(110 replies, posted in Bugs)

I also rubberband on gamma but my lag never seems to go past 300.


(20 replies, posted in Q & A)

Jita wrote:

So the real question is - if it is not currently shown, can all goods sold at gamma and locked beta terminals show on the market report?

I'd be very interested to see gamma station plasma sales ...

I can only say no as I dont recall the info during gamma 1.0. I doubt things changed with 2.0


(80 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Ludlow Bursar wrote:

How about this for a re-work (from a miner):

  • Fields of the same total ore but with 20 tiles instead of 200.

  • Directional scanning still works as now but resource fields are visible on terrain by tinging it a different colour for each resource type. Not bright pink or anything silly, a subtle tinge.

  • Scanner reveals precise resource remaining per tile. Area charges reveal total across all tiles.

  • All fields are of mixed type resources but each tile has only one resource type.

  • No plants grow on a resource field.

  • New laser type which extracts resources without charges. Existing laser type with charges is rebalanced such that only 3 can be fitted to a Riv (4 if you compromise the fit slightly) but extracts more than 6 of lesser lasers, Riv can fit 6 lasers, not 5.

  • All mining bots receive special cargo area exclusively for resources.

  • Harvesting lasers can have targets queued so they automatically switch. Extension determines queue length.

There's a few ideas to chew on.

Some sounds good. Others meh. Id rather see directional charges point to all ore fields on island with different density readings depending on distance and skill level leading to a scan of a field with a center density of 10 being the most dense tile with all surrounding tiles a little less similar to a real ore deposit. Make the fields more condense, less overall total ore and more frequent server respawns.


(80 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Perpetuum wrote:

Your a non miner too, if you only have 30 min to, well Mine.
Stupid comment made by a ***.  No quotes needed, just ***.

What happened, you miss your bus again? Told you to stop droolin at the tree you dmb F***!


(31 replies, posted in Bugs)

Will this ever be resolved Zoom? Throw me a bone here. PM me if needed. On this char or Bleu if needed.


(20 replies, posted in Q & A)

Perpetuum wrote:
Rovoc wrote:

I believe that's for market transactions only not plasma sold to terminals

So you don't know.

Great Helpful Post.  I at least have good solid advice.

So you cant answer it either is what your hinting at?


(80 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Annihilator wrote:

now your making things up for th sake of having an argument:

Naismith wrote:

Mining has been the same since release, every other mechanic has been revamped or outright redesigned since then.

well, the mining process has not been revamped, as such, "most other mechancis" haven't been touched either, but the mining system was revamped several times (geoscanning, how mineral spawn, how much your get per cycle was fundamentally changed)

edit: actually, i would say, aside from shield mechanics, no other mechanic has been changed as often as mining...

Stupid comment made by " Non-Miner."

I do it everyday and harvesting is loads more fun than mining. I stopped mining in great quantities when you had to search for fields. Since I only have 30 min or so to play fu*k searching for a min field unless I logged out on one. STUPID mechanic and the person who thought of it is a dumba**

+1 to revamping the whole thing.


(11 replies, posted in Balancing)

Inda wrote:

I want back:

Zenith mk2 long range


Can we also get something like T3+ items added. Make the stats comparable to t4+ and but have the fitting requirements of t2. Cts and components are ONLY available by artifact scanning and make the base item be a t3-

The items will be a little OP but since everything is only avail by arty scanning they wont exist in amounts that would be game breaking.

Instead of random stats for t5 how about stats that can be customized at the time of manufacture. For example if I want lasers that have 40% range over t4 I have to sacrifice DPS and Rate of Fire. Items can customized at the ct level and once a build is chosen then we get a custom ct with a specific material requirements.

Im all for new ideas so I say open beta 1. People who arent familiar with hellcamping will get a taste of it so we shall see. I propose that if this change doesnt work a new beta/alpha island variation is created with all the benefits of beta 1 and pvp windows. No open pvp 24 hrs a day. I guess it would be similar to what they are doing on Archage (I dont play it so I dont know for sure)


(45 replies, posted in Balancing)

What use is bringing old players back if all they do is say "Yep, game hasnt changed much since I left" and leave again.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

The problem with a kickstarter is that the devs would have to commit to hard deadlines regarding new content. The devs here dont do so well with deadlines of any kind. Im pretty sure a kickstarter will be tossed around when the income isnt paying the bills any longer. Its a shame really.


(45 replies, posted in Balancing)

So I take it this was a round table with the focus on what changes will make us return to the game vs what changes are in this games best interest? Several of you have admitted that you cant be bothered to login several times over. Zoom, you are an idiot if you listen to anyone that openly admits that they would rather be playing other games. BTW Zoom, time ditch the Cosby quote in your sig. Dont you get american news?

http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/07/us/bill-c … legations/

1 & 2 are spot on.

3 & 4 are great ideas but would require a tremendous amount of coding time, something that we are in very short supply of.

+1 from me

Would there be a way to get island statistics before and after change? We can aggregate kills from the KB but I would like to know the number of unique visitors to the islands and the overall amount of industry being done (total number of manufactured cycles completed, total amt of items recycled etc) If opening up Beta 1 stations is done under the guise that it will encourage overall island useage then fine, however, after the trial period if all it has done is increase pvp then we should find another alternative and revert back to locked stations.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

A quick check with your altar boy will confirm my alts unless youre trying to pull some smoke and mirrors *** yourself.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Perpetuum wrote:

I am merely asking the hard questions.

That is all.

The FACT the persons want me banned tells me I am on the correct path.

DEV Zoom wrote:

We have no active GM accounts other than some of our dev accounts having GM characters on them. Obviously the ingame character search will pop them out even if the accounts are inactive. So I'm asking again to be more specific, otherwise you won't get answers to your "hard questions".

Perpetuum wrote:

You just answered my question!

That was quick! You have been neutered after all. Jita, teach Caitlyn here how to remember his set....


(58 replies, posted in Balancing)

Maybe we should ban the idiot(s) crying exploit that inspired such a shi**y change in the first place.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

GM accounts only mattered when the game wasnt FTP.


(25 replies, posted in Balancing)

Annihilator wrote:
Aye Pod wrote:

Bank alts and holding corps would be the end effect of this storage tax, not an increase in market activity.

given the limit, you would have 1 alt per 100  heavy mechs, or every 20M stack of raw ore.
good luck with that.

I have 7 accts. Doesnt matter really as I can create one bank corp and hold everything in corp storage.


(25 replies, posted in Balancing)

Celebro wrote:

I am not forcing any play style you can still do what you want. Self-sustaining players, the ones that want to do it all, have killed the market. You can have everything on hand to buy on the market. There is still a choice on how much you are willing to pay for storage and have your fitted bots handy.

Youre delusional if you think that by limiting storage is going to translate into items on the market. All you will see is every buy order for a given material filled and then everyone will sell to the NPC buy order. NO ONE is going to manufacture items only to be forced to sell them or pay some silly tax.

This change will limit game play and encourage inactivity. Nothing more. No way to spin it. We need more content. Not punishment for those enjoying what little content exists.


(25 replies, posted in Balancing)

Jita wrote:
Aye Pod wrote:

EDIT: Market is dead because its too easy not to lose things in this game.

I agree with this but part of that is because people have a lot of stocks instead of living hand to mouth. If people had low storage space they would need to be more of a pvp / pve / pvp / pve cycle which (if you balance it right) should lead to more people getting exposed on beta / gamma and more opportunities for fights.

I don't know if this specifically is the solution but I do think unlimited storage is a bad idea.

Personally, having a limited storage space or a tax isnt going to make me pvp. Its going to either force me to spend most of my time farming nic, which is probably harder now due to no static spawns, to pay the tax or it will make me mine/harvest whatever makes me the most nic/hr as I would have to sell everything as I get it. Either way this change would only limit my game play even further than what it is now.


(148 replies, posted in General discussion)

Tonnik wrote:

This may be an alien concept to you but when I make a suggestion or post I'm not doing it for me or my corp but because I think it's best for the game to succeed. I'm one of the few people left in game that has seen what good looks like and would like to see it again. Don't be so partisan.

This made me laugh, out loud. lol

Jita, claiming to be Perpetuum's White Knight.



(25 replies, posted in Balancing)

Bank alts and holding corps would be the end effect of this storage tax, not an increase in market activity.

EDIT: Market is dead because its too easy not to lose things in this game.