(12 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

We are recruiting non-trial account, just apply in game.


(34 replies, posted in Bugs)

Ville wrote:

If we did that it would have taken 6 more days, which would be on Tuesday.  Unfortately, I have this thing called a Job, and unlike your masters job, it envolves me actually going outside  big_smile

what picking up garbage


(34 replies, posted in Bugs)

then maybe you should have stop shooting it then


(34 replies, posted in Bugs)

it would help your case ville if you knew what you are talking about.

Alexadar wrote:

Some of the affected buildings was in their own native network. Reconection between terminal network didn't triggered the issue.

Then explain why allot of the structures on North were partly deconstructed.

to my knowledge you can't deconstruct anything if it has an active command link.

or use application designed for multiboxing.

to be honest it's not relevant since we are going to be purging the whole island anyway. It would be nice if the Dev's didn't involve them selves and give chaos back there assist's because of there own foolish mistake.

they had like 3 new terminals so I would say they did this a couple of times. Nothing with the maintenance caused this because the only structures and terminal left in reinforcement was B.O.S's.

Jasdemi wrote:

+1 if the turrets automatically pull ammo from terminal or some sort of ammunition storage structure.

very bad idea.

No automatic reload, but the colony management should show the ammo level on turrets. but you must carry the ammo to them and put it in.

I also like the idea of being able to use faction ammo, gives us something else to spend tokens on other than beacons

I dont know why you people are so paranoid about this change...not like the bonuses are really going to help you in Beta or Gama anyway.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

instead of closing all Ville post's wouldn't it just be easy to ban the troll for a couple more months. So you don't have to monitor him so much.


(14 replies, posted in Open discussion)

nice try....

I like my new friends, they just got tired of your whinning *** so they removed you off moyar.

also you are earning all kinds of brownie points with your km comments...they know exactly who is saying what..***.


(14 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Not sure what your smoking no corps in this game can stand alone on the pvp island...so do your self a favor and just drop it, because you are looking a little dumb.


(14 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Ville wrote:

Khader really, your "Hey!  Look at Us posts are getting a little ridiculous."  Let's see here...  There was the why can't I ninja mine post, then there was a Hey look my corp was able to kill a Seth post, and now here is the "We aren't pets we're just big boned" post.  Oh and let's not forget, "Hey Hey We took an outpost you don't use on OUR island and handed it to Hydra!  YES I'm so awesome!"  As downright comical as they are I am feeling slightly embarrassed for you just reading your topics now and watching dignity roll right down the drain.  When your done being lap dogs and actually want to be mercs and not pets to the biggest blob on the server hop in TS and lets chat about some contracts?

Please oh please Ville try to take that Outpost back.

Stop talking *** and undock already.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Also would be nice to see the top killer for the year, and the popular victim as well.

popular victim would probably be Beastmodeguns.

They do get to fire free bullets...so why not.


(10 replies, posted in Balancing)

I also think you need to load your turret with ammo


(10 replies, posted in Balancing)

I think combat and ewar structures need to have there own skill catagory and only the corp leader skills would affect the turrets, Or make it an assignable so you can assign to a person in corp if you wanted to use another account or player to spec into the structure skills.

Turrets should need the same combat skills as players but under there own catagory.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

would be nice to see individual months and a 1 year break down

I hope the new bots are coming soon


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Lemon wrote:

It seems quite important to quite a few of you here to explain the only reason i win is because my better gear....

Gear i used once on accident and lost, to realize i had it on later....

I mean then again it did take all of you to try and stop me...

Remember  your places on the food chain...

P.S. This can be closed (you reading it to close it serves the purpose of the thread)

let the kiddies QQ over me in CD

hate to tell you this but it only took one Seth to stop you. no one even came down the ramp till you went boom, and that was to force the kain away and the zienth away from the seth.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Would be nice to see some pvp related assignments.

- kill 4 players in mechs (Bad,Hostile, or neuteral) (not in your corp)
- kill 2 players in Heavies (Bad,Hostile, or neuteral) (not in your corp)
- Conquer a SAP of an outpost your corp doesn't control

stuff like that....and make a pvp faction for pvp tokens I sure you can think of something for us to spend it on.

You can start one with what zortarg has done.


there is also these



(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

I was enjoying myself even though I should up late.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Lemon you act like you are the only one collecting T4+ gear. Since we were able to purchase beacon off the syndicate market and the loot of allot of undefended saps T4+ gear isn't that had to get. I know I have allot my self and that was before the weekend as well.