(141 replies, posted in General discussion)

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqeo41 … videogames

Just a gank and that's it. 2 termis and an mk2 sequer


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Good stuff STC glad to see you making head way in the game and being head strong enough to not get ground out like other corps did.

Line wrote:
Annihilator wrote:
Line wrote:

...then World of Tanks? tongue

i think World of Planes would be better, because tanks still have to drive around obstacles, planes can pass over them wink

World of Planes didn't released yet. And tanks, they can breach through the walls and buildings even big_smile

Offtopic: wish they implement similar combat mechanics like in WoT - that will be win-win IMO

15 vs 15 qued battles?
How is that open world?
Not sure I understand what you mean.


(10 replies, posted in News and information)

Really that many posts get reported? Can't we all just get along?

Zoom wrote:

The driving force is mainly to have your own territory, and the control of mineral fields. Yes there will be NPCs and artifacts and loot from buildings, but I don't think gammas will be the place to "roam", it's full-scale war or peaceful expansion.

I think your fully under-estimating the capabalities of some corps. Or not realizing their intentions with going to a gama... Some of us will only want to harrass the others (kicking the corner of the castle) while others will want to take the area (stomping it until theres a pit).


(33 replies, posted in Balancing)

Hunter wrote:


Put Espitium back in T1 items.

Hunter Espit was removed because alot of indy toons were qq'ing that T1 items that required it were pointless to produce because it was cheaper and easier to just farm them off of 1st starsand repair then to worry about either mining Epi or recycling the item. Granted this was pre-repair/recycle patch but Still makes sense plus didn't plasma get a boost when they killed the Espit out of T1 items?

Are we going back to when you were crusading for all T1 items to be removed from npcs? So that they only dropped T0 flawed?

Nom Noms

+1 for test server good idea. No waste of Nic to practice killing my self against defences!!!!

I know a certain PERP player who may have wrote that note.... atleast the spelling and rage factor match up. But yeah that is a bunch of drunken baboons meeting about a game.

turd star..... roll pffffff those are the fun ones where you forget to turn on your RR bot and wonder why your mk2 seth is smoking and on fire as you start to panic you see your RR bot isn't even following you.


No one would have objections? If you needed player built items to exchange while getting officer type items as rewards from token shop? It keeps the flow of items player funded.

Karism wrote:

+1 for Chromehounds, i loved that damn game, the garage system was one of the best things ever, i may try armored core but it just isn't the same.

Give me Chromehounds 2 with better graphics, stable 12 vs 12 multiplayer, more parts, same rough system anyday, though the combas system would probably be rendered obsolete given the ability to have multiple people in a chat conversation on xbox.

Only thing in the game that I don't like is the voice overs the woman is very annoying and some of the training missions are redundant. After that only one or two of the missions have a extremly hard objective like the soldier line where you have to run and gun the entire map and destroy the enemy HQ before they kill your squad, If you have your own Hound with most of the parts its easy but if your using the barrowed one its legs get shot and you limping there will never make it.

But yeah CH2 would be awesome Armored Core 5 just came out has any one played it yet?

Actually my wife is a big time solo RPG player she is up to date on all solo Final Fantasy titles and loves quiet a few other RPG hack and slash type games God of War, Dantes inferno and a few others. Gotta get a woman that likes games but it is quite possible she did this! But I can't complain the timeing was ok we just had a great early spring with out any rain since the incident. And she just got off the phone with the ISP who said hopefully tomorrow it will be back up and running. /me crosses fingers

I watched that funny video in the skyrim post it makes me want to make a BadA$$ VIKING NORD and PUNCH PEOPLE IN THE FACE. But now that I've beat it on 2 toons I'm pretty tired of it. Only 2 acheivments left on the x-box under it one is getting a bounty in all the holds and the other is getting married .... never figured that one out and with out internet at home I doubt I will.

Double post sad sorry

Would check that one out if its at the stores still.... WTF did I do before internet?
Best part is my Steam account wont let me get in to offline mode cause it was due an update or something the day the interwebs failed at my house. So around 300$ of games that I liked to play but never had time just sitting on a harddrive.

Hope it turns on again soon start saving up beacons Kanogi I'm gonna pull an allnighter once its back up.

In that other game to get officer class items you would have to give the best player made item some cash and some tokens (dog tags)

For example: I want a XXXX class LCL Laser, I would bring to the mission exchange hub a t4 LCL laser 5 mil nic and 1000 tokens. I would turn that in just like a mission and the reward would be the xxxx class LCL.

Thus it creates a NIC sink a time sink and a player made mod swap. It keeps us all happy.

You could even take it a step further and make them a 1 run 1 cycle CT, then ballance the mats and mods required to build it. That really puts the ball back in the players court as they could put up buy orders for these CTs, or the tokens buying them off new players makeing the game more new player friendly.

  • Learned that I have a wife

  • Learned that I can still cook my own food

  • Completed Skyrim on 2 toons Wife was playing an archer/stealthy/alchmy, I was playing Destro/heavy armor and mace War mage

  • Beat Rome Total war with 2 factions first Juliani, then the Gauls

  • Beat the Expansion Barbarian invasion for ROME with the HUNS and then the Saxons

  • Playing Cursed Crusade on X-box360 with the wife Co-op soon to be complete

  • knocked the dust off Chrome Hounds and beat the whole story mode again(made me miss perp tho)

  • Finished Portal 2

  • Restarted GTA4 got to the 3rd safe house

  • Cussed out ISP about 4 times in one day over the phone

  • Hiked 3 hours away from home to realize I forgot to pack my lunch and was hungry

  • Started Midevil 2 total war (much harder than Rome)

  • Got parked in and would have called in sick if I had internet but I couldn't suffer at home so I called the police, got the *** towed

  • Learned that I have 2 cats

  • Played Forza Motorsport 3 for a whole day

I have to agee with Corp non agression PVP being allow its allowed in stEVE and that was a big thing you had to trust all your corp members not to blast you, Even in High sec.


Annihilator wrote:

how do you find out that someone is a double-boxed support or an independant one ?

Honestly a support bot in a total carnage fest like this won't last long anyway heck even 4-5 won't save you if enough people show up. I just wanted to point out that a single alliance could show up in heavys with 2x the amount of support bots and just call primarys and let the support bots try and keep up with any damage they take. I know some peoples support accounts can rep up to 3.5k every 9 seconds cap stable. Plus we have seen the majority of peoples accounts follow their H-mech or Mk2 heavy, I can list you quite a few peoples alts off the top of my head.


(5 replies, posted in Open discussion)

BLLLLLHAHAHAHA this is great More cowbell too


(63 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Kanogi brought this up not to long ago and requested the fall off bonus be swapped to anything that would help the kain.

I can only speak as a vet who has played with people who pilot kains, I have never piloted one in to pvp but was very disapointed with it for pve (my indy alt with poor skills but was still disapointed).

Kains have the DPS to kill both artemis and tyrannos if they prepare for their fight or have good back up.

Possible solutions:
1.Start throwing a supressor on your kain to decrease the enemys locking range I know that its not the weapon range but if every one in your fleet had 1-2 you could easly out manuever and out range your enemy.
2.Have a friend RSA(remote sensor amp) you while you run more range extenders. I have seen this set up wreck an enemy fleet. 2 kains RSA'd with crit, assault, and speed nexus and a cammy running a l-demob and 2 ecms.
3.Use the environment more to your advantage. Make the enemy push well in to your optimal before locking and shooting, hide behind hill crests so the enemy must push in to your optimal, duck back in to cover when primary.
4. Use ECMs and break their locks as you push in closer and closer... < good solo tactic not so sound against a fleet.
5. If your are in a fleet try to hide your kain pilots in an ambush location and engage the enemy when they either have to push through the kains or the main element of your attack to run away.
6. The old speed fit kain was 2 small reppers and a frame and a resist. I've even run that on an artimis with success.


(16 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)


Best layed out plan I've seen instead of just QQing that it needs a re-work you actually put your ideas on paper(website) and it seems to be a solid improvment. I would like to see this.

GL Burial

Q1. Any rules on multi-boxing / accounting while in this?
Q2. Do you anticipate seeing an alliance turn up with 8 RR bots and work together to stay ahead?
Q3. So after your 3rd Kill Lose your kills don't count. What if I kill some one on a good streak after my kills don't count does that effectivly end his streak?

If my ISP gets me some interwebs going I'll try to Fraps the whole thing. Sounds like fun.


(13 replies, posted in Events)

1&1? I'm really thinking of switching to them at least at my old apartment( had 1&1) they only turned us off when we didn't pay.... Not just cause its time to watch the angry American come in the shop and speak broken deutch to the manager and cuss like he is still in the Army.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

I get no nic from my tournament, I do how ever get nic from being a merc so if you really want to Pew on alpha just hire me to kill you on alpha, I'll die trying if i have to.