(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

Great, more significant Dev info on...............IRC....:fuuu:

Well, at least they said something about it AND someone posted the response for the vast majority of us that missed it.

Thanks, Sundial


(68 replies, posted in General discussion)

I really feel that the complete silence except for a monthly blog if we are lucky has done a great disservice to this game.  We have had pretty major bugs that have not even been acknowledged, let alone fixed.

I agree that we need war as it fuels many aspects of this game.  Even so, we need the PVE corps and players (carebears) to feel like they can do stuff and contribute in their own way.  Grinding billions of kernals just seems so lackluster, ESPECIALLY when the spawns are bugged big time.

WHY did they feel the need to make Beta a "safer" place to be?  Attacks on Outposts were few and far between that really held any consequence for the holder.  Sure, we saw what a major almost server wide team effort could do to a single outpost, force holder out.  Sure we saw some OPs get down to the low level of 80..  But in the end, No one really cared enough for whatever reason to keep pursuing either defending or attacking them.  Maybe because alarm clock gaming STINKS for both attackers and defenders?

Walls made Beta even safer and harder for the roamers to potentially gank a few miners or other bots before reinforcements came, and ideally a larger battle ensued.  Walls allow people to darn near 100% of time to safe log their miners, and then sit around and contemplate gathering up a group to fight the roamers.  We all know that most of the time if we can only get 3 bots together and opposing force has 12, we will just stay docked and the roaming force doesn't find too  much to fight. 

I don NOT think the PBS will be the saving grace this game needs at this point.  Who will really care, and Why will they care about PBS?  Once they are up and the newness has worn off, it will be another ho hum aspect of the game just like alarm clock gaming and worthlessness of the Sap system.

Current idea of random ore spawn locations is another complete fail, IMO.  Mining is already for most of us not our number one thing we like to do.  It has its place, but just the idea of having to take the time to Scan, get lucky find a spot, THEN assemble the mining force to go out to mine is just another kick to the groin.  Ugh, why make mining even MORE tedious and time consuming?


(31 replies, posted in Bugs)

Still no official response?  /golfclap


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

Duma wrote:


I have a open ticket on this issue and provided images of the same issue. I have also spoken to a Dev on IRC and they believed it to be network/Internet related. I did point out that many others were having the issue and many from my Corp go completely different routes to the game server are still having the issue. I also pointed out people with 60ms ping can recreate the issue by high latency when crossing these boundaries. My ticket is still outstanding from the 25th Feb with no updates.

I do hope we get something from the Devs, because at the moment I am pretty much logging in to do corp work ( hey if you stay docked all seems to be ok of course cool ). the few fights we had over the weekend, were lag fests and extremely frustrating to both sides. I am close to throwing in the towel, not rage quit because of being camped in, or because of some change to the game mechanics, but because we just cannot play because of the Lag. It was never this bad even back during the days of major internet issues or even the DDOS issue.

Please can we get a response from the Devs?


No WAY!!!?!!!  Someone else who actually wants a response from the DEVS?  Hey Devs you following along here??  Could we get an acknowledgement on this and/or the Killmail BUGS?  Why the silence?? 

I just can't think up a rational solution as to why these bugs have continued for so long with NO response from the Devs?  Why would they give us the silent treatment here?

I don't log in much right now either.  Spawns are stuck in buildings, and as soon as I engage the spawn I get massive lag spikes where before I never had this issue.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Still don't understand why they made beta a "safer" place to be once you put walls and probes up.

I understand game has lost a lot of active players logging in recently, but even so, the Killboards rarely show a lost miner these days.  A safe log on your miner is now even easier than before walls and probes.  More stockpiling of Epi, less demand is basic market principle of supply and demand.

We NOW have more supply and less demand= price drops


(16 replies, posted in General discussion)

Just in past week, it seems whenever I go to engage in combat (NPCs) i get huge lag spikes until i kill them.  I can hear my guns fire, but don't see the effect, I hear the bots explode, but don't see it, I hear them locking me, but they dont show up on my screen or landmarks until a few seconds later.

Sigh, just seems to be another major issue that most likely we will not get any response to.  Yet, they are spending time and effort on PBS???  Game is breaking down slowly but surely and they want to introduce even MORE things that will need tweaking and fixed??  I just don't get their silence and how they prioritize their time.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Agree, market seems really sluggish and stagnant.

Lemon, appreciate the link, but this is exactly what Im talking about.  Unless I missed it, Dev asks if the bug is still happening.  There didn't appear to be any acknowledgement once people said Yes it is.

You are right, Killmails aren't the hugest issue, nor the most gamebreaking issue in game.  BUT, they have been broken for a LONG time, without any response in these forums at least saying they know they are broken.

Shoot even if they told us to STFU, we would know their stance on it.  Im not looking to be babied, but some form of response would be GREAT.

@grem + Anni-  I totally forgot about the newer ticket system.  I'll give this a shot.

More communication from the Devs, instead of a "maybe" once a month Blog post would be SO SO appreciated.  It doesn't even have to be a huge "state of the game" message, but just acknowledging the little things.

Sorry, but Im sick and tired of the terrible lack of communication shown by the Development team.  Is there any way possible we can at least get a "yeah we know this exists, and we're working on it...or looking into it..."???

1.  Killmails have been bugged for quite a long time now.  Yet, we get NO response.  Why??  At least admit that there is a problem, or tell us to shut up because it;s working as intended...  Quite simple really.

2.  NPC's have been getting stuck in buildings now for 2 to 3 weeks.  This cripples a spawn because obviously the server thinks the spawn has not been destroyed and wont replenish said spawn in the same manner as it normally would.   Common Devs, countless people have been complaining about the broken NPCs and AI for a bit now.  Once again, at least TELL us you know there are issues, or to shut up because it's working as intended.

And if there as been a small post by a Dev somewhere in these forums, hidden away in some thread regarding this, then its fail.  It's fail because there should be some clear area in the main threads that you know there is something broken.

Also, having the majority of communication going through IRC is just silly, IMO, when you have forums.  I hate feeling like I have to follow IRC just to see what scraps of info I might be able to find.  How is IRC beneficial to the masses?  It isn't; because most people that routinely follow IRC dont seem to share what they hear, and they shouldn't have to, it's not their job.  But neither should the masses be in the dark regarding the information. 


Agree with lupus. "When you build a house are you done?  Having been a home owner, I know that is anything but the case. There is always something you have to do, maintenance you have to perform, things that have to be replaced, and the occasional broken something, or a tree falls on your garage during a storm.  There is upkeep to keep your home in good shape.

The fact remains that walls, as they were, are unbalanced as hell.  Instead of playing around with them and figuring out the issues and what would happen to game play, many went hog *** wild with them.  And anyone who bothered to think about it objectively could have seen a mile away that some change was going to happen with them, especially if they were abused.  Now you have to be willing to maintain them, and lets be honest people, if you had been reasonable in their deployment, this would not be an issue.  Short sightedness will always end up with it's price.

PS- Walls are not a replacement to that which truly defends territory, an armed force effective enough to defend itself.  Unfortuneately, many resorted to walls as their main defense because they were not able to effectively defend themselves with firepower or scouting out hostiles to keep assets in the field safe.

BETA = RISK, that is what justifies the rewards.  Instead, you want the rewards with little to no risk. For such, stay on alpha, it's where you belong if you want no risk."

Also- Walls are just a terrible idea for the game right now.  The small landmasses are now even "smaller" plus more.


(26 replies, posted in Q & A)

Ill bet even more SAPs get taken and fought after now that walls are in..............................


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

That;s fine Gargaj, but the IN GAME mails have been bugged since last major patch.  SO something is wrong from inside the game, then it is going to try and send that info outside of game?

Read forums, In game kill mails have been really really buggy.

Once again, thanks for the effort!


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

Of course there has been exaggeration regarding how much Nic was spent.

Walls prohibit roaming.  They lock down small islands to an even smaller space.  They make Beta TOO safe for TOO much reward.

I'm just not sure how you guys think that these mazes of walls are going to be good for the game?  Just because they are player built?  That is not a good enough reason.

With such low population, sometimes getting 4 or 5 people together to go roam and "TRY" to find fights can be tough, now it's basically worthless to do as you have to run through mazes, appoint bomb carriers.

Walls have made this game too linear, reduced the "real" size of islands, and are just not a "fun" mechanic in long term.

I would also like to hear from the DEVS what they feel is working so far in game for them, and what they feel is still needing some tweaking.

Hearing THEIR perspective (NOT future things/direction) would be wonderful.

Any chance at this?


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey this CAN'T be perpetuum forums witout some tinfoil hats? big_smile

Shoot if you are gonna call a spade a spade, then do it for people like Jelan and the likes.... 

I still stand by this however:
Did not CIR threaten to leave game or "testers" as you call it also.  They actually DID when they didn't get what they wanted.  Will you do the same?  Time will tell.  But most of us know the answer.

Walls prohibit roaming.  They make Beta too safe for the Beta rewards.  I really dislike the walls then and now.  I really don't have much faith in the Devs seeing that they release Probes, and Walls and don't have the foresight to see that they will not be good for the long term success of the game, plus many other cascading /scratch my head moments.

Seems this bug is still around.................................


(4 replies, posted in Bugs)

Yea, I have to agree, 3 threads now man.  Nothing personal against you Tux, but 3 (and I haven't even visited all the forums yet) is just too much.

I do see some of your concern, but this game has rightly or wrongly been filled with stuff like this.  You spend mass EP for OP troijir MK2 bot, then nerf.  You spend EP for recycling, then nerf.

THis is par for the course like I said, rightly or wrongly.

Walls are NOT something I find beneficial to the long term success of this game at THIS point in its life.


(26 replies, posted in Q & A)

They degrade so slowly.  If you want benefits of noralgis, you have to maintain them. 

Roads in real world need maintained too.

If you build mega walls and want the benefit of the walls, you should have to maintain them.

For the record, I dislike all the walls at this point.  I've hated the walls on Hersh and their limiting me where i can go in so many ways.  I especially hate the walls now since I can remember when the "small" islands were open and free for movement.


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kill mails AND the Kill board are STILL not working.  Ever since the last bigger patch they have been all messed up.  Isn't the in game details of a kill somewhat easy to get right.  Not even talking about the API thing, but the details are all messed up.

Showing only the last 2 seconds of damage for example.  Why can't at least the details in game get fixed, THEN work on the more difficult API.

Appreciate the thought, but fix in game things first.:D


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

Wait, so 62nd/War now doesn't like how something turned out??   You were all stoked about the walls.  Did you not spend enough time on IRC telling them how you want your game made for your specific desires....:fuuu:

Did not CIR threaten to leave game or "testers" as you call it also.  They actually DID when they didn't get what they wanted.  Will you do the same?  Time will tell.  But most of us know the answer.  You will just get back into camping IRC and telling them how you want the game to be.  Unfortunately they've listened to you too much already.

Walls prohibit roaming.  They make Beta too safe for the Beta rewards.  I really dislike the walls then and now.  I really don't have much faith in the Devs seeing that they release Probes, and Walls and don't have the foresight to see that they will not be good for the long term success of the game, plus many other cascading /scratch my head moments.

They also shouldn't keep trying to placate the IRC campers telling them how to make their game, which ironically benefits one Corp's playstyle.


(37 replies, posted in General discussion)

Beta 1 islands need better ore fields.  I've seen many ore fields from Beta 2 and 1, and 1 is far inferior in quantity to the Beta 2 fields.

Agree they should look into spawns near various stations at some point.

Walls WILL be abused and at this point seem rather pointless in their current stated function.  Most Beta islands already have "forced pathing" due to large numbers of spawns restricting certain areas of travel.  Walls at this point just seem.......Meh neutral

hmmm, will the bombs needed to destroy the walls cost as  much as building the walls?


(54 replies, posted in General discussion)

Too bad you had randoms BEFORE they made all spawns random.  So if you wanted random spawns you could've fought them.  Now you don't have a choice.

Devs, you should keep in mind that people like this HAD the ability to fight random spawns.  People HAD the ability to fight more static spawns as well, now they don't, unless its mission.

I liked how it was.  We had some random spawns and some static spawns.  Please think about changing it back.


(50 replies, posted in Balancing)

Did some more farming last night for almost 3 hours.  I was in a mech.  I really hate getting these lame light bot spawns in what used to be mech spawns.  I waste more Nic on ammo just trying to kill the light bots than they drop in plasma.

I miss a lot with my mech firing at these light bots.  Oh, and after a total of 5 hours yesterday, I got TWO "mighty" bots to spawn.... TWO??  Its also just great when you get randomness and fight a few waves of troiars....Yea they drop ~20 plasma each....

I totally liked it the way it was before.  I would farm ALL the spots, randoms, lights, mechs also. and I would fit appropriately for it.   No reason for ALL spawns, except missions, to be random.  Just no reason.  We had good random spawns before if we wanted. 

Please think about changing this back.


(50 replies, posted in Balancing)

Grim Faust wrote:

Making all the spawns random was a bad idea imo. When I want to go out and hunt mechs/hm's, I fit accordingly and bring out my mech/hm. Same if I wanted to go grind some of my favorite assault spawns, I'll pull out my assault. Now I have to go up against whatever I'm lucky enough to get? I like that there are random spawns, but making ALL spawns random is ridiculous. The way it was prior to yesterdays patch was all we needed. We had flavor. We could go to static spawns when we wanted something specific, or go to a random and grind for elites. Now we have no choice? I dislike the random spawns because of the meshing between lights/assaults and mechs/hm's. Small bots are annoying as hell to kill in mech+ and trying to grind mech+ in an assault is also frustrating at best. Not to mention kernel farming is pretty much trashed now. Who cares if we get piles of lighter bots to offset them not being larger. Who the hell wants light/assault kernels when they're past reasearching those?

What possessed you guys to take away the variety we had between static and random to completely random? What purpose does it serve? Do you understand how it will effect the research when we cant go for the kernels we need? Do you understand how annoying it is to throw all bot sizes in to one spawn? Do you understand how you took a somewhat decent solo PvE aspect of the game and trampled it in to a '1 size fits all' spawn? Why don't you do that for minerals to? Do you think miners would like it if they had to just randomly pluck resources they dont want?

This pretty much says exactly what I was thinking.  I liked having some random spawns to go to, but I liked the more static ones also.  The fitting for what you are fighting is an issue, and wasting more Nic on ammo just to kill the light bots and hope it generates a mech it lame.

I also farmed a now random spawn today for 2 hours and it only spawned ONE "mighty" bot.  Totally not worth fighting like this spot used to be.

This change needs some reconsideration!

Thanks for this! 

I do have to say, that one of the guys was really quiet.  I had to lean really close to my speakers when he was talking.  Just fyi.

Appreciate you guys taking the time and effort to put this together!