I like having opponents, they need a tackler, though they do well without one. smile


(42 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Join these guys! Good island, good benefits. Station, friendly. Respectful to their enemies.


(38 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Bump! Good fights with this guy.



(59 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

What do you think about small or solo PVP on beta at this time?

Ah I see what you said, yeah.

I think solo, small group pvp is doable. Just have to keep aware of the blobs like usual, and avoid them if possible etc.

I'd like to do some stalking operations using a stealth mod alt with a good damage back up, then log.


(59 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga a beta corp isn't necessarily a corp that owns a beta station or lives in one. It can be corps that raid it, make use of the land, and live off its riches. Very easy to do. There are 0.0 corps that don't own systems/regions and simply live off the fat they provide.

Your stuck in the mold here of believing only corps that own station or ally with the fat cow alliances can be considered a beta corp. If this game had a huge population we'd see a big change of what's considered beta.

Unless I confused something you said.

Still my point rests, and we seem to agree there needs to be some kind of space/riches that help lower numbered corps enjoy the fun as well.

   We're a raid focused group right now with a great industrial backbone. We're very effective at using minimal gear to inflict some nice heavy losses on people. As well we have lots of opportunities in our industrial wing.

We raid from alpha on beta, so you get to dictate your fighting place. Are very mature, and a good casual group. We also use pretty cheap gear, so fights are easy to get into and do, without having to grind much.

http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … syndicate/

There are lots of different corps as well for you to check.

You're welcome to write me a mail so we can talk/work further. We use vent as voice coms.

Good luck in game.


(59 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well there is a reason for a beta corp to work with smaller corps.

To gain numbers.

This can be done in so many ways. Some of them are pretty horrific.

Once the alpha corp goes to beta, it becomes fun, they hamper down. The people are happy farming all day. Only a few pvpers from their ranks go out and defend. Soon though the farming people become so farmed that any change in mechanics which makes them have to work more, makes them leave or get frustrated. The left over guys, the ones that defend, then get recruited in and bam, your alliance has more numbers.

Thus without the opportunity for the smaller corps to have some kind of way in, besides joining .... you see this big fat monster eating everything...



(59 replies, posted in General discussion)

A summary of points:

We wish for there to be a way to make going from alpha to beta viable vs gathering several allies, or asking another large alliance to help us.

It would be nice if low end items had less epitron use, or 0, so that more pvp could be viable. Why is it for t1 items we have to have beta components? It wasn't like that in eve, and it would be nice.

We'd like a way for smaller corps to get the leg up and have their own "low-sec" of sorts. We've heard the other islands are going to possibly be pve arenas? This is fine, but again, encourage something where smaller corps, ones with teeth could live out in non-alpha lands. It is possible now, and it can be done on the beta terminals. However, the larger alliances patrol these and it gets harder.. even in low-sec a large alliance could dominate an area. Something may be possible about this issue.

This is pretty hard to do, and not many games have accomplished this well.

Vaelen Gar wrote:

.... I’ve been out every day blowing people up & getting blown up, and it’s been incredibly fun.  You don’t need mechs or T3-4 gear.

Leave the mech in a station if you don’t want to take that kind of a loss, but get out there in a light or maybe an assault and have some fun.  People not participating will have a far more detrimental effect on the game than anything I’ve seen the Dev’s do up to this point.

Gets teary eyed... oooo-----weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Those are my ecorp soldiers of fortune!!!

T1 gear for t3 gear! yes!!!

this is a great game! I hope they keep up with small beginning scale pvp ideas, so that people get engaged early. I'm waiting to see what happens when i'm fit/skilled properly for a mech, and then work with a good group.


(59 replies, posted in General discussion)

Freidal Shoveler wrote:

u're right Mara, but

in eve u know where u can find yr roids, maybe they won't be full, and maybe u could be popped , but roid belts don't simply disappear to spawn in a random location that u have to spend minutes (if not hours) to find.
Besides,u don't need mega or morphite to cook frigates (T1s) and cruisers (always T1) , now to cook light bots (ewars) you do in PO (like u do for bunch of other T1 mods)
That's just to discuss, not whining or other stuff like that

I agree. Too much beta mats involved with basic pvp items. Why make basic pvp items have silly components. Encourage more pvp by making it easier for them. More pvp = more fun, less risk.

That's kind of why I believe in efficiency with the lowest tools, that way you never have to grind much, or loose much, but take a lot!

Eve had fittings you could make without "needing" 0.0, now we just kill people on beta/0.0 to make it...


(189 replies, posted in Balancing)

Dromsex wrote:

The scenarios are theoretical. You never get a whole group of intruding EWs pinned with 1-2 tacklers - the others can just leave the field.

Leave the field in defeat. Leave it knowing they can't win against you, because you're playing it right.

Remind me again why that's not a win?


(189 replies, posted in Balancing)

Oh just saw your reply above, but here is my advice,and they don't need change:

I don't know about the other guys, but we've managed to be effective vs ewar groups without having to use 1-3 mil fittings..

If they tackle you, one guy has to hold that tackle, and in doing so he exposes himself. While his friends shoot the primary you can have your fleet move in closer. To them moving in closer means another chance you get to tackle. They are frail like eggs, one guy demo'd means death. Now the tackler can go down pretty easy, and he has to hold his tackle for which you the opponent can cover that distance easily ( as tiggus said in a light bot or even easier fast ewar ). Have your tacklers spread as well, since another tackle means another instant death. when your fleet moves in "TOGETHER" you often force them back, and it repeats again till some *** seperates from the fleet. Remember I said "TOGETHER" that means your fleet mass is together, as a group.

If they get a tackle on one of your guys, you move in together on the guy tackled. Try to get a tackle, and watch them pull back further. No tackle? Ok pull back to cover again. Got a tackle? Good, primary, and let another tackler try to get a tackle as they try to bail their friends out. Ideally it will start going like checkers.

If you use cover that forces them more into your range. They can indeed demob through terrain, but again if you come out and get ontop of one,as a group, you win.

Having long distance ewar 9-10 helps too, because bammo they suddenly get tackled.

All they do is kite, all you have to do is make them make a mistake which forces them in, and bam.

We tested this idea consistently against infestation and against hun/joke. It works.

This was using light bots, and it would be far easier if I had a t4 demob + faster ship. Also the idea of mechs supported by those tacklers would make it also easier

It is indeed frustrating for some, but is it frustrating because you wont work solid as a team, or because you want it to be much easier pvp mechanics?


(118 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Will help you learn some basic pvp, without having you have to grind gear.. gear is pretty cheap and damn efficient with our record wink


(59 replies, posted in General discussion)

You have to be inventive to get around the limits. There are a lot of industrial people in eve that never touched 0.0 and made a great amount of money. If you can remove your dependence on beta you've gone one up on a lot of other people -- in a fair game manner of course.

You gotta kind of play when people are buying stuff, how, and what. Market is very dynamic.


(190 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Join these guys, give me good opponents please. smile

Some of them are very nice to chat with and give good hints.

Good guys, fun fights, join them. I want more enemies to fight with.


(118 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Went with our raid party, will teach people some pvp help them learn... killed several mechs, assaults, ewars, bots worth ten times ours. Using only our teamwork and cheers big_smile.



(118 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Day after day you log in, checking that it's safe to mine on beta, that it's safe to rat.

Another day of logging in to rat, gain gear, and maybe if you have enough time, defend...

Leaders assure you that you're winning because YOU control the islands. Owning a station is a PRIVILEGE!!

The epitron and plants are yours, but you get killed while farming it.

Why is this? Why do others take the pleasure of raiding your island?

Is there another style of play, more exciting, worth logging on more for, that your leaders hide from you??

Cast off the old style of play...   

Welcome NEW days of logging in, gearing up and raiding the cows. Replacing the loot you use to grind, with their grinded loot! They can grind for you now!

Realize that there are "other" paths of gameplay. You can control the island and not be the fat cow others are.


http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq18 … urMine.jpg


(268 replies, posted in General discussion)

Pretty poor that people have to exploit to enjoy a game, or get an edge on their competitors.

Fun guys to fight! Would love to see them again on the field smile

1. INCENTIVES TO PLAY: Perpetuum's more EP-intensive and expensive bots are not worth the effort and time.

I disagree here, I think that if you use them in the right way, at the right time, then indeed they are being used in a good way. Taking your example, why would you buy a capital ship and expect to use it to rat with in 0.0? It makes money easier, but you get to be the laughing stock of your enemies when they catch you tackle you and kill you.

Also log-off trap? It's a viable tactic and when your light bot turns into a nice mech with blazing guns of furry you really use it well then ( REFERENCE: See domlaharm  recent ganks ).

2. INCENTIVES TO FIGHT: Insufficient Incentive to win Intrusions.

Beyond territory control, this would be nice to do. Control points that are global across the globe would be nice, with good loot. So that smaller organizations could compete and grow into larger alliances which will shift the political paradigm.

Fine, so you create the Intrusion system to generate beta corp conflict.  Good idea.
Where it falls is there is simply no reason to own the stations.



(118 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Our leadership trains hard, taking it all from the server:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmvZy0xZ … re=related