I second that. More attention to details is needed.

still think character creation is slightly over rated.

simple version; kill sh... press here. mine and build stuff press here. Forget the rest it's useless big_smile

Best podcast to date. Really enjoyed listening to the discussion. Lupus makes a good points to think about adding alliance features to early in the game.

Still I think the way land masses have been designed with islands and choke points promotes players to group up and form them.

Reasons for low population in my imho opinion:


This issue (biggest issue) has already been addressed with highways, most welcome addition. Its that really enough? Highways are far and few, still too much travel. Time sink its part and parcel of a good sandbox mmo and keeps the market/pvp realistic, hence why time is not the only issue. Travelling is tedious/boring and is what we do most in game.

Soloist play

I like to play to reap my own rewards in game, this is really boring at the moment with current mechanics for kernals it never ends, at least if I could concentrate my efforts in getting a few T4 items it still a lot of time invesment. Market does not help much for kernal so im forced to PVE which is even worse than mining for me:(. Yes and I have 3 accounts!
Combat character have even worse odds for solo play, with 1 account, you are forced to join a corp or leave.

Market and low population

It goes both ways here low trade on market causes low population. Low population leads to less market acitivity. Either way to retain more players more market activity will help more I think.


Again travel its too long not rewarding enough for nic missions although that is going to change. Respawning rates are too fast too repetitive designed for a group not solo player.


Mining is more or less well balanced: other than scanning which takes too long to much travel/walking around with higher population its just going to get worse specially with the regen nerf. Mining amount buff: although welcomed at first, turns out to be a logistical grind maybe not for new miners but when you have a highly trained riveler its like doing transport missions.

Well those I my thoughts, so for those above reasons I will not be resubbing any time soon
sad I have been playing since 2 weeks after release. I have also done some fair share of PVP its the best thing about this game but I need a reason to fight for and I am not much of a combat player anyways. Still remains the fact perpetuum has a lot of potential and can be one of the big mmos in a few years.

I give thanks to all in JOKE Jita/Resentina/Kalsius( now merged With RG) for the PVP experience. IBS now gone from game for their support really great people. Devs, keep up the hard work!

Arga wrote:
GLiMPSE wrote:

You'll get T4 coming into the market as soon as you have these pure industry soloists get their research up to snuff and get enough capital to work around on the market.

The problem is that the only people that are this far along are typically fed by the larger corporations. Give it time..

I certainly can't disagree with that concept, the time frames are much longer then your suggesting though.

There are a fair number of solo manfuctures that are capable of making the items available from light/assault bot kernels, the medium items from the mechs is largely non-existant in the solo market.

For light items, 3000 kernels @ 15-20k NIC each, about a 60 M NIC investment to T3 and some T4 small items. From a cost/recovery standpoint, its not too hard to make that investment back in a reasonable amount of time.

However, when you are talking about 3000 kernels at 100-200K per for mech/hmech items, it takes a LONG time to make back 600M NIC. And that's not to complete T4, just to get to a couple of the lower T4 items, if your trying to get to T4 weapons, make that a couple billion NIC.

As I pointed out in the kernel research thread, just learning is the first step, the solo manf still has to create the full Prototype series from 2 to 4 by themselves, the RE them and buy mats...

The TIME it takes, not just the material, AFTER you've paid for all the research, is tremendous for the solo guy.

So, while I agree that solo producers will EVENTUALLY get to providign T4, it will be many months from now, and the prices will need to be high to recover the initial investment.

What we really need, is an indepenant med size alpha corporation dedicated to production, like 62'nd and Foom are doing for PVP.

Why this isn't happening yet is because the game doesn't support the capitalist model very well, and this corp wouldn't work as a socialist structure, since it's basically in business to create and sell items on the market.

Now... I suppose if we could get 10 producers together to form a non-profit, then maybe it would work.


The above says it all about how hard and expensive it is for a soloist industrialist. Its a long, long road to that goal who ever , is willing to put the effort won't reap the rewards for a long time too. I have no doubt this will happen and will benefit the game for all players and level the playing field on the battle.

Cost for buying your way up the tech tree will also reduce in price as time goes by if, more player joins game, for that to happen it need to be enjoyable to farm kernals by shorter travel times, less ewar npcs etc....

Also a change in how kernals are researched within a specialised area is welcome not a random pile of mess.

Final point I would like to make:T3-T4 should always be hard to get so they will and should remain expensive on the market even if all are available on market they will not be cheap to field, but at least you can attain those items by means of grinding nic the way you want to, not how game mechanics dictates, thats not part of a sandbox imo.

Market does great things to vision your goals, if you envision a full fitted mech with full t4 mods and it cost x amount of nic. Go do the most enjoyable 'grind', farm nic get your stuff:)


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

Alexander wrote:

I have to pay 20%!
Stupid England paying out too much in benefits and feeding the homeless.
If they just let sick people die the world would be a better place. sad

Leave sick people die? Well I hope you don't get sick.

About taxes; there has to be a nic sink and I don't think they are high anyways.

Yes an end game nic sink could change the situation and create a decent market for all players. Now there is little incentive, other than keeping new comers in the game as smokey said.


(16 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Yeah its annoying try to fill a cargo to full capacity, automated should work well and should not be that hard to implement I guess.

Grim Faust wrote:

The OP changes are an interesting way of making people pay attention to them more, but they wont solve the issue of small scale PvP not really existing. Why doesn't it exist? Because the main 'event' in this game is based on a set schedule, which in a sandbox( sorry for being blunt ) is absolutely STUPID.

Agree, pvp gameplay reminds of the Fight club movie. Setting combat on a schedule really breaks the sandbox. I still believe PVE and the new player experience is in more urgent need of a fix before OP ownership. This will bring in more players, with double or triple the numbers online at peak time will make pvp more likely and interesting even with no outpost ownership.

I don't agree in adding more layers of skills by means of grinding kernals. I just gonna end up like a grind fest like most mmos. These would have many implications and even make it harder for industrials to research them price will just be to high and even harder to beg for them. Its already harder with the kernal nerf.

Gaulois wrote:

This is probably a stupid idea.... but what about a ''skill'' that allows you to slowly research stuff without kernels over time? Kernels would just accelerate the process.

But it will probably become too easy with that kind of system. So a credit cost for the research might become necessary.

Probably not a bad idea that's what I have been saying roll Time based skill to level up the tech tree. Using EP to buy kernals could also further your options with present system.

Been thinking about this system we have now, the biggest problem in the future when market is healthy and kernals have flooded the market. What would stop anyone from buying off all the research from market, getting T4 research done fairly quickly with a big wallet.

Doesn't this sound like buying your way into a heavy mech in a day?

Annihilator wrote:

Celebro - that was the first incarnation of the crafting system: license and extensions based.

imho, we could have a few more kernel types, like seperating the EWAR stuff onto ewar bots,
or based on npcs role (scout, interceptor, tank)

Tbh didn't know they changed it to a grinding system, where an industrial must take out a combat bot account just to build higher tier items, or team up with a combat characters, who will have to trust you, on the chance you might leave or reset account.

This is what the Devs say about the game:

Time-based character development
No need for 'grinding'. You can be qualified despite you're not playing, since players get XP even if they are not logged in

I guess most players attracted by this feature of time based character development, won't be too happy on the research grind.

Reading this thread makes me think grinding for research might be the wrong way to go about it in the first place as there is no way for it to be balanced for both corporation and still cater for a solo player. Maybe using EP to unlock prototyping of tier items might make more sense IMHO.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Welcome fellow player, enjoy your time in Nia.

Most are very helpful so feel free to ask any questions.

Arga wrote:
Annihilator wrote:

if the market is affected by anything, then its the exorbitant price of epriton

As a small independant producer, I can say that for me at least, this is the issue.

I could be producing more, but at the price I would have to charge, only corps could afford to buy them; and they can and do produce them less expensively.

Hence why I said 'I would like to urge all corporations to use the market'.

On epitron; I ninja mined solo, 1 million in beta a week ago or so with a termis with these high prices, even if I lost the termis and sequer I am still making a nice profit smile

OMG! Smokey was right then?

We will see.

Good job Devs, next time try and be ahead of the players in finding exploits, will sure make your lives easier.

Does accounts removed mean: suspended or deleted?

TeamBETAalpha wrote:

so lets say I decide to put t4 items on the market and bring the sell value up twice the price they are worth, you saying im doing it wrong then and I should be fair and sell the t4 items at a reasonable cost as that is the nice thing to do?

The price that you think it sells will be fine for now, but at least there should be more types and larger volume of t3-t4 items on the market. The logical thing would be to hold back, I understand why.

I am saying, ignore the logic for now or one of these days we will find an empty server with no one to fight with anymore. sad

TeamBETAalpha wrote:
Celebro wrote:
Alexander wrote:

Very few people are buying high tier modules and if they are buying them it's usually just giving the enemy "Unlimited Supplies" as they call it.

I don't see many people selling to the market as it tend to help others and as they all need beta island materials it's an odd idea to make your enemies more powerful in the risk of limiting your own supplies.

Unlimited supplies? You still need the money to buy them anyways. oh I see you guys have so much nic.

Supplies? Nic is a commodity/ a supply, if players start using the market, this idea of supplies will change.

...really, had throw out an excuse didnt you. Regardless of you has everything, endless nic etc. It still is the point it is a risk of limited one supplies to support the enemy, its part of warfare, basic market warfare. Its not rocket science. With more people yes it can become more feesable, your enemies are killing other enemies not of your own, that can help a corps pockets.

Ok you are saying that your corp supplies e.g modules/bot will drain, if you sell to the enemy, you are still getting nic for it, but I guess you don't need it as nic has little value for you.

Alexander wrote:

Very few people are buying high tier modules and if they are buying them it's usually just giving the enemy "Unlimited Supplies" as they call it.

I don't see many people selling to the market as it tend to help others and as they all need beta island materials it's an odd idea to make your enemies more powerful in the risk of limiting your own supplies.

Unlimited supplies? You still need the money to buy them anyways. oh I see you guys have so much nic.

Supplies? Nic is a commodity/ a supply, if players start using the market, this idea of supplies will change.

If there is one thing we can all change as a community is taking aside politics and warfare for the good of the game.

I will like to urge all corporations to use the market and sell more items this will make game so much more enjoyable for new subbed members and experienced alike.

1. More supply would mean cheaper modules specially higher tier ones.

2. More pvp with high tier bots/mods and cheaper to replace ( ok thas bad for some I know).

3. More market activity means another profession for the station dwellers.

4. People are asking for more individual support for solo players, a healthy market could be the answer (Dev can't help us in this respect)

I know its a problem by giving your enemy an advantage, but I hear players complaining about lack of pvp, so what's the point. This will encourage more to pvp and loses wont hurt that much I guess.

From my side I have been using the market to buy and sell since I started, there is still nic up for grabs. I am not asking to give your stuff away of course. NIC is a commodity like any other.


(16 replies, posted in Q & A)

Alexander wrote:

A.k.a The server exploded a little.. They're scooping up hard drive fragments and sticking them back together.

Or.... poor hamsters from closed beta are too old to turn the wheels big_smile


(16 replies, posted in Q & A)

Thank you, for your prompt reply.


(16 replies, posted in Q & A)

Why, whats going on?


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Who really cares about end game at the moment!

First expansion has been positive but not enough, that's why player numbers increased the first week then went right back down.

Aside from his political motivation smokey is right on most points he makes. Not sure about the M2S influence. PVE is horrible specially for new players, I remember 6 months ago, confident in my new castel on level 1 missions getting blown up due to EW bots demobbing me. I thought at first I wouldn't encounter any EW at least on lvl 1 assignments, but wtf.

Then I figured PVE is all about kiting not tank, what the hell; gets boring after just a few missions manually keeping distance with wasd keys gets tiring , I just can't stand it. Then is the tiring grind of moving manually from mission to terminals and back. Well maybe its just me or are we more interested in end game? sigh


(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

Annihilator wrote:

if remote reppers would be so easy to kill, i wonder how the m2s gropho/symbiont combination can survive so long.

They just about finished Tier 5 research tongue.....Oh wait not in game yet ooops

Line wrote:

Joining a corporation isn't necessary imho - if they need any help, they can ask and join any existing corporation in voisecomms and get all the answers there. About trading - i'd better recommend to create kinda special trial market where they (and only they) will be able to buy all the stuff they need, says, limited by t1 level and robots not higher than a mech or assault. Those robots can be a "syndicate" - worser than a usual ones in bonuses, to prevent any influence on market.

Though close this is not the same as joining a corporation. Players like to contribute for others and make a difference in corp, in return they can get cheap bots and items/ammo in return. Limiting of bots types as I mentioned can be capped with EP skill sets to a certain lvl.

Other ways would be to make a more solo friendly gameplay at least the first month of game.