(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hollywood wrote:

Welcome to Perpetuum Rupiefied! Glad you're enjoying yourself and glad to hear you plan on staying for a while! Seeya in game.


You look too much like Styx.


(45 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Sid from mining wrote:

To be honest, I find it a bit long to wait two weeks to replace a ceo that has gone awol, how about when the dep-ceo hits "the buttan", the system checks for how long the ceo didn´t log on and if it´s
>60 days the timer is 24h
>30d <60d 48h
>14d <30d 72h

If you are too scared to lose the corp to a supersecret spy-agent, well, then don´t give him dep-ceo roles at all.
There doesn´t need to be any function to make the food-soldier the ceo.

Also, make the countdowntimers automatically stop/cancel when the original ceo logs on during the timer.
Don´t make the original ceo have to check if he possibly get´s demoted...

This is a good idea but after 1 months without a CEO people won't mind waiting 2 days to replace them than another month to replace them 24 hours faster. hmm


(9 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

For some reason there is a large boarder around the video and it's not very easy to see what's happening. As for the content of the video it's great!

Well done and perhaps we'll see some more videos in the future. If you figure out a way to get a better resolution and remove the boarded from the video it was be a great improvement.


(45 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

24 hour timer for Deputies to take over is fair enough.
Members with HR roles should be able to start a countdown for non-deputy members to become CEOs but there should be a 7 day countdown on it.

All countdowns are halted if the CEO so much as logs in (So we don't want to have CEOs having to check the list and cancel each member one by one!)

Annihilator wrote:

I think it was forgotten to adjust when ammos got changed a few month ago:

Chemoactive is the ammo that is never the wrong ammo against any target. Earlier, the compositecore slugs and "multispectral energycells" have been the universal ammos for their respective weapons.

with the change from multispectral to thermal cell, the lvl5 requirement should have been moved to chemoactive cells,
and same for slugs.

+1, however perhaps lower it to level 4?

But why specifically would one missile require higher extensions?
I don't believe this is inline with the other ammos or weapons. If it was more extensions for medium long range then that's fine but this is small missiles requiring different extensions.

I know chemical is a universal resistance hole but I am just wondering why level 5 (Which doesn't seem to fit inline with the other ammos)

An issues came up earlier and I was asked a question I couldn't find a suitable answer for.
What is it that chemical missiles require much higher (Level 5) extensions to use? It's only a real issue for new players but it's not in line with other ammos. It doesn't seem to make sense any more.

I searched the forums but didn't find a answer for this apart from a few damage arguments but all missiles but Sonic do the same damage.


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

The servers not been attacked (as badly) today so it's working much better but if you have any issues the devs are very nice and give back if things go really wrong or technically issues strike.

Arga wrote:

Forums are so quiet!

Are we supposed to be blacking out today in SOPA protest, why does no one tell me these things!

No, outside forces have been causing black outs.

It's a nice idea but they should also be destroyable and on beta only and then we'll get the "The C**K of F**K happened here on the D**k of W**K"

Sandboxes and customisable content = Bad words.

It's a nice idea and a lot of players asked for a "News Reporting" tool in beta so that players could create news articles and the like. or Corporations could make blog entries about what they've been doing or winning with pointers on the map.

A feature for the future for sure.

DEV Gargaj wrote:
Alexander wrote:
DEV Gargaj wrote:

The Perpetuum.gbf one is only written to when 1. there's a patch and 2. when you dock in.

So what about terrain changes? Plant changes? You can't be telling me that the entire game runs in memory and that the terrain (Which can change dynamically) changed only changes in memory etc..

Sure I can; but since you generally seem to be better informed than the people who wrote the actual code, I'll just leave this discussion be smile

You miss interpret what I am saying and what I mean. It was more a statement of surprise and I am impressed. It does raise questions about what happens when the file gets too large for the average computer to load all at once but that only further derails this thread.

So a question on "NTFS junction points" was the client originally designed to utilize this feature? If so it could mean running more client becomes easier as long as I only patch one at a time (I assume patching the same file twice at the same time would probably break it?)

Thanks for letting us know what's going on. It must be horrible seeing something you worked on getting attacked and while it's annoying to have these issues I'm sure as hell not going anywhere (Sorry to those that don't like me!)

I hope others will join me in wishing the devs luck in finding the root of this cause and also defending the game and our enjoyment from outside influences. Let's keep the drama between the internet robots, right? tongue

Takeo Prime wrote:
Cobalt wrote:

The idea of outpost owner corp only that can set probes looks good to me. You limit them to the outpost area. We got islands split in several areas, why not use them? I dont see any problem with this kind of fix ? With limited number too.  Since an outpost can only have one owner, there will be a fixed maximum number of probes per area/island/world...  Its interesting too for the devs with technical implementation and lag.  Reinforce the alliance interest of owning all the OP of an island, so they can "lock it" scouting wise..  Can create funny "one island" war too.  Is a good beginning for PBS bigger than probes.

For example: a beta 1 island has the 3 outposts owned by corps in the same alliance= island scouted and safe. You should even add probe detection sharing for future alliance features...

Example 2:  A beta 2 island has 2 OP owned by ennemies. In that case TP scouting is useless since each corp can only scout its TP.  Then the corps will decide to put their probes in tactical places for disrupting ennemy= more pvp.

You guys need to remember that PBS will add an incentive to own the TERRITORY. Not just defend OP and scout for safety. Cause when there will be bigger/more expensive PBS, one corps if big roam on its island will think twice before "everyone dockup/log out"  It will be more "defend our stuff guys!" 

Probes themselves are fine like they are. You want to balance the item itself.  Its the availability/number/geographical disposition that needs tweaking imo.

great ideas from everyone on how to put a band-aid on the probes but my issue is (as noted in my other response in this thread) that intel on who COMES IN is all that should be available.  Once they are on the island, that is where classic PVP should ensue.  I don't think anyone, owner or not should be able to track an enemy once they get past the initial perimeter defenses.  If you give Beta living guys too much intel, you will just kill PVP.  Let intel be gathered at teleports and perhaps at outposts, and NOWHERE else.  Let PVP live or Perp will die. hmm

Probes should have been attachable to teleporters or just have it so owning an outpost lets you know when a relation level of your choice or below enters the island and how many. Every 20 seconds you get a report of the last 20 seconds of teleporter activity. Let all corp members see pings (Option to not display them if you're getting spammed by them) but set specific members in the corp that receiving instances messages. Perhaps by a new Outpost Overseer role?

"[Teleport Name]: {[Amount] [Relation] [In/Out]}" would look like "Blaha II: 10 Terrible In, 2 Bad Out, 4 Neutral In" etc..

Reports could be set to 60 seconds, 30 seconds.. I don't care about the balance I just care that being on beta you can see which teleports are being used. If you want to know the direction they're moving in send a masked ewar to the game and follow them..

No Probes.


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sorry I've not been around much. Work work work at the moment. sad

Better late than never.

Nice move devs, I am glad you're showing support for the protest. smile


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Test server for testing things would be more played on than the main server. That's my own real fear.

Gargaj said it's likely they're being DDOS'ed causing lots of issues. hmm
It's really not been a good week for Avatar Creations. Let's hope they have a super secret weapon or plan to fix a lot of the issues and finally bring Perpetuum to life the way it should be..

Issues highlighted today:

  • No/Slow Community Liaison or Damage Control Team

  • Susceptible to attacks

  • Limited testing of new features

  • Little communication with players about feature ideas until they're implemented

  • Jelan. Okay, this isn't a real one..

  • Good concept, limited excruciation

  • Bug fixes taking a long time

  • Hot fix deployment communication/excruciation

DEV Gargaj wrote:

The GBF is written to very often

The Perpetuum.gbf one is only written to when 1. there's a patch and 2. when you dock in.

So what about terrain changes? Plant changes? You can't be telling me that the entire game runs in memory and that the terrain (Which can change dynamically) changed only changes in memory etc..

I can't see how the main game resource is only written to at two events. What if there is a change and you don't dock?


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

0110011100001111001010001 wrote:
Sundial wrote:
Arga wrote:

OK, I admit. I'm missing a piece of the puzzle.

So, your saying the detection range is far enough, that a corp can cover the entire coast of an alpha Island?

And, that the detectors on beta are so hard to spot, with such a large range, that they can 'hide' them to cover all the internal TPs?

Isn't there a limit on the number of dectors a corp can have active?

170 detection, 2000 masking, must be placed 1000m from eachother and teleports.

No limits currently I don't think.

Icons on the map from the sensors give us name of the player when hovered over. So you can watch them jump from A to B, deduce what bots they are, jump in ontop of them.

They can, the detector beacons that is, can be dropped right on any teleport. Tested and works.

Srsly? I was told it had a 1000m Structure and Probe limit... Was this Alpha islands or Beta?


(14 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Line wrote:

I know they love remote repairs and sometimes our RR-guy is all fuuu trying to runaway when they declare a Big RR Hunt. They still can be re-aggroed on combats. But this... Maybe it's some kind of psychological attack cuz these "bli-blip....bli-bli-bli...bli-blip....bli-bli-bli" all the time is really annoying, dunno.

Weapons used to do a sort of area threat when used but this is no longer the case. No even remote sensor amping generate more area threat than infinite amounts of damage. So RR guys will take the entire spawn aggro while the DPS have to take an NPC each.

Group farming is now crazy easy and no single target has all the aggro if you have enough DPS guys. Yet again the little guy on his own is punished while 4 accounts (Not people) can farm any spawn they like with a single RR guy.

Annihilator wrote:

deactivate logging of chat and combat logs to hdd...

that optioin got implemented for SSD user

It makes very little difference. As long as you don't have your OS installed on it you'll be fine. OS's tend to *** SSDs.. sad

But turning off logging will help not to add to the problem.


(4 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

This is where Perpetuum need armour types. We have "Elemental" resistances but we don't have armour levels.

Light, Medium, Heavy, Fortified (More later if needed). The idea being if one weapon type attacks a different armour type the damage is either reduced or the chance it miss is increased. This way buildings could be given Fortified armour which reduces the damage it takes from heavy weapons by 25%, medium weapons by a further 25% and lights by a further 25%. Then to counter this accuracy of larger weapons needs to be modified so that medium weapons vs lights is reduced 25% etc.. Not to say this idea doesn't have down sides but at the moment with current game mechanics I am not looking forward to larger robots or structures. The current mechanic is to give crazy high resistances and increase armour amounts meaning that larger robots have to do more and more crazy amounts of damage and we've essentially lost the use of light robots or new players. They have no objectives in fleet combat other than to stay as far away from the trained elite PVPers.

The game just isn't ready for more armour amounts and more super weapons..

Arga wrote:

Unlimited number is obvious to change. Make the suggested change and then see how they end up working. Forums were full of OMG OMG OMG right after I 2.0 came out also.

And look how that turned out. Every outpost is at 100% apart from those being trolled.. So much free stuff is being pumped out of those SAPs smile

Adding mechanics really isn't doing the game the good I thought it would do. There are issues still with PVP scale, use of light robots, not everything being constructable and much more..

Next lets as.. Hmm *Pulls something out of a hat* some more islands and.. err.. *Pulls another idea out of the hat* critter spawns on alpha to watch hop about.

DEV Zoom wrote:

Alright we talked about it some more and agreed that without any limits the system seems indeed overpowered. You may now herp some more asking how this could have happened, the truth is we are not perfect, deal with it cool

Our solution offer to the problem is to introduce a new CEO extension (around complexity 5-6), which will allow the corporation to control 1 probe per extension level. If this is in place, no other limitations should be needed.

Additionally we will also introduce another CEO extension (complexity 2-3) for the number of assignable users per probe. The base limit of 10 users will remain, and every level will add +3 users.

For this to work you also have to limit who can place probes as well as allowing the CEO to remotely destroy a probe.

You're also taking them away from freelance and new players but that's a fair. It's about time that corporations had their own extensions and upgrading them was a matter of NIC and resources/tokens/stuff to upgrade them.

If you're going to make CEO specific extensions for future corporation systems make them corporate based so hat changing in structure only effects future progression and does not cause further regression. smile

You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense