(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

Shadows also don't look very good and they're a huge resource hog.
Hopefully we'll get better ones soon or at least more efficient ones.



(26 replies, posted in Q & A)

The rules are that account transfers are not allowed.
The truth however is that ownership becomes blurred if there is no official mechanic to transfer knowledge.
It would be nice if we could give our research knowledge to other people but why we'd then forgot the knowledge I don't know.

Honestly it would be nice if research was corporate and there was a tech tree we could spend points on. That's all I have ever wanted for research.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

This is because when planting decorative plants they don't start off in a lower state (Quarmyra doesn't anyway) and they also don't block pass-ability.

Quarmyra and other plants need to start at a much lower growth stage, block pass-ability and generally be more awesome so that they last at least a few days.

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

How many gamma islands are there plans for?

I think what they're trying to say in the dev blog is that they can add as many islands as the servers can run in a matter of minutes/hours with little to no input from the devs.

Click generate island, assign a name (Hardest part because I believe the names are held in the language folder), play.

You have been refunded for MORE time than the servers were down.
If you were unable to play during the times the game servers were running that is not a direct fault of the developers.

I mined during the DDoS (Not to have it hauled for free because I have a Nexus/Hauler alt, wheee).
I shot NPCs and it was lots of fun but a little scary that the servers could go down at any moment.
I went to work (And watched the activity graph tell me that everything was okay and all was well on the server)

Morkani01 wrote:
Shaedys wrote:

Last 2 weeks? It's been fine for atleast a week now, or so it feels.

not the "last" 2 weeks, i said at "lEast" 2 weeks

i raised this concern in another thread that they were gonna pull this ***, and just refund the amount of time exactly the game was down instead of the spread of time the game was unplayable, i know a lot of european players didn't experience the ddos attacks like we did on the US side, during our play time you could count on the ddos attacks inturrupting our gameplay, i spent many a day off work (i had bronchitis during these attacks) but could not play the game when these attacks occured.

Poor thing.. You should have been resting.
I was also very badly effected by these attacks and stopped playing the game while it was being attacked however I continued to subscribe. Now the devs have refunded the time the game was down for (Plus a bit extra)

Morkani01 wrote:

i don't understand the "cheers" in this thread (unless it's 'cause the ddos is gone, in which case i'm there along with you)....i spent at least 2 weeks being unable to log-in and play due to the threat of ddos, a credit of 3 days i think is a slap in the face, this is horse ***,

devs please credit back the amount i paid for and was unable to play the game.

You ungrateful little.. No. Never mind.
The game was attacked (Not a direct fault of the devs) and they have decided to return game time (Probably equal to the number of hours it was down).

While we mostly did live in fear of the next attack which meant many of us did not play. If we had played then any containers, robots or items lost were refunded. Now the time has been refunded and with assurances that steps are being taken to hopefully limit the event in the future.

You gained EP during the times you were unable to play and that has not been taken away. The devs could have simply labelled the attack and downtime and given you nothing.


(141 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jasdemi wrote:

OccupyNorhoop was kinda successful! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CqmBcRmqsk

First video I have seen using bombs, thanks.
However you spent 15 million.
They spent 500K.



(35 replies, posted in General discussion)

Personally I have always wanted corporation research and branding of weapons.
When a researcher leave a corporation they leave all their branded producible items but take with them the knowledge of how to make them again.

This would make researching not about randomly getting items but getting research points and having to direct them them to items you want with stats you'd like.

I'd like to see T1 and T2 kept but T3 and T4 be changed to this system.


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

People will terraform themselves into an island leaving at most 1 entrance that will be easily guarded and defended.
There will be the "Miner Island" where everything tile apart from a 1KM radius will be impassable so that all minerals spawn there.

Gremrod wrote:
  1. No public building of walls on any beta island. The ability to put up a wall is tied to an outpost and holding the outpost i.e. (Stability)

  2. The holding corp of an outpost(s) of the current island are the only people that can build walls.

  3. Wall building is tied to the outpost stability mechanic. The higher the stability, the further out from the outpost you can place and build walls.

  4. Wall decay is tied to outpost stability. Walls do not start to decay until the outposts stability reaches 75 or below. Once the walls start to decay they need to be repaired. Decay stops once stability goes above 75. But walls that were affected need to still be repaired.

As I see it you can reduce this list to 2 key points and both of them are valid.
The details are easily argued but the requirements make sense.

A/B:. Outpost ownership on the island where you're placing walls being required. +1
C/D. Stability controlling the number/range/health/decay/growth speed of walls +1

P.S. The list function has THREE settings. *,1,a. Each options make a different list! yikes Magic.


(20 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

It's a very good idea.
+1 to keyboard button that hides all UI.


(5 replies, posted in Balancing)

This was improved greatly recently and seems to be fine as it is. It's not as easy as it once was but it's certainly not has hard as when they changed the AI the first time (You couldn't get them off your RR which can do now if you DPS more than your RR repairs)

Annihilator wrote:

1. unlimited landmark range for corpmates
Yes please. Add the same options for structures to corp members such as "All" and "Standard". Will increase the easiness of spying.

2. info sharing about HP and Accumulator
Rename squad window to "Team" with two tabs "Squad" and "Corp". Same functionality for both lists.

3. field container access without password
This should be a container option and not a corporation option. Each container should have a "Share with.." Option. By default it should be set to squad but you can also set it to "Corp", "Everyone" or "None"

4. drawing on radar
Not for everyone. Perhaps CEO/Deputies only perhaps. Even then I think radar stuff SHOULD be squad only.

There are issues with the fact that most corps have to be in a large squad all the time but there are times when this is a benefit. Some large corps with lots of sub squads work better than if squads and corps are just merged together.

Some features should be move from squad to corp wide.. Some features should stay just squad.


(1 replies, posted in Bugs)

Show plant health in landmark information and fix the health bar in targeting computer too (Not that they can be shot directly)


(5 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

This has been around for a long time. I used to report all the issues and they'd get fixed the next patch or if I bugged the devs enough they'd get fixed live.. Pretty awesome to watch.

A new option for both map and radar to help plan routes and see the path fleeing enemies might take.

"Passable Terrain w/ Highways"?


I wouldn't want to change mining majorly, I just think it would be a little less alt spammed. We might even see the market rises to a level where one miner makes the same money as one combat character.. Though it's unlikely.

Does make you wonder where all the extra NIC must go.

The time it would take to counter all of your pointless and empty arguments would be a waste.

I sadly have to say Perpetuum requires a certain level of intelligence that some people don't poses. The combat tutorial works perfectly, tells you in big text what to do and when to do it. I can only imagine you were doing it wrong or there was a bug that, sadly, you don't have the patience to help resolve.

Good bye.. [/Thread]

You raise some valid points but you invalidate them instantly with your attribute.
I tested the tutorial and it worked perfectly. You didn't give me enough time to ask what when wrong or what the screen was saying to you, you just said it lacked a next button.

The forums are directly linked to characters which is why you have to make a character to post.

Payment options are expensive to maintain, setup and use. The easiest to use is Paypal and if you choose not to use it then that's your choice. Setting up other payment options in the future is a good idea but it's not a high priority. Visa Gift Cards are a very American product and not every service in the world will accept them.

Sorry to see you go but honestly if you're leaving over these tiny issues Perpetuum will probably kill you.

Mining is enjoyable here in Perpetuum but I feel there is too much focus on alts for mining.
It would be nice if mining characters were still important but rather than 10 mining accounts to strip a field we need to do something more active but more rewarding.

Unless you have 2+ accounts there is little point to mining as once a location is found (Which isn't too hard to do) it's there forever. It would be nice if minerals moved around more and if mining them required the miner to be active but also gain a much higher yield.

I also think mineral weights should be reduced further or mining robots should have some sort of compression to minerals so that one load of minerals is enough to make something. A lot of mining is the time to take it out of the ground (More alts = better) and the time it takes to haul (More alts = better). Scanning down mineral locations is a job one dedicated person can do and the information can be used by everyone in the corp meaning it doesn't need alts.

I'm not sure how to get about changing any of this but I would like to think that more accounts should have a limit at how effective they are. I'd prefer to see large mining gangs improve efficiency with better organisation than total yield.


(16 replies, posted in Balancing)

I have to agree with Annihilator that this changes nothing other than meaning any ammo can be used (Which makes sense in my opinion).
The issue with using damage reduction rather than armour types and damage types is that if I have 0.01 cycle time doing 50 damage or a cycle time of 1 second and 5,000 damage the DPS of the 0.01 cycle time is FAR higher but does NOTHING to a wall.

This is where armour TYPES and damage TYPES are needed. Call them whatever you like. Then every level gap between the weapon and the armour reduce the damage by some percentage (.eg. 50%).
Light, Medium, Heavy, Fortified.

Walls have 99% resistances and round down. Do 99 damage and you do 0 damage. Do 100 damage and you do 1 damage. Do 199 and you do 1 damage.. do 200 and you do 2 damage. This favours too heavily the single massive damage shot weapons.

I'd like to make a few suggestions.
Allow squad leader to enable (Disabled by default) "Allow Inter-Squad Combat" which allows you to engage squad members in combat and kill them. The only difference is that this should NOT PVP flag you.

Add a warning to joining a squad that has this option enabled.

Keep in mind this will allow players to drain each other without PVP flagging unless they drain a PVP flagged squad member. (Spider Tanks)


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

I like trains.