they do sade they do. You got to remember that what we have in place has to last years not weeks. There will be a market soon enough but atm people are just starting to mass produce things and there is not a stable epriton stream coming through. Most of what people are producing is going to their corp. In another month to six weeks the market will have all bots and mechs at reasonable prices and some tech will be out there too. In six months it will be packed very nicely.

I would like the ability to set up a chat channel and have that chat channel auto detect what language someone is writing and then translate this into whatever language I have set the chat channel too.

Perhaps link up with google?

Pretty simple really:  Make field accessories buildable.

Not sure why they are not tbh apart from as a NIC sink but atm liquidity has never been a problem through release and both the betas.


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

But in a big gang it's hard to see who's taking damage for reps. Perhaps make the squad window able to sort by damage?

Please can you make it so the squad screen does not show offline players. It's annoying. Also you need to be able to lock people from the squad screen and also select primary target or secondary target from that screen. This would allow for effective use if remote modules.

Basically just fix the offline feature and allow the squad screen the same right click options ad overview.


(8 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Ha ha ha so true

Neoxx wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

Alright we'll delay it a bit, you will have approximately 3 days to delete your unneeded characters for free (up until the next patch).

It only took 5 people to change this?

F*ckin pushover.


gonna +1 Neoxx's comments - I use them on my main too.

The main reason that put me off missiles however is crosstraining - its a lot easier to switch from magnetic to lasers and visa versa than it is from missiles to any of the gunnery.

The thing that kept me was I <3 the gropho and waspish and i'm hoping that howitzers when they come will use the same secondary skills as missiles.

Waspish is imo great due to its range. Makes a good intakt killer and is also good for pve.

Gropho is good in comparison to the other heavies due to its ability to lock extremely fast making you a lot less vulnerable to ewar. Its also a LOT easier to keep energy stable while tanking. For these reasons I think if anything it still needs a bit of a nerf.


Yes it needs to happen but staged over time I think. Lets get ownership up first and do it from there.

why its not there now i've no idea


You shouldn't have created fluff chars tbfh

I'm quite looking forward to your JOKE spy, M2S spy etc alts costing you ep to delete. Serves you right lol.


(3 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Now that we've put this plan in action and completed it i'll give you new corps a rough lowdown on how to get started fast when your opening your new corps. Its not definitive, nor is it perfect but it does work and it is a decent framework.

  • Do the tutorial assignments (not the tutorial)

This will get you a light bot and some ammo

  • Save your faction specific ammo you obtain during the tutorial

  • Put the t1 items and ammo in corp storage

  • Geology assignments to get Argano NIC

Do them from Daodden. The titan and HDT geology assignments can be done at the same time (you need to train a skill before you can do two - parallel assignments). They will net around 800k an hour with an arkhe with a lwf and level 5 navigation.

  • Start mining Titan, Stermonit and HDT

  • Form a hunting party for 100 drone kernels

  • Form a hunting party for 400 light/assault faction kernels, fragments and decoders to be able to start multiple Sequer and Termis proto's

  • Create another agent and do tutorial again until we got 1000 ammo, sell/reverse the light robots rewards

  • Acquire production NIC

  • Start ammo production asap

  • Go out and get 50 mech kernels for medium miners

This will get your production on your feet.

cool story bro.

Constructive, useful and really needed.

EP Ian wrote:

If they're are added, add them to storages themselves.  The game could use some money-sinks, and it isn't unreasonable to have to pay for privacy.  There's also already a management screen to fit it in on.

More than happy with this.

I like all these ideas I just want something now rather than in six months and figure pw folders to be low hanging fruit lol

i agree you should be able to build without skills but if you give 1 at zero that means at level 10 youd have 11 and thats ***. Just give people level 1 in those areas from the begining and problem solved.

DEV Crm wrote:

it suppose to have a default value of 1. so without extensions you should have 1. 
but it seems to be bugged somewhere...

It does have a default value of one without extensions, thats the problem. When you train to level 1 from zero you still have only 1 line in those areas. With zero it should have zero lines. Without any extensions you shouldn't have any lines at all.

Zhyntil wrote:

I can see where a password would come in handy, you could have a can at level 1 that just one person or a squad could access without letting all the other 1's in. Not sure how important that should be on the to-do list though.

Just seems real easy to do and would completely protect you from corp theft.

Basically you could give everyone in corp a password enabled folder and distribute what they need through that. Each level of corp hanger would contain sundries so perhaps you'd put the agents free bots or mechs in their folder and keep fittings in shared folders at that level. Currently you only really have four levels of access which for decent sized corps is just deadly.


(6 replies, posted in Selling Items)

Siddy wrote:

i offer 3m and used condom

If its the one I left after we cored your back snatch outside the only station we didn't bother taking off you then I don't want it thanks. Dropping eight of your heavies was enough and you can keep that as a love memento.


(6 replies, posted in Selling Items)

20 million

Convo Fourfingers frankie, Krupp or Resentina


Currently when you are naming a folder and you exceed the character limit you get a "server error" notice.

Perhaps change the wording or whatever but its not a server error.

i told them bout this a while ago. They said it didn't exist. I lol'd.

Please can you allow passwords for folders in the corp hanger.

K thnks bye!


Pretty much the only thing thats the same as eve is elements of the UI, the whole gameplay experience is very different as is every major game element. People seem to forget that most of eve was "copied" from Elite: frontier - there are a limited number of ways for a game to do something. It makes sense to do it in a way that is familier.

Anyone who thinks PvP, PvE or production in this game is the same as eve is ***.