(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

So Arga, what set up would you recommend then?

Thanks to all as well!

ANyone else feel free to add also.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

THanks everyone for the help!

Couple of questions:

1.  If i go a pure manufacturer char. does most of his EP go into those skills then and not other stuff like mining?  I would assume like any specialization, the EP consumption gets large quick? or no?

2.  In Alexander's post he mentions RR, what is RR, and was he being a little sarcastic or helpful with his ???. win?

3.  And what is a marketeer? Obviously someone who does market, but why would I need specializaation in market? 

4.  Anyone else have any ideas?

Thanks again, I didn't play Eve and am a noob here so I appreciate it.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

I just wanted to get some of the more experienced players' thoughts on how you would set up 3 accounts to make Nic.  Not just in the immediate short term, but also thinking about the long term involvement with the game.

Currently I have a combat char, and a miner char.  Both still have respecs available.  I want 1 character to be combat, other two open for discussion.

  So far I have had these ideas thrown out at me.

1. Combat, Miner, Manufacturer

2. Combat, Miner, Miner

3.  Combat, Combat, Manufacturer (this would be to farm NPCs for Kernals and such, while buying Ore for the manufacturer)

How would you more experienced players encourage a good friend to get started for making Nic with three accounts, while having one of them be a combat char?  I also at this point do not have easy access to mining Epitron either, and I also think that the current price of Epitron will drop over time as more and more people mine it.
