(31 replies, posted in Q & A)

Sundial wrote:

What is this shortage of PvP you speak of? I get it on a dailly basis.

PvP is a real fight. Not whipping some stains off the bottom of my gropho


(23 replies, posted in Balancing)

This has nothing to do with tanking... but the difficulty of play that should be within PO


(23 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga, Lets assume we view this 1v1 balance. Not a single bot would die vs a Lemon unless it was FORCED to engage it.

I am not trying to angle this towards that bot being changed or what not. Again i am after how will this game go and develop and many levels of difficulty.

Considering a Lemon fit would only kill a bot if it fit a exact criteria in a 1v1 you then enter the human error level for balance.

Was the target dumb enough to get Demobed, Give up terrain advantage? Use E-war? Shield?


(31 replies, posted in Q & A)

Arga wrote:

This was probably why they added it. Trying to encourage more people to go to beta, to be met with a wall of F*you just for teleporting in seems counter-productive.

I believe Neoxx asked many times for tp's to randomly place you along the beaches, no where neat the actual TP.

I think a good FPS equivalent is having an objective to storm a building, but a sniper inside imediately kills anything that steps in the door, with no way to kill the sniper from outside. Eventually people just stop trying to rush the door, even without a death penalty, and go play something else.

But you see if they are randomly dropped there is a risk as they would be on island.

Now there is no risk and no pvp.


(23 replies, posted in Balancing)

So when balancing and taking in to consideration how difficult it is to counter something and the level of intelligence required for Balance what do we want to see?

Last i was told PO wanted to go in a direction of more challenging play requiring greater skill with dynamic play.

Recent action show a direction towards linear play like a FPS of who can shoot first.

So i ask the community, how easy do you want PO to be, or how difficult. I mean heaven forbid you have to change your fit to be able to take someone elses fit down, that just silly.

PS: nothing to do with Lemon but everything to do with dumbing the game down.


(101 replies, posted in Balancing)

Guys its ok, The game is going in a direction of linear play.... DPS speed fit vs DPS speed fit.

There will be no reason to counter fit, tank, think while fighting soon. Its ok all you need to do is midnlessly run and lock each other.

Its to hard for some people to understand tactics and using there brain to figure out logical things for example.

Heres a fun fact.

When i was engaged for 2 hours against 12 players with a Dev watching and caused the first ERP Nerf, i only came close to death once. That was when 2 allied kains showed up and all of my attackers began shooting at them but kept draining me with 3 tyrannos with neut's. Little did they realize that when not firing they finally drained my cap, but lucky for me they were brain dead monkeys on a keyboard and let me sit there for 3 mins and regain my cap.

TL:DR sometimes not shooting first will grant you victory.

PS: i hated going 47 KPH


(31 replies, posted in Q & A)

Arga wrote:

I noticed that protection timer delay also Lemon. This may only be a visual delay though, as I moved and it did take about 2 seconds for the protectin timer icon to drop. Next time I have 2 bots at a TP i'll check to see if it's a visual thing with the icon not dropping, of if you can actually get a 2 sec headstart.

i noticed it trying to step>lock with my follow bot and there is a delay both mechanically and visually.

Folks again right now there is a drought of PvP and from my experience the past few months the second i undock any enamys that were around run. The only time i got pvp was sitting on a Gate waiting for someone to try and poke there head in to beta (a risky move).

Now, i log in and have mouths run while little lights/assaults cry on the gate for a fight and immediately jump out safely.

Beta is like a Prison now with the beta players on the inside of the cell and people can take a tour now of all the cells and spit on everyone until they see someone whimpy enough to open the cell door and come in to beat on someone they actually can.

TL:DR Let me F**k**G Shoot someone.

Why did i lose my ability to give these kids the fight they so well wish for?


(31 replies, posted in Q & A)

Line wrote:

Difference in timers - 5s. Locking time (if leveled and fitted properly) - 4s. As an additional - random position after jump, even out of tele range. So you still able to kill the jumper, it's just harder smile

There is no difference... there has been no difference since the last major patch.

The difference NOW is that you can lock them ahead of time in hopes they are brain dead and dont jump.


(31 replies, posted in Q & A)

P.S. Also intended for there to be a 3-5 second delay on protection dropping on movement?


(31 replies, posted in Q & A)

This is not a Troll
I would like to thank everyone who contributed there valuable feedback about “tank fits” being ran. I do not know of the players who used these ERP tanks consistently within the last 2 months. However out of this has come a new wave a possibility’s for fittings. These possibilities have removed the need for my Lemon fit and allow me to once again move faster than 50 KPH. I do look forward to my new fits being ran and used as well as all combat being 65+ I can only hope I have opponents who step on to Beta in real bots for a real fight.

The Days of the Lemon are gone, The Rise of the Skurd™ is upon us, embrace it with glory.

Question: I thought beta was supposed to be risk vs reward, with the recent changes on top of the previous changes what is the intent of syndicate protection?
It no longer covers a load time but has now effectively reinvented the safety zone around teleports.

TL:DR  My new Artemis fit is called  a Skurd and Reap the benefits of your Labor my friends for I am coming.


(7 replies, posted in Balancing)


We got e-corp tactics still in game... now we got e-corp thoughts on the forums now.. i thought all of you got killed off.

"Missiles, well they are horribly under powered and need more damage"

Let me introduce you to my Gropho, he 1 shots anything sub mech with a frame.

"he ERP tanked artemis is unbeatable."

Use a ictus! they are fun.

"Energy warfere needs to be able to ignore LOS"

Use a Demob big_smile


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Where you find diz.....

PS: when i taking you mining?


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Xyberviri wrote:
Krall wrote:

Unfortunately PO, like EvE, is a sandbox full of kids that like to make sandcastles and cry for mommy when someone comes along and walks over it.

Unfortunately EVERY Sandbox is full of these kids.

To be honest im surprised I haven't seen a "we don't like to pvp we should get immunity to mine on beta" thread, that every mmo with pvp zones has.

Care bears and Griefers are ruining every sandbox out there....

Whats a Griefer?


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Juan Valdez wrote:

Based on our regular wulfpax kills, including a recent takedown of a mech by a couple lights and assaults, I don't think we need advice on that front. We can and do hunt down isolated peeps.

But gang on gang, benefits of gear and better range, speed and dps makes it nigh on impossible to stand and fight. Game has extremely effective anti blob mechanisms, which I support and enjoy, but lacks an appropriate gear/ep delta necessary for new players to engage with hope of victory. If prices come down on high tier gear it'll reduce the effectiveness of roboknighting, so that's one of our big goals atm.

That said, the next big saturday roam we do will have some entertaining surprises prepared for the folks that engage us.

Whats a Roboknight....

And damit! im out of town :*(

Jack Jombardo wrote:
Lemon wrote:


Yada Yada

Im sorry all i read was "I know it all because i played another game"


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

20M is about buying a temporary BLUE with a corp, not bribing a single player.

However, I'll gladly tell you where and when I'll be mining, but maybe there will be a Lemon assisted log-in trap instead of slow fat miners.

Does this mean i get 20 mil?


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:
Lemon wrote:

Rivelers, Lithus's...

That kind of capital, equipment, and man power is something most alpha corps don't have - and those that do also have the combat support internally. The concept is sound, but I think the alpha game is still to new for something of that scale.

Maybe I'm getting the wrong impression of the beta Islands, what are the chances of an operation this size going off without degrading into an expensive firefight? 50/50?

Assuming you scout the location correctly and plan it, 90%+ success on that scale.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Depending on the quality of the mercs you hired depends on how effecting/risky the operation is.

For example the only concern you have is to maintain a Hauler to Mined amount ratio. As long as you are close enough to a TP to extract if spotted and your can is sub a lithus load at all time. You could easily effectively ninja mine.

As far as having a decent merc corp this is how i would view it. Assuming you hired top tiered mercs who would insist on a reimbursement policy on their death this is how it would go down.

Assume you have 6-12 rivler mining with 3 pilots defending and 3 lithus running. Can is empty at all times.  now assume a 5 man light roam spots this groups of targets... They can take it so they do 1 of 2 things.

Call for zerg light assistance or fall back and take 30+ min to form a effective squad. Assuming you are within 15 mins of a teleporter you can safely extract easily.

Utilizing 2 TP's you can minimize the number of lithus you need.

Mercs role would be to intercept and protect the rivlers at all cost, includes kamakzing if needed. There are plenty of pilots capable of fending off 10-25 enamy players in 3-5 man groups.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey Aeon... some of us have to get paid! thanks for ruining it for me....
*runs away crying* sad


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

Aeon, its a start, but getting ore out of the ground is easy, but the built in 6U capacity of a small bot is 27K epitron, but if it takes an hour to get there and back, that's going to take a long time to get the 6 million ore I need to make a batch of Lithus's. What I'm saying is that you have to haul, and the sequar masking is terrible, and the feild container is a shiny beacon of fail.

Transport and the container are the weak links and what make it easy to get spotted, ie dead.

The risk is that everyone wants to kill the miners, and they can. Try to defend, and that's even better, cus now it's a battle, win or lose - we lose because we aren't there to fight.

And thus the mercenary Corp is born.

Predator Nova wrote:
Monster wrote:
Syndic wrote:

What about other people who spent their precious time to assemble a squad with the right makeup to be PVP-win? They can just go hopping after you through 50 gates until you finally jump into Alpha and go TROLOLOLOLO?  wink

And that would promote pvp unlike what you have now which is the only time people confront you being when they have assembled a formidable squad.

I understand why you have this perspective, though. Benefits you, however imo it's not in the best interest of the server.

Take it to the extreme (which I wouldn't think is unfathomable) for the sake of argument. Let's say your zerg becomes so strong that at one point you have 20 bots stationed right at the Nova teleports. There would be no force that could ever realistically invade your land successfully.

Just doesn't make for good pvp imo.

Just so I understand - You think it's not good pvp if you jump blindly into a beta island and get your *** send home promptly in a box. What's better pvp is if you get some sort of "I'm a solo player with 10min of play time  - phear me - button" ? K...

Also this extreme scenario is just ***. No one would do that. You "forget" that we play this game to have fun also, not to sit at teleport to sing "Da da da, can't touch this..."...srsly.

You obviously missed mine and syndics past week experience.

TBH its was more of this over TS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-3N5SDn … page#t=21s

During this: http://perp-kill.net/?m=related&id=1009

Purgatory wrote:
Lemon wrote:
Neoxx wrote:

Btw Lemon, how do you get a gropho down to 4.1 seconds while still having him super range fit?  I'd say 6 seconds would be a pretty generous number, seeing you'd need 3 extenders to get close to that range.  I dont have amazing launch skills, but still even with those at 8 each wouldnt achieve close to 4.1 seconds at that range.

You are Correct Good sir, I fix it. Thanks for pointing that out. i mixed up my fits.

It's still way off. Complex missile launch level 9, missile launch level 7, and my T4 medium launcher cycle time is still 7.3 seconds.

Also, 3 range extender to get 800 range? I have propellent mixing level 10 and 3x T4 range extenders and barely get 650 range.

Ok Forgive me I shall Reedit this Post and put the Exact number in, Both will be just shy of 800m.  I will input the exact cycle times/Distance for both Gropho and Seth.

Swap to Long range ammo and add 2 T4 tuning for cycle time reduction

editing after lunch break

Neoxx wrote:

Btw Lemon, how do you get a gropho down to 4.1 seconds while still having him super range fit?  I'd say 6 seconds would be a pretty generous number, seeing you'd need 3 extenders to get close to that range.  I dont have amazing launch skills, but still even with those at 8 each wouldnt achieve close to 4.1 seconds at that range.

You are Correct Good sir, I fix it. Thanks for pointing that out. i mixed up my fits.

DEV Calvin wrote:

There are some very good points listed in here and we agree that some changes would be useful. Our main concern is the accumulator instability of the Mesmer and the Seth with the native weapons mainly for PvE applications and the versatility of the shield Gropho at both short and long ranges. Please note here, that the ERP armor as an option was not discussed and is a very good option for these mechs. The inconsistency of the bonuses through the mech lines is also hurting the anal retentive parts of our personalities.

So here is a change proposition package, please discuss:


  • Shield absorption -» 5% armor resist / lvl

  • Armor amount decrease to compensate the resist bonus

  • ~15% medium laser accumulator usage decrease

  • Base speed increase to 39.6


  • Shield absorption bonus -» 5% accumulator recharge, in line with other Pelistal

  • Accumulator capacity decrese to compensate for the recharge bonus


  • Falloff bonus -» -5% magnetic weapon accu usage/lvl

  • Base speed increase to 44.8

Yagel, Arbalest, Kain:

  • Falloff bonus -» -5% magnetic weapon accu usage/lvl

All turret robots:

  • Increase of firing height to get better line of sight

So I would like everyone to understand the kind of deep water we are treading in here with some of these suggested changes. As this opinion will be frowned upon by some of my corpmates.

We have 2 bot types that are high damage out put is controlled by two factors- Accumulator Cost and LoS. I am sure all of us have experience the damage that can be unfolded upon you by a few kains within LoS for any extended periods of time. Now this burst damage that the kains are able to put out however slows down once they are forced to regen accum in between shots. The same holds true for Lasers, however they rely heavier on crits to make up for the slight lower dps but increased range factors.

Now your gropho, can hit you for ever from behind a rock for very insignificant damage in comparison to the bots above. Now in order to off set this they arn't held to the same rules of LoS and burning high amounts of accumulator. This however can become deadly quickly when encountering 10 of these bots attacking speed fit opponents.

Now with that being said Lets look at how we can Improve these bots with outside assistance, but wait... that requires coordination and boring jobs. Why yes it does however i am sure a majority of you will be very surprised to see the effect i can achieve by using them.

Heres the Thought experiment. (lets focus on range since that seems to be the shiny here)

We have a Gropho and a seth bot fit for 800m Range. well my seth does so much damage but runs out of accumulator quickly so lets equip a bot with accum transfers for it so it can fire all the time. Now they both need Sensor amps so lets amp them.

Now that both our bots can lock and fire infinitly to 800m Lets go ahead and see if we can improve this.

Lets now bring in some Nexus's: So i can bring in a Assault nexus and a Crit nexus. This brings any decent pilots stats to the following

Gropho: 13-17% crit
Seth: 26-30% Crit
Gropho cycle:6
Seth cycle:2.1

Now unless i have guidance 10 my gropho is going to fail some rockets. But lets look at some fun facts now to see all you have to do to win.

So now we have 2 bots firing infinitly with one bot firing nearly three times in the time it takes the weaker damage bot to fire 1 volley.

What does it take to win? Superior Positioning and Support bots.

PS: Watch how long a bot lives against a seth firing 6 lasers and critting for just shy of 300 damage per gun every 2 seconds.

Now you tell me if you want to make me more mobile, better stable and base tank stronger. If i need to i will write up how i can out tank the server with resist bonus seth.

Just because a bot doesn't perform as well as another on paper self fitting does not mean it is under powered. You need to take in to account how these bots perform with support.


(48 replies, posted in Balancing)

Khadia Khan wrote:
Lemon wrote:
Arga wrote:

Me tank you long time

Hey now i have more super de duper secret fits i have yet to use!

Every time im come to scan you i get killed before i even see you, its no fair!!!! lol

Ninja skillz big_smile