(25 replies, posted in Balancing)


Too easy to get around. Not worth precious dev time.

Pls do not distract devs from their upcoming patch. Bright lights and pretty colors are very distracting to their delicate being and they need all their wits about them to ensure a minimal cry of exploits (from Jita, because he didnt exploit it first, Peanut did) and to minimize the subsequent nerf that follows a month after patch release.



(11 replies, posted in Testing server)

Will each spawn still have 2 groups of NPC's or now will there be only one?


(22 replies, posted in Balancing)

Kayin Prime wrote:

We could start talking about the PvP-free gamma islands again.    Unlock the base building content for the people who are not PvPers.

Problem with that is in order to get back to the safety of alpha you'd need to (most likely) pass through pvp-open beta, thus you wouldnt be getting those truly committed to avoiding pvp to come out and play.

EDIT: Maybe devs should think about adding some other mechanic that is not-pvp related factor into base ownership I.E. donating X amt if said minerals, components, fragments etc etc that can be done at anytime to increase base stability. ***, make it only available at NPC stations and the leading corp who has donated the most be the only corp to be able to hold stations on that island. This may bring interest in those who dont pvp to holding beta.


(6 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Azyrex wrote:

Human connections 101: In this course we explore who to trust, who to meet, who to visit, visitors to your city and for the final exam, ball gag fitting.

Is that part of Tinder premium?

Hunter wrote:
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:
Ville wrote:


hey are late? no surprise smile

And where is that?..

Google Translate has failed you Hunter.

No matter how you square it, Syndic is right. Beta/Gamma needs more reward for the risk. Killing the same group of people over and over and over and over again simply doesn't cut it. 

Before you make the vein pop in your forehead, I spend 98% of my time on alpha.

If Beta/Gamma doesn't get additional rewards then alpha needs a considerable amount of additional risk.


(25 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

-1 to the OP as this is clearly going to occupy too much dev time but +1 to the change of the current mechanics for Nora. Better balanced with clear visuals but Zortarg needs some dev love so meh.

YES *** I am PHM so hate on.

Whats PTS and should I be playing it instead of the reg server?

EDIT: If you answer then your......... "joke"


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Anti climatic but good production value.


(0 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Stop claiming that youve found a cure and lets go. The masses need a new shiny!



(23 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Zortarg wrote:

who R. you?

Fixed it for you.


(18 replies, posted in Events)

Ville wrote:
Burial wrote:

Hide and seek: Find what terminal CIR is hiding in this time.

?  Do we need to log in?  I got 0 reinforcement left on a terminal in krazlov...  Do I need to log in to do something about an evacced island?

Guess undefended bases are getting Burial to log back in. No real surprise there.

Moreth cannab wrote:

im having connection issues. i cant even play i keep getting booted every 2-3 mins.
what can i do? is this the right place to look for help?

It helps to develop a drinking habit of the moderate to severe type.

Lets not beat the advertising horse again please. Im so tired of seeing how common sense just isnt so common.


(12 replies, posted in Bugs)

Bring back tf beacons!


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Tonnik wrote:
Aye Pod wrote:
Syndic wrote:

Notice how it wasn't an exploit when homeboys were calling for poor unwashed cons to jump in Arkhes and go to montabis to sit on probes. lol

I will also add that no one from the partnership turned to the devs or the forums for help in dealing with the annoyance.

http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … ty-probes/

ethos not part of the PoE now?

What they did when they werent was their business. Now they have higher standards.

EDIT: Just skimmed through the 50+ posts and not one person was QQ about one side being unfair. Your argument is invalid sir.


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Syndic wrote:

Notice how it wasn't an exploit when homeboys were calling for poor unwashed cons to jump in Arkhes and go to montabis to sit on probes. lol

I will also add that no one from the partnership turned to the devs or the forums for help in dealing with the annoyance.


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Tonnik wrote:

Interesting Dev response really. They know its a bug. They know its not working as intended. They are happy for people to keep doing it regardless so suck it we don't care.

First the tantrum and now the pouting. Stop being such a child.


(41 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Congrats Ville!

I too had a 36 hour stretch for my first. I think that was the only time I got any real sleep on those hospital chairs.


(27 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Perpetuum wrote:

First of all, the stupid *** is stupid.

I stopped reading at this as it set the precedence for your post.


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)


I need to get moar popcorn and vodka.


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Stop crying for people to get banned as this is not an exploit. Until the devs say so this is a working game mechanic, nothing more. AFK bases shoudnt be able to defend themselves for very long which is why the devs added energy caps in the first place. If you cant defend your base against one afk Arke then you shouldnt be on Gamma. No offense to CHAOS but we both know what happens to AFK bases, especially after our losses on Landers.

If anything, the devs could up the roaming speed of NPC's on gamma or add more spawns. You shouldnt touch the current mechanics however as it adds content for individuals and small groups.

Pretty please Goshka, moar posts about how you think Im Ville and exactly why you are so butthurt.


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Is there some sort of "Hero" achievement you get on steam for trying to "save" Perp?


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Goshka wrote:
Aye Pod wrote:
Jita wrote:

It's your idiocy. Its not their job to spend all their very limited time closing every loophole some player with aspergers finds. Thats ridiculous. Do you stick your head out of open train windows if you find them because it's there job to keep them closed? Do you put spill coffe on yourself to check if it's hot when its not labelled?

Why do you need the Devs to stop you all from behaving like a ***?

this is a SANDBOX with what you do having a very real impact on the success of the game. It's up to YOU to take responsibility for YOUR playstyle and YOUR actions and so far they have been lacking. If it's not bad enough to get caught out in a lie about other players who gave you their trust while doing the podcast now your apologizing for people abusing the mechanics to grief people in arkhes.

Your a disgrace.

You sir are pathetic. Throwing a tantrum because you get you panties in a twist. You are the real cancer of this game.

Ville, stop commenting from your Twink, everyone knows that's you.

Real cancer of this game are some sociopatic napoleonic complexed jerks who needed to be in 50 overheavy mechs against five robots! Stop playing the educated man, cuz we all know very well who you are!
Despite my outrage and the promiss of mixing this game with sh*it on Steam... I made positive comments about it with all my accounts.
Guess what I see? Mega ass-licker Ville, the fierce defender of this game, the champion of champions in perpetuum promotion... WROTE AN EXTREMELY NEGATIVE appreciation note. It is really obvious how you care about Perpetuum overall.
You may think whatever you want, but the whole server on the other side (along with some hundred who will NEVER ever return) think totally different about you guys and your playstyle. It's a pity, cuz those will never even want to come back. I wouldn't, if I would be them. When you deploy on a waspish along with prometheus and baphs and u're stomped with a huge fleet of kains - this isn't fun. All migrated playing TESO big_smile


Maybe you should ask around before you post things that makes you look foolish. I am nobodys alt.

Please keep those tears coming.