(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Shaedys wrote:

One thing though, if they do this they should decrease accumulator usage on lasers, because thelodica bots use quite enough as it is. If they regen less that's going to be a big nerf for them.
Other things as well perhaps, just lasers especially.

A regen formula fix would only affect the Green bots.  Yellow and blue will remain unchanged.  A proper "fix" should only effect the way the +5%/level accum recharge works in the formula; only some of the green bots have that particular bonus.

The change won't even effect the Ictus as it does not have the +5% bonus to recharge.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Sundial wrote:

If what Mongolia says is true, this hungarian math should be fixed but do not nerf the actual bonus itself... fix the math, leave the recharge bonus alone.

Exactly Sundial.  They could have tweaked the formula and kept the Trioar bonus alone and all would have been fixed for all Green bots that use the broken formula.

I had posted this on the original post here, but no Dev listened, which I had assumed would happen anyway.

Now people will train the Tyrannos and the Devs will eventually nerf it, pissing off the players who dropped high amounts of EP into it to get the uber tank it delivers through the broken math exploit.

This will cause people to quit the game in the future.  This could have been avoided with no disruption in the past. It can still be avoided with minimal disruption today.  Tomorrow is a different story.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Alexadar wrote:


You say "its broken"

Devs say "working as intended"

Why you still argue?


1 year ago Styx & m2s say "insurance broken, there is fraud"

Devs say "working as intended"

1 month later Devs punish people for insurance fraud

Moral: Devs have been wrong (and are now wrong about Tyrannos) -> that is why I argue.  cool


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Scyylla wrote:

Should level 10 in an extension make you unstoppable--No, but it should make a significant difference.

Hmm, what a question -> how much bonus should an expensive level 10 extension give over a level 9 extension?

Scyylla says "significant", whatever that means.

Anyone else care to give an answer?


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Annihilator wrote:

but alexadar is also right when he tells that those two extensions are not the only ones necessary to make a good shield tank tyrannos, because its worth crap if you cannot fit anything on it.

No you guys are missing the point.  I know those 2 skills are not the ONLY thing necessary, but it's HUGE bonus.

My pre-nerfed t4 fit Troiar Mk2 -> if you took EVERY EXTENSION in the game at level 10 (minus Energy Management and Robotics) my Troiar Mk2 could tank -> 2 mechs

My pre-nerfed t4 fit Troiar Mk2 -> if you took ONLY Energy Management and Robotics level 10 (minus every other shield boosting extension) my Troiar Mk2 could tank -> 9 mechs

Those 2 extensions together give 4.5x more tanking power than all the other 300 extensions combined!

THAT is what is broken.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Alexadar wrote:

The most funny that i have no idea about what extensions you talking, because true (tm) tyr must have more than 2 right extensions.

Wrong, there are ONLY 2 right extensions for the Tyrannos to level 10.  It's even more important than the venerable Navigation-10.  All other extensions for the Tyrannos can hover between 4 and 10 and it won't make much of a difference.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Alexadar wrote:

Your calculations are wrong then. 88% is lol.

We will see soon enough...

Saving quote  tongue


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Alexadar wrote:

Type your calculations pls Mongolia

I've already sent the formula with examples to Dev Mancs and he has forwarded it to Dev Alf on Dec 15th and on Dec 23rd.  I am waiting for a response back from one of them.

If I don't get one by the end of the 1st week of January, or if they say "working as intended" then I will make new thread with formulas and all.

They nerfed the broken troiar and the troiar is still very effective post-nerf.  If they nerf the Tyrannos it still will be very effective, as opposed to being broken as it is today.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Alexadar wrote:

We talking about different things. In my world, specialized tanking is f.e. shield tanking with top extensions for absorption and energy systems, and with fitting what improve shield tanking as best as it can.

Alexadar, you are missing the point.  Or maybe you are not missing the point, but rather you just want to deflect the issue.

There are plenty of "specializations" in Perpetuum.  There is ECM/EWAR, damage, rep tanking, buffer tanking, stealth bots, shield tanking, etc. They all require a mix of extensions to work more effectively.  Typically an extension gives a boost of 3% or 5% per level, so that a guy with a few more points is just slightly better than his lower extensioned opponent.

Also, because extensions cost more as you increase them you get the diminishing returns effect.  This is the basis of the EP system that PO is based off.  All extensions are supposed to work on the diminishing returns theory.  Well all extensions except for 2 on the Tyrannos...

For ALL extensions in the game, if you were to go from level 8 to level 10 you will get a 6% to 10% boost per extension.

On the Tyrannos, taking the right two extensions from 8 to 10 should only boost performance by about +16%, but it doesn't, rather it boosts performance (or more specifically, tanking in the case of the Tyrannos) by +88.7%.  THAT"S A HUGE BOOST for only two extension points.

I call that "increasing returns" and that is just wrong.

Not to mention, a Tyrannos with those 2 extensions at 8/8 is already able to tank a great deal.  Getting those skills to 10/10 is just sick.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Alexadar wrote:

lol) Mongolia, do you know that rock-paper-scissors works only for semi-passive tanking? For specialized tanking its not working allways.

Alexadar, "specialized tanking", what is that?

My pre-nerfed Troiar and today the Tyrannos was/is not using specialized tanking.  You get your skills high enough in the old-Troiar or today's Tyrannos, harnessing the logarithmic math, and you can tank anything.  GENERAL tanking everything, anything, anytime.

Pit Fiend's Troiar Mk2 pre-nerf was not specialized, I just had the right skills higher than any other veteran and was able to tank 90% to 140% more dps because I had the right skills at 10's as opposed to the next best Troiar pilot having those skills at 8's.  I was exploiting the Hungarian math, same as the Tyrannos pilots are doing now.

Improving two skills by 2 points should not double your tanking ability, period.  Secondly, this further divides the gap between new and old veteran players, something I'm sure the Devs don't want to exasperate.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Alexadar wrote:
Mongolia Jones wrote:

End game:
-Artemis kills Kain
-Tyrannos kills Kain
-Tyrannos kills Artemis
What's wrong with this picture?

I think wrong colors. Too incentive to read.

If kain dying 1v1 in a fight with tyr, i think that kain is *** to not use speed and range.

Ok, Alexadar let me make the proper changes so that it satisfies your sensibilities.

End game:
-Tyrannos WILL kill a Kain if it gets in range.
-Tyrannos WILL NEVER die to a Kain regardless of range.
also for further clarity...
-Kain WILL only survive a Tyrannos if it uses it's superior speed to run away.


BTW, since when did a kain get a longer range than a Tyrannos?  Was there a patch I missed?


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Annihilator wrote:

damn, alexadar, your right, i forgot

nerf kain - its to easy to use/fit!

and pit fiend, i already said to the troiar - its the only thing ingame that is not using hungarian math... and therefor broken

LOL Anni, ya nerf the Kain because it is too easy for noobs to use, lets see how far that line of thinking goes.  The only reason the kain is "easy to fit" is because it has 2 extra useless missile slots which are junk slots because it's not worth the extra 20 dps.  If those slots allowed drainers or neuts then fitting the kain will become much more a challenge.

Secondly, your Troiar quote was factually incorrect as the Tyrannos uses the same math as the troiar did and therefore was not "the only mech to use it.".  Plus your version of Hungarian math is more narrow minded.  You still have no idea why the Troiar was and now the Tyrannos is broken.  At least nothing you have posted tells me you know why.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Alexadar wrote:
Mongolia Jones wrote:

The Tyrannos power grows exponentially as you skill up the right skills while all other skills for all other bots increase linearly.

Besides, imo, i think it was intended: tyr bad in a beginning, and good at the endgame. Remember how fun was to kill tyranoses by kains? Remember how easy was to make kain-shotgun with navi10 and lwf? in a case of kain, maybe kain is OP, because it is very easy to train in the beginning of game?

Alexadar I can understand your apprehension at my "spilling the beans" on the Tyrannos but your argument above  holds no water.

Lets take your example further:

Beginning game:
-Artemis kills Kain
-Kain kills Tyrannos
-Tyrannos kills Artemis
Rock-Paper-Scissors - The world is in harmony

End game:
-Artemis kills Kain
-Tyrannos kills Kain
-Tyrannos kills Artemis
What's wrong with this picture?


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

I'm already talking to devs about the Tyrannos exploit.  It suffers from the same Hungarian math that the Troiar suffered from pre-nerf.

If they plan not to do anything about it then I will let the rest of the community know exactly which skills to level to what level to get the broken Tyrannos.

Why they bothered to nerf the Troiar and not the Tyrannos is beyond me.  And don't tell me that the troiar mk2 was unkillable pre-nerf because it wasn't.  At least mine (Pit Fiend) was VERY hard to kill but other people who did not know which skills to skill up to what level were piloting easily killable Troiar Mk2s.

Same goes for the Tyrannos Mk2.  Someone with the right skills at the highest level is immensely more potent (and MUCH harder to kill) than a person just a couple skill points less.  The Tyrannos power grows exponentially as you skill up the right skills while all other skills for all other bots increase linearly.  That's the broken math exploit people are using.

I knew about the Troiar/Tyrannos problem back in May 2011 before anyone else and created a Trioar which exploited that math.

Again, if the devs do nothing then I will essentially give the cheat code for tapping into the full Tyrannos power curve.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Scyylla wrote:

The main solution would be to advertise the game more to drive subscriptions up.

Advertise, advertise, advertise...

I run a business.  You can have the best product in the world, but if you don't advertise you wont sell any product.


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

The Omen wrote:

...when certain peeps come on the islands off time in huge squads, when they know we can't defend and then brag about it in GC, the situation gets old pretty quick.

Of course when The Omen says "certain peeps" he is referring to nova-blob members.

And yes, I have seen nova-members blob-then-brag about it in GC.  Of course they never brag about blobbing because in their eyes they didn't blob.  Umm... I am mistaken, Lemon did say "90" one time, proudly bragging about the unholy, unnatural, and grotesque size of his team's blob during one intrusion.

This is one of the differences between elitist players and elite players.


(85 replies, posted in Events)

Gratz CHAOS!

Is it, should it be, okay for one or more of my alts to change corporations temporarily, after the matches have been announced, so that I can play in multiple matches in the tournament?

The reason I ask is because I heard that this is what some people are thinking of doing, and frankly it is a good idea.  There is a corp of lower EP players which my corp is friendly.  Since I have two very strong, high EP pvp toons I can switch one alt (Pit Fiend) to the other corp, vastly increasing our chances of winning.

Also it is more pew-pew fun for me since I am playing in more games than normal (of course at the expense of another lower EP player... besides he/she can go easter egg hunting with the other children tongue).

By doing this it is possible for me to be part of two winning side->1st and 2nd place positions<- since both of the corporations, if they win all matches up to the finals, will only meet in the finals bracket.


(87 replies, posted in Balancing)

Calio wrote:


I see no one asked for a shield bonus for their Mesmers and Seths.

Speaking of your Mesmers and Seths, do you guys even drive Grophos? Or you just saying everything is fine because you like going up against a HM that has only 2 of 3 fully funtional bonuses?

Mesmers effectively only have 2 of 3 functional bonuses.  Many only have 1 functional bonus as they never fit a repper.  So I would say the gropho has a leg up on the blue heavies.

Fix the Mesmer (and Kain and Arbalast) before fixing the gropho.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Grim Faust wrote:

Instead of creating a bunch of fanfare about how you exploited an obvious unbalanced aspect of the game, why didn't you just message the dev's directly here on the forums or contact a GM/Dev in game? Why did you wait until you heard it was going to be nerfed? I find it a bit funny that you didn't care to 'help' fix the problem until you realized a fix would be imminent and then tried to appear as if you're going to try rectify your months of abusing this method..:rolleyes:

I did not tell DEVs/you guys because:
1) It is 100% legal
2) I wanted a benefit for my investment (400k dedicated EP)
3) I wanted to BBQ a heavy with my light 1v1 in 2011 big_smile
4) Our old leadership has had a history of going to the DEVs with imbalances and it got us nowhere, everytime
5) I'm a very very bad man  yarr


(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

Khader Khan wrote:

I won't bring my Seth or Mk2 Artimis out to play like lemon.

After the other night I don't even think he will bring them out as much as he lost one of each in a single battle.  Well, at least not off his front porch...


(41 replies, posted in General discussion)

Purgatory wrote:

Don't yellows guns use considerably more AP than blues? Even the extra AP that yellows have doesn't make up for it.

Yellow guns on yellow bots do use a higher percentage of cap regen than blue guns on blue bots.  But you have to factor that blue needs the extra cap for active repping (see below)

Purgatory wrote:

Blues are also faster than yellows.

And yellows shoot further than blues... that has been the whole rational for blue superior speed, yes?

Purgatory wrote:

...you didn't factor in blues armor repair amount bonus and 50% more armor repaired is a lot.

Yellow gets his tank up front before the fight begins without having to rep.

Once you factor in yellows 50% bonus to tank/resist, you quickly see that a blue bot has to actively rep during combat for several reps just to equal the base starting armor/tank of a yellow bot.

Active tanking takes precious accum/sec which is also running guns, amp, and hardeners.  That's why it is important for blue EM guns on blue bots not to sap as big a percentage of accum/sec as yellow guns on yellow bots (see above).

For a blue bot to actually benefit from the rep bonus he gets from his bot (5%/level) he has to actively rep during a fight... yellow doesn't have that problem.

Unfortunately, with the rep tuning nerf of last patch, it is no longer a good option to rep during a fight anymore.


(41 replies, posted in General discussion)

Triglav wrote:

I'm sorry to say that yes, EMs were OPed smile a total statistical breakdown of every gun with all available ammo against all possible resistances showed that EM were more powerful by quite a high percentage.

I also ran numbers and before all these recent patches Blue raw dps was about 8% to 10% higher than yellow raw dps. 

For mechs (artemis vs kain), the artemis with its extra head slot was (and is still) able to out-dps AND out-range the kain by simply placing a t1 weapon tuning (+10.5% dps) in one head slot.

Also yellow mechs can out-dps blues vs all small opponents always.

I personally don't consider that anywhere near OPed.


(134 replies, posted in General discussion)

Tusk McPumpkin wrote:

But I digress...judging by actions so far m2s is cancer...and its still here after 2 remissions wink

Wrong, let me educate.

Styx was the cancer, and that was cut out a long time ago by the devs.

NovaBlob, one of the many defenses to Styx's m2s, continued on with the holy "war" against a Styx-free and hanger-wiped m2s.  This did not lead to a healthy online environment finally the blob grew and grew -> metastasizing to other corps in the process.

This has to stop for the health of the game.

Your dear leader attempted to stop Styx from ruining this game.  Finally the devs stepped in and stopped him.  But now your dear leader has become that which he has hated and fought against for so long.  But it wont be a dev which destroys NovaBlob... instead the blob will implode on itself.


(134 replies, posted in General discussion)

Uncle Mo wrote:

Perpetuum is on hold until Intrusion 2.0

Sounds like a personal problem -> it's only on hold for you and many of your blob-mates...

Many other players are still logging on and playing everyday.  Yes the pop is low, but NovaBlob was a significant part of that population they/you seem to be the only ones WtfRageQQing.

But look at the bright side, NovaBlob is like a cancer infecting a host (PO in this case). The sooner the cancer is cut free of the host, the faster the host will recover.  The remaining population is a healthy core, therefore I for once am not too worried about the temporary low population.