(10 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Neoxx wrote:
GLiMPSE wrote:
Neoxx wrote:

Posting in a useless thread.

Sup Neoxx... wanna make out?

Sure.  Sounds more fun than posting here.  Meet me in the stairwell behind Nauwy.

You cheating biatch, you said you were mine!


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Artem Blue wrote:

I'd rather the devs worked on player-built outposts, terraforming, new bots and more equipment, more special effects and more mechanics, more assignments and more content, not more bureaucracy UI to fit a niche need.

Change of sentiment?

At this stage of the market economy, margin trading really is not that big of an issue.  As far as the .01 NIC wars, the solution is relatively simple - allow for realtime ajustment of buy and sell orders, instead of having to cancel a buy/sell order and put up a new one.  Or if you are smart, with current mechanics, don't put all you product/NIC into one order, hold some back, and put on the market as someone undercuts your orders.

Gerrick wrote:

... The "niche" that has been pointed out as being usurped is referring to the role of logistics. Transporting the sometimes vast amounts of ore and materials needed to have an efficient production line forces the player to carefully consider the cost/benefit ratio of every production to see if those seemingly high profit margins are in fact worth going after.

Not really.  Material still has to be at the outpost/terminal that the CT is being run at.  You still have to bring the material there, and you still have to ship the product out to market, if it is not for corp use.  Actually, nothing changes as far as the material movement logistics.  The only thing that changes, if a CT can be run for corporation, is that the raw materials stay in the corp hangar, and the production output is delivered to a corp hangar, all at the same outpost as the CT installation.

Effort as far as production also remains the same.  You still have to mine, refine, research, prototype, reverse engineer, and manufacture.  Nothing changes as far as all that.  The real change is only where the input comes from (corp hangar vs personal hangar) and the output is delivered to (same), with some level of control as to who can, based on corp roles.

Arga wrote:

There are EP's that change the run times and number of runs you can have. If you dissassociate the factory from the person, you are essentially usurping the Agent skills for use by the corporation.

Hardly.  CT is installed for corp, but run at the players skill set levels.

Arga wrote:

Yes, it would make it easier to coordinate, but so would putting all the corporation accounts under the control of the corporation and not even needing the player to login.

Irrelevant and nothing to do with the concept presented.  People still have to log in to run jobs, CEO/director's still have to log on to move raw materials, etc.  This merely aids organizational flexiblity, risk is still involve, and people still have to play the game.

Arga wrote:

I say we expand this idea so the corporation can remotely control all the players robots too!

Also not within the realm of the concept, no remote control implied in the concept.  Discuss the facts and the concept, instead of spamming irrelevant extreme extrapolations that are not stated or implied.


(50 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

As far as limiting blob warfare, it's difficult to believe that ever will be possible, other than in a cultural shift.  I remember in a post I made that i challenged ppl not to blob, but to increase skill, and the response that I most remember was, whereas the person enjoyed GFs, he prefered to win no matter what.  That really is the main issue - you engage someone with about equal numbers, lose a few times, and most people's immediate response is, bring more people, instead of, get better at doing it.

A couple ideas come to mind, however, and I will admit I am stealing heavily fron Battletech.  One concept would be overheating your bot/mech to the point of shutdown.  As your modules run, and guns fire, you will be generating radiant heat.  In small groups, this will not be an issue, but in larger groups, with alot of bots radiating heat, it becomes a grave issue, to the point that the larger the group, the more chance that your bot will shut down due to overheating for a period of time, effectively removing you from the fight.  The larger the blob, the higher the probablity of a shutdown for everyone in that group.

The other revolves around outpost incursions.  When you sign up for an incurion, it gets treated as a bachall (battle challenge (Clan concept)), where you bid the amount of forces that you will bring.  The defender can also input how many they will bring.  Whoever bids the lowest number decides the maximun number that each corp signed up for the incursion can bring, and the defending corp.

Prior to the actual incursion time, say an hour for arguement, the SAPs put out a EM field, that the signed up corps have to be attuned with. EM field extends between all the SAPs and also 1500 meters from the SAPS out beyound that area.  Attunement consists of a corp officer of the corp signed up or defending has to be a squad leader( allowing other corps to have members in the squad)  If anyone brings more that the lowest number bid, the extra bots, randomly selected, shut down.  If anyone else tries to enter the EM field area, their bots shut down.

Obviously, people will find holes in such a system, and I can think of a few right off the bat.  Maybe allowing the defending corp to bring 2x the low bid might offset 10 corps signing up for the incursion, and their allies also would have to sign up, with those same limits.  Or a big enough coalition of corps could all sign up each for 10, and still bring 80 guys.  But the expense grows as you do that.

Not saying that the idea is workable as is - I am just throwing out another concept that could be refined.


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Artem Blue wrote:

A new technology, siege mirrors, inspired by Archimedes's legendary defense of Syracuse.

Uhmm, you realise that Syacuse still fell during that battle, and Archimedes got spitted on a gladius ( despite the commander's orders that he was to be taken alive), right?

Artem Blue wrote:

You join a group of explicitly self-described griefers - and then ask the devs to develop bureaucratic tools so you can cooperate with your treacherous corpmates? I think even the notorious troll Jelan would agree this sounds like QQ.

I'd rather the devs worked on player-built outposts, terraforming, new bots and more equipment, more special effects and more mechanics, more assignments and more content, not more bureaucracy UI to fit a niche need.

And the above has to do with the subject how?  LOL, discuss the concept, not the corp.

As far as niche, hardly.  Almost every corp out there is doing some type of manufacturing, and the availablity of the individuals directly affects product availablity to those corps.  So this is a feature that would hardly be "niche" by any sense of the term.

Limited trust, yes, total uncontrolled trust, no.  You still have to grant those roles to someone (trust), and that person may also have roles to access the outputs ( trust again), based on hangar access.  But able to take the whole cookie jar?  No.

Besides, where is the challenge to your corp theif then?  Too easy ... and maybe your CEO should look at your access rights with that sentiment...

Currently, all manufacturing from CTs have to be performed by individuals, from personal hangars, and with the output to personal hangars.  This does not allow for organizational flexiblity, and creates a dependance on specific individuals that limits organizational redundancy.


- Corporation factory lines:  The ablity to assign roles for CTs to be installed for the corporation.  Anyone with the appropriate corp roles, can run that CT in the factory, from the corporation wallet.  This would require:

A) Roles to install, and remove, CTs for corporation
B) Roles to run corporation CTs in corporation factory lines, drawing from corp wallet.
C) Specific catagory roles for what types of lines an individual can run.  For example, Member A may only be able to run ammunition, and light bots, whereas Member B may be able to run ammunition, light bots, assaults, mechs, and Member C can run weapon modules, electronic modules, and armor modules.

-Corporation Factory lines input and output controls:  Currently, materials have to be in an individual's hangar to run factory lines.  The only way to access the corp materials to run corporation production is to pull those materials into a personal hangar and run the job from there.  This creates several issues, availablity of materials to other corporation member manufacturers, people forgetting to return unused material to corp hangars, or even corporate theft.  This would require:

A) the ablity to set corporation specific hangars and containers for the input source for the materials.  Corp CEO/Directors can move materials to that specific access point, and thus control accessiblity of raw materials.

B) the ablity to set corporation specific hangars and containers for production output.  Even though a corp member may have the roles to run a job, the output automatically is delivered to a specific corp hangar/container that they may not have access to.

Thus, even if specific members are not online at the time, there is the ablity of designated people to run production for the corporation, and the production output will still be in a hangar that a member with the appropriate roles would have access to.  CEO/Directors can control the issue by limiting the amounts of materials in the input container, and also have the production output available immediately to the corp at completion of the job, regardless of the individual who ran the job being online, and with enough security to control access to the production output.

Roxi wrote:

Or this, http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/8605/mapidea3.png though things that would need to be looked at, for example :

- Flagged players being able to travel from beta to "buffer" islands and vice versa while maintaining flagged status. (main reason behind this is to prevent safe scouts on into beta teleports)

- The distance that would need to be traveled on the "buffer" island to get from one alpha island to another, i know some would like you to have to travel through pvp areas, but maybe making syndicate protection have a longer route than to go via pvp would give a certain amount of risk vs reward.

- Minerals should be the same as alpha, maybe just more abundent.

The idea, though, is to have the teleports to the alpha islands seperated by a "small" pvp zone.  also, multiple routes need to exist, so that one cannot simply camp between the teleports and easy gank ppl hauling.  Whereas there should be risk, it should be manageable risk, for a co-ordinated corp to handle.

Roxi wrote:

Been Thinking about this, Currently the island to island teleports look like : http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/3571/mapnow.png (not accurate, just to give a general idea)

And this is how I think it could look given the ideas in this thread : http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/5103/mapidea.png (Again, not accurate, just a concept)

Blue areas = syndicate protection.

Close, but I was thinking more along the lines of the alpha connecting islands having about 50% of the landmass non-pvp.  That would generate a more"low end of the pool" environment, and give a fighting chance for ppl to be able to go between the alpha island teleports

Zhyntil wrote:

Again, people comment when ...

Opinions are like ***, everyone has one...

You are assuming that completing your assignment is more important than someone farming for NIC.

The solution is simple.  Fit sensor amps, and train Accellerated Target Locking up, so you can compete in target locking, instead of creating a failsafe for not having to train up your ablities to excell at completing your assignment, instead of crying because you choose assignments as an income stream instead of kernal farming

As the population of Nia grows, I imagine that the Devs will be adding islands.  However, as part of that, some changes come to mind.  ATM, all the alpha islands are contiguous, with all major markets convienently available to each other.  No risk is involved in order to transport goods and materials between the alpha islands, even though significant financial rewards exist in those markets.  Also, it creates homogeneous market prices, and limits the ablity to actively trade for profit (buy low sell high).

At the same time, currently there are 2 environments, PVE islands and PVP islands.  There is no middle ground, no area that you can explore the PVP zones without being "in the deep end of the pool"

What I am suggesting is that when the islands are increased, that the alpha islands be seperated by "low security" islands, were there may be more resources than alpha, but less than beta islands, and which have significant areas that pvp is possible.  Teleports from the apha island would deposit you in a safe zone, but in order to get to your target alpha island, you would have to traverse a PVP zone.

This accomplishes a couple things - it localizes market economies that are influenced by the regional availble resources.  It creates a risk vs. reward environment for those who want to "work" markets on other alpha islands.  For those shoppers, it means that in order to get that "bargain price", you have to not only safely get to that location, but bring it back to where you need it. It would provide a "low end of the pool" for those wanting to get into PVP.

Potentially, this would add alot more depth to the Nia market, increase the risk vs reward environment, and provide a "training ground" for those who want to experiment with PVP.  Potentially, as part of this, the PVP islands can have all safety zones removed, creating a true PVP environment with no ablity to just sit in a safe zone and thumb your nose at passerbys.


(85 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Jasdemi wrote:
Tiller wrote:

If this game havent been this close to eve then i wouldent have playd it big_smile

Yeah, same here. BUT they even copied the layout of several windows, yet AC devs claim that they never heard something about or played EVE.

Wow, great Jedi powers, that you know what the Devs did.  The Farce is strong in this one...

If you want to do something in the best possible way, there are a LIMITED number of solutions.  Similar environments will require similar solutions.  So, considering the functionality that the DEVS were trying to achieve, it is not surprising that the game interface would bear strong similarities to stEVE.

Please to engage brain before activating mouth...


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

BizzyBeast wrote:

Im a registered sex offender.

Fixed this for you, too.  Gonna start charging fees for this...

Edit:  Oh, btw, Bizzy, that was pretty "yawn" for someone claiming to be "yarr".  Disappointing, really, but we all understand you mental handicap...


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

BizzyBeast wrote:

Thanks for playing "Please make Bizzy look like a *** idiot!" PO edition, YOURE OUR LUCKY WINNER!!!!!!!!!!! .

Fixed it for you....


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jelan wrote:

Please ignore lupus's sensible reply his views do not represent the trolls of M2S lol

OMFG, I better get back on my troll meds, I went intelligent for a moment....

WHere waz I, oh yeaz, U MAD?  YARRR!


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

OMG, you guys are still here?!?!?  RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE....

Lets try this again.....

EA account - started with 40K EP, and 1 week early access to game ( Nov. 19th )
- Announced on the Perpetuum beta forum on 2010-10-24 22:00:00 (link :  http://www.perpetuum-online.com/News#44 )

-Covered on several forums prior to launch
-- Rockpapershotgun on 10/25/2010  http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/10 … s-details/
-- Massively MMORPG on 10/25/2010 http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game … ccess.html
--WarCry Network 10/25/2010 http://www.warcry.com/news/view/104696- … -Perpetuum
--Levelcapped 10/25/2010  http://levelcapped.com/2010/11/perpetuu … give-away/

Reglar Access - 20K EP starting, with game access on 11/25/2010

Risk vs. Reward - those ppl who took the risk of getting early access on a new game release rewarded with an extra weeks access and 20K EP more than regular access.
However, said people also had to work like hell that first week to start getting the elements together to actually start producing raw materials and product for the markets, and also try and establish control/domination of area of their operations.

Take off the tinfoil hats, people, no conspiracy, no undercover bonus for people who had played beta - btw, you realise that thosE beta players are one of the reasons the game is so good, right?  It was their input, and working with the DEVs, that provided the data for the DEVS to create this product, with much fewer problems and game issues than probably any other MMO out there when released.

Your opinions and emotional reactions that you received "less" than someone else are groundless.  20k EP starting allows you to train multple skills to sufficient levels to be competitive in the game.  Again, choices manifest consequences, did you choose to keep up on new developements and news, or not, what do I apply my EP to, or not.  You made your choices, and now complain that you do not like the result, and due to that every who made a different choice should not reap the rewards from their choices.



(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

Urahara Kisuke wrote:

You take the cake of all nerds, are you serious?
Do you think I'm lurking the internet 24/7 just waiting for the next MMO headstart offer?
This game is as underground as it can be, do you even know how many people are playing?

Nowhere did I write anything about not being able to compete, just that this free EP stuff is bullshit.
But explaining that to instant gratification noobs is pointless as this thread shows.

Oh and lol about the BETA phrase, who gives a *** what happened in a beta, epic face palm.

Wow, if I were speaking with a pedantic idiot ... oh, snap!


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

Urahara Kisuke wrote:
Jita wrote:
Urahara Kisuke wrote:

Why did headstart people get 40k starting EP in addition to being able to play the game 1 week earlier then everyone else?

Just heard about the game and I like it so far, but that headstart EP thing wtf...
Sure in 1 year nobody cares about it, but for now it's pretty stupid.

Eve like DEV corruption? Giving there alliance a headstart...

Knowledge from beta and 7 days headstart should have been more than enough.
Give everyone without an headstart account 20k additional EP imo.

To sum it up, headstart EP was stupid.

By that token anyone who starts a month after any time based games launch shouldn't play as they cant compete.

See how *** you are now?

I only see someone who is too *** to read.
Funny how all the pre order fags storm in to protect their precious pixels, just as predicted.

I think we read it just fine...whine that you did not register for early release which was a published item 2 weeks before release.  Nothing to protect, other than your phail to keep up on new games and announcements, and failure to accept personal responsiblity for said phail, then forum tantrum whine of how unfair...

You still got 20k EP, amirite?  Open beta, we all got 1440 ep starting, even though the closed beta guys got to keep their EP, no one whined about that..

Other games out there, you don't like how it is, no one says you have to stay, door is right over there --->

Btw, have some cheese with that whine...

Note - edit to correst spelling , capitalzation, and grammer.  Never said I was good at spelling...


(92 replies, posted in General discussion)

Urahara Kisuke wrote:

Knowledge from beta and 7 days headstart should have been more than enough.
Give everyone without an headstart account 20k additional EP imo.

To sum it up, headstart EP was stupid.

U mad?

It was published on the Beta forums, it was announced on the client on the logon screen the last week of beta.  You just never bothered to check out the game before release, even though it was on multiple sites.  Not like it was a secret, dude, you just never looked...

Based on your agruement, someone joining a year from now could ask for EP to be removed from older members cause you only just heard about the game today....