First of all I'd like to thank the devs for trying their best to resolve the issues that have surfaced as quickly as they can.
I understand the limit that is placed on the amount of concurrent players is a temporary necessary evil. I really don't have a problem with it as it's better to provide a good experience for those that are online and shut some people out. As opposed to providing a poor experience for everyone.
However, I would like it if you would implement a server queue. As it stands the only way to get in is to keep clicking the OK button until you happen to click it at the exact same time someone else leaves the game. I understand you probably don't have the means to do this right away and fixing the problem which makes the limit necessary should take precedence. It would however be advisable to implement it with some future update because stuff like this will happen again if your game grows as big as I hope it does.
Sitting in queue is less than optimal, but at least one can do other stuff while waiting in stead of hammering the OK button.
"The greatest harm can result from the best intentions"