BeastmodeGuNs wrote:

Don't think how you can make a mechanic benefit yourself....
Think about how a mechanic can benefit the whole population!



(23 replies, posted in General discussion)

Same here.  Many DC's from 3-400 servertime.


(10 replies, posted in Q & A)

Communication is good, builds excitement, players feel like game is alive and cared for.
Blogs and patch notes are nice because they can get syndicated off to MMO news sites: free advertising.

Speaking of which, blog today? big_smile


(23 replies, posted in General discussion)

Got kicked twice, with some delay, just now. 
Reconnecting shows in Standby mode, then eventually reconnects.
Anyone experiencing similar issues at this time?

Thought I'd put a post up in case this was server-wide.

Hopefully the datacenter isn't getting DDOS'd again or doing "maintenance" ;D

I'm having fun.


(12 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

The accepted rumor was that TAP npc loot would be adjusted for the decreased speed, and increased difficulty of running TAPs vs the old Beacons, but without the exploitability.

This was going to be put in with a whole loot-table rewrite to programmatically control npc loots, instead of what is currently implemented (hard-coded by spawn?).

Given how things go, eyes bigger than our schedules, maybe a stop-gap measure to just adjust the loot on TAPs to be what they should be, and leave the loot-table rewrite for later.

Honestly, we run them for kicks and to get new players over the thrill and desperation for new PVE content. 

Either way it seems like the bottom line of anyone's experience with TAPs is it isn't worth the: time, risk, and/or reward.  The new system locks out the time/risk, forcing you to run 1 at a time, at the location the anomaly spawns (adding considerable risk on beta/gamma w/ reds and jumping inside enemy bases).  Naturally, better loot drops would balance this.


#4 is key, the primary reason people dont use/think about transport assignments is because its tucked away obscurely in the UI.  I would push for this as it seems to be the easiest thing to implement.


(27 replies, posted in News and information)

On the adjustment on the post-processing effects:
The bloom is a little high..  I like that you can't see the horizon of the ocean meeting the sky at a painfully flat line, but the glow from the impassible-tile overlay and some of the other fog conditions just become a giant obnoxious glow of color.

It is important here to at least establish contrast, in what is in-focus, and fogged away.  If all the player sees is fog and foggier, it just feels like the whole game was put through a blur effect.  Some other games with 3rd person cameras show your character clearly and then fogs out from that point.  But if that is all locked in onto the camera's position then maybe its not worth rewriting.

I do like the real obfuscation the fog adds, will make pvp very interesting with people who know the terrain and those who dont.


(87 replies, posted in News and information)

I thought MMO's were all about patience?

Nevertheless, I do agree with some of the sentiments here: give some time to balance the previous robot-batch with each subsequent release.  And I would make it clear that they will be heavily balanced after their release too.  So you have some blog 'fine-print' you can point to when players rage over some balance they don't agree with. 
Though EP is easy to come by nowadays, so it may be less of an issue. 

Just keep posting blogs, teasing details, closer looks, stats, and then finally their releases.  Who knows, maybe some mmo news sites will pick up on all the buzz...


(2 replies, posted in Balancing)

Why do medium and small modules cost the same for T2+/T4+?
I think smalls should be at least half the cost (5/10k tokens t2+/t4+).

Other modules too may need to be somewhere between this small-med range.

@devs, would you have some numbers on how many purchases have been made of what items?  What does it tell you?

Anyway, small tweak to consider when you are pricing out the new bots in the Syn Shop as well.

Objections? Post away.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Gekko wrote:

Cycle time doesn't matter too. … or-mining/
As well as mining amount of the module.
The roll is the same for everyone, and there's no way to increase the number of rolls, their chance, and the amount of EP gain.
You participate by having active miner module, or not participate, and that's all. Everything else is a waste of time, mining charges and liquid fields smile

Oh wow, thank you for the correction and your research on the subject.  I guess that does totally balance the effect across skills, and module tech levels. 

Maybe the patch notes could just be more clear on these things as there seems to be a good bit of misunderstanding.  But I suppose this is a relatively trivial matter.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

A riv gets the same EP as a Scarab.
Number of modules gets factored in and divides the chance so the likelihood of a EP bonus from a mining cycle is the same 1xmodule vs 5xmodules.

Documentation from Patch Notes:
"The chance is divided with the number of active modules, so it doesn't matter how many you are using. On average, this means about 1 EP per minute."  (1EP base times multiplier)

The only way to improve the 'rate' of ep gains is then only to decrease your cycle time, if it is truly just a random roll every time a module cycles.

I agree, I would put robot-paint way ahead of this if we are talking new cosmetic features.
But if implementing this is trivial, why not? 
+1 if trivial


(87 replies, posted in News and information)

Ville wrote:

Zoom, what's the deal with no heavy mech ewar ?  And I disagree with the direct purchases of robots.  You should sell CTs via the shop instead using gamma materials.

I think you can find a way to make the material requirement still affordable, but put a real demand on colixium.

Right now the demand for colixium is circular.  You need colixium to build gammas, you mine colixium on gammas, to build gammas... lol


(87 replies, posted in News and information)

Fantastic!  I agree the Diadalos is a bit wonky, and the Hermes body looks a bit small for the treads.  But maybe its the angle of the render? 
The rest look great, hopefully a unique color theme/texture will help visually differentiate them. 
Either way this is awesome, and I am glad there are more specialized roles with these bots.  Look forward to their blogs with some numbers big_smile


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

Great point Goffer.  I think there is a missed opportunity with the boosters.

Don't forget, Devs, that you need to build value back into your products.  DLC's at least come with sparks and credits.  But now credits with the current EP-booster are not worth jack.
I recommend that EP boosters should now increase the EP-reward % as well.  I'd say drop the base/beginning multiplier to 50 (instead of 100), and the booster should be either 1.5x or even 2x, definitely worth the credits.  That way there is something useful to spend credits on, and players (instead of using it for vacation ep-generation) will be online grinding all month to ensure they get the most out of it!  Win-win! right?

Oh and robot-paint for credit purchase.  That will make credits worth it too.

PS. Why is gamma EP only 1x?  Shouldn't it be at least 2x like beta?


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

I would say that liquid mining should have a lower chance of the EP bonus, some but much lower than regular ore mining. 
The EP bonuses should bias active-play, not afk.
Yes afk is better than offline, but still genuine new players shouldn't fall behind others afk mining in a sequer overnight/day.
Perhaps some questions to consider:
How long is it supposed to take to get to 3 mil? What about 1 mil? How fast is this actually being achieved with afk mining or other exploits?


(28 replies, posted in News and information)



(28 replies, posted in Bugs)



(141 replies, posted in General discussion)

Some videos I came across recently. 

Combat assignments:

Combat Exploration assignments:

Exploration Assignments:


(149 replies, posted in News and information)

Am I the 1/5 who plays? big_smile

Thank you for the update Zoom.  I look forward to these developments.


(149 replies, posted in News and information)

What's next after the EP upgrade?


(67 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Hey sorry to bother, but the link to the remedy website seems to be down.
But this link still works: … petuum.pdf

Could someone edit the post above to include this in a clear location so new players can more easily access this valuable resource?


(149 replies, posted in News and information)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Sure, if you buy them early, the amount of activity that would have been needed for the same EP increase is less compared to when you buy them later, but their net EP worth stays the same. It's more like a psychological dilemma, do you jump forward early when EP is pouring, or later when it's slower.

That's the key phrase: 'psychological dilemma'!  Even if the numbers play out the same over time, if the player Feels like they got screwed, that becomes their truth.
Hell that's why this update is happening at all, new players Feel like they time-based progression is a death-sentence and they will never 'win' and cant be competitive.


(149 replies, posted in News and information)

This is good.  It isn't as great as brand new content, but it is new, not pay to win, more to win? =O
I agree with jita and ville (Ah!) this will make the new player experience much more rewarding, and make them feel like they do have a shot joining perpetuum and will probably contribute to longer lifespans of new comers.

This however doesn't address the playerbase that can't even be bothered to log in for their 3 day ep; for this you must give new content!  So ride the wave from this into some new content and you might build momentum to bring a lot of players online, new or otherwise. 

Overall it is good, keeping the same flat time-based EP generation with this as a bonus on top is a great move. 

Paw brings up a good point though, does buying a DLC end up screwing you out of more EP if you deferred the purchase?  In terms of balancing, you might want to have a flat rate that exceeds the EP amount from the DLC's before the diminishing curve begins.  Or maybe tweak the overall expected return from these new rewards so it doesn't significantly impact this factor (maybe the amplitude of the curve is not huge).  Its a curious problem, and as jita says this devalues the product that the DLC's deliver. 

Regardless, a player that plays should get more stuff than players that don't:
'cause *** 'em that's why! XD