(90 replies, posted in General discussion)

honestly, larger PVP zones would help this alot, mixed with more goals for corps to achieve. a 20 man corp isn't going to even attempt to hold an outpost, so they need an incentive to come out and play. Something like temporary safety in a small area would be cool, like a mini intrustion, and could even play out on a larger scale as a way to increase options and complexity of the larger intrustions. Just little game things like that, with a reward attached, to make them worthwhile, would probably go a long way towards getting people out to the islands.

I do see what these guys are saying, I just don't necessarily agree with what they're calling for as a solution. focus on the meta gaming, make it worthwhile for the whole population to participate, and it then becomes the norm, rather than the exception, which is what the game is all about, yes?


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

adam savage? Is that you?


(90 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nymeriaa wrote:

Edit: PPS And as for the word "wussies" (which we all know you mean something else by) that is just plain silly. As in the real world it is alot easier to destroy things in a video game then it is to build them. So I would say the real "wussies" are the PvP guys.

Did I just get shat on by a corp mate? You dirty son of a...

btw. I meant wussies. I'm not afraid to say *** as you full well know smile

I mentioned this feature on day 1. it's something EVE should've done years ago, and this game could only benefit from it. I can't see why it's not doable, and some of the scaling issues and whatnot might be made easier by making the UI a bit "chunkier" which would be easy if we had a whole other monitor to place it on.

that goes both ways chief. 07


(90 replies, posted in General discussion)

the problem here is that you all want to be happy, and it simple wont be the case. There is no way to make people not camp the spawns, and there is nothing wrong with travel times. Yes, it's not quick, but it's not meant to be. 150 people aren't supposed to get from norhoop to any other beta island in short order, and you are supposed to be able to hide on radar on the PVP islands ( depending on how vigilant your security is ).

It's a tough call, but frankly, even if senior numbersauce has accurate numbers for EVE, it's that small percentage of players in nullsec and wormhole space who make the game run. These types of games need all types, it's true, but frankly the "safe zones" are meant as a reigned in training area, nothing more.


(90 replies, posted in General discussion)

@jon  by "wussies" I mean people who are afraid to come to beta island areas or live in an area with combat is possible, because they're afraid. which without argument, means they are wussies, as this IS a video game...


(90 replies, posted in General discussion)

@ weapon, you're 100% right, it takes everyone doing everything together to make something like this work... funny how that's exactly what the successful corps are doing....

BTW @ numbers McGee, if you're thinking "hard-core PVP" means people who shoot at others only, you're doing it wrong.


(90 replies, posted in General discussion)

no safe zones = win.

problem is all the wussies leave, and let's face it, the wussies make up the majority lol

what about a straight up negative effect? the more people you have, the more effect you get. Make it simple, and to the point, like a targeting delay, or vision issue, and increase the effect as the number of players on a field increases. fit it into the lore or whatever you want that can be easily done after the fact, but don't get too fancy with it. The idea of making something that can't be countered is the only viable option, or you'll simply find a way around it.

The other issue then is "what is the optimal gang size?" and would it be an effect where you could simply make another gang and avoid the penalty, keeping the same number of people on the field, or would it be based on the number of people in close proximity.

The proximity method is the best I think, might also serve to poke some carebears off of their comfy alpha islands, which should go full PVP when the infinite buy orders are dropped btw. smile

still recruiting, still growing, come check us out!


(93 replies, posted in Balancing)

*sigh* why don't people get that these games aren't supposed to be like WoW and other garbage, the only reason they contain grinding content is because of the storyline and the fact that mats need to come from somewhere in order to kick start production and make it simpler than it would be in real life.

the alpha or "starter" zones are for just that, for starting. Those telling you to get a corp and go work with them aren't trying to troll or be stupid, they're laughing because you clearly don't have a clue about what you're supposed to be doing.

People are farming the kernels on the beta islands, b e c a u s e   t h e y   c a n. It wont change, and it shouldn't change. if you have a problem, find a way around it, hence the term, "sandbox".

I see you're currently in PRIDE, why in all the world are you running missions or farming spawns on alpha? Get onto Domhalarn and work with your corp and the alliance, and stop this silly quibbling about inequality. This isn't day care, where "fair" is key, you make your own fair here. Start building, or get out of the way.

afternoon bump!

evening bump!

Looking forward to seeing ya soon! Also, our doors are still open for more people!


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

First off, the game literally just started. Let the devs get everything squared away first, and then let them plan on new/different things. This game is already light years ahead of even the largest MMO's in terms of being well thought out and balanced and whatnot. Granted, it's got some rough edges, but I'm certain that if the fact that they've implemented several fixes and intelligent changes almost immediately isn't enough to prove to people it's a great company and a great game, then nothing will.

Also, @ Soldur you might try finding a corp that has some goals. This is a sandbox game, so no goals = head banging into a wall. It's not WoW where your goal is to mission till you're glowing and purple and then start over again. I think if you find yourself a place where you're actually working towards a greater goal with a bunch of people you like you'll see the shine in this game a lot more.

yes people who had faith in the game and were willing to put cash up front to support it before it even launched shouldn't be given anything....right.... roll


(2 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

Hmm... Not sure on the DFD reference either but we're recruiting if you're looking. Hit us up in game or join our recruitment channel "Cup-O-Knowledge"

daily bump, still recruiting!

We are still accepting Combat and Industry pilots. We accept new and experienced players, so don't hesitate to contact myself or a corporate representative in game! Again our recruitment channel in game is "Cup-O-Knowledge", see you there!

Glad to hear you like us! smile

to the top!

Now now, I have been an advocate for a place to spam since the start! And besides, if you don't advertise, you'll never be seen! smile

This is an issue i've been struggling with for a bit now. (As i'm sure you all know, as I've seen several of you in the general chat angry with me smile ). There really does need to be a better option. I can't stand posting in that channel, as it's not very effective, and frankly, it just pisses people off more than anything. I too created a dedicated channel for it, and no one joined, though you may be right in that no one knows how. That being said, what about something like corp ads, within the stations or something? Or at least some way to advertise without spamming like a nutsac?


(55 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)
