Topic: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

11 new robots with machine gun specialization - the Syndicate becomes a full-fledged faction. This initial blog post paves the way for a few subsequent blogs where we'll take a detailed look at each of the Syndicate robots. … s-inbound/

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

did't you find any better torso for the Daidalos?
i mean,
the name was reserved for this one one: Large Hauler Daidalos

all other combinations there look rather well balanced

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

It's either this or the same with Symbiont legs. The Lithus chassis is too big for a mech class, and there is nothing else that remotely works as a transport.

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

"over next few blogs." Yeah... um... how often do you plan to actually release these new blogs?

Reading this signature fills you with determination.

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Fantastic!  I agree the Diadalos is a bit wonky, and the Hermes body looks a bit small for the treads.  But maybe its the angle of the render? 
The rest look great, hopefully a unique color theme/texture will help visually differentiate them. 
Either way this is awesome, and I am glad there are more specialized roles with these bots.  Look forward to their blogs with some numbers big_smile

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

I am most excited for the new roles.

I am assuming that Ikarus will have a better top speed than an empty argano. However in alpha landia it might be easy to it the molecylar instabilty limit of reteleporting. Meant more for outside alpha use? Also arhe vs ikarus top speed would be interseting.

Hermes seems to have atleast 2 weapon slots. Combat scouting or pirate defence?

Daidalos woudl seem that U wise it would be floating around in the higher ends of one and a half hundred U. However will it be "scarab style" or "lithus style" in its other proeprties? Or will we get some other yet unforseen style?

I think it will be nice to read about the answers in future blog posts.

I do worry what will be the differnce between slugs and bullets. Syndicates won't gain movement speed bonuses to the same extent?

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

WTB 2x Echelons and 1x Hermes

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

looks like we will get two more assault class industrials.
one that is a termis on sequer base (Cronus) , and one that is a bapho on sequer base (Hermes)

most likely you will see me running around in that hermes, since i liked two medium ACs on bapho already all the time.

so, zoom - how do you balance Autocannon bonus against everything else? atm firearms are competitive without ANY bonus against the other ones - as seen in the popular MG Seth fit that can kill everything but walls (because dumb pilot)

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Annihilator wrote:

how do you balance Autocannon bonus against everything else? atm firearms are competitive without ANY bonus against the other ones - as seen in the popular MG Seth fit that can kill everything but walls (because dumb pilot)

I'll do some tests, but the most straightforward thing is probably to reduce either the damage modifier of the guns or the damage points in the ammo, and recompensate with machine gun robot bonuses.

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound


Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

How about otherwise, make mashine gun bots (syndicate) high risk high reward.

They deal lots of damage but have very low resistance against seismic, termal and kinetic damage.

So you still have your triangle of blue, green and yellow but having "grey" as an omnitype that kills all and is beaten by all equally.
They would still be valuable as high damage dealing bots or "assassin"-types - but would need to be used tactical because they are easyly focused down.

not really sure how to fit chemical in there though.

12 (edited by BeastmodeGuNs 2016-07-03 00:20:21)

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

DEV Zoom wrote:
Annihilator wrote:

how do you balance Autocannon bonus against everything else? atm firearms are competitive without ANY bonus against the other ones - as seen in the popular MG Seth fit that can kill everything but walls (because dumb pilot)

I'll do some tests, but the most straightforward thing is probably to reduce either the damage modifier of the guns or the damage points in the ammo, and recompensate with machine gun robot bonuses.

In my opinion you would be better to simply remove the non-faction bonus from mechs and heavy mechs and return the leftover percentage from that bonus back to the faction bonus, that would be better for giving the new syndicate bots room to compete, the main reason the seth is so overpowered now is because of it's tanking ability mixed in with the damage projection it gets with gauss guns and machine guns due to its non-factional bonus.

Even without the non-factional damage bonus, the seth is still very tough with its buffer tanking capabilities and its RoF/damage capabilities with lasers. I think that would be best option rather then trying to nerf firearms.

Either that or look at the seth and seth MK2's capabilities and maybe nerf it a bit. Seth has easily been best and strongest heavy since the rebalancing patch in 2014 to point where mesmer nearly became useless and pointless to use.

Reading this signature fills you with determination.

13 (edited by BeastmodeGuNs 2016-07-03 00:23:34)

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Oh and one more question. I imagine this is a bit early to ask now but considering everything and the existence of MK2 robots, maybe sometime further down the line after the release of these particular Syndicate robots, maybe MK2 syndicate robots will also be a thing?

Reading this signature fills you with determination.

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

DEV Zoom wrote:
Annihilator wrote:

how do you balance Autocannon bonus against everything else? atm firearms are competitive without ANY bonus against the other ones - as seen in the popular MG Seth fit that can kill everything but walls (because dumb pilot)

I'll do some tests, but the most straightforward thing is probably to reduce either the damage modifier of the guns or the damage points in the ammo, and recompensate with machine gun robot bonuses.

well, its not much the damage that is imbalanced.
its the combination of meaningless dispersion (their in-accuracy), meaningless mass (their high mass) and their low accumulator consumption in combination with shield-tanks that makes firearms so overpowered on that one certain heavy mech.

oh, and don't forget about how meaningless resistance and damage tpyes became with the introduction of pvp ammo... (and a prismatic resist bonus on all heavies)

maybe you should take the opportunity, and bring back rock-paper-scissors into the game, since you have to touch it anyway...

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Don't bother unless you're gonna get rid of some extremely silly stuff like demob immunity on plates.

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Zoom, what's the deal with no heavy mech ewar ?  And I disagree with the direct purchases of robots.  You should sell CTs via the shop instead using gamma materials.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

17 (edited by logicalNegation 2016-07-03 03:04:37)

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Ville wrote:

Zoom, what's the deal with no heavy mech ewar ?  And I disagree with the direct purchases of robots.  You should sell CTs via the shop instead using gamma materials.

I think you can find a way to make the material requirement still affordable, but put a real demand on colixium.

Right now the demand for colixium is circular.  You need colixium to build gammas, you mine colixium on gammas, to build gammas... lol

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

I can speculate one of the reason they are doing it that way.

It's simple.  And it'd push the token shop for demand of the tokens enticing people to use Beta. 

But tbh, I'd rather see implements that benefit all of the game world.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Those will be not top-end content, why should they require colixium? Buying CT might be ok but nothing special in materials.

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.

20 (edited by Inda 2016-07-03 07:24:59)

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Which color they will use the dark green?

Empis or Helix the light ew? (picture Empis, blog Helix)

Another thing the balance, add to the robots less accu, so they can use the Autocannons/Machineguns good, but if they need accu for something else there would be a problem. I like also PhistMage idea.

Daidalos, Hermes is a bit scary, but the rest is seems ok to me also.

I dont really like the Tokens idea for buys.

Energy to Earth!

18.01.2014. [12:57:58] <BeastmodeGuNs> after that i remembered all those warning about 1v1 you lol, and i found out why xD

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Well - I'm happy, but I'll agree that Daidalos would look much better if the concept art would be used instead of the actual model. (Seriously - Sequer transport module on the Riveler chassis? EVE Minmatars would be happy, but please:P).

Especially Metis - finally we have a dedicated Logi bot. It should help a lot Gargoyles and Termises in reps (because I know that every normal man is using Riveler and Symbiont, even with nerfed speed and all transport stuff including Scarabs for liquid stuff) smile

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

how about Seth chassis on sequer legs? Should look nice, whatever role it will play.

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Line wrote:

how about Seth chassis on sequer legs? Should look nice, whatever role it will play.

Ewar heavy? smile

Reading this signature fills you with determination.

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

Ville wrote:

...You should sell CTs via the shop instead using gamma materials.

I agree with this, just not using gamma materials. It will encourages activity in a couple more areas.

Will the new Syndicate robots be able to be bought/sold on the market?

Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound

I'm afraid a heavy ewar mech might be too hard to balance in the current setup. Ewar mechs can be a pita as it is, and a heavy version is expected to do even more.

They don't use colixum because these are not intended to be high end stuff. But don't worry we will have something for that too.

CTs might come later, I don't want to delay the robots by figuring out the material balance too.

Yeah the light ewar is the Helix, I just missed to update the image.

And they are sort of a military green.