(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Burial wrote:

Ville, people aren't thrilled about setting up a shop on Betas if it can be lost in a weekend.

You can never be booted out of the 3 beta 1 faction terminals, yet I do not see anyone using them?


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Jita wrote:

But that would make saps be done in something worth pvping against and not a t1 light. Isn't that a good thing?

Do you guys really need NPCs to help you fight your battles?

Play the game, find some friends, fight your own fights.


Every time a STP is used, a puppy should die.


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Naismith wrote:

Unlocked stations only benefit entities that are

a) Not interested in fighting for it, just leeching when nobody is looking
b) Only interested in trying to grief people who put in the effort to secure their station/island.

I agree 100%.

I think this is just Joke's tactic of late.  Flood every topic with an "unlock beta" idea. 

Now, back to topic.
+1 removal of sparks.


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Jita wrote:

Can Beta saps cause the spawning of a roaming spawn sized rat party? Preferably tier 3


Stop saps getting done by bots that don't cost anything thereby increasing risk vs reward

Also gives Beta residents regular PVE opportunities and from them the common kernals they are requesting

Gives PvP people targets of opportunity rather than a mk1 castel sat on a sap

SAPs are meant to foster PVP, not PVE.


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Zoom wrote:
Burial wrote:

Nice timing. How far are new Beta assignments?

My current prediction is Beta1 around mid-July and Beta2 at the end of it.

Sweet.  So Alpha 2s should be any day now?


(148 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jita wrote:
Altera wrote:
Burial wrote:

Yup, problematic part is anyone looking to live on Beta has to overcome all the hoarding that's been going on for years. Game either needs a huge population boost so asset difference can be run-over with numbers or station locks have to go.

I fail to understand how the hoarding of vet players has anything to do with station locking.  Are you trying to push an agenda?

Because people can not live on beta and attack you constantly without need to get more stuff. If you live on beta you don't have that luxury.

You can stage out of the open terminals on the beta 1s.  I still think you are being lazy and want to just be able to harass at your leisure with almost zero actual on-line play time.

Inda wrote:

Honestly I came back to more actively playing beacuse of AUTOPILOT change, sad but true.

Autopilot still works; afkpilot is now more dangerous. 

If you have to many accounts to actually play, then don't play them (at least at the same time)

If you want to do your homework, DL porn, watch cat videos, or tab to another game, then sit in the terminal.

If you need 5 minutes to take a ***, then dock up or log off (or use a poop sock).

Yes, roaming reds are a PITA, but if you want zero danger, zero excitement, zero accomplishment, stay in the terminal and set a goal of 1M spins on the counter.

If new players (or vets) want to play a game that you can't lose assets, this isn't the game for that.  Why are we basically asking the DEVs for a no death guarantee? We *** about how ppl have too many assets, that nobody wants to play and just log in on the week end for a fast pvp zerg, then we ask for this.  It just doesn't equate.  Are we just sad cause we don't yet have our piece of the free cake that came before (or our cake will never be big enough)?


(148 replies, posted in General discussion)

Burial wrote:
Jita wrote:

And thats half the issue, the biggest PvPers don't have to produce anything and so the scales get tipped.

Yup, problematic part is anyone looking to live on Beta has to overcome all the hoarding that's been going on for years. Game either needs a huge population boost so asset difference can be run-over with numbers or station locks have to go.

I fail to understand how the hoarding of vet players has anything to do with station locking.  Are you trying to push an agenda?


(20 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

SunnyJester wrote:

Well it works today, not sure what happened yesterday.....

Insert trolling posts below vvvvvvvvv

logicalNegation wrote:

My proposal is introduce red arkhe drone-types and/or L0's sparsely and with fixed 'homes' (like mission spawn mechanics now) with a generous but not infinite lasso radius (the distance they may chase their aggro'er from home coordinates).  They can have some tricky ecm or enwar, and some dps (no demob: again to emphasize a player paying attention should survive more than a player not doing so).  But a real player should be able to fit a gun and a tank on their miner (they have slots for it), go out, do their mining mission, pop drones as they aggro along the way (not unlike hi-sec eve rats).  This way new players, and indy players, at least are introduced to fitting tanks, paying some attention so that they aren't slowly shot down, but not insta-popped because a red gang popped up on their radar while they were tabbed out. 

This would mean you couldn't be completely afk, or you would sacrifice mining output or speed to fit a more robust tank.  Which is reasonable, I think.  But should alpha2's be populated with Red observers? I think not.

This is my opinion, and while from a personal perspective I would posit that at least some players also don't want to have a game monopolize their time, but still want to participate in some way and make meaningful progress in the game.

This equates to red NPCs to new players only which is the opposite of what we need! A vet player can easily shield tank a riv mk2 and afk mine if being attacked by low level reds.
How about very slow moving HMs.  This way folks really playing the game can run away (even in a riv), but afkers and botters will have difficulties.


(15 replies, posted in Q & A)

rivs and grophos are now for sale on the market. smile

Annihilator wrote:

your corpmates already explain in their posts from time to time, why things have to change.

I am not saying things should not change.  I was just pointing out that if you think NSE is broke cause someone sold some ICE, you are delusional.

I can add my 2 cents like everyone else:
I am in favor of making ppl play this game, not just logging in and looking at cat pixs or going to sleep!  I don't like botting and I don't like afk miners.  I think reds should roam alpha 2s, beta and gamma and alpha 1s should lose the ability to afk mine or bot.  Alpha 1s can not become the new no risk vs all reward zones, so unless something is done (limit mineral field sizes, remove liquids, etc), the problems we currently have will just shift to the A1 islands.

We have too many of the same issues in different topic, saying the same things over and over again.
Risk-v-Reward is what is not balanced.  Gamma and Beta is a ghost town, resources are not being consumed (aka bots getting destroyed), and everyone is just semi playing hording for the future.  That gets boring and folks leave the game or only log in for a few minutes during the weekend to cause drama and troll.

Jasdemi wrote:

Red NCPs on alpha2 were removed as a band aid fix due to rampant griefing. As AI stuff is now fixed, I hope they're coming back asap. Made alpha2 life much more interesting.

9) Sure, but you've been around for a long time. When NSE first started, we went through blood and tears to get a seth, now we can produce gamma terminals with ease.

Yet your corp still had to sell me 40 ICE few days ago, to acquire some NIC. I'm not judging, but get off your high horse, son.

Do you really think 'NSE' is selling ICE cause we are strapped for NIC.  Everyone knows NIC is a joke in this game.  We (NSE) are sitting in a fully T3 Gamma base for production, we are raking in SAP loot on a half dozen of our betas, we have active online players mining, missioning and actually playing the game, we aren't getting killed often in PVP/PVE, do you really think that ICE was sold to keep us out of bankruptcy??  I can tell you I am not sitting up all night worried that a tow truck is gonna come repo my Gropho.

Use your brain, you gotta be able to think of a couple of other reasons why someone sold that ICE.  If we needed a bailout, we would do like the EU and just go ask Germany for a big bailout wink

Don't be a troll, leave that work to Joke.


(31 replies, posted in Balancing)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Since you would only need to deliver one, probably around the agent doing the last cycle.

So squad missions are too easy, so we will add a 'ticket' to slow down the squad.  Basically, a squad needs to be 1 person larger, so we have a fast guy to run back?  I don't really see this fixing much wrt NIC/hr.  Won't the 'randomnsess' of the missions prevent ppl from camping the same fields/spawns?

I am a fan of going back to squad missions and individual missions (separate selection).  This new auto squad mission has several unforeseen issues.  To include screwing up standing squads and isolating players who are grinding missions and not being balanced very well, etc.

Just break it up and make squad missions appropriate to a squad.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

there are also other players on those other islands.  Not many stay on the alpha 1s.  If you want to play with yourself, then stay put, if you want to join a MMO (of maybe 100 ppl), move around and get involved, the game is 10x better playing with others.

Is it me or was this removal announced months ago?  Did people finally figure this change out or were they just in denial?
Hasn't this been the source of many botters-v-non-botters posts for most of this year already.

Tonnik wrote:
Celebro wrote:
Burial wrote:

Zoom, why exactly are you removing the static spawns? Removing content, bad.

It's no good content, I am in favour of removing for abuse and it is really boring stuff, I'd rather mine tbh.

I think grind has its place alongside missions. Adjust the reward perhaps.

I agree, farming static spawns is enjoyment for some (over mining or what-not), but this was the DEVs answer to the botting issue and until they come up with a better way to stop letting some folks have an unfair advantage in game, this is the best course of action.

This discussion has gone on in many different forum topics.


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Please give us an option to NOT see all of the missions that get completed by others in the squad.  How about if I don't have the mission window open, I don't get the giant mission complete banner smack in the middle of my screen (accompanied with 5 sec lag).


(26 replies, posted in Testing server)

Ville wrote:

Honestly, I'd convert the tokens into liquid nic prior to the mission patch going live on Monday...


Just give us some notice, so we can decide to use them in the current market or have them converted to NIC


(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

Doc Truscott MKIII wrote:

my concern with the mission system is currently 3/4 of the reward value is in the tokens, right now im a mostly solo player as my friends do have a real life. the best thing to buy with tokens right now is beacons but with the new AI i attempted a pelistal platoon beacon and they roasted my follow bot on the first wave. so with a solo player ( mk2 seth and follow ) has  a hard time with 4th tier beacons they have to resort to selling tokens/beacons to the bigger corps that can do them.

Tokens will be for T2+ and T4+ soon.  maybe someday pink bots, but that's a different topic.

I can't wait to see this new change.

Will the stores be selling T4+ for tokens or will that not happen until all islands are updated?


(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

Tonnik wrote:

If they made beta the way it was before they nerves the *** out of it then it would be fine.

It had:

Big red spawns of every mineral
Static spawns with normally four Epi spots within 1400m
Red mobs that didn't cause explosion damage
Observer robots that, while difficult, dropped an observer kernel that gave a great increase to tech
Stations couldn't be locked so you could set your industry up there without risk of losing it all
The best production in the game

They ruined all of that and now beta is ***.

Bring it all back and beta is worthwhile again. Yes not having station locks can leave you open to ninja ganking but if your that bothered about it then get a gamma. Gamma should be close to as lucrative as beta but safer as you can build your own defences, wall off your base and lock people from stations.

Your changes would make Gamma useless and we would have to start all of these threads over again and change 'beta/gamma is not worth' it to 'gamma is not worth it'.

We all agree the Risk-v-Reward of beta (and gamma) is way out of level, but you just want free and open beta that is too OP. Balance is needed.  You propose moving the Risk-v-Reward needle on beta to little risk/lots of reward.


(22 replies, posted in Balancing)

SunnyJester wrote:

I think more events in Beta to encourage PvP would be more valuable than changing station mechanics. How about a PvPvE mechanic where a force is needed to take down a world boss mob in Beta with some sick loots (like t4+ stuffs, tokens, pvp ammo etc).  The squad that does the most damage gets the loot, however PvP ganking can happen during this encounter....

I thought this was already implemented.  Its called roaming red NPCs big_smile


(22 replies, posted in Balancing)

Kayin Prime wrote:

We could start talking about the PvP-free gamma islands again.    Unlock the base building content for the people who are not PvPers.

Its only a matter of time before that happens