Topic: New devblog: Random assignments - The final details
A comprehensive blog about the final details of our incoming random assignment system is here at last!
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A comprehensive blog about the final details of our incoming random assignment system is here at last!
What a terrible waste of time
now, major questions:
what happens to all the non-roaming npc spawns?
How will kill-loot missions be handled on beta, regarding the explosion-damage-no-loot-****-rule?
Will there be missions tailored to one player and harder ones tailored to group play? (which could replace the beacon-exploit system...)
ETA for PTS?
Thank you.
what happens to all the non-roaming npc spawns?
How will kill-loot missions be handled on beta, regarding the explosion-damage-no-loot-****-rule?
Will there be missions tailored to one player and harder ones tailored to group play? (which could replace the beacon-exploit system...)
Fixed NPC spawns will eventually disappear and get replaced by all roaming spawns.
Assignment-related item drops are handled individually, so that can ignore the explosion damage rule.
As the blog says there will be specific categories with assignments tailored for squads, but this rather means that it's more efficient to do them in squads (parallelization of objectives), not that they are more difficult to do.
However, all assignments, even the ones not designed for squads will be more difficult when done in squads.
I don't have an exact ETA on the PTS at this time, but April is certain.
Fixed NPC spawns will eventually disappear and get replaced by all roaming spawns.
i know, this is for the patches next year... but roaming as in "running in scripted circles" or as in "running around, playing the game" ?
i know, this is for the patches next year... but roaming as in "running in scripted circles" or as in "running around, playing the game" ?
In the first iteration it will be just like on gamma. But we have already done AI experiments with 50-50 enemy NPC brawls, and it worked.
Annihilator wrote:i know, this is for the patches next year... but roaming as in "running in scripted circles" or as in "running around, playing the game" ?
In the first iteration it will be just like on gamma. But we have already done AI experiments with 50-50 enemy NPC brawls, and it worked.
So what you are telling me... is that NPCs will shoot each other based on which faction they are in sometime in the future?
I can already imagine myself just wondering around finding a bunch of random containers to loot
Sorry to burst your bubble, but just like now, NPCs killing NPCs won't drop loot
So if I got an Officer slip would I have a chance at getting t1 items?
So if I got an Officer slip would I have a chance at getting t1 items?
That is a question of balance, but the basic concept is that yes, more tiers would be mixed together in order to reduce the chance of getting always the best items.
That's almost as bad as your old research tree.
Hey guys thanks for spending a *** ton of tokens hers a t1 target marker.
Hey guys thanks for spending a *** ton of tokens hers a t1 target marker.
Yeah, this is a valid concern. Maybe need some more thought into this one Zoom...
DEV Zoom wrote:Annihilator wrote:i know, this is for the patches next year... but roaming as in "running in scripted circles" or as in "running around, playing the game" ?
In the first iteration it will be just like on gamma. But we have already done AI experiments with 50-50 enemy NPC brawls, and it worked.
So what you are telling me... is that NPCs will shoot each other based on which faction they are in sometime in the future?
I can already imagine myself just wondering around finding a bunch of random containers to loot
LOL.. Ahh beast, ever the opportunist
So if I got an Officer slip would I have a chance at getting t1 items?
It might be the factions way of saying "Thanks for the tokens but we don't need/want your help, go visit that other mob next door, they might appreciate your efforts" or in layman's words F U!!
I have a hard time seeing that a reward for grinding missions. Like I don't mind random t4+ but I'd like the tokens to mean something.
*ZOOM THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT*. You. The developer. Have a chance to add some meaning to your game... Let's be logical if lets say a box that drops magical T4+ exists. Token prices go up! What's the fastest way to get tokens? It better *** be Beta missions... Now we have a new reason to fight for Beta.. And we have a way to get the best tier equipment in game.
Ps can you unban the Ville account? It's been 5 months.
So what determines if loot will drop when NPCs shoot each other? Is it the killing blow? Most damage done? Can I surpress one bot involved, run away and then collect cans when it dies? Do I have to worry about roaming NPC's getting the final blow on my mission NPC?
I can already hear Jita crying - Exploits!
PS - Unban Ville!
Good news mostly!
If we won't get Fixed NPC spawn's, what will happen the NPC farmer's? (If I understand correctly.)
the "loot" system has to be revised anyway with static spawns removed. So the question about loot from battling NPCs is rather short sighted.
same for mission rewards.
getting NIC, Relation and tokens as rewards, then relation level unlocks stuff in token store that replaces player built equip.
Now where is there the player economy? handing out elite gear in token shop sounds like a great idea.
As long as Beta assignment rewards are acceptable and new random boxes provide decent purchase alternative to beacons, it's good. The return teleport seems like something abusable..
The trouble with AIDS as a reward system is it requires you to stop to redeem them. Thats not good for reward emersian, it wont keep you ratting. Your likely to set an AIDS target and then go to the station to redeem them. Your better altering the loot tables so that you get random reward drops.
The trouble with AIDS as a reward system is it requires you to stop to redeem them. Thats not good for reward emersian, it wont keep you ratting. Your likely to set an AIDS target and then go to the station to redeem them. Your better altering the loot tables so that you get random reward drops.
Indeed. What actually would be nice is adding some rare drops to those special mission NPCs.
Well I don't know what you have in mind regarding the token shop, but we certainly won't put our rarest items there for direct purchase.
Well I don't know what you have in mind regarding the token shop, but we certainly won't put our rarest items there for direct purchase.
I'm saying the drop should come from the NPC's you kill, not the tokens.
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