Not to get too far out field, but the 'changed' probes would be useless without walls to funnel players past them, and walls would be much less effective without probes to let corps know if someone was messing with them.
The point I was making with the walls is that it was Obvious and Inevitable that they would be spammed. If they were presented as a concept, many players would say that they were a bad idea, don't put them in, you'll ruin the game. While that statement is correct for probes, it's incorrect for walls, but there was no way to know for sure until they actually implemented them.
As it turned out, it's the combination of the two that make them work, where either solo would be fail mechanic.
Devs did tell us how I 2.0 was going to work, well ahead of time, and ALOT of people said it wouldn't work, it would ruin the game, and don't do it. Even after it was released, the same thing was said, and yes some players left because of the new mechanic. However, months later, with a reasonably small addition, walls/probes, the I 2.0 makes a lot more sense.
Don't misunderstand me, I'd like to know more about what is coming down the pipe, and certainly about the vision of the PVP. But its a double edged sword, giving too much information can create a wait-and-see attititude, while you really need people playing the game as it is now (and adjusting as things are added).
Lastly, I'll fall back again to the position that putting the probes in, and trying them, didn't have a major impact on the game. What is more vital then getting the players to sign-off on something before it goes live, is the ability for the devs to guage the impact of a live change and act accordingly.