Re: Server load issues in the last 48 hours
Ohhh a patch.
Edit: From admin only to server limit in the space of a few clicks. God damn.
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Ohhh a patch.
Edit: From admin only to server limit in the space of a few clicks. God damn.
getting somewhat annoying...come home->server down->server full->GG
Can everyone just remain calm? It won't be long before this little episode will be a distant memory, and the long-term effect of it will be a much larger playerbase. Isn't that worth a few days of server naughtiness?
Can everyone just remain calm? It won't be long before this little episode will be a distant memory, and the long-term effect of it will be a much larger playerbase. Isn't that worth a few days of server naughtiness?
I think it is:D
Why do a lot of people want a time frame, so they can be wrong and have to adjust it? Have been playin mmo's for years and have never seen a server come back up on time aside from scheduled dt without any patches.
As has been said before, doing that could take up dev time to fix the problem. If it would, then I'd rather them fix the issue instead of making a queue.
The only problem is it's not being fixed in a timely manner anyway. A day or two of not being able to log in, most people will be ok with it, after 3 days people start to get irritated.
A login queue is not an optional thing in my opinion. I can't think of any other game out there that doesn't have one.
With the current non-system we have here, I can't go do other things if I want to play this game. I am forced to sit at the computer and click the log in button repeatedly. If I even tab out to post on the forums I may very well have missed my chance to log in.
edit: Also, I recall someone stating that a similar problem had happened once before. Maybe they were talking foolishness, but if it's true why wouldn't you have a log in queue ready to go just in case? Learn from your mistakes and all that...
Raife wrote:As has been said before, doing that could take up dev time to fix the problem. If it would, then I'd rather them fix the issue instead of making a queue.
The only problem is it's not being fixed in a timely manner anyway. A day or two of not being able to log in, most people will be ok with it, after 3 days people start to get irritated.
A login queue is not an optional thing in my opinion. I can't think of any other game out there that doesn't have one.
With the current non-system we have here, I can't go do other things if I want to play this game. I am forced to sit at the computer and click the log in button repeatedly. If I even tab out to post on the forums I may very well have missed my chance to log in.
edit: Also, I recall someone stating that a similar problem had happened once before. Maybe they were talking foolishness, but if it's true why wouldn't you have a log in queue ready to go just in case? Learn from your mistakes and all that...
Your concern is perfectly valid. But keep these in mind: 1) servers supported 900+ accounts with minimal lag before. 2) servers were upgraded a few times so capacity was expanded and lag minimized. This is a bug that they are narrowing in on. 3) we never anticipated a huge influx of players like this, they are a small team and are working around the clock. 4) they never had a queue system because it was never intended to limit players. Devs have said that this is now their top priority (after fixing this lag).
Finally, this is a great game with great community and devs. You will miss out on a lot of you give up on us now!
Ya getting pretty annoyed at not being able to log in. I played this game for a day then subscribed for 3 months. Like Van says went from admin only to server full. If i'd of been a day later not sure that I'd of bothered.
Can everyone just remain calm? It won't be long before this little episode will be a distant memory, and the long-term effect of it will be a much larger playerbase. Isn't that worth a few days of server naughtiness?
I am being calm and I do understand the problem. That does not stop it being rather annoying.
yeh i really wanna play too, but we just need to chill until it gets fixed properly plus it gives me a chance to read up on guides and get as much info into my brain as possible
Personally I'll take this opportunity to finish Baldurs Gate series (closing on end of BG2 atm, only TOB to go!) until the Devs fix the server so I can play without feeling pressured to get ready for insta-lag-spike-of-death or emergency-hotfix. Had quite enough of that in Mortal.
See ya when its fixed.
I'm working my way through steam RPG demo's, I should be good for another couple days.
On a side note, anyone see a single player game that's like a mix between Minecraft (sandbox) and Civilization (tech tree learning), where you basically start with nothing struggling to live, and can work your way up to building space craft?
Edit: Attempting to sidetrack the thread, priceless
I'm working my way through steam RPG demo's, I should be good for another couple days.
On a side note, anyone see a single player game that's like a mix between Minecraft (sandbox) and Civilization (tech tree learning), where you basically start with nothing struggling to live, and can work your way up to building space craft?
Attempting to sidetrack the thread, priceless
Like Spore? lol
"like Spore", but not so much on the Civ side and more on the minecraft side; where your not trying to create cities, more like Super 8, where your stranded and scrounge up mats and create tools to gtfo.
Got stuck in chapter 4 of SPAZ. Annoying. Went in to it low on Rez & Goons.. whoops.
Well, this wasn't the day we fixed the server. We are going to get some rest and carry on tomorrow. We have isolated where the problem is, so we did make progress today.
Until then a 350 player cap is in effect. At the moment we do not have the tools to make distinction between paying and trial players. All this time we spend chasing this issue will be free of charge to all of you.
We are very sorry about the inconvenience, we will do our best to get this out of the way!
It's a nice bonding experience for everyone!
"remember when we all had to sit around when the bittervets came over"
"Yeah, good times, good times"
"You bastard!"
Edit: I also deny your reality, as the player graph currently shows 450 logged in
One step at a time.
People are still waiting in the wings for a fix, too, excitedly being kept up to date on the status of the server software, who will come in when things seem stable.
For everyone else excited but frustrated at the sudden-ness of this, I apologize that this is so frustrating for those being frustrated by it. When I'm locked out of the server I'm in the NeX TS3 server, and we're pretty much constantly on and chatting about the game, anything and everything 24 hours a day which is in its own way exciting considering the immense cross sections of people the corp contains.
If you are a member of NeX and trying to log in, use our TS3 server. There are people that can let you know the server's status, and instead of one person clicking 400 times, its easier when a group are clicking less often, or one is in game and knows when they're lifting the cap, and can xmit that info via voice.
Speaking of which - wow. NeX has reach 387 members. Though I know this is not entirely inclusive of the numbers of "bittervets" who have arrived and subscribed solely from word of mouth, still... wow. And poor Gweee spending all those EP on Corporation skills, boo!
Remember: EP is not a queue. It accumulates first, you get buyer's remorse after.
If the DEV's need another hand, I'm willing to go through code and be another set of dev eyes to help while the rest of them sleep, if its needed.
I'm a Sr. lvl developer with experience in some pretty big projects; I would be more than willing to help however I can, if the dev team is willing to accept it.
I'm a Sr. lvl developer with experience in some pretty big projects; I would me more than willing to help however I can,
That's all well and good but what we really need to know is...can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your ***?
nothing new to add to thread , but getting slightly irritated at the fact a paying subscriber cant login so really the people who were here before this mass influx of players are getting the bad end of the deal here
Uh, oh... did you crash the server again?
All your server are belong to whoever clicks their mouse the fastest.
let's pray to the game gods..
Scott Woods wrote:I'm a Sr. lvl developer with experience in some pretty big projects; I would be more than willing to help however I can,
That's all well and good but what we really need to know is...can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your ***?
You clearly haven't seen some of the fat chicks I dated in college, of course I can!
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