allow this)

Simple solution is to add the two filters I suggested. A Squad and a Corporation filter.

That's a good point. A robot can only easily keep tagged as many targets as it can lock (Plus 1 if lock time short than 10 seconds)

As the title says if you untick neutral in the filter options it does not remove null relations from the landmark list. This options can help around the alpha terminal.

Add "Squad" and "Corp" to the filter list below Friendly.

Currently to remove your own squad you have to set them all to high relations and this can be an issue when they leave the corporation.

Please add the filter option, the less on the landmark list the better during PVP.

It's a nice idea but has a down side for solo farmers. Multiple enemy targets that move in and out of range will mean you're switching targets to the ones most likely to do damage to you and to the ones you can do damage to due to terrain differences. A solo farmer could have to switch targets and leave an enemy low on health but free to be tagged by someone else.

It's a nice idea but does have it's down sides. Tag squads will ultimately be what is used to grief.

Then there could be a bug there. A lot of people get confused as it only takes 5 and people usually have spares in their private storage.

If you want, could you take a screen shot with before and after you hand in the assignment. Evidence is always good for bug reports. Then a dev might go and test it out. Not a major bug though.

It does refresh the issue is it refreshes and then gives you the ammo (Or so it would seem) so you have to refresh again. If you take 2 assignments you'll get nothing, then the 1st stack will appear and then refresh and you have the 2nd stack

1) Would be nice if the icons could grey out when they're in a trade window

2) Damage items can be traded via the corporation storage. Works very nicely.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Missiles will just keep getting nerfed until they have a straight LOS or do no damage.

LOS needs to be fixed though and taking the high ground needs to become the correct way to do thing, not the worst. Current in that image you'd shoot through the bumps if you're below your target.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nope and no. WASD and walking are the only controls to get from A to B without getting stuck.

They'll be using DX9.0c for now and for a long while to come. Sorry.

Hi.. Welcome.. To the game?.. I think..
But hey, to each their own. Whatever helps you Role Play a hierarchy.  smile

Have fun. Also, are your burgers better than that other kings?


(4 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

Insulting someone verbally doesn't mean you don't respect them. We insult each other all the time in M2S but we respect each other as long as we've earned it.

You've got to have thick skin to survive in this game. I hope you find somewhere nice though.

I enjoy playing all areas of the game and overall doing whatever I am doing more efficiently than someone else.

Already in the game:
Options > Gameplay > Alternate Robot Control [Tick]

[/End Thread]

The issue being if this is changed then assignment can be almost instantly completed in a squad and an assignment exploit would be created.

The only change that wouldn't create this exploit is if you, not your squad, tag the target first. Then you're back to being griefed by taggers. If someone has a smaller lock time than you you'll get a kill. Swings and roundabouts.


(10 replies, posted in Balancing)

Nice idea Neoxx.
The static system is terrible. I like that LWF suffer for if caught and I like that armour plate users don't suffer so much but not suffering at all seems very overpowered. It's very easy to completely resist demobs (2 or 3 plates) and still maintain a speed that will enable you to deploy, escape, teleport.

All this promotes is armoured blobs. Slow moving with demob tackle testicles extending forward to grab the pray. It's very hard to pick off slow people in an armoured blob as they all move about the same speed and demobs have very little effect. Even the overpowered Zenith will be useless against it.

I like the idea but I dislike the extension requirement. Should be a solid once every 24 hours. You can't take anything with you and can only jump into a unpacked and usable robot. Would require you to go to the location first and would be great for outpost infiltration.


(1 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

The right side of the map with is very annoying. Would be nice if the area would be closed using a [>>] Button and opened again with a [<<] button.

It's a feature. They could make it only drop a console if it's tagged by someone who has the assignments but that would further make squad work impossible and unimportant.

It will take the 5 consoles from you when you hand in the assignment and leave you with the remainder.

[/end thread]

Character creation icons needs to be a little more streamlined too. It's hard to tell which school does what from a glance. A small icon (Red, blue and green) will help. The issue with using red for combat, blue for industry and green for politics is that some people that remake characters think that the colours relate to the factions.

Would be nice if the important information was included as well. "ICS favour Nuimqol. Nuimqol like Magnetic weapons. Magnetics weapons are shorter ranged but high damage weapons" etc. It's all hard to pick out. Veterans will already know what they're doing as this mainly the reason people start to feel like they can't keep up.


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

Released on time, a few server hiccups but nothing major. A few people disconnected from time to time but that soon levelled out. The game works but a few game mechanics are bugged but it isn't unplayable.

Mainly LOS errors (Uphill shooting downhill).


(8 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

The Devs removed the ability for us to see the break down of each frames render time.
The console used to display or displays it for the dev/gm's. Please can we have that back? If only to further highlight the failed optimization of the client.

It's not bad when there is nothing on screen but I remember a Dev saying they used DX9.0c as the client was optimised for low end machines. I sense that was a lie. This game pretty much needs the power of a DX10 capable card just to deploy without crashing.
