(10 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Wow. Okay that was impressive.
The Universe is large..

Celebro wrote:

Better yet would be to allow new players to level down extensions as they please without any time limitations for 30 days.

I like this idea a lot more. Because the restrictions are put in place because of it being given to old players when it was introduced. Most new players don't want to slowly transition to a new role. They want to jump into it (Capped to level 5 instead of 6 perhaps) and try out this new gear instantly. 20K EP is enough to specialise but it's hard to explain that to a new player.

I was hoping that the reset was a list attempt for new players to just.. start over.

Currently I hear of new players making THREE trial accounts. Which requires THREE different emails just to see which faction they like the best. This is because the character creation puts you into a faction and doesn't let you do the OTHER factions tutorial once you have completed one.

It's a failure in new player experience. I would MUCH prefer a single experience that shows ALL factions and lets you choose while introducing you to the mega corps (Which are now pretty useless too if you think about it)

I'd like to see Syndicate. Sure they can LIVE in the three faction buildings but a single mega corp where players choose what they want to do.

This feel much more sandboxy. Currently we're stuck with players getting into mind sets that are hard to break. It's hard to prove to new players that they CAN do whatever they want but it requires lots of effort from them.

Fine. We'll leave it for the GM to keep doing manually. big_smile

The old account information button was useful. It told you total account wide EP.

Could we get a new version of this that says Account Creation Date, Total account EP, EP spent on each character. etc. There is a limited version of this available once logged in but it makes more sense to have account data on the login screen.

Hmm, what I am saying is it would be nice to have both.
At the moment the GMs are having to do the leg work. I am suggesting a SINGLE reset for new players only that lasts from account creation to 7 days.

This is NOT for everyone. This is NOT to be kept after 7 days but I know that to fix a very messed up account you either have to tell someone to keep spending their downgrade points, buy the robot they like and over all it takes time.

If it's just to be kept for the GMs to do when a players royally messed up then so be it. I would just this be documented somewhere. Extension downgrading is great but when they've already deleted their old character it's a bit too late! tongue

It's great we have extension downgrading but it would be nice to also have an account reset tool (For the same duration and limited to a single use).
There are new players that love that downgrading but more than a few have made so many mistakes that they want to start a whole new character. Little mistakes can be corrected with the downgrading but some choices are harder to correct. It takes more than a few days to reconfigure a character and new players don't always know which extensions to get.

This has lead to new players opening multiple trial account and leaving the others to just, sadly, 'rot'.

Would be really nice if we could get the best of both worlds. One full account reset, and 30 days of extension configuring.


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

Reset game. Let's start over... cool

Maskers are working as intended. However the display is not displaying the correct cost.


(22 replies, posted in Open discussion)

DEV Gargaj wrote:

From: Gremrod Gremrod <...@...>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Play Hawken
Date: 2012-02-06 20:54:10



Someone must have linked it to their email account to send out a mass email.

Competition is a good thing, right?

The wise learn many things from their enemies.

Walls are not hard to break but they are annoying and there is nowhere for low level PVP to happen.
PVP is now solely around taking outpost. Any sign of danger results in 'ECorp Maneuver 1A' (Run, hide) which is very easy to do.

This is not so much an issue but it has turned PVP islands from very unsafe and requiring massive online forces to reasonably safe and requiring no online forces.

GLiMPSE wrote:

1 - An affiliate program was suggested.. this is a great idea. If the dev's dont want to spend the marketing budge they simply need to allow people to get new subscribers and provide custom codes to individuals interested in participating so that a portion of the proceeds for subscribers that joined under that affiliate code can be given to that user. This would be a 0 cost way to drive marketing and inspire very creative solutions for getting the word out about perpetuum.. it would also be a first that i know of in the industry and could create some buzz just around the solution itself.
This would be awesome. Sign up, get a unique URL/Banners etc. Each account that uses and subs using your code gives you X days subscription time or discount on subscription time

2 - Marketing should be structured around the term sci-fi as opposed to sandbox. People that want to play a sandbox will know this is a sandbox -- the sci-fi market is much broader and people will identify with that and fall in love with the sandbox.. no reason to pigeon hole ourselves.
Grem showed this to be very true. MMO, Sci-Fi, Robots etc. Are the words that should be used for future marketing. Also the front pages gives a rather limited/poor idea of what the game is and the perspective it's played from. Most if not all the screen shots just show robots and plants with new users being unsure what they're going to see in game.

Sid from mining wrote:

*Bump* for server status display, it´s still annoying!

According to IRC they're aware of the issue.
*Summons a Gargaj from the land of IRC*


(4 replies, posted in Bugs)

If you stand directly next to a wall it will not block LOS and you can shoot through it.
Can some other people confirm this is happening please? smile


Hi. It seems that range of NEXUS modules is not affected by squad management skills. Two different people reported it - they are using NEXUS modules for mining (fast extractor, industrial etc - I'm not sure about other modules). Range was broken is last patch.

Is this still happening? This was corrected during a hot fix last night but if it's still happening right now then it needs looking into again.

Non-Harvestable plants should have two stages. Seed, then normal tree growth. Instant mini-tree is not how it should work. They should be normal plants as well, no way to tell the difference after seed stage.

Annihilator wrote:

deleting the local settings gbf should reset the clients options anyway...

Yes. Flushing it I don't believe does the same as deleting. Flushing it will recreate it while the client is running and set all the settings for window position back again. Right?

removewwindowborder is hidden as a console command for a reason.

It is not for everyone for a reason and it works for a LOT of people. This is not a feature, it is for OTHER people to test!

Works PERFECTLY for me. The issue you're having is because the game is trying to start in full screen mode. You have to set the client back to window mode and then use the command again. This is because "Boarder-less Window" is considered a variant of full screen rather than window mode. On a multi-screen system this causing issue as starting full screen on a second monitor is not meant to happen. Windows doesn't detect it as being there. Clicking anything will cause it to exit full screen mode.

Well done at looking like a COMPLETE idiot for raging. Gold star. <3

I prefer to them as Alpha 2 currently because that's what they are but the concept of allowing wars to take place there is interesting..

Gamma is the wrong name for this island however and wars is a big system to implement. It's not high on the "I want" list from me.

Alpha 2 being a war zone would be nice as long as wars are balanced. Otherwise every PVP corp would declare war on each other.

If you want to make any island a semi-PVP island it would be beta and leave beta 2 and the new PBS islands (Gamma) to be the all out war zones.

If we told you what had changed we'd have to put you on a federal watch list.

Other than that, it does seem a lot faster.


(9 replies, posted in Q & A)

Chris Blue wrote:

FYI: There are no bugs only "features"

Ah, good old programming motos.

However I noticed this a while ago and thought I must just have been going mad.
You start with 1 slot and have a maximum of 31 (I think it's 31 anyway) but I've had two character with the same extensions show different values. Not sure where extra line came from but I expect it was a display bug.

Production should also be moved to be universal lines rather than local but I am sure that would be met with some angry pitchfork holding locals.



(33 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jasdemi wrote:
Balfizar wrote:

LOL "puts on troll face" 

Lol at all of u talking about PBS when most of u can't even defend a beta station what make u think u would ever dive into PBS especially if there destroyable  lol but hey I'm willing to watch u build them just don't be mad when we are there to pure water on ur sand castle oh annihilater stop making forum post about things u have no exp in and thing u will never do in game

Agree. This failure, Annihilator, has never pvp'ed before and is trying to teach the devs something about pvp content. Pathetic.

Annihilator had asked the devs to be more clear on their outline and had also asked the community to post THEIR ideas. I see no reason to call him a failure. Annihilator has also taken part in PVP events, all be it in a limited capacity.

The reason people don't want to fight over the patches of dirt you call outposts have been made very clear. They're content for the sake of content and take massive amounts of time that most people are willing to give.

Annihilator clearly pointed out that past efforts by the devs have been met by a lot of whining FROM pvpers due to poor concept design or concept rules.

So fuuu off.


(33 replies, posted in General discussion)

Line wrote:

Just one more thing - NO DAMNET INTRUSION TIMERS FFS! big_smile

YES, leave timers to outposts.
PBS should be 24/7 assault-able BUT then limit the random destruction that can be done. Destroy the pipes but not the buildings. Buildings should require time and planning or multiple attacks over a number of days.

DEV Gargaj wrote:
Alexandra wrote:

Someone forget to switch it over?

Yup, sorry, my fault, old status got stuck smile

No worries! Thanks for fixing it. I'm surprised it's not an automatic message build into the client.



(10 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

DEV Crm wrote:

Thanks a lot for the report. Totally harmless, let me switch it off now.

Thank you CRM.
It happens so rarely to most players that it didn't get reported for a long time. The worst was when it happens during character creation (Which I assume will stop now?)