(188 replies, posted in News and information)

So this change means my prototype character will now need 300k ep to be able to proto less stuff. Are they trying to make folks leave?


(188 replies, posted in News and information)

Would it not be possible to make all 100% stuff complete in the new system and then pool the incomplete points?

I can see much butthurt in the future


(24 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

But why miss the opportunity to give us new bots? Its so easy to change and revitalize pvp.


(188 replies, posted in News and information)

My only concern is that I won't have everything researched in the new system that I do now.

Can you answer the basic question on a single player basis will the new system reduce the amount of researched items or will you have everything researched now that you did before the change?


(24 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I just don't see why anyone would ever use a proto mech or heavy. With the exception of the shield gropho fitting is never an issue. They will not be better than mk2 and will cost more so what's the point?

Missed opportunity for more variety and fun .


(24 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

This goes back to what I said on the blog post. When proto mechs come in we will have three of the same kind of everything. One vanilla, one with more grid and CPU and one with extra slots.

This will suck.

Why not take the opportunity to turn all current mk 2 into prototypes leaving prototype bonus the same as current mk 2. All new mk2 would have a new role specific bonus added such as a range bonus or ewar strength giving us a whole new tier of robots to construct and play with. It'd little work and will generate a reason to play as everyone's mk 2 fleet is already better than proto. Turn that around and you would want to artifact and build for the new mk 2 stuff.

Get your community involved in the process by starting a thread asking for what the bonus should be.

Very easy win.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Please please please set up an affiliates scheme. If it costs money then give us a figure and I'll raise it myself. Its SO important the game has a self replicating source of marketing and players.


(85 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Arga wrote:

Are we sititng in the living room playing Monoply with our little sister, keeping the game interesting by letting her win, so she doesn't get frustrated and quit?

Now, it does seem a little unfair that we start with 90% of the land titles and most of the bank, but thats the rules fault, not the players.

You say this like it can't happen but it was based on this premise that the original norhoop alliance never went for Dom or hokk. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. That's how corps like Rawr go under.


(163 replies, posted in Balancing)

Remove titan and epriton from gamma would be fine. Remove liquids from the game completely.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

I always like a t2 medium accumulator expander on ratting baphomets.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Your game is fine as it is.

You don't hear that very often so I want to emphasize it - the game itself is fine. It needs some love, some changes and some extra content but right now there is nothing significantly wrong with it. The problem with retention is driven by a lack of new players, not new content. MMO's in general have very poor retention but from personal experiance I can tell you what makes a corp die is a lack of new blood that replaces the inevitable drain due to RL, not a lack of content.

So tell you something you don't *** know?

Well there is a few things that can be implemented that will help and be very little extra work.

1) Affiliate scheme

This is by far the biggest error made so far and the quickest win. Affiliates will advertise your game for you and will cost you nothing but a percentage of your income. Since your income is a potato and fifty *** post's from Ville I think your good.

Your competition is doing it:


So what I suggest is this:

Set up an affiliate scheme that rewards people who get you subscriptions on a month by month basis. The competition pays up to 100% of the first month - what i'm suggesting is up to 50% of every month they stay subbed. This will not only bring people to the game but give people incentives to keep people in the game. Gaming guilds, folks like RPS and people who don't even play games but make money online will advertise your game for you.

something along the lines of:

20 people gets you 10% of monthly sub or 25% of the first month sub
50 people gets you 20% of monthly sub or 50% of the first month sub
100 people gets you 50% of monthly sub or 100% of the first month sub

You can amend the numbers to make them more economical in the future but for right now its got to be lucrative for people to want to do it. A half a pie is better than all the crumbs.

2) Make your communications and extra content periodical

I'm talking monthly Dev blogs and twice yearly expansions. It gives the players something to look forward to, some stability in the game and keeps people subbed for the next expansion. Firm expansion dates will also provide focus for the development team.

3) Daily doubles

This is probably the most work but is very successful in MMO's such as WOT. Every month you could have a week bonus to something such as Epriton yield or artifact loot, couple that with a once a week daily bonus to something and you give people reason to log in and play.

All these are small simple fix's that will generate new players and keep the people who are a part of this game playing. I hope you can bring them to us.


(37 replies, posted in News and information)

DEV Zoom wrote:

The server will be down for patching on 2013-03-22 from 15:00 CET. Estimated downtime will be 3 hours.

The patch will contain lots of fixes and some general improvements.

Is that an accurate date or should we expect it three to six months late like your other dev posts?

The only change I would make would be to remove the invulnerability while a base is building. If anything that should be the time its MOST vulnerable. You should be able to deconstruct and / or destroy a base before its been onlined. Right now you only need to pop it and its untouchable for three days.


(6 replies, posted in Q & A)

that makes 1 of us


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

what I hate about it is the randomness. Its not driven by scarcity nor by demand. Its a mess.

And to demonstrate how much of a mess - 90% of prices atm for tech are based upon how hard getting the fragments is for proto's - not the mineral cost or the difficulty of getting the technology. Nuts.


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

Just gonna throw this out there but the economy in this game is so all over the place its laughable. Get someone who knows about these things to start talking to you already.


(20 replies, posted in News and information)

did you fix that bug about me not having a trillion nic?


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

As I said at the beginning of the gamma expansion epriton shouldn't be on gamma. Add to that the removal of infinite spawns and the removal of corp markets and you might have an economy worth having.


(6 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Nice fella, poor choice in allies.


(13 replies, posted in Q & A)

Lots of mad in this post but you can't argue with the content.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

I disagree with Merkle because he killed my bot and being butthurt about dying is standard practice in this game.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

I can throw an ice at this as a prize.I would however suggest an entry fee of a hundred mil a corp.


(122 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mate do you even lift?


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

Gif option for low detail structures nao!


(32 replies, posted in Balancing)

Or just add very fast low level spawns on alpha 2 and beta islands